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- I made this, so if your a skid and looking for leech then GTFO.
- #################################################################
- Follow me on Twitter: @Visi0nZ
- This code looks like this:
- Feel free to edit whatever you want
- Anyways this is a cool page you could use for a deface,d0x or whatever your planning to use it for.
- Enjoy! ;)
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- <font color="#E56E94" face="georgia" size="4">
- D0X goes here:- <br>
- You know all info your pasty it here ;) <br>
- <br>
- <td><iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></td>
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- {
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- {
- farben = farben.concat(farben);
- }
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- while(k<=text.length)
- {
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- {
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- }
- // Zu Demonstrationszwecken*****************
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- {
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- while(farben.length<text.length)
- {
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- farbsatz=Math.floor(Math.random()*(farbbibliothek.length-0.0001));
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- text= "GreetZ #PonyCr3w: @SenPooptickler, @TheAnonBadger, @Anarchymous, @Cpher_,@an0nyc, @MrCaesarD, @txixmx, @xxxTigerxxx, @OpCensorThis_, @Visi0nZ, @Ghostpickles, @TheBlueNavi, @Anon2World ";
- //h
- string2array(text);
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- </script></font></h1><br>
- <img src="" <p align="center"></br>
- <center>Proudly Created by: @Visi0nZ,</center>
- Note: You can also post things at the bottom enjoy! <3
- </div>
- </center>
- </BODY>
- </HTML>
- ***Created By: Visi0nZ.***
- >>Note: Skids do not take my post and say you made it, because you didn't. So GTFO if your going to do that.<<
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