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Sep 6th, 2018
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  1. [11:09] Hands remain slipped inside his pockets as the boy would waddle into new Sarradia for the einth time, and-- this time around? Elias was home, it seemed. There's a pause, and he'd blink a couple different times, pausing for just a moment before finally approaching the woman.
  3. "Hey there,"
  5. It's murmured outwards, and the boy would come to a brief halt only a couple feet away-- a glance is spared in the direction of other two.
  7. "Earlier you said you'd tell me more-- about your beliefs, about how what I'm dwelling into is not suitable for me, why's it bad, so..."
  9. This was his homework, after all.
  11. "...if you got time right now? Sure, why not. Tell me everything you believe in and follow-- all those ideals."
  13. With yet another pause, he'd glance in the direction of other two-- features remain blank, though.
  15. "Preferably in a spot with not as many people."
  16. (Gray Glaze)
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [11:11] Elias Tanne says, " ...We'll to the church."
  20. [11:12] Gray Glaze asks, "Here, or inside?"
  21. [11:12] Elias Tanne says, " Inside."
  22. [11:13] Gray just waddles over, plopping down onto one of the numerous pillows, waiting.
  23. (Gray Glaze)
  24. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. [11:29] Elias has never given a sermon on the fundamentals of the faith. Gray's request clearly already has her a little tense. She closes her good eye and leans her head back.
  28. She remembers her father. A convert, but an eloquent one. At his knee she had learned who made the world, what he was like, what had happened to her people, and what was expected of them.
  30. She is leading a church in schism. Might as well come up with a codex of her beliefs.
  32. "In the land of Atmos," she began, her voice clear as running water, "there was only death and sin. That land's God had created the Akuma, like our Yokai or demons, who knew only of evil and destruction. He had created also the angels, who were doomed to become just as wretched if ever they sinned. Only seven beings beside him had free will, the blessed Archangels. Kraus, the white-winged, saw the senselessness of the eternal war between the Akuma and the angels, took a host of three-hundred angels and left, to a world outside Atmos. Only by doing so could he create a space where mercy, justice, and wisdom reigned.
  34. "It came at a cost. Thrice-blessed Kraus brought his host to the new world, a world of endless ash, an old world that had burnt down. Kraus flayed himself, stripped his skin from his bone, took the breath from his lungs, and used this to build the world we now stand on. Eternia. He created humanity, to people it, putting in each and every eternal soul a miracle. He called it redemption, and it was by this gift that humans might sin and not be stained as the Angels are stained. We are all of us children of his sacrifice, in creating the world, and in his wisdom, giving us this gift beyond measure."
  36. She clears her throat, rubs underneath her eye. "We, the true Krausites, the Church of Mercy, believe that we have the obligation to honor that sacrifice. More than that, we believe that the nature of each human is to live a virtuous life, as shown by thrice-blessed Kraus' three chief virtues.
  38. There is Justice, which is bringing punishment to the wicked and reward to the virtuous. In this way, the people are turned from sin and towards grace.
  40. There is Wisdom, which is making proper decisions, knowing that which has past and building on the mistakes of those who came before. In this way, we continue to travel forward, creating an ever-kinder world.
  42. And there is Mercy, the chief of the three. Mercy is recognizing Kraus' touch inside the mean, the evil, and the fallen, calling them kin, bringing them into the fold, teaching them to live the life they long to live but know not how. In this way, we please the king of all and honor his gift to us."
  44. She sighs, narrows her eye at the child. "I suspect you didn't come to hear the old myths, or for blessed Saint Marsh's hadiths on justice. Shall I tell you what we think of sin, of the sinful, of the magics forbidden to us?"
  45. (Elias Tanne)
  46. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. [11:42] Still, for most parts, and silent throughout-- he'd only listen as Elias spoke. Those features remained blank, his head tilted just the slightest bits over to the side all the while.
  50. --he knew about Kraus and his religion, but the story-- or perhaps the myth of Atmos and seven Archangels? That bit was new to him-- not that he was particularly keen to learn the backstories, regardless.
  52. "I didn't come here to hear of these old myths, no, but-- your faith matters, doesn't it?"
  54. There's a brief pause, and he'd let a bit of faint, frosted breath outwards, shaking his head just a tiny bit before glancing back up.
  56. "Kraus created you-- sacrificed himself as the myths go, and now he can't influence anything whatsoever. You chose to blindly follow his will and teaching because he created you?"
  58. It's spoken with a raise in eyebrow, blue hues gazing right into her emerald one before he'd let his lips part yet once again, adding;
  60. "So, you sacrifice your true nature, you give up on your personal, selfish desires, and then follow a truth and ideals left behind by someone who isn't you? You just read a book-- listen to the myths, and follow blindly. Just for Kraus."
  62. A pause, then.
  64. "I don't see why I shouldn't embrace my true nature-- and follow along. I've seen you mention the 'Mercy' often-- but if someone wrongs me, annoys me, I don't see why I shouldn't just deal with them accordingly. Why should I bind myself with moralities and ideals that aren't mine."
  66. Slowly, a smile does creep onto his features--- it isn't a smirk, nor it is a wide grin. It's a small, graceful curl of lips that softly embraces along that pale face.
  68. "Your chest was broken into an year or so ago, wasn't it? I did it alongside a friend. Stole every valuable thing that was inside-- and then did it again. Wouldn't it be lying if you said that doesn't make you want to punish me?"
  69. (Gray Glaze)
  70. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. [12:08] Elias laughs. It's a real laugh, a hearty laugh, one that has her kneeling on the altar to support herself as she clutches her stomach, tears rolling down her reddened face. She sucks in deep breaths to steady herself and shoots Gray a toothy grin, looking her age for the first time in years.
  74. "Ah, you're the little brat? Been trying to find you for years now! Was it you or your friend who tacked up my letter on the board? Y'know, I stayed up all night writing that, it was back when my spelling weren't so strong," she says fondly, like talking to an old friend. "I suppose if I'd found you after and given you a proper caning, we wouldn't be in this situation, but I'm hardly angry. Nah, that was what made me take up runescribing, and I'm rather glad I did. Only thing I lost that really mattered was my father's sword, which I would certainly appreciate having back."
  76. Her face falls soon, though, the moment's reprieve gone. She straightens herself up, dusts off her vestments, and stares Gray straight in the eyes. "I meant what I said in the letter, child. That theft is a sign of some hurt, some lack in you that you ain't getting filled; whether that's stealing because you need money for food, or stealing 'cuz you just want someone to notice you. I figure it was probably the latter."
  78. Her eye narrows as she shakes her head in sorrow. "You're an orphan, aren't you? Street kid, poking around the cities, living through war, obviously fallen into the wrong crowd. No wonder you're latching onto someone like Pasis. Big powerful man, can do whatever he wants, willing to sell you the secret to power for only three thousand crowns. But I damn well mean it when I say down that road means nothing but trouble.
  80. "You ain't listening to me, or you aren't hearing. Our true nature is not to sin. We have black thoughts, black urges. We make mistakes. We struggle. But that isn't our true nature coming to express itself. The part that fights it down, so we can live the kind of life thrice-blessed Kraus had envisioned-- or, in words that would resonate with you, the kind of life that makes us most happy. I know you think being on top, hurting everyone that slights you like a rabid dog is the way you want to leave, but trust me. I have been that angry teenager. I would not do it again, had I the choice."
  82. This is where Elias gets into the meat of her argument. Her fingers are steepled, her words heartfelt. She shines with divine light. She has to turn this child, feels it in her bones as strongly as she's ever felt anything. "Doing what you like, giving into your vices, that feels right at first. I'm not going to pretend it doesn't. Those feelings are part of you. You wouldn't want it if it didn't feel good. Sin is like a drug, in that way. But y'know what happens after the high? The low. You start realizing that you've hurt everyone worth talking to. You start realizing that it just isn't working for you anymore. You start realizing that it hurts you just as surely as anyone else, to sin, but at that point you can't stop. You cover yourself in blood, you break families on your sword, and for what? To hurt yourself in a way you're familiar with? To try and remember what the high felt like, before it melted away? For fucking nothing at all, that's for what. If you don't believe me, look at Chief Pasis. Look at Stella Cruor. Look at my own Alexandrea."
  84. There's a tinge of sorrow there, but Elias composes herself to continue. She wipes her brow, clearly starting to sweat over the pressure she's put on herself. "I don't think we should obey and honor Kraus because he said so. I don't think we should because that's what the elders taught. I think we should because to live a life of virtue is the greatest joy one can aspire to. I have never heard of an unhappy holy man, even in this world of strife. If sin is like a drug, virtue must be... erm, pardon the analogy, but like lying with a beautiful woman. Same high. Never gets old. Never hurts you more than it helps."
  86. Is that the end of Elias' speech? It doesn't seem so, but she's at least going to give the kid a chance to respond before talking his ear off again.
  87. (Elias Tanne)
  88. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  90. [12:35] "It was the friend-- don't think we have your sword or anything, though. At least I don't have it on myself, but... it's not because I want anyone to notice me-- and I don't need money either, honestly. Mining helps out with that-- it's just..."
  92. Pausing for just a moment, he'd lift a single finger to his chin, glancing upwards all the while.
  94. "Fun,"
  96. A pause, then.
  98. "...sneaking into someone's place and breaking into their belongings? It's a mild fun-- and if you can get free stuffs while killing your boredom? That's even better."
  100. Shaking his head a tiny bit, he'd glance back up at her, features back to blankness now.
  102. "You know-- the worst part about your assumptions is that you're assuming I'm some poor kid in need-- without money, struggling and latching onto first sparkles I can find, but... that's really not it-- like, atall. It's for fun-- to keep my life bright and far from boredom-- look at you, for instance. You might enjoy this, but-- at the end of the day, you live in this dying settlement, you own a house, help the town folks out, and... that's it for most parts. Where's the thrill and rush? You don't hold the power to influence and change everything-- you don't hold the power to bend the world to your liking and fun.
  104. Influential, like Pasis.
  106. "...being goody goody two shoes won't win you influence and power-- Setzer, wasn't he? He was always so neutral and the moment he decided to actually fight? Well..."
  108. Ah,
  110. "No-- true nature isn't to sin... that's not what I meant when I said that. It's not to hurt either, and it's totally not snap at anyone who annoys you, that'd be lame and giving everyone too much importance. It's just to be free and not be bounded by moralities tossed to you by, say, your dearest Kraus."
  112. With that, he's squeeze his eyes shut for just a moment.
  114. "I don't feel the need to break a leg every time someone talks trash to me-- but if I ever do? Why should I stop? When I defeat an enemy, slam them to the ground and they're at my mercy? Why should these moralities prevent me from stabbing him over and over again-- making him go through all that pain before finally dying, while I enjoy it? It's a drug, maybe... but the low only comes rolling when you stop getting high-- why ever let go of these urges? Embrace them."
  116. Yet another, longer pause, then.
  118. "When I look at Pasis, I don't see anything bad-- he's terrifying, influential, strong. He never stopped those urges, he's always riding them-- he's always doing whatever he wants to-- whatever he wants to.."
  120. Well, then.
  122. "You act like chaos is some evil incarnate, and it may be, not really wrong. You talk of it as if chaos is some terrible, deathly force... and it may be, not really wrong, yeah? But most importantly, it's the acceptance that at the end of the day, you live your own life and no one else's, and you got obligations to yourself to make the best damn life out of it for you-- and that includes doing whatever you want, whenever you want. It's not about needing to hurt-- it's about doing so without hesitation when you feel like doing so."
  124. The art of freedom, after all.
  126. "Virtues bind you-- restrict you, at the end of the day. They might make you powerful and strong, but... the shackles never leave-- and those shackles come back to bite you. Mercy, isn't it? Would you stick by the so-called virtue if I decide to get up and hurt you right now?/i> Or would you let go of it and hurt me back, because I sure as hell wouldn't stop otherwise."
  131. (Gray Glaze)
  132. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  134. [12:56] "Ah, well, the whole formenting a religious schism, trying to force through a new system of government, and dealing with wayward children all certainly have a way of keeping the spark in life." Elias says without skipping a beat. All of this is public knowledge, after all.
  136. "Why shouldn't you do every last thing you want? Well, child, I'd like to make the age-old argument, as told to us by the wise Saint Encladius, that a virtuous society is better for every member than a sinful society, and we should chose as we would like others to chose. But because I know you don't care enough about other people for that to affect you in any way, let me say it more plainly." She leans over the altar, legs in the air, and burrows her gaze into Gray's eyes. "You are a child. You do not make good decisions. The things you think willmake you happy will make you miserable in short order. Two hundred generations of idiot teenagers before you have thought the same thing you're thinking. Two hundred generations of adults had the grace to learn from their mistakes and tell us about them. Living a virtuous life means trusting the people who have been where you are now about how they wish things had gone."
  138. She jabs her finger into Grays' forehead, keeping her stern gaze on him. "If you attacked me in the Church, I would call the rest of the guard, beat you until you couldn't fight anymore, lash an anti-magic collar to you, and throw you in prison. I don't believe in killing when it can be avoided. I don't believe in hurting the innocent. I also don't believe in lying down and letting a child who thinks hurting people is fun, who thinks that miserable men are worth looking up to, kill me for the hell of it, because Iam not an idiot. Protecting the innocent can mean protecting yourself."
  140. She hisses what she says, light flickering around her. "You pretend you're not struggling. You clearly are. Y'know what normal kids are doing at your age, for fun? Playing games. Sneaking liquor. Creeping out to the bushes. Yet here you are, threatening a preacher in church, because it makes you feel strong. Something happened to you that made you feel weak.
  142. "I know. I was you. I wish I hadn't been. Learn from your elders, child. Don't stain yourself before you learn mercy."
  143. (Elias Tanne)
  144. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  146. [13:05] Waking up to hearing noises the young man would look to see the deacon speaking to another. He would blink and sigh. His blade staying on his back. Joshua would look and see this shouldnt be a topic in the church. As he would hear the deacon's words. These were not church of light kind of words.
  148. "Deacon what sort of discussion are you having with this child? Do you see the normal of children doing such actions at his age. Why would you consent to such meaning of words like that in a church?"
  150. Creeping out in the bushes. Sneaking liqour. She could see Joshua was disappointed.
  152. "That is not normal actions. But what im hearing this young man is threatning you?"
  154. He look at the boy.
  156. "My name is Joshua. A priest in training. Please tell me the reason for your actions young one. Also Ms. Elias touching the young man without is permission is quite...rude on your part even if he being wrong as well. Just because one doesn't give the respect we as people of the church should not allow them to break our posture or way of spirit."
  158. Joshua would wait.
  159. (Joshua)
  160. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  162. [13:08] Elias Tanne says, " Joshua, child, shut your Kraus-blessed mouth. This is between the young man and myself."
  163. [13:09] 'Something happened to you that made you feel weak.'
  165. Those words are heard-- stinging, perhaps, and for a moment there--- just for a moment she could definitely see his eyes widening, even if briefly. Hands are clenched by his side-- into a tight, tight fist, and it's a growl which escapes those lips all the while.
  167. The temperature of the room falls.
  169. Rapidly.
  171. "Shut up,"
  173. It comes out cold, really-- bitter, even, betraying the usually calm and collected air to his voice all the while, and she could feel the way bits of frost would begin collecting along her hair and form-- just a thin, cold mist shrouding the ground underneath, embracing everything within a blanket of pristine snow all the same.
  175. *'I see I am not wrong in offering you the path to power, child. Have you become font jealous of the power of my daughter? Do you wish to be her equal and not her lesser?'*
  177. "Shut up-- made me feel weak? You don't know anything about me. I don't want anyone's attention."
  179. It's snarled outwards-- and it's more than apparent that the woman managed to hit a... sensitive spot, of sorts. Even then, his features remain surprisingly calm-- blank, actually.
  181. "You know what? That was just a mild threat to test, but--"
  183. With a pause, he'd lift a single hand upwards regardless, sending yet another, frosted gust of wind in her direction, and-- this time around? It's sharper, stronger.
  185. "I was supposed to discuss it out at first-- that's what I was told to do, but that can go to hell. Homework can be damned, you're going to rip your stupid, orderly mask right now and throw it away. Stop trying to pretend you know me. Just because people like you think it's okay to be weak, to go around handholding, don't pretend everyone's going to be content being the damned second."
  187. Heated-- really, nowhere near how an ice magus should act.
  189. Hostile, if anything, and more gusts would be sent her way-- sharper than before.
  191. (Gray Glaze)
  192. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  194. [13:29] Elias smiles the sort of smug, superior smile you only get when you've been preaching for several years. The cold air bends around her heavily enchanted robes and armor, drawing a chill breath from her lungs. "I do know you, child. You've made that clear enough to me. Let me tell you a little story.
  196. "A girl about your age, maybe a little younger, sees her father shot in the head. She can't do a blessed thing about it if she wants to.
  198. "She runs. Runs and runs. Find a safe place with good people, but it isn't enough, is it? Her father's dead. He's not coming back. She's never even going to get revenge. So she takes his sword, gets on a boat, and starts killing. For money, maybe. To impress a girl she meets. But really, it's because it feels damn good. She's stronger than all the guys in the battlefield. Better. Rusty sword and a half set of armor and there she is, running through cataphactoi like nobody's business.
  200. "Only then, she stops to think. She thinks 'these men have little daughters too, don't they?' and she meets them. Sees the little kids. Sees who lived in the villages she burned down. And she sees them when she closes her eyes, and she ignores them, and she keeps going until--"
  202. Any sort of structure the story might have had has evaporated. It's now a wild stream of counciousness she tells as tears stream down her face, hot and sticky. She sounds a touch insane, a touch sick, and a lot angry. "There's a storm. The boat crashes. The people take her in; staunch her wounds. She offers them nothing. She killed their neighbors. They don't know, or maybe they don't care. She knows she can never make it up to them. But she has to try anyway. She remembers the stories she learned at her father's knee. Be kind. Be true. Be wise."
  204. She shakes her head, coughing and wiping at her face. Whatever fugue came over her's left. "I know who you are. You're me. You're the wretched person I was. The wretched person I am never going to be again. And Kraus' justice, that I'm not going to let you be either. I've sinned damn well enough for both of us."
  206. She touches her hand to her sword. She doesn't want a fight, but she's sure as hell not backing down either.
  207. (Elias Tanne)
  208. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  210. [13:50] The story is heard, and he'd remain silent for most past, teeth clenched an eyes squeezed shut all the while.
  212. "You don't know how it feels like to be-- to be second. To always hang around someone oh-so-popular, where everyone flocks them and them only-- and that someone doesn't even think of you as anything more than a mere, fucking, follower."
  214. A pause, then, and he'd merely glare in her direction, winds enveloping his form all the while.
  216. He said too much, really.
  218. There's no ice that follows along, no additional frost that suddenly forms and clings along those walls, but... the temperature keeps on going down-- and it's not intentional, really. A subconscious reaction-- but much more controlled this time around, for whatever reasons, reacting to his much emotions much like the mana all the same. Elias could feel her body temperature lowering much faster than anything else, as if the reaction was focused onto her and her only-- causing that brief, faint muscle aches, aiming to make her body just a tiny bit more stiff-- aiming to leave her more exposed, if anything.
  220. "...and you know that you have more potential-- that you're better."
  222. It was far, far from a pleasant cold, and certainly unusual even for a frost magus-- no ice was involved, no moisture present. Just temperature lowering to unbearably degrees.
  224. The last words to follow are colder, and surprisingly calmer than before.
  226. Coming to a halt for yet another, smaller moment, he'd charge the woman down-- careles.
  230. (Gray Glaze)
  231. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  233. [13:51] Elias calls on the little bit of earth magic she knows to cover her sword in ash. Given that the stuff seems to come from her robes and the crematorium, it's better not asking what sort of ash. She takes a firm, solid stance, tips of her boots against the altar, as her entire body ignites in holy light.
  235. "Child, I'm not going to let you make my own damn mistakes in front of me. Don't think your own problems are so damn special. Else try losing a damn leg through your own stupidity."
  237. She sails forward, ready to attack!
  238. (Elias Tanne)
  239. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  241. [14:02] ** Gray Glaze has inflicted an injury upon Elias Tanne. ("Permanent Injury", "Permanent Injury", "Permanent", "Severity: MODERATE (-20 Vit)") **
  243. [14:22] For once, there is little ice present-- no frost or sheets of snow that clings along with every spell to follow... instead, there are roaring, searing flames that explode. The glowing embers leaped and twirled in a fiery dance, twinkling like stars in hot swirling air before cascading down into her like glee fire fends, setting alight the dry clothes, leaving faint patches of burns along her form all the while, and yet--
  245. The absence of ice didn't mean the absence of cold-- in fact, she'd feel it more than anything. Her body temperature easily lowered to a point below the freezing one-- leaving her more sensitive and vulnerable to the blazes shot in her direction-- tormenting, and inflicting more and more pain along her form, and--
  247. He was enjoying it, to say the least.
  249. Yet, after the flames fade off? She'd feel it again, the biting cold all over her form, and the temperature only continues to lower further and even further then.
  251. Brutal, at the very least.
  253. And then? There's finally ice. A flick of his wrist, and hand idly slicing through the air before a single, large spike of frost would emerge out of the dry ground beneath-- it's a spike, but the end of it isn't sharp, really-- it's more oval, dull, yet painful as the woman would find it ramming into her midsection all the while, sending her form crashing onto the nearest church wall.
  255. Then, finally her body temperature would rise yet once again-- but her skin and underlying tissues? Permanently damaged by frostbite-- leaving faint, bluish patches all over her torso, and even after a proper surgery, she'd still feel the way her upper body would be more sensitive towards any sensation-- good, or bad, or even painful all the same.
  257. "You don't know me..."
  259. It's finally murmured outwards-- calm, and a freezing breath escapes those parted lips all the while before he'd continue.
  261. "...don't pretend that you do."
  263. A pause, and then the boy whirls around, aiming for the exit--- he sure as hell wasn't welcomed in New Sarradia anymore.
  264. (Gray Glaze)
  265. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  267. [14:27] Elias finds herself pinned to the altar, shaking almost violently. She had given it a good shot, but ultimately picking a fight with her in the church was the smart thing to do. She tripped over pews, slammed into walls, her blazing speed overcome rather effortlessly by the child she was so certain she could take easily. She sputters a little, coughing out blood.
  269. "I do," she says through clenched, chattering teeth. "Sure as shit know what it's like to be in second place now, child of Kraus."
  271. That's about the end of the witty repartee she can manage. She shifts her attention from Gray to trying to heal her galloping heart before the cold takes it. White light clows on her chest as she slumps against the altar, giving off cool vapors in the hot Sarradian air.
  272. (Elias Tanne)
  273. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  275. [14:28] Now the young man wasn't able to stop the fight. He would see the two battle in the church. He gritted his teeth. This was one of the biggest acts of sin. For them to fight in the Church. Not only was it barbaric but it was also demeaning of the word.
  277. The young man knew Kraus would be very displeased on such a thing.
  279. He tried to tell them to stop. But watching them destroy more and more.
  281. What could he truly do? The young man would just gaze.
  283. "...."
  285. His eyes landing on the messy room and destroyed areas.
  287. " do this...?" He would hurry over to the woman. Prepared to heal her but seeing she not only had a permanent wound. But blood was all over the church.
  289. He look at Gray.
  291. "..." For someone to do this in the church. They mark themselves. Even Joshua knew that the priest would never accept this. "Don't worry Lady Elias I find someone to patch you up." He would say to the woman healing her as best as he could.
  294. (Joshua)
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