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Jul 26th, 2013
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  1. Jul 26 18:47:28 <destin_eternel> aww, Grom_PE is away. I wanted him to talk to FC about his source code
  2. Jul 26 18:47:36 <Draaang> Syruse youre still watching that guy?
  3. Jul 26 18:47:40 <Syruse> yes
  4. Jul 26 18:47:46 * casinodoug ( has joined #btw
  5. Jul 26 18:47:46 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to casinodoug
  6. Jul 26 18:47:47 <Draaang> you must love being angry
  7. Jul 26 18:47:52 <Syruse> not even
  8. Jul 26 18:47:52 <casinodoug> hi all :D
  9. Jul 26 18:47:58 <destin_eternel> casinodoug, 'allo
  10. Jul 26 18:47:59 <Syruse> ill be mad if it boots
  11. Jul 26 18:48:00 <Katalliaan> It must be a joke, in the sense of "this is exactly what not to do"
  12. Jul 26 18:48:14 <Syruse> holy fuck
  13. Jul 26 18:48:22 <Syruse> he got a 4770k on an H87 board
  14. Jul 26 18:48:30 <Draaang> haha how could he be making so many bad decisions
  15. Jul 26 18:48:34 <Katalliaan> 1.5-2 hrs? Seriously? That's like a fucking half hour job once you get everything open
  16. Jul 26 18:48:47 <Syruse> you cant overclock on H87 boards
  17. Jul 26 18:48:48 <Kaitocain> Wait.. did he just say 2 hours?
  18. Jul 26 18:48:52 <Kaitocain> Oh my word...
  19. Jul 26 18:48:52 <Katalliaan> Yes
  20. Jul 26 18:49:00 <Syruse> guys, i cant breathe
  21. Jul 26 18:49:07 <casinodoug> anybody else feal like rain has way too strong of a pressence early game?
  22. Jul 26 18:49:08 <Kaitocain> I can have one built in 15 minutes and posting.
  23. Jul 26 18:49:11 <destin_eternel> Syruse, close the taab
  24. Jul 26 18:49:13 <destin_eternel> tab*
  25. Jul 26 18:49:21 <Katalliaan> doug, no more than it does mid and late game
  26. Jul 26 18:49:23 <Kaitocain> Rain is aweosme. It forces your to stay home and dig more.
  27. Jul 26 18:49:34 <Kaitocain> you*
  28. Jul 26 18:49:37 <casinodoug> yea not very good when you don't have a food source yet
  29. Jul 26 18:49:43 <FlowerChild> what? source code? huh? :)
  30. Jul 26 18:49:47 <casinodoug> which is why it is so strong early game
  31. Jul 26 18:49:59 <Kaitocain> What? Are you scared of a few spiders Casino? :P
  32. Jul 26 18:50:01 <Six> huh, I've not touched on using the nether for transport anywhere..
  33. Jul 26 18:50:19 <destin_eternel> FC ,
  34. Jul 26 18:50:29 <casinodoug> no but the other people on my server are having a hard time surviving when rain decides to go for 3 days straight
  35. Jul 26 18:50:32 <casinodoug> and rain every other day
  36. Jul 26 18:50:45 <Syruse> oh wait, the ASRock H87 Fatality supports non-z overclocking through a BIOS update
  37. Jul 26 18:50:51 <Syruse> i bet he didint know that
  38. Jul 26 18:50:58 <FlowerChild> tell me this isn't something else for me to get pissed about destin :)
  39. Jul 26 18:51:37 <destin_eternel> FC, um..well his diffs contain little snips of your code
  40. Jul 26 18:51:44 <Six> haha no, it's Grom_PE just going through and making some small tweaks to BTW, like adding sand slabs and the like
  41. Jul 26 18:51:54 <Kaitocain> Grom_PE's tweaks? I remember having issues with things in it, but I can't remember what at this moment.
  42. Jul 26 18:52:34 <Kaitocain> Syruse.. how hard is the headdesking at this moment?
  43. Jul 26 18:52:40 <Katalliaan> Very
  44. Jul 26 18:52:42 <Syruse> i quit
  45. Jul 26 18:52:48 <Syruse> tell me if it doesnt POST
  46. Jul 26 18:53:13 <Six> watching a FTB LP, they're complaining about having to travel long distances in the overworld and using the nether doesn't even cross their mind
  47. Jul 26 18:53:14 <Kaitocain> I'm just waiting for it, while waiting on the rain to stop in my BTW world.
  48. Jul 26 18:53:21 <Katalliaan> lol six
  49. Jul 26 18:53:23 <Adubbz> That's fair i'd say, you can't really get any better than that in terms of modifying code other than using small patches
  50. Jul 26 18:53:26 <destin_eternel> FC, relevant log bit from earlier
  51. Jul 26 18:53:39 <Super_Random> Syruse: Don't worry, I'll keep you informed.
  52. Jul 26 18:54:20 <Six> Katalliaan: I'm left wondering what nether item description I could put that on :P
  53. Jul 26 18:54:25 <destin_eternel> six, why? there is a minimap mod that allows tp'ing
  54. Jul 26 18:54:25 <Six> it's not very intutive
  55. Jul 26 18:54:27 <Draaang> guys join me on my lan world!
  56. Jul 26 18:54:28 <Syruse> I REALLY hope that when he dropped that expansion slot cover on the MOBO, that it shorted out the CMOS battery
  57. Jul 26 18:55:01 <Six> destin_eternel: they're using waypoints which could teleport you, but they don't want to cheat :P
  58. Jul 26 18:55:03 <ElectroBot> Draaang: stop telling everybody my IP
  59. Jul 26 18:55:07 <Katalliaan> ^
  60. Jul 26 18:55:09 <Draaang> :(
  61. Jul 26 18:55:09 <Syruse> me too >:|
  62. Jul 26 18:55:14 <Draaang> im sorry!
  63. Jul 26 18:55:22 <destin_eternel> six, lol
  64. Jul 26 18:55:24 <ElectroBot> lol
  65. Jul 26 18:55:48 <Katalliaan> Aren't there tons of items that allow you to teleport in FTB anyway?
  66. Jul 26 18:55:50 <Kaitocain> I'm quite happy. The IRC is alive and moving tonight. Now all it needs is some of the glorius DJ'ing skills of the mighty dancer himself.
  67. Jul 26 18:55:57 * Detritus has quit (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
  68. Jul 26 18:56:09 <casinodoug> ywea there are kat
  69. Jul 26 18:56:13 * Detritus ( has joined #btw
  70. Jul 26 18:56:13 <destin_eternel> Katalliaan, jetpacks
  71. Jul 26 18:56:14 <ElectroBot> most require a resources of some kind
  72. Jul 26 18:56:24 <casinodoug> including a ic teleporter wich is the closest thing to balanced teleporting
  73. Jul 26 18:56:29 <destin_eternel> I need a snack
  74. Jul 26 18:56:31 <Syruse>
  75. Jul 26 18:56:32 <daedalus_> Title: Chevelle- Mexican Sun, Duration: 0:04:17
  76. Jul 26 18:56:34 <casinodoug> and haven't seen anybody use it since it was released
  77. Jul 26 18:56:41 <casinodoug> "cause it is to hard to use"
  78. Jul 26 18:56:42 <Syruse> music go
  79. Jul 26 18:56:55 <Katalliaan> Probably because things like Mystcraft books are easier to make
  80. Jul 26 18:56:59 <FlowerChild> thanks Destin...what a dick
  81. Jul 26 18:57:01 <Kaitocain> But its not FC's music Syruce :P
  82. Jul 26 18:57:08 <FlowerChild> bye bye Grom
  83. Jul 26 18:57:12 <Syruse> hey, you wanted music
  84. Jul 26 18:57:13 * FlowerChild sets ban on Grom_PE!*@*
  85. Jul 26 18:57:13 * FlowerChild has kicked Grom_PE from #btw (See You - Kick sponsored by
  86. Jul 26 18:57:47 <destin_eternel> FC, I know your stance so I thought you should know
  87. Jul 26 18:57:55 <Six> people tried to warn him :/
  88. Jul 26 18:58:17 <FlowerChild> appreciate it
  89. Jul 26 18:58:37 <FlowerChild> and it's not that I am anal about copyright to fuck with add-on authors
  90. Jul 26 18:58:52 <FlowerChild> I'm anal about it as I wouldn't have a leg to stand on against bullshit like Technic otherwise
  91. Jul 26 18:59:26 <FlowerChild> sigh...ok, back to happy party Friday :)
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