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- string caesar_encrypt(string plaintext, int shift) {
- string ciphertext = "";
- for (char& c : plaintext) {
- if (isalpha(c)) {
- // Convert to uppercase
- char upper_c = toupper(c);
- // Get the position of the character in the alphabet
- int char_pos = upper_c - 'A';
- // Apply the shift and wrap around the alphabet
- int shifted_pos = (char_pos + shift) % 26;
- // Convert the shifted position back to a character
- char shifted_char = shifted_pos + 'A';
- // Convert back to original case
- if (islower(c)) {
- shifted_char = tolower(shifted_char);
- }
- // Add the shifted character to the ciphertext
- ciphertext += shifted_char;
- }
- else if (isdigit(c)) {
- cout << "is difit " << c << endl;
- // Get the value of the digit
- int digit_val = c - '0';
- // Apply the shift and wrap around the digits
- int shifted_val = (digit_val + shift) % 10;
- // Convert the shifted value back to a character
- char shifted_char = shifted_val + '0';
- cout << "shifted " << shifted_char;
- // Add the shifted character to the ciphertext
- ciphertext += shifted_char;
- }
- else {
- // Non-alphabetic characters are left unchanged
- ciphertext += c;
- }
- }
- return ciphertext;
- }
- string caesar_decrypt(string ciphertext, int shift) {
- string plaintext = "";
- for (char& c : ciphertext) {
- if (isalpha(c)) {
- // Convert to uppercase
- char upper_c = toupper(c);
- // Get the position of the character in the alphabet
- int char_pos = upper_c - 'A';
- // Apply the reverse shift and wrap around the alphabet
- int shifted_pos = (char_pos - shift + 26) % 26;
- // Convert the shifted position back to a character
- char shifted_char = shifted_pos + 'A';
- // Convert back to original case
- if (islower(c)) {
- shifted_char = tolower(shifted_char);
- }
- // Add the shifted character to the plaintext
- plaintext += shifted_char;
- }
- else if (isdigit(c)) {
- // Get the value of the digit
- int digit_val = c - '0';
- // Apply the reverse shift and wrap around the digits
- int shifted_val = (digit_val - shift + 10) % 10;
- // Convert the shifted value back to a character
- char shifted_char = shifted_val + '0';
- // Add the shifted character to the plaintext
- plaintext += shifted_char;
- }
- else {
- // Non-alphabetic characters are left unchanged
- plaintext += c;
- }
- }
- return plaintext;
- }
- vector<string> split_ecrypted(const string& s) {
- vector<string> tokens;
- size_t start = 0, end = 0;
- while ((end = s.find('⋉', start)) != string::npos) {
- tokens.push_back(s.substr(start, end - start));
- start = end + 1;
- }
- tokens.push_back(s.substr(start));
- return tokens;
- }
- void encrypt_file(string file_name) {
- int lines_at_the_end = 0;
- int start_empty_lines_index = -1;
- ifstream file_lines(file_name);
- if (file_lines.is_open()) {
- string line;
- int curr = 0;
- while (!file_lines.eof()) {
- getline(file_lines, line);
- if (line != "") {
- lines_at_the_end = 0;
- start_empty_lines_index = -1;
- }
- else {
- lines_at_the_end++;
- if (start_empty_lines_index == -1) start_empty_lines_index = curr;
- }
- cout << "line is " << line << endl;
- curr++;
- }
- }
- cout << "at the end is " << lines_at_the_end << endl;
- cout << "empty starts from " << start_empty_lines_index << endl;
- ifstream file_r(file_name);
- if (file_r.is_open()) {
- string encrypted_line = "";
- string line;
- int all_lines = 0;
- int curr_2 = 0;
- while (getline(file_r, line)) {
- if (line == "" && start_empty_lines_index != -1 && curr_2 >= start_empty_lines_index) break;
- all_lines++;
- line = caesar_encrypt(line, KEY * 2);
- encrypted_line = encrypted_line + line + "⋉";
- curr_2++;
- }
- file_r.close();
- cout << "enc line is " << encrypted_line << endl;
- vector<string> enc = split_ecrypted(encrypted_line);
- file_r.close();
- ofstream file2(file_name, ofstream::trunc);
- file2.close();
- ofstream origfile(file_name, std::ios::app);
- int curr = 0;
- for (const string& e : enc) {
- origfile << e;
- if (curr + 1 < all_lines) origfile << "\n";
- curr++;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < lines_at_the_end; i++) {
- origfile << "\n";
- }
- origfile.close();
- }
- }
- void decrypt_file(string file_name) {
- int lines_at_the_end = 0;
- int start_empty_lines_index = -1;
- ifstream file_lines(file_name);
- if (file_lines.is_open()) {
- string line;
- int curr = 0;
- while (!file_lines.eof()) {
- getline(file_lines, line);
- if (line != "") {
- lines_at_the_end = 0;
- start_empty_lines_index = -1;
- }
- else {
- lines_at_the_end++;
- if (start_empty_lines_index == -1) start_empty_lines_index = curr;
- }
- cout << "line is " << line << endl;
- curr++;
- }
- }
- cout << "at the end is " << lines_at_the_end << endl;
- cout << "empty starts from " << start_empty_lines_index << endl;
- ifstream file_r(file_name);
- int all_lines = 0;
- if (file_r.is_open()) {
- string decrypted_line = "";
- string line;
- int curr_2 = 0;
- while (getline(file_r, line)) {
- if (line == "" && start_empty_lines_index != -1 && curr_2 >= start_empty_lines_index) break;
- all_lines++;
- line = caesar_decrypt(line, KEY * 2);
- decrypted_line = decrypted_line + line + "⋉";
- curr_2++;
- }
- file_r.close();
- cout << "dec line is " << decrypted_line << endl;
- vector<string> enc = split_ecrypted(decrypted_line);
- file_r.close();
- ofstream file2(file_name, ofstream::trunc);
- file2.close();
- ofstream origfile(file_name, std::ios::app);
- cout << "all lines " << all_lines << endl;
- int curr = 0;
- for (const string& e : enc) {
- cout << "curr " << curr << " e is " << e << endl;
- origfile << e;
- if (curr + 1 < all_lines) origfile << "\n";
- curr++;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < lines_at_the_end; i++) {
- origfile << "\n";
- }
- origfile.close();
- }
- }
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