
Text Adventure Chapter 30 Log

Jun 30th, 2014
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  1. >As you try to wake yourself up so you don’t have to face the dangers of sleep again, you realize that you were massively hungry.
  2. >You never thought about eating because of the injury being your guts, which would make that difficult.
  3. >But if you ate now, you’ll be better from the healing potions by the time it ever reaches the afflicted area.
  4. >At the thought of food, your stomach growls rather audibly.
  5. >”Oh, looks like someone needs some grub.”
  6. “I guess I am pretty hungry.”
  7. >Red stretches herself out and pats your hand.
  8. >”I’ll see what I can get you for breakfast, okay? They might have eggs.”
  9. >Delicious, delicious protein…
  10. >Redheart leaves you to salivate over yourself, and now you’re alone for the first time in what seems like weeks.
  11. >It is very quiet, and you aren’t sure if you’re comfortable with it.
  12. >Being so busy lately has just become an accustomed occurrence, it seems.
  13. >A few minutes pass, and you smell the food that Red brings in before you even see it.
  14. >It definitely smells like eggs.
  15. >She sets the tray down in front of you, turns out it’s a plate of omelets.
  16. >Just like your mom used to make, you think.
  17. >You’re still fuzzy on the life before Equestria, but hopefully your memories will eventually come back to you.
  18. >Wait, why are you thinking about that? You have steaming omelets right under your face!
  19. >You dig in immediately, and as you eat you look at Redheart, who has resigned to eating a few fruits.
  20. “Thank you for this, it’s amazing.”
  21. >”Don’t thank me Anon, the cafeteria mare’s the one who made it. Besides, you can afford it.”
  22. >She smiles at you, and you’re sitting here with egg on your face with no idea what she’s implying.
  23. >...Oh, you sly devil.
  24. [-5 bits]
  25. >You and Redheart eat in silence and peace, catching up on a bit more reading as you do so.
  26. >During the pleasant lull, you have a sudden thought that surfaces its way to your conscious.
  27. “Hey Red… Did you ever get your house fixed?”
  28. >She looks up at you mid-bite.
  29. >She takes a second to chew and swallow before speaking.
  30. >”When we left, they issued a mandate to the construction workers to repair all of the homes. It should be all fixed up once we come home.”
  31. >You nod, and finish your meals around 8:30.
  32. >It was a slow time, so there was no rush eating.
  33. >Boy, did you feel better when your stomach was full, though.
  34. >A creak is heard in the room as you see the doctor from last night return to your bedside.
  35. >”Hello Anonymous, I see you’re doing rather well. Finished all of your breakfast?”
  36. “I did. It helps I didn’t eat much of anything yesterday, though.”
  37. >He nods, writing something down on his clipboard with his magic.
  38. >”Try not to make a habit of that, you’ll need your strength if what Nurse Redheart here has told me is true, after all!”
  39. >You give a polite nod, just waiting to hear the news.
  40. >”So, we confirmed the delivery time, and the potions will be here in about 10 minutes, a little early in schedule. We’ll do a quick physical after you drink them, just to make sure everything’s working as it should. … It might also be to record some anatomy, if that’s alright?”
  41. >Right, you’re a strange alien in an even stranger world.
  42. “I suppose that’s okay.”
  43. >”If everything checks out, you’re free to continue your journey. I hope to see you better, Anonymous!”
  44. >He gives an enthusiastic nod to the two of you and exits the room, leaving you with a sour taste.
  45. >You were a little used to being called doctor after all of this time, despite it being wrong.
  46. >This gives you an idea.
  47. “So Red, even though WE know I'm a great doctor, it might be a good idea to get the thumbs-up from an official institution... is there such a thing as a freelance doctor's license? Who should I talk to about being officially recognized here?”
  48. >”Er, I’m… not sure, actually. I never learned about freelance since I attended Canterlot Medical University…”
  49. “CMU, huh?”
  50. >She simpers, continuing on.
  51. >”We could ask Princess Cadance for a permit once we see her, maybe? Or even Shining Armor, if she’s still sick.”
  52. >Your doctorate status lay high with the high.
  53. >Speaking of Shining…
  54. “I can’t wait to do that championship match.”
  55. >Red gives you a serious look.
  56. >”Anon, are you really going to push that after what happened to you? The tournament ended yesterday, after all, it’d be pretty silly to even want to do something like that willingly.”
  57. >Oh, really now?
  58. “What, you think I can’t take him?”
  59. >”You can take on many things with the way you’ve improved so much, babe, don’t get me wrong… But Shining Armor protects this entire empire, and is a high advisor for Celestia. You know he’s going to be very strong.”
  60. “...I suppose that’s true.”
  61. >You’ll try to remember to ask him anyways next time you see him.
  62. >As the last few minutes tick by, there was another creak of the door, but this time, a loud slam follows it.
  63. >You see AJ, Berry and Pinkie walk into your room with a sense of déjà vù.
  64. >They drop all of your armor and inventory on a chair near the back, spilling over immensely.
  65. >Berry exhales overdramatically as she leans up against it.
  66. >”Seriously Anon, stop being such a hoarder! Dealing with this headache is enough without your millions of pounds of junk needing to be dragged everywhere…”
  67. >To accentuate it, she rubs her temples.
  68. >You didn’t have much sympathy, to say the least.
  69. “Well, it’s good to see you guys anyways. Potions will be here any minute, and we can get going.”
  70. >Pinkie squeals loudly and starts another one of her episodes completely unprovoked.
  71. >”Nonny, I can’t wait to go shopping I love shopping so much it’s like my favorite thing in the whole wide world we can go see everything the Crystal Empire has everywhere even though I’ve seen it all before but that’s okay because it’s with all of you ponies and you nonny so it’s going to be different and--”
  72. >AJ stomps her hoof in sheer frustration.
  73. >”PINKIE!”
  74. >She stops her tirade while hanging onto the ceiling light.
  75. >”Just calm down, sugarcube. Remember it’s not all gonna be fun and games, we got work to do and shoppin’s just a part of it.”
  76. >Pinkie sinks down to the floor like a deflated bubble.
  77. >...With her hooves still holding onto the fan.
  78. “What the fu-”
  79. >”Okay AJ, I’ll try! It’s just so hard not to be so super-duperly excited!”
  80. >AJ pats her on the back, which for some reason lets Pinkie’s hooves off of the light and they slink back into her normal sockets like a tape measure.
  81. >All you could do was stare and blink.
  82. >Is there anything you’d like to say or do before the delivery gets here?
  88. >Without anything to do, the party settles into a more calm mood, making small conversation.
  89. >AJ and Pinkie talk about a few adventures they had with their friends, how they miss them and hope they could see them soon.
  90. >You talk with Berry a little bit about where she got her Amaneigho liquor, turns out there was quite the ‘crystal’ store down there near the Hammer and Sickle.
  91. >All in all, it was good to just talk about normal things with your friends.
  92. >It’s a much better fate then what you had dreamed about last night, that’s for sure.
  93. >It was about 9:45 by the time a new nurse came in, rolling in a large tray of healing potions.
  94. >”Here we are! Delivery for Anonymous, two healing potions and a physical. Ready to get up?”
  95. >Yes, yes you are.
  96. >You barely give her enough time to wheel up the tray before you snatched a potion to drink it.
  97. >As the liquid surges down your throat, the dulled pain begins to act up from the healing process, but soon fades away completely.
  98. >Just to be sure that you are completely fine and there are no complications, you go ahead and drank the second one as well.
  99. >Used Small Healing Potion (2)
  100. [+33%/+33% = +66% HP]
  101. [You have been fully healed, all status effects removed!]
  102. >After waiting a few seconds for the second potion to settle, you pat your stomach.
  103. >Damn, you even have abs!
  104. >You get yourself up off the bed once the nurse removes your IV, and you’re a standing man.
  105. >AJ and Red whoop at your newfound health, the others smiling in joy.
  106. >”Alright Anonymous, follow me and we’ll get started on that inspection.”
  107. >Your party (sans Redheart) groans in impatience.
  108. >The nurse is already walking out the door.
  109. >Do you go with the nurse and receive the physical, or skip it?
  113. >You decide it’d be best to do what they say.
  114. >There could still be something wrong with you after all, but there’s also the problem of staying on their good side to get that permit.
  115. “Don’t worry guys, it shouldn’t take too long. We’ll start our day soon enough.”
  116. >You walk out and follow the nurse a few hallways down to an examination room, a few of the roaming patients looking at you oddly.
  117. >You might have been here for a while, but bystanders were always going to be interested in your species thats never been seen before.
  118. >Gonna have to get used to that.
  119. >The nurse closes the door and starts to put on latex gloves, which as much as you try to deny it, they do indeed look like big condoms, minus the tip.
  120. >”Okay, I’m just going to check all of your life signs, do a quick sketch of your form, and we’ll be all good to go!”
  121. “When you say my form…”
  122. >The nurse looks back at you and clears her throat.
  123. >”Well, it is purely for the advancement of science, but if you’re not comfortable with that-”
  124. “No no, it’s fine. I do have a question though…”
  125. >She nods and smiles.
  126. >”What would you like to know?”
  127. “I’d like to speak with the head of the hospital after this, Miracle Shine? I need to ask her about a few potion-resistant diseases that are going around.”
  128. >”Oh, I’m sorry, Miracle Shine is out of town on important business. She’ll be back next week, so you can schedule an appointment now and she could see you then?”
  129. “That’s fine, I won’t be here in a week.”
  130. >At least, you hope not.
  131. >She finishes gloving herself, and starts preparing the medical equipment.
  132. >”While I set up, can you go behind the curtain? There’s a cup there, and I’ll need a urine sample.”
  133. >You hope that’s the least of it.
  134. >...
  135. >It was all you could do not to burst out laughing the entire time.
  136. >When it came time for her to touch you and ‘make you cough’, she had gotten very nervous.
  137. >She was the first to examine a new species, so you couldn’t blame her.
  138. >You still had to mess with her though, so you thought about Red for a few minutes, and when time came to throw down the gown, she got full-face view of your head-level assets.
  139. >Being a normally talkative mare, she was completely silent and red-faced the entire time, but she did what she needed to do.
  140. >You walked out of there with the biggest smile on your face, and got back to your room.
  141. >You have just finished replacing your armor and your inventory, getting everything straightened out, tightening your doctor’s coat, the works.
  142. >It’s going to be a little harder to move with a huge bag of bits hanging down your back, but so long as you unloaded it before you needed to move quickly, you’d be fine.
  143. [You have regained your inventory.]
  144. >It’s a drag that Miracle Shine is out, you had some things to speak to her about.
  145. >But now, you are free once again!
  146. >What would you like to do?
  150. >A ditty starts going through your head.
  151. >An old memory surfacing through the foggy ones.
  152. []
  153. >AJ, Pinkie, Berry and Red stand next to you.
  154. >“So what’s gonna happen, Nonny? Where we goin’?”
  155. “Er, I’m deciding where we’re going?”
  156. >They all nod in unison.
  157. >”Of course, silly! You’re like the leader of this whole investigation thingy, you gotta tell us what to get!”
  158. >If that’s the way they want it.
  159. “Well… I think we should check out the Hammer & Sickle. It could be useful in the future.”
  160. >Berry chuckles and rubs her hooves together.
  161. >”I knew it, Anon really wants some high-class ‘crystal’, don’t you?”
  162. “Maybe… But there’s something I think could be useful to us.”
  163. >You lead your party out of the hospital, quickly signing out before walking out into the sunshine.
  164. >You walk back out to the plaza and take a quick look at the directory to figure out where you’re going.
  166. [“Hello and welcome to the Crystal Palace! We hope you enjoy your stay, or if you’re returning, we give you a warm welcome! If you’re having problems navigating the streets, please refer to this directory for assistance.”]
  168. >Hotels and Inns<
  169. Trot & Travel Inn (35 bits per night, 20% discount for every extra pony)
  170. Hooflight Hotel (40 bits per night, 15% discount, includes room service)
  171. Mr. Rich’s Magical Motel (80 bits per night per pony, luxury service and rooms)
  172. Crystal Palace Royal Suite (CLOSED)
  173. >Stores<
  174. Hammer & Sickle (Sells tools and parts for all things industrial, gardening, hardware and construction)
  175. Gyro Gear’s Great Scientific Wonders {Discount: 15%}(Sells Scientific/Engineering gizmos)[New Postage: NEW ITEMS IN STOCK!!]
  176. Fortuna Potions (Sells magical items, trinkets, and enchanting/alchemy ingredients)
  177. Maregaze’s M&S Lover’s ‘Retreat’ (Sells adult items)
  178. The Protected Wither (Sells weapons and armor, all things combat)[New Postage: NEW WEAPONS IN STOCK!!]
  179. Tricks and Needles (Sells all things clothing, tailor-made!)
  180. Library of the Crystal Empire (The library and book store!)
  181. >Civil Services<
  182. Crystal Empire Guard Department, low alert
  183. Shining Fire Fighters Department, low alert
  184. Mi Amore Hospital, currently open for drop-ins and selling extra supplies
  185. Diamond-Ridge Park (Hosting the Crystal Fair)
  187. [Post]: The Crystal Palace is currently closed to all visitors and non-important personnel due to unforeseen circumstances. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask the Royal Guards.
  189. [Post]: THE CRYSTAL FAIR IS HERE! Don’t miss the jousting, the wondrous games, the theater plays only ever seen here at the Fair once a year! The First Annual Crystal Fair Tournament ended yesterday with its first winner, the Humane Dr. Anonymous against the Gryphon Gable! Congratulations to the doctor and his newfound prize and fame! Tune in for the second tournament, with new rules, new stakes and a whole lot more suspense! For now, please enjoy the Crystal Fair and the celebration of the Crystal Heart!
  191. [New Postage]: Have you seen this mare? {Picture of Rainbow Dash} If so, please visit the Crystal Library and speak to Twilight Sparkle.
  193. [New Postage]: Gyro Gear’s Great Scientific Wonders and The Protected Wither have a new invention in town! Come on down and take a look!
  195. >They fucking misspelled your species’ name.
  196. >You’re about to go humane on their asses, believe it.
  197. >Oh well, it’s posted now, there’s nothing you can do.
  198. >Getting directions to the Hammer & Sickle, you make your way to the store in no time, letting the rest of the party in first.
  199. >It was like you were walking on air.
  200. >A real man’s, or in this case, stallion’s, dream.
  201. >You see what you believe to be the owner of the store, and the sight makes you rub your eyes in confusion.
  202. >He was a pony, but… looked a lot more like Celestia’s body type, but at the same time not exactly.
  204. [Hammer & Sickle] - Owner: Bogdan Thickbrow
  205. >”Welcome to my shop! You need pliers? Hammers? Screwdivers? We have all! Don’t bother about where I from or why I look different, Saddle Arabia much different place! Look at items!”
  207. -Buy
  208. -Sell
  209. -Exit
  210. -Talk to Shopowner
  212. >”See and get more tool!”
  214. [Tools]
  215. -Sledgehammer (+5 PA, Lowers certain recipe costs) {15 bits}
  216. -Fishing Rod w/ kit (Grants ability Fish) {20 bits}
  217. -Screwdriver kit (Lowers certain recipe costs) {40 bits}
  218. -Socket wrench kit (Lowers certain recipe costs) {50 bits}
  219. -Chainsaw (+50 PA, requires gas) {250 bits}
  220. -Gas/Oil dual tank (“My invent, for chainsaw and oil need!”) {25 bits}
  221. -Pickaxe (+10 PA, Lowers certain recipe costs, grants ability Mine) {30 bits}
  223. [Renovation]
  224. -Wood (“Many sizes, though 2x4 is most buy!”) {15 bits per board}
  225. -Metal Pipes (“Many sizes, many materials!”) {20 bits on average}
  226. -Paint (“All colors all time, you buy?”) {15 bits per bucket}
  227. -Handful of Bolts (“Must have thing to put together, yes?”) {30 bits per handful}
  228. -Bottle of Glue (“Oh, more thing to put together, yes yes!”) {20 bits}
  229. -Tin Padding (“Metal surface for you!”) {15 bits per pad}
  230. -Insulation (“Use for newfangled wires or house, or anything else!”) {20 bits per square foot}
  231. -Wooden Handle (“Many sizes, many patterns, many many happy!”) {15 bits}
  233. [Exotic Weaponry/Ales]
  234. -Sickleblade (1 handed, +5 PA, 50% chance to bleed) {20 bits}
  235. -Scimitar (1 handed, +10 PA) {25 bits}
  236. -Halberd (2 handed, +20 PA) {40 bits}
  237. -Thick Iron Horseshoes (+20 PA, Grants ability Trample) {36 bits}
  238. -Nunchucks (2 handed, +8 PA, 30% chance to stun) {30 bits}
  239. -Black Rum Flask (2 gallon Jug, grants ability Feel No Evil) {50 bits}
  240. -Red Rum Flask (2 gallon Jug, grants ability See No Evil) {50 bits}
  241. -Blue Rum Flask (2 gallon Jug, grants ability Speak No Evil) {50 bits}
  242. -Green Rum Flask (2 gallon Jug, grants ability Hear No Evil) {50 bits}
  243. -White Rum Flask (1 gallon Jug, grants ability Do No Evil) {120 bits}
  245. [Recipes]
  246. -(Book) Introduction to Architecture {15 bits}
  247. -(Blueprint) Model/Toy Train {15 bits}
  248. -(Blueprint) Canoe {35 bits}
  249. -(Blueprint) Caravan {40 bits}
  250. -(Blueprint) Chariot {50 bits}
  251. -(Blueprint) Steam Engine {100 bits}
  253. >”Get a buy and go!”
  255. -Buy item(s)
  256. -Inspect item(s)
  257. -Back to Menu
  258. -Exit
  262. >Inspect Flasks
  263. >Black
  264. [When you drink from this flask, you gain the ability Feel No Evil. (+50PD/MD for 4 turns, usable once per battle)]
  266. >Red
  267. [When you drink from this flask, you gain the ability See No Evil. (Allows 1 Master Call Shot with no hit penalty, usable once per battle)]
  269. >Blue
  270. [When you drink from this flask, you gain the ability Speak No Evil. (Roar a fiery and passionate battle cry and increase party’s total HP by 25 for the rest of the battle, usable once per battle)]
  272. >Green
  273. [When you drink from this flask, you gain the ability Hear No Evil. (Protects against most status effects for the rest of the battle, usable once per battle.)]
  275. >White
  276. [When you drink from this flask, you gain the ability Do No Evil. (Active: Good attack, x1.5 PA, 5 turn CD. Passive: Increases alcohol-related abilities’ damage by x2)]
  278. -Buy item(s)
  279. -Inspect item(s)
  280. -Back to Menu
  281. -Exit
  285. >Inspect Trample
  286. [Use your horseshoes to run over the enemy and cause heavy damage to their body. (+25 PA, 50% chance to crit for x2.5)
  288. >You are about to buy Fishing Rod (20 bits), Pickaxe (30 bits), Thick Iron Horseshoes (36 bits), White Rum Flask (120 bits), Introduction to Architecture (15 bits), Caravan Blueprints (40 bits), Handful of Bolts (30 bits), Screwdriver kit (40 bits), Socket wrench kit (50 bits)
  289. >Total: 381 bits
  290. >Do you want to buy these items? Y/N
  294. >Items bought!
  295. [You receive Fishing Rod, Pickaxe, Thick Iron Horseshoes, White Rum Flask, Introduction to Architecture, Caravan Blueprints, Handful of Bolts, Screwdriver kit, Socket wrench kit.]
  296. [Gave White Rum Flask, Thick Iron Horseshoes to Berry Punch.]
  297. >”Alright, white rum!! Anon, you are the stallion, bro! Oh.. and the horseshoes. There, I said it, AJ!”
  298. Your bit pouch: 2,614 bits
  300. >”You buy many things! Thank you, thank you, please, all else can I do?”
  302. -Buy
  303. -Sell
  304. -Exit
  305. -Speak to Shopowner
  309. >Exit
  310. >”Okay, you all come again? Come again, please, give many items away so crazy!”
  311. “Thanks, Bogdan!”
  312. >You and your party exit the Hammer & Sickle, Berry admiring her new flask making clinking noises against her iron horseshoes.
  313. >...And drinking it.
  314. >”Ooooh…. That’s high quality stuff! Hey Red… try a little~”
  315. >Redheart giggles, but declines her offer by pushing it away.
  316. >”I think you’ll want every last drop, Berry. But thank you for thinking of me.”
  317. “Can I have a drink?”
  318. >”No, you bought it for me, it’s a gift!”
  319. >She holds it away from you like it’s her baby, then suckles on the tip.
  320. >Well, you might have some problems with that later, but onward!
  321. “Let’s go to the potion shop next. Friendship might be magic, but healing potions are the lifeblood of all living creatures, right?”
  322. >”That’s normal blood, babe.”
  323. “I’d replace my blood with healing juice, what could go wrong?”
  324. >”You would die from lack of oxygen distribution, Anon.”
  325. “...So?”
  326. >True.
  327. >You lead your party onward to the magic shop, wanting to take a lick from the lollipop.
  328. >Except, you didn’t have one, so you went straight in, holding the door open for your cute little mareparty.
  330. [Fortuna Potions] - Owner: Sunwhirl the Stached
  331. >”A very strange being, you are indeed. Such magical potential I see within you, more than most unicorns, even! Come, walk with me, and show me what you desire.”
  333. -Buy
  334. -Sell
  335. -Modify
  336. -Exit
  337. -Speak to Shopowner
  341. >”You will be awed at the artifacts that I possess, my friend. Have a gander whilst I attend to the sands of your time.”
  343. [Potions]
  344. -Healing Potion [Small (33% HP) | Medium (66% HP) | Large (100% HP) | Omega (125% Overheal)] {7/14/21/40 bits}
  345. -Mana Potion [Small (33% MP) | Medium (66% MP) | Large (100% MP)] {12/24/36 bits}
  346. -Antidote (Cures the drinker of poisons and diseases.) {15 bits}
  347. -Unlocking Flask (Removes Manaseal.) {20 bits}
  348. -Essence of Focus (Removes Confusion and ADD, most likely.) {20 bits}
  349. -Essence of Bravery (Abolishes Fear.) {20 bits}
  350. -Iron-Hide Brew (Gives +5 PD/MD for 3 turns.) {15 bits}
  351. -Elixir of Manticore’s Rage (Gives +10 PA for 3 turns.) {25 bits}
  352. -Elixir of Rainboom (Increases dodge rate by 50%, allows 2 actions per turn for 3 turns.) {30 bits}
  353. -Harmonic Strength Exodius (Increases total HP by 50.) {1,200 bits}
  355. [Staves]
  356. -Oakwood Staff (+3 MP/MA) {20 bits}
  357. -Yew Staff (+3 MP, +4 MA) {40 bits}
  358. -Everfree Staff (+6 MP, +8 MA) {65 bits}
  359. -Crystal Staff (+12 MP, +12 MA, +3 MD) {90 bits}
  360. -Manasteel Staff (+25 MP, +18 MA, +9 MD) {120 bits}
  361. -Highguard Staff (+50 MP, +36 MA, +18 MD, Grants ability Reflection) {240 bits}
  362. -Starswirl’s Wand (+200 MP, +150 MA, +125 MD), Grants ability Ancient Wrath) {2,000 bits}
  364. [Tomes]
  365. -Foal’s Guide to Magic (Beginner) {10 bits}
  366. -(Tome) Ignite (Basic) {30 bits}
  367. -(Tome) Shockwave (Basic) {30 bits}
  368. -(Tome) QUACK! (Duck) {50 bits}
  369. -(Tome) Teleport (Intermediate) {90 bits}
  370. -(Tome) Tesla’s Wrath (Intermediate) {90 bits}
  371. -(Tome) Arcane Chains (Intermediate) {90 bits}
  372. -(Tome) Invisibility (Expert) {150 bits}
  373. -(Tome) Mirror Image (Expert) {150 bits}
  374. -(Tome) Vice Shout (Expert) {150 bits}
  375. -(Spellbook) Bolt of Disintegration (Master) {250 bits}
  376. -(Spellbook) Resurrection (Master) {250 bits}
  377. -(Spellbook) Void Warp (Master) {250 bits}
  379. [Alchemy Recipes]
  380. -(Ingredient) Crystal Orb {10 bits}
  381. -(Ingredient) Arcane Powder {10 bits per ounce}
  382. -(Ingredient) Lifeleaf {5 bits}
  383. -(Ingredient) Rizzleberry Bunch {10 bits per bunch}
  384. -(Ingredient) Wisp Weed {10 bits per pinch}
  385. -(Recipe) Flask of Lucky Tithings {5 bits}
  386. -(Recipe) Amare Potion {10 bits}
  387. -(Chemical) Pint of Hydrofluoric Acid {20 bits}
  388. -(Chemical) Ounce of Thermite {30 bits}
  389. -(Recipe) Sounds of the Eardrums {32 bits}
  390. -(Recipe) Might’s Resolve Elixir {40 bits}
  391. -(Recipe) Celestia’s Blessing {75 bits}
  392. -(Recipe) Cadance’s Blessing {75 bits}
  393. -(Recipe) Luna’s Blessing {75 bits}
  394. -(Recipe) Transmutation {300 bits}
  396. >”Now tell me, what have you seen that strike’s your heart’s desire?”
  398. -Buy item(s)
  399. -Inspect item(s)
  400. -Back to Menu
  401. -Exit
  406. >Inspect (Recipe) Celestia’s Blessing
  407. [{Requires expert alchemy skill} This recipe brews a potion that greatly increases magical attack damage for a temporary period, and gives an extra boost to fire-based magic.
  408. Ingredients: 6 Lifeleaf, 24 Red herbs, 4 Suncores, makes 4]
  410. >Inspect (Recipe) Cadance’s Blessing
  411. [{Requires expert alchemy skill} This recipe brews a potion that protects the user with powerful barriers of love-based magic.
  412. Ingredients: 1 Large gem, 8 wisps’ weeds, 2 small healing potions, makes 4]
  414. >Inspect (Recipe) Luna’s Blessing
  415. [{Requires expert alchemy skill} This recipe brews a potion that allows the user to travel the dreams and subconscious of any one soul that they desire for one night.
  416. Ingredients: 1 Crystal Orb, 16 ounces of arcane powder, 2 small magic potions, makes 4]
  418. >Inspect (Recipe) Flask of Lucky Tithings
  419. [{Requires moderate alchemy skill} This recipe brews a potion that increases the fateful luck of the drinker for a short time.
  420. Ingredients: 2 Haze flowers, 2 rizzleberry bunches, 4 Four-leaf clovers, makes 1]
  422. >Inspect (Tome) Shockwave
  423. [Creates a powerful shockwave of lightning and earth around you. (+25 MA AoE, 33% chance to blind all enemies, 3tcd)]
  425. >Inspect (Recipe) Amare Potion
  426. [This recipe brews a love potion that will entice the drinker’s feelings for the living soul the potion was meant for.
  427. Ingredients: 3 red herbs, 1 healing potion, 1 aphrodisiac, 1 hair of the intended target, makes 1]
  429. >Inspect (Tome) QUACK!
  430. [Sir Ducksalot commands you to purchase the spell of his uprisal.]
  432. >Inspect (Recipe) Transmutation
  433. [{Requires master alchemy skill} This recipe is a very specific alchemical process that changes lead, silver, or mercury into pure gold.
  434. Ingredients: 24 hours to brew]
  436. -Buy item(s)
  437. -Inspect item(s)
  438. -Back to Menu
  439. -Exit
  443. >You have selected Foal’s Guide to Magic (Beginner) {10 bits}, (Tome) Ignite (Basic) {30 bits}, (Tome) Shockwave (Basic) {30 bits}, (Recipe) Flask of Lucky Tithings {5 bits}, (Recipe) Amare Potion {10 bits}, (Chemical) Ounce of Thermite {30 bits}, 6 Lifeleaf {30 bits}, 3 Rizzleberry Bunches {30 bits}, 3 Wisp Weed {30 bits}, QUACK! {50 bits}
  444. >Total: 225 bits
  445. >Do you want to buy these items? Y/N
  447. >Items bought!
  448. [You receive Foal’s Guide to Magic, (Tome) Ignite, (Tome) Shockwave, (Recipe) Flask of Lucky Tithings, (Recipe) Amare Potion, Ounce of Thermite, 6 Lifeleaf, 3 Rizzleberry Bunches, 3 Wisp Weed, (Tome) QUACK!]
  449. >Your bit pouch: 2,389 bits
  451. >”If this is what you seek, so it shall be. Please, what else may I do for such a magically attuned creature?”
  453. -Buy
  454. -Sell
  455. -Modify
  456. -Exit
  457. -Speak to Shopowner
  459. >Speak
  460. “Excuse me, Sunwhirl do you know about any diseases that are potion-resistant, or magically immune in general?”
  461. >He thinks for a moment, his hoof running down his long brown beard.
  462. >”There is only one ailment that I can recall with such properties, but Princess Celestia had long since eradicated the curse. I know not what it is called, but it blackens the eyes and pales the skin… to end the life after the fourth full moon.”
  463. “Thank you for the information. Also, do you happen to know Zecora? She’s a friend of mine who lives in the Everfree Forest.”
  464. >”Ah, I apologize my interesting creature, but I cannot recant such a name from my mind.”
  465. “Alright, thank you anyways.”
  467. -Buy
  468. -Sell
  469. -Modify
  470. -Exit
  471. -Speak to Shopowner
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