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sorbet and gelato DIE

a guest
Feb 7th, 2019
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  1. <p>La Squadra di Esecuzione preferred to hang out in that dingy, dark meeting room than in their own rooms. There was a bit of a depressive stormcloud hanging over everybody after Sorbet and Gelato's deaths, but as Risotto had requested, they were trying to "forget about them". Pretending everything was okay and acting as usual made for a lot of constant racket, what with Formaggio and Illuso constantly getting at each other over their Stand abilities, Ghiaccio yelling at any assassin that crossed his path, and Melone quizzing people on their personality typed based on Babyface compatibility. This was not necessarily a bad thing in itself, but it made for an unfortunate group reaction when all of them received an email at the same time. It was addressed to every one of them, and was from a sender that nobody recognised.
  2. <p><b>New message!</b>
  3. <p><b>To: </b>,,,,,,,,
  4. <p><b>From: </b>
  5. <p><b>Cc: </b>
  6. <p><b>Subject: </b>Click on this :)
  7. <p>
  8. <p>"Nobody else click on this. It could be a harmful file. I'm going to download and open it." Risotto spoke up after a few minutes.
  9. <p>This, of course, made all of the assassins crowd around Risotto's computer screen. They all watched as he clicked on the file, downloaded it, and then opened it. It was a video file, but none of them were expecting the video to be what it was.
  10. <p>It started out with the eery, grinning face of a man with green makeup smudged on his face along with an oddly-shaped, matching green hairstyle. He looked excited, his teeth poking out from under a mouth covered in black lipstick. He seemed to be in the kitchen of Sorbet and Gelato's place - a distinctive and cute little room. Once he began to speak, his voice sounded sinister and sadistic.
  11. <p>"Hey guys, welcome back to Doctor Cioccolata's Home Videos! This is episode 50 of 'Vlogging Passione deaths with Cioccolata'! Today we're going to be doing something a little special. This episode stars a cute, lovely couple. Sorbet..."
  12. <p>The man then pans to Sorbet, tied against a table and letting out grunts,
  13. <p>"... And Gelato!"
  14. <p>He pans to him, also tied up, but laying on the ground instead, a white cloth gag stuck in his mouth.
  15. <p>"Capo, you need to t-turn this off!"
  16. (later)
  17. "Oops, sorry everyone. It looks like we'll have to cut this episode short. Little Gelato has finished the job for us. Well, if you enjoyed this, then like, comment, and subscribe to my channel, 'TheCioccolataTapes'!"
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