
The World Hereafter. [Ch9] Returning to Ponyville.

Nov 3rd, 2013
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  1. >You step onto the platform in Ponyville, taking a breath of the fresh country air.
  2. >The sun is slowly lowering but daylight still stands so you all decide to take a stroll through town to help you get oriented.
  3. >You already recognize landmarks like Twilight's library and Rarity's boutique, but navigating would need some more exploring.
  4. >"-and over here is the Sugarcube Corner."
  5. >Twilight points her hoof towards a cute little house with what looked like a glazed gingerbread roof.
  6. >It's decorated to suggest a bakery.
  7. >Pinkie Pie runs inside and comes back with a muffin for each Pony and you.
  8. >She tells you that she's helping the Cake family who runs it.
  9. >You merrily munch on the muffin while listening to the ponies describe the daily life of the Ponyville citizens.
  11. >You come to a small path that leads out of town.
  12. >"An' here's the path to Sweet Apple Acres. If ya ever wanna come visit, yer welcome at any time, partner."
  13. >Applejack seems to be as hospitable as southerners has the reputation to be and then some.
  14. "I don't think I've ever been to a farm before. I'll make it the first place to officially visit when my duty begins."
  15. >She chuckles and pokes you on the leg.
  16. >"Just make sure ya come visit as yer'self too. I recon' a proper apple family meal will do ya good."
  17. >A home cooked meal on a farm? Now that's something you can get behind.
  19. >The tour continues and you notice they're taking you out of town towards a forest.
  20. >This one gives you the heebie jeebies.
  21. >It's different from the one you woke up in and not just a little either.
  22. "Girls. What's up with that forest over there?"
  23. >They seem to know what you mean as both Rarity and Fluttershy shudders a bit.
  24. >"It's the Everfree forest, Anon." Twilight explains.
  25. >"Nobody knows why, but for some reason everything works differently in there."
  26. "How so?"
  27. >"Well, weather works by itself with no need of Pegasus ponies. It's filled with dangerous plants and animals and everything just seems to work without any help from anypony."
  28. "Huh.. what's so weird about that?"
  29. >They all stop in unison and give you an incredulous look.
  30. "What? That's how it works everywhere in my old world."
  31. >You decided not to call it home. It would only complicate things unnecessarily.
  32. >They don't seem to believe you.
  33. >Pinkie pokes her chin with her hoof.
  34. >"Wow. How did you guys manage to live in harmony with such an inharmonious world?"
  35. "We didn't, sadly."
  36. >She pouts and looks down at your feet.
  37. >"Wow. What a bummer."
  38. "Yeah. We did what we could but I suppose we still have much to learn. I just hope they'll try and learn from the past and get things sorted."
  39. >You chuckle and pat her on the poofy mane.
  40. "But that's in the past now. I'm sure they'll figure it out in time."
  41. >She looks up and giggles.
  42. >"Yeah. Guess you're right!"
  44. >The lot of you continue along the path before Fluttershy flies ahead.
  45. >Behind a small hill you see a house rise up as you approach.
  46. >It's built on a small hill on the other side of a brook with a little bridge going over it.
  47. >The roof seems to be clad in moss and grass, giving it an ancient look.
  48. >"This is Fluttershy's place. It's where she takes care of the animals when they're not hibernating."
  49. >Twilight trots up to the bridge and points towards a small path that leads into the Everfree forest further down the treeline.
  50. >"That path will take you to Zecora. She's a zebra pony that lives in a hut in there. She's got all sorts of spooky mojo going on but she's a friendly pony with a habit of talking in rhymes."
  51. >Wow. This place would take a bit to get used to.
  52. >Fluttershy walks out of her house with a white rabbit sitting on her back.
  53. >She trots over and turns so he can get a look at you and vice versa.
  54. >"This is Angel, my bunny." She says.
  55. >The bunny looks at you with a deadpan stare and you return it.
  56. >You give him a nod and he returns it. He didn't care, neither did you. It worked out for both of you.
  57. >After taking a bit of a look at the pens and bird houses around Fluttershy's place the group returns to Ponyville town square.
  58. >"-and over there is the mayor's office. Celestia told me the mayor would send for you once she has your residence papers done."
  60. >You nod and notice how odd the office looks. Like a tall mix of a tower and a gazebo.
  61. "Alright. Well, thanks for the tour."
  62. >You then turn to Rainbow Dash who seems to have been busy looking at the sky all the time.
  63. "Oh wait. You haven't showed me your place, Rainbow Dash."
  64. >She snaps out of her thoughts and stares at you with a questioning look.
  65. >"What? Oh, OH! I forgot you're not from around here. I don't live in Ponyville."
  66. >She points her hoof towards a large collection of white clouds to left of Canterlot on the horizon.
  67. >"I live up there in Cloudsdale. Most Pegasi live there."
  68. >You had missed it before but now that you know what it is, it suddenly blows your mind.
  69. >It's a collection of large clouds with spires sticking out of it and rainbow rivers flowing from the edges down into nothing.
  70. >Woah.
  71. >Rainbow Dash laughs.
  72. >"Hehe. I know, it's awesome, right?"
  74. >You suppose this is the end of the tour and you look to Twilight.
  75. >The sun has begun to set at this point and you let out a yawn which infects the others and they do the same.
  76. >Twilight smiles and turns to you.
  77. >"Looks like we're all thinking the same. Let's wrap it up and we can go through the smaller details tomorrow."
  78. >You all say your goodbyes and split up for the day.
  79. >You and twilight return to the library and you see a pair of ponies fly away from it.
  80. >One of them, a gray Pegasus with a blonde mane looks like she's having problems flying straight and she nearly collides with a building before soaring over the roof and vanishes.
  81. >"Ah, looks like they're done moving the bed in" Twilight notes and trots inside.
  82. >You follow suit and soon you're on the couch in the main room, sipping tea with Twilight.
  83. >She's asking a few questions about the literature from your world.
  84. >It's a positive subject so you don't mind at all.
  85. >You liked to be reminded that even though your world was pretty rough, it have it's bright spots.
  86. >You notice a few titles from your world exist here, but with pony puns inserted into them.
  87. >Maybe the stories originate from the human kingdom and made their way to pony ears by hearsay.
  88. >You don't know for sure but it makes more sense than it just being coincidence.
  89. >After a while, you both grow too tired to continue and you both make your way to your respective beds.
  91. >You sleep soundly that night, dreaming of nothing in particular.
  92. >All you can recall is a cafΓ© sign and the scent of cinnamon.
  93. >The following morning, you wake up to the scent of coffee.
  94. >Oh god, they have coffee?!
  95. >Pony world is now officially curb-stomping yours.
  96. >After getting dressed you stopped to think for a bit.
  97. >You lifted your arm and smelled your armpit... nothing.
  98. >Odd. You realized you haven't taken a shower since you came here and you don't stink.
  99. >You decide to bring this up to Twilight.
  100. >It may be something natural here but you didn't want to risk something weird happening to you.
  101. >You enter the main room and you see a pot of coffee standing on some kind of black stone slab on the center table.
  102. >Twilight is lying on the couch, holding her cup with her magic and has her nose buried in a book.
  103. >You decide to leave her be for now and pour yourself a cup.
  104. >Spike walks by outside with something in his hands and your curiosity takes over.
  105. >You take your cup and head outside to find Spike with a long stick with a brush on the end of it.
  106. >He's brushing dead leaves from the tree house down and collecting it in a sack.
  107. "Hey Spike. How's it hanging?"
  108. >He looks up at you and smiles.
  109. >"Oh, hey Anonymous! I'm good, just doing some chores."
  110. >He's a hard working little guy from what you can tell. Sure, he's got his lazy moments, but he seems to take his job as assistant seriously.
  111. >He's reaching up on his toes to reach a certain spot, but can't reach it.
  112. >"Eh, this spot is always the worst."
  113. "Here, let me help you."
  114. >He wiggles a bit as you pick him up and put him on your shoulders.
  115. >With added height he easily gets the leaves down and you spend the morning helping him get the rest done.
  118. >"Wow, thanks Anonymous. We got it done in record time."
  119. "No problem, Spike, but call me Anon."
  120. >He grins.
  121. >"Alright. Hey, I got some free time since that went fast. Wanna get a snack at Sugarcube corner?"
  122. >You like this idea. You agree but look back into the house.
  123. "What about Twilight?"
  124. >Spike chuckles.
  125. >"No point in trying. She's been so absorbed by that book, she didn't even notice that I slept in. She does that sometimes."
  126. >He seems to know what he's talking about, so you decide to go along and you head off to the bakery.
  127. >Pinkie is in the middle of setting a plate of freshly baked cupcakes to cool as you and Spike walk in.
  128. >"Hey Anon, hey Spike! You're just in time to try my new recipe. No charge since you're my first customers today!"
  129. >Wow, do they know how to make your feel welcome or what?
  130. >You have a feeling this whole representative business is going to be sweet if this keeps up.
  131. >You and Spike take a seat near a wall and Pinkie brings three freshly frosted cupcakes over.
  132. >You take one each and bite down.
  133. >Oh, how you could just die.
  134. >This would be a choice moment if any.
  135. >The frosting was cool and sweet while the cupcake was hot and chewy.
  136. >You made a note to come here as often as you could.
  137. >"So, Anon! How are you liking Ponyville so far?"
  138. >Pinkie finishes her cupcake and looks at you. How did she chew, swallow and speak coherently at the same time?
  139. >Never mind. pinkie physics, right?
  140. "I'm loving itβ„’. You girls have been nothing but nice and i haven't been rushed by curious ponies, at least not yet."
  141. >Pinkie seems to think about that.
  142. >"Yeah, that's kinda odd. Why haven't other ponies talked to you yet? I mean, it's not like you're hard to spot or anything."
  143. >She looks like she's pondering it before she jumps up on her hind legs and throws her front legs out.
  144. >"Oh I know! We should throw you a welcome party and invite everyone! I'm sure that will break the ice!"
  145. >You know better than to say no. Even the implications that you don't like hugs seems to be enough to make her sad.
  147. >You and Spike leave the bakery after Pinkie starts rabbling off her preparation plans and excuses herself to bounce into the backroom.
  148. >On the way back to the library, you come across and older looking mare with halfmoon glasses, a gray mane and a collar with a green frill.
  149. >She's wearing a saddle bag and is looking at a piece of parchment.
  150. >You walk past her but stop when she calls for you.
  151. >"Oh, Mr. Anonymous! So glad I found you."
  152. >You turn around as she trots up to you.
  153. >She's speaking very formally with a soft but clear voice.
  154. >"I sent word to you but I heard you were out, so I decided to take a stroll and hopefully bump into you."
  155. >She smiles.
  156. >"Looks like I made the right choice."
  157. "Seems so. I'm guessing you're here about the position?"
  158. >She nods and pulls a clipboard with a sheet of paper from the saddle bag and hoofs it to you.
  159. >How do they do that?
  160. >It's a document of citizenship for Ponyville.
  161. >There is also a document granting temporary lodging at the local library with living expenses pre-paid.
  162. >You receive a quill and sign them.
  163. >The Mayor then pulls a brown envelope from the bag and gives it to you.
  164. >"Here is your badge and your official papers. Your duties should be detailed in there too. Good luck as a representative."
  165. >She's about to turn and walk away before she catches herself and looks back at you.
  166. >"Oh my, I nearly forgot! There is a meeting scheduled at the town hall later today. The Princess and the entire town will be there. You're expected to appear."
  167. "Oh. Well, thank you for your help, Miss Mayor and of course, I'll be there."
  168. >You nods and she trots of, whistling a tune.
  170. >You open up the envelope and you find the badge.
  171. >Oh wow. It looks like a golden shield with a small four-edged sun shaped from orange amber embedded in it's center.
  172. >The words "Minister Plenipotentiary" are engraved on it.
  173. >You attach it to the collar of your coat and take a look at the papers.
  174. >They testify to your role as the official envoy of Amberia and human kind in Equestria.
  175. >Your diplomatic office is apparently very high, second only to the Ambassador himself, which it states is the King.
  176. >It also states that you are tasked with sending reports to the high office of your experiences of the Pony population while Twilight Sparkle is to send reports of the Pony populations experiences of you to Princess Celestia.
  177. >Your first task, fittingly enough is to attend the town hall meeting and await your next task to be handed to you from the princess.
  178. >You pocket the papers.
  179. >Spike is looking at the badge with huge eyes.
  180. >"Wow. I wish I had a badge like that. It looks soooo cool!"
  181. >He's apparently easy to impress. Then again, he's a dragon so maybe he just likes the gold.
  182. >You chuckle and give it a polishing rub with your handkerchief.
  183. "Well, looks like I'm officially in business now. Gotta thread carefully from now on."
  184. >The two of you return to the library and find Twilight holding a badge of her own.
  185. >Apparently she's been over to the Mayors office and collected it herself since she's been at home for the summons.
  186. >She looks up and shows you the badge, noticing yours too.
  187. >Hers is almost identical, except for the design of her sun, which looks like the wavy design of Celestia's cutie mark.
  189. >"Looks like it's all official now."
  190. She grins and puts it on her chest. It sticks without anything that would seem to hold it in place.
  191. >Must be magic or something.
  192. >You then remember your question from earlier.
  193. "Yeah. uh, hey Twilight. Would you know why I don't smell even though I haven't had a shower since I came here?"
  194. >She blinks.
  195. >"No idea why you'd smell. Have you been doing anything that would get you dirty or excessively sweaty?"
  196. "Nope."
  197. >"Then that's probably why."
  198. >You don't get it, but if it means you don't have to get naked around ponies every day, then another point to Equestria.
  199. >Plopping down on the couch next o Twilight, you lean back into the cushion and sigh.
  200. "When is the townhall meeting anyway? I forgot to ask the time."
  201. >She's organizing a few books on the table along with her papers.
  202. >"Getting tardy on your first day?"
  203. >She frowns a bit and pokes you in the side.
  204. >"We're supposed to be there in one hour. The princess told me a few guards will escort us there to make it all look as important as possible."
  205. >With that, you pick up the book she was reading earlier.
  206. >Equestrian diplomacy.
  207. "Ah, so that's what you were reading. Mind if I take a look?"
  208. >She takes a look at it and nods.
  209. >"Please do. It has a lot of useful information that we'll need if we're going to do this."
  210. >You nod and spend the next hour reading through it.
  211. >A good bit of useful information later, there's a knock on the door and you both get up and get ready to set out.
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