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a guest
Jul 21st, 2019
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  1. __fish_real_refine_rod
  2. __get_empire_priv_string
  3. __get_guild_priv_string
  4. __get_guildid_byname
  5. __give_char_priv
  6. __give_empire_priv
  7. __give_guild_priv
  8. __refine_pick
  9. addimage
  10. addmapsignal
  11. affect.add
  12. item.get_attr
  13. item.set_attr
  14. affect.add_collect
  15. affect.add_collect_point
  16. affect.add_hair
  17. affect.get_apply_on
  18. affect.get_apply_value
  19. affect.remove
  20. LIB_SQL_get_player_name_by_id
  21. LIB_duration
  22. set_skin
  23. string.byte
  24. string.char
  25. new_jump_party
  26. item.attr_type
  27. item.attr_value
  28. item.rem
  29. item.get_attr_type
  30. item.get_attr_value
  31. affect.remove_all_collect
  32. affect.remove_bad
  33. affect.remove_collect
  34. affect.remove_good
  35. affect.remove_hair
  36. arena.add_observer
  37. arena.get_duel_list
  38. arena.is_in_arena
  39. arena.start_duel
  40. bool_to_str
  41. building.get_land_id
  42. building.get_land_info
  43. building.has_land
  44. building.reconstruct
  45. building.set_land_owner
  46. BuildSkillList
  47. char_log
  48. chat
  49. clear_letter
  50. clear_server_timer
  51. clearmapsignal
  52. cleartimer
  53. cmdchat
  54. color
  55. command
  56. complete_quest
  57. complete_quest_state
  58. confirm
  59. count_item_range
  60. d.check_eliminated
  61. d.clear_regen
  62. d.count_monster
  63. d.delete_item_from_all
  64. d.delete_item_in_item_group_from_all
  65. d.exit
  66. d.exit_all
  67. d.exit_all_by_item
  68. d.exit_all_by_item_group
  69. d.exit_all_to_start_position
  70. d.find
  71. d.get_kill_mob_count
  72. d.get_kill_stone_count
  73. d.get_map_index
  74. d.get_unique_vid
  75. d.getf
  76. d.getf_from_map_index
  77. d.is_unique_dead
  78. d.is_use_potion
  79. d.join
  80. d.jump_all
  81. d.jump_all_local
  82. d.kill_all
  83. d.kill_unique
  84. d.new_jump
  85. d.new_jump_all
  86. d.new_jump_party
  87. d.notice
  88. d.purge
  89. d.purge_area
  90. d.purge_unique
  91. d.regen_file
  92. d.revived
  93. d.say_diff_by_item
  94. d.say_diff_by_item_group
  96. d.set_dest
  97. d.set_exit_all_at_eliminate
  98. d.set_group_flag
  99. d.set_item_group
  100. d.set_regen_file
  101. d.set_unique
  102. d.set_warp_at_eliminate
  103. d.set_warp_location
  104. d.setf
  105. d.setqf
  106. d.setqf2
  107. d.spawn
  108. d.spawn_goto_mob
  109. d.spawn_group
  110. d.spawn_mob
  111. d.spawn_mob_ac_dir
  112. d.spawn_mob_dir
  113. d.spawn_move_group
  114. d.spawn_move_unique
  115. d.spawn_name_mob
  116. d.spawn_stone_door
  117. d.spawn_unique
  118. d.spawn_wooden_door
  119. d.unique_get_hp_perc
  120. d.unique_set_def_grade
  121. d.unique_set_hp
  122. d.unique_set_maxhp
  123. d.warp_all
  124. delay
  125. drop_gamble_with_flag
  126. ds.give_qualification
  127. ds.is_qualified
  128. ds.open_refine_window
  129. find_evidence_npcChat
  130. find_npc_by_vnum
  131. find_pc_by_name
  132. find_pc_cond
  133. forked.get_pass_start_pos
  134. forked.get_sungzi_start_pos
  135. forked.getdeadcount
  136. forked.getpassmapindexbyempire
  137. forked.getpasspathbyempire
  138. forked.getsungzimapindex
  139. forked.initforked
  140. forked.initkillcount
  141. forked.is_registered_user
  142. forked.isforkedmapindex
  143. forked.issungzimapindex
  144. forked.purge_all_monsters
  145. forked.register_user
  146. forked.setdeadcount
  147. forked.warp_all_in_map
  148. game.drop_item
  149. game.drop_item_with_ownership
  150. game.get_event_flag
  151. game.get_guild_name
  152. game.get_safebox_level
  153. game.get_warp_guild_war_list
  154. game.open_mall
  155. game.open_safebox
  156. game.open_web_mall
  157. game.request_make_guild
  158. game.set_event_flag
  159. game.set_safebox_level
  160. get_channel_id
  161. get_global_time
  162. get_locale
  163. get_map_name_by_number
  164. get_quest_state
  165. get_random_vnum_from_table
  166. get_server_timer_arg
  167. get_start_mapindex
  168. get_start_pos_X
  169. get_start_pos_Y
  170. get_time
  171. get_time_remaining
  172. get_today_count
  174. guild.around_ranking_string
  175. guild.change_master
  176. guild.change_master_with_limit
  177. guild.get_any_war
  178. guild.get_ladder_point
  179. guild.get_name
  180. guild.get_rank
  181. guild.get_reserve_war_table
  182. guild.get_warp_war_list
  183. guild.high_ranking_string
  184. guild.is_bet
  185. guild.is_war
  186. guild.level
  188. guild.war_bet
  189. guild.war_enter
  190. highscore.register
  192. horse.advance
  193. horse.feed
  194. horse.get_grade
  195. horse.get_health
  196. horse.get_health_pct
  197. horse.get_hp
  198. horse.get_level
  199. horse.get_name
  200. horse.get_stamina
  201. horse.get_stamina_pct
  202. horse.is_dead
  203. horse.is_mine
  204. horse.is_riding
  205. horse.is_summon
  206. horse.revive
  207. horse.ride
  208. horse.set_level
  209. horse.set_name
  210. horse.summon
  211. horse.unride
  212. horse.unsummon
  213. inc_today_count
  214. initSkel
  215. input
  216. input_number
  217. ipairs
  218. is_allow_map
  219. is_destination_village
  220. is_test_server
  221. item.copy_and_give_before_remove
  222. item.get_cell
  223. item.get_count
  224. item.get_id
  225. item.get_level
  226. item.get_level_limit
  227. item.get_name
  228. item.get_refine_vnum
  229. item.get_size
  230. item.get_socket
  231. item.get_sub_type
  232. item.get_type
  233. item.get_value
  234. item.get_vnum
  235. item.has_flag
  236. item.next_refine_vnum
  237. item.remove
  239. item.select_cell
  240. item.set_socket
  241. item.set_value
  242. item.start_realtime_expire
  243. item_name
  244. kill_all_in_map
  245. loop_timer
  246. makequestbutton
  247. marriage.divorce_time_check
  248. marriage.end_wedding
  249. marriage.engage_to
  250. marriage.find_married_vid
  251. marriage.get_married_time
  252. marriage.get_wedding_list
  253. marriage.in_my_wedding
  254. marriage.join_wedding
  255. marriage.marry_to
  256. marriage.remove
  257. marriage.set_to_marriage
  258. marriage.warp_to_my_marriage_map
  259. marriage.wedding_client_command
  260. marriage.wedding_dark
  261. marriage.wedding_is_playing_music
  262. marriage.wedding_music
  263. marriage.wedding_snow
  264. math.ceil
  265. math.floor
  266. math.max
  267. math.min
  268. math.mod
  269. math.random
  271. member.clear_ready
  272. member.set_ready
  273. mob.spawn
  274. mob.spawn_group
  275. mob_name
  276. mob_vnum
  277. moreinfo_npcChat
  278. next_time_is_now
  279. next_time_set
  280. notice
  281. notice_all
  282. notice_in_map
  283. notice_multiline
  284. npc.dec_remain_hairdye_count
  285. npc.dec_remain_skill_book_count
  286. npc.get_empire
  287. npc.get_guild
  288. npc.get_race
  289. npc.get_remain_hairdye_count
  290. npc.get_remain_skill_book_count
  291. npc.get_vid
  292. npc.getrace
  293. npc.is_near
  294. npc.is_near_vid
  295. npc.is_pc
  296. npc.is_quest
  297. npc.kill
  298. npc.lock
  299. npc.open_shop
  300. npc.purge
  301. npc.set_vid_attack_mul
  302. npc.set_vid_damage_mul
  303. npc.unlock
  304. npc_get_job
  305. npc_is_same_empire
  306. npc_is_same_job
  307. number
  308. oh.candidacy
  309. oh.candidacy_list
  310. oh.candidacy_name
  311. oh.candidacycount
  312. oh.election
  313. oh.isguildmaster
  314. oh.takemonarchmoney
  316. os.time
  317. oxevent.close
  318. oxevent.end_event
  319. oxevent.end_event_force
  320. oxevent.get_attender
  321. oxevent.get_status
  322. oxevent.give_item
  324. oxevent.quiz
  326. party.clear_ready
  327. party.get_leader_pid
  328. party.get_max_level
  329. party.get_near_count
  330. party.getf
  331. party.give_buff
  332. party.is_in_dungeon
  333. party.is_leader
  334. party.is_party
  335. party.run_cinematic
  336. party.setf
  337. party.setqf
  338. party.show_cinematic
  339. party.syschat
  340. pc.aggregate_monster
  341. pc.can_warp
  342. pc.change_alignment
  343. pc.change_empire
  344. pc.change_gold
  345. pc.change_money
  346. pc.change_sex
  347. pc.change_sp
  348. pc.changealignment
  349. pc.changegold
  350. pc.changemoney
  351. pc.charge_cash
  352. pc.clear_one_skill
  353. pc.clear_skill
  354. pc.clear_sub_skill
  355. pc.count_item
  356. pc.countitem
  357. pc.delqf
  358. pc.destroy_guild
  359. pc.diamond_refine
  360. pc.enough_inventory
  361. pc.forget_my_attacker
  362. pc.get_account_id
  363. pc.get_alignment
  364. pc.get_armor
  365. pc.get_change_empire_count
  366. pc.get_channel_id
  367. pc.get_empire
  368. pc.get_equip_refine_level
  369. pc.get_exp
  370. pc.get_gm_level
  371. pc.get_gold
  372. pc.get_guild
  373. pc.get_horse_level
  374. pc.get_hp
  375. pc.get_job
  376. pc.get_killee_drop_pct
  377. pc.get_leadership
  378. pc.get_level
  379. pc.get_local_x
  380. pc.get_local_y
  381. pc.get_map_index
  382. pc.get_max_hp
  383. pc.get_max_sp
  384. pc.get_money
  385. pc.get_name
  386. pc.get_next_exp
  387. pc.get_part
  388. pc.get_player_id
  389. pc.get_playtime
  390. pc.get_premium_remain_sec
  391. pc.get_race
  392. pc.get_real_alignment
  393. pc.get_sex
  394. pc.get_sig_items
  395. pc.get_skill_group
  396. pc.get_skill_level
  397. pc.get_sp
  398. pc.get_special_ride_vnum
  399. pc.get_start_location
  400. pc.get_vid
  401. pc.get_war_map
  402. pc.get_weapon
  403. pc.get_wear
  404. pc.get_x
  405. pc.get_y
  406. pc.getarmor
  407. pc.getcurrentmapindex
  408. pc.getempire
  409. pc.getf
  410. pc.getgold
  411. pc.getguild
  412. pc.gethp
  413. pc.getleadership
  414. pc.getmaxhp
  415. pc.getmaxsp
  416. pc.getmoney
  417. pc.getname
  418. pc.getplaytime
  419. pc.getqf
  420. pc.getsp
  421. pc.getweapon
  422. pc.getx
  423. pc.gety
  424. pc.give_exp
  425. pc.give_exp_perc
  426. pc.give_exp2
  427. pc.give_gold
  428. pc.give_item
  429. pc.give_item_from_special_item_group
  430. pc.give_item2
  431. pc.give_item2_select
  432. pc.give_lotto
  433. pc.give_poly_marble
  434. pc.has_guild
  435. pc.has_master_skill
  436. pc.hasguild
  437. pc.have_map_scroll
  438. pc.have_pos_scroll
  439. pc.in_dungeon
  440. pc.is_clear_skill_group
  441. pc.is_dead
  442. pc.is_engaged
  443. pc.is_gm
  444. pc.is_guild_master
  445. pc.is_horse_alive
  446. pc.is_married
  447. pc.is_mount
  448. pc.is_polymorphed
  449. pc.is_riding
  450. pc.is_skill_book_no_delay
  451. pc.isguildmaster
  452. pc.learn_grand_master_skill
  453. pc.mining
  454. pc.mount
  455. pc.mount_bonus
  456. pc.ore_refine
  457. pc.pc_attract_ranger
  458. pc.polymorph
  459. pc.refine_equip
  460. pc.remove_from_guild
  461. pc.remove_item
  462. pc.remove_polymorph
  463. pc.remove_skill_book_no_delay
  464. pc.removeitem
  465. pc.reset_point
  466. pc.reset_status
  467. pc.revive_horse
  469. pc.send_block_mode
  470. pc.set_change_empire_count
  471. pc.set_part
  472. pc.set_skill_group
  473. pc.set_warp_location
  474. pc.set_warp_location_local
  475. pc.setf
  476. pc.setqf
  477. pc.teleport
  478. pc.unmount
  479. pc.warp
  480. pc.warp_exit
  481. pc.warp_local
  482. pc.warp_to_guild_war_observer_position
  483. pc_find_skill_teacher_vid
  484. pc_find_square_guard_vid
  485. pc_get_account_id
  486. pc_get_exp_bonus
  487. pc_get_village_map_index
  488. pc_has_even_account_id
  489. pc_has_even_id
  490. pc_is_novice
  491. pet.count_summoned
  492. pet.is_summon
  493. pet.spawn_effect
  494. pet.summon
  495. pet.unsummon
  496. purge_area
  497. q.done
  498. q.getcurrentquestindex
  499. q.no_send
  500. q.set_clock
  501. q.set_clock_name
  502. q.set_clock_value
  503. q.set_counter
  504. q.set_counter_name
  505. q.set_counter_value
  506. q.set_icon
  507. q.set_quest_state
  508. q.set_state
  509. q.set_title
  510. q.set_title2
  511. q.setstate
  512. q.start
  513. q.yield
  514. randomSkel
  515. raw_script
  516. regen_in_map
  517. remove_item_range
  518. resetdelay
  519. restart_quest
  520. return_charname_by_id
  521. say
  522. say_important
  523. say_important_title
  524. say_in_map
  525. say_item
  526. say_item_vnum
  527. say_item_vnum_inline
  528. say_npc_name
  529. say_pc_name
  530. say_reward
  531. say_show_item
  532. say_size
  533. say_title
  534. select
  535. select_item
  536. select_table
  537. send_letter
  538. send_letter_ex
  539. server_loop_timer
  540. server_timer
  541. set_quest_state
  542. set_state
  543. setbgimage
  544. setcolor
  545. setdelay
  546. setleftimage
  547. setmapcenterposition
  548. setskin
  549. setstate
  550. show_horse_menu
  551. skill_group_dialog
  552. store_charname_by_id
  553. string.find
  554. string.format
  555. string.gsub
  556. string.len
  557. string.lower
  558. sys_log
  559. syschat
  560. table.foreach
  561. table.foreachi
  562. table.getn
  563. table.insert
  564. table_get_random_item
  565. target.clear
  566. target.delete
  568. target.npc
  569. target.pc
  570. target.pos
  571. target.vid
  572. test_chat
  573. time_hour_to_sec
  574. time_min_to_sec
  575. time_to_str
  576. timer
  577. tonumber
  578. tostring
  579. trim
  580. type
  581. under_han
  582. updateSkel
  583. wait
  584. warp_all_except_my_empire_in_map
  585. warp_all_in_area_to_area
  586. warp_all_in_map
  587. warp_all_my_empire_in_map
  588. warp_all_to_village
  589. warp_all_to_village_except_my_empire
  590. warp_to_village
  591. party.is_map_member_flag_lt
  592. party.get_member_pids
  593. q.begin_other_pc_block
  594. q.end_other_pc_block
  595. get_special_item_group
  596. pc.is_near_vid
  597. pc.change_name
  598. pc.set_skill_level
  599. say_blue2
  600. say_gold
  601. say_red
  602. mysql_query
  603. item.remove_stack
  604. select3
  605. pc2.add_vip_symbol
  606. pc2.kill
  607. close
  608. flush
  610. item2.get_attr
  611. item2.set_attr
  612. lines
  613. os.execute
  614. pc.get_empty_inventory_count
  615. string.sub
  616. table.remove
  617. write
  618. bio_quests
  619. bio_get_current_table
  620. unpack
  621. say_color
  622. Mount.count_summoned
  623. Mount.summon
  624. Mount.unsummon
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