
EDU 639 Week 6 Final Paper Intercultural Communication Plan

Nov 27th, 2014
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  3. This document of EDU 639 Week 4 Cultural Immersion and Socio Historical Research Presentation contains:
  6. Mexican Culture
  8. Education - General Education
  9. The Socio-Historical Context of Multicultural Education . Describe the socio-historical and contemporary contexts for multicultural and bilingual education in your school district. How have decisions such as Brown vs. the Board of Education , the 2007 ruling by the Supreme Court against voluntary de-segregation or the policies of No Child Left Behind /Race to the Top impacted the way multicultural education has evolved and been interpreted in your district. Who is “silenced” or forgotten in your school curriculum as a result of these decisions or policies?
  11. Bias and Social Psychology . Social scientists believe that everyone possesses conscious and unconscious, preferences for some social groups over others. Consider your own background and experience with race, gender, class, ethnicity, sexual orientation. What groups do you gravitate towards in society and how can you create more opportunities for exposure to individuals from backgrounds quite different from your own? Considering the cultural immersion exercise due in Week Four, how do you think you might be able create opportunities for broadening your world view while taking this class?
  13. Diary Entry of a Diverse Student . Consider the demographic of your local school and identify one student from a background that would be most different from your own. Imagine the first day of school from this student’s perspective as you are introduced to the class as his or her new teacher. This is a creative writing piece where you are expected to step outside your own world view and into the shoes of the “other” in your classroom. You may need to research a bit about the culture of the student whose perspective you will be writing from and ask friends or colleagues to help you better understand your typical body language and how that does or might translate to the classroom and teaching style. Use the following guiding questions to help guide you in writing this 1-2 page paper:
  15. a. What do you think the student’s first impressions of you might be? (Be honest and consider how the verbal and non-verbal cues you might give out would be interpreted by this student).
  17. b. How might the student relate to your background? (i.e. Do you appear to represent the dominant group in society and would your relationship with the dominant group impact your relationship with the student?)
  19. c. How do you address and interact with the student and what are some of the ways you strive to engage all students in the classroom?
  21. Gender and Gender-Fluidity . View the short documentary entitled, I’m Just Anneke . How does gender color one’s perspective on the world and relation to society? How are gender and gender-stereotypes perpetuated by schools? What do you think about gender-fluidity and how do you imagine Anneke would fair in your local school? Do you agree with the way Anneke’s endocrinologist and parents are allowing Anneke to experiment with her gender-fluidity?
  23. Race: Illusion vs. Reality . Explore the interactive tutorial “Sorting People: Can You Tell Somebody’s Race by Looking at Them?”. What surprised you about activity? If race is an illusion, why is it so dangerous to be "color-blind" as an educator? How can we work to combat institutional racism in our schools and society?
  25. Gendered Experiences of Racism .
  27. To get this material Click this link -
  29. You want to have everything under control as you embark upon your college days, and you want to cater to an experience that will bring many good things your way. While college can't be perfect, you can do as much as possible to make your experience better. Keep reading to find out how!
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