

Mar 25th, 2014
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  1. Klinklanklong
  3. This massive contraption resembles an enormous locomotive, towering well above the top of the nearby forest canopy. Its outer shell is not quite complete but patchwork, betraying a view of numerous cogs and gears whirring inside, as well as the movement of smaller pokemon. Through one such hole in the engine, one can see a massive set of gears with eyes and a mouth, interlocked with the rest of the device, turning and driving it forward. At the front of the locomotive, massive buzz saws fell trees and claw arms drag the material into the front of the device, where the trunks and plant material vanish on a conveyor belt.
  5. Dealing with this monstrosity is going to take a little more than the usual dogpile tactics. To even think about stopping this chugging behemoth, the players first have to solve the conundrum of how to even get inside. Going in through the front seems the most readily available path, provided the players are courageous enough to brave the hazards of saws, mechanical arms, falling trees and whatever lays beyond that conveyor belt. Typical players might just load up on a bunch of flying pokemon and fly directly to their goal, but the Klinklanklong has potent aerial defenses consisting of Klanks surrounded by Magnemite formations like electrons hovering around an atom's nucleus. Between those and cannons mounted on the outside of the locomotive, fliers might have a bit more problems than they bargained for. Third, a group might try to climb the train from the outside, which is dangerous because they may get crushed under the massive wheels, if they're too close to that section. The anti-air pokemon will also intervene, but the cannons will not be at an angle to fire and it's understandably a lot safer than to be shot out of the air while riding a flier. Not by much, however.
  7. If the players proceed through the front, they'll encounter the Furnace. If they climb the train, they'll be able to enter directly into the Cogworks, and if they manage to beat the anti-air defenses while flying up, they may proceed directly to the Core itself - although without any of the rest of the machine disabled, the Core at full power may be a handful!
  9. We'll be generous and assume the players attempt to barge in through the front.
  13. (Some lengthy explanation about the placement of the saws, arms and falling tree hazards - the goal is to get inside. The saws represent a threat on the outer zone, and the inner zone is operated by claw arms that never deal damage to anything directly but will push non-tree material out into saw range or pull tree material in, both of which could prove hazardous)
  17. When the players safely get past the claw arms, they find the conveyor belt is fast approaching a large, gaping maw of a hole. Plant material drops off of the belt and into the pit, being burned and converted into charcoal to feed the massive mechanism. Pokemon whose nests were in the trees or otherwise got caught in this mess are panicing, fleeing, trying to rescue their eggs, etcetera. A Fire/Steel Rotom is overseeing this scene, seeming to inhabit a floating stovepipe oven, and it sounds an alarm once it sees people on the belt. There are thankfully places on the sides to stand but the conveyor belt/furnace itself is a constant hazard. The Rotom will call in various Fire, Steel and Electric type pokemon to help take care of the intruders. Be mindful that the plant matter on the conveyor belt might catch fire if it's exposed to certain fire or electric attacks and cause an additional hazard for those crossing the belt. When the Rotom has been defeated, the conveyor belt shuts down and the furnace closes, denying further power to the machine and depowering the Core (-1 combat stages). From here, the players can climb further into the train to access the Cogworks.
  21. This place is a massive area full of whirring gears, ticking pendulums that look like they were cannibalized from giant clocks, as well as two large bells - Bronzongs, in fact. This place is a sort of transition area to the Core and the source of a number of Steel type pokemon coming down to stop the party. The Bronzongs are stationary but have long-range moves and a few different tricks to pull. Stage hazards include being crushed by the gears or struck by a passing pendulum, so be careful! Some of the mechanism will shut down automatically if all enemies are defeated (-1 combat stages to Core), but if they stop to gum up the works entirely then the Core will receive an additional -2 combat stages (-4 total if they stopped the furnace too). Players who climb further inside will encounter...
  23. THE CORE
  25. The enormous Klinklang sits at the center of all this machinery, ready to kick your ass so it can get back to business as usual. It starts combat with +4 to all combat stages, which can be reduced by previous encounters in the train. It's locked into the machinery at first and thus lacks Levitate until 50% of its total HP has been depleted, then it disengages and begins attacking from the air.
  27. If the Furnace hasn't been disabled, then it has access to a small suite of fire-type moves and Smokescreen as it pulls up power from below.
  29. If the stationary Bronzongs were left behind intact, then it has access to Heal Bell, Hypnosis, and Hyper Voice.
  31. If the Cogworks still generally function then the floor of the room becomes a hazard in itself as the enormous gears continue turning.
  33. The Core is accompanied by a number of Klanks, who it boosts the special attack of with a Plus Aura (its magnetic field is strong enough to affect multiple Klanks at once within a certain distance of it, but the Core itself cannot be boosted by its Klinks' Minus ability), as well as two Flaafy (who -can- be boosted by the Klanks' Minus and can apply their own Plus in turn). If its combat stages are at +2 or less at the start of the fight, it may signal for additional help in the form of Pokebots, maybe even a Mawile Factory if the GM is a terrible person.
  35. The Core is treated as a Mastermind/Steel Ace and has changed three of its moves into Ace Trainer signature techniques
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