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a guest
Aug 1st, 2016
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  1. # default config.yml for EssentialsMysqlStorage
  2. # config version 1.0.2
  4. #MySQL Database details
  5. Database:
  6. Mysql:
  7. #MySQL server address
  8. Host:
  9. #MySQL server port (default 3306)
  10. Port: 3306
  11. #Database name (NOTE! You need to create the database, then the plugin will create the tables.)
  12. DatabaseName: 'survival_db'
  13. #Table name (the plugin will auto create them)
  14. TableName: 'Essentials_userdata'
  15. #User name
  16. User: 'survival_db'
  17. #User password
  18. Password: 'xxxxxxxx'
  19. #This maintenance task runs async with a 2 min delay after the server starts.
  20. RemoveInactiveUsers:
  21. #Enable or disable database clean up of old accounts. | (true or false)
  22. enabled: true
  23. #Inactivity in days. Default 60 days.
  24. inactivity: 60
  27. #Plugin settings
  28. Settings:
  29. #Delete the entire Essentials/userdata folder on server shutdown or restart.
  30. #NOTE! Will delete all users files. Make sure you import them first.
  31. RemoveUserDataFolder: false
  32. #Delete the data file for players that leave the server after his data is saved on database.
  33. RemoveUserFile: false
  34. #Save online players data files to database. If this is disabled the data will be saves only when the player leaves the server.
  35. SaveDataTask:
  36. #Enable or disable the data save task. | (true or false)
  37. enabled: true
  38. #Time between data saves in minutes. | Default 3 min.
  39. interval: 3
  40. #Hide the data save task log messages.
  41. hideLogMessages: true
  43. #Chat messages with color and format codes support.
  44. #Minecraft Color and Format Codes:
  45. ChatMessages:
  46. NoPermission: '&4[EMS] &cYou don''t have permission!'
  47. ImportCmd: '&2[EMS] &aImport essentials data started! Check server console for progress.'
  48. CmdNotFound: '&4[EMS] &cCommand not found! For help do /ems'
  49. MoneySymbol: '$'
  50. BalTopTitle: '&6&l Money Top 10'
  51. BalTopUpdate: '&2[EMS] &aUpdating Money Top 10 list...'
  52. BalTopEmptyDB: '&4[EMS] &cDatabase is empty!'
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