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a guest
Mar 2nd, 2012
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  1. ServerRoot "/usr/local/Apache"
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  210. ErrorDocument 407 /_errors/407.shtml
  211. ErrorDocument 408 /_errors/408.shtml
  212. ErrorDocument 410 /_errors/410.shtml
  213. ErrorDocument 411 /_errors/411.shtml
  214. ErrorDocument 412 /_errors/412.shtml
  215. ErrorDocument 413 /_errors/413.shtml
  216. ErrorDocument 414 /_errors/414.shtml
  217. ErrorDocument 415 /_errors/415.shtml
  218. ErrorDocument 500 /_errors/500.shtml
  219. ErrorDocument 501 /_errors/501.shtml
  220. ErrorDocument 502 /_errors/502.shtml
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  249. </IfModule>
  251. include conf/vhosts.conf
  252. include conf/userdir.conf
  255. RequestHeader unset Range
  256. RequestHeader unset Request-Range
  257. TraceEnable Off
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