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May 19th, 2017
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  1. mob/Admin_1/verb/Message_To_All()
  2. // Level 1 Admin verb.
  3. var/Message=input("Message?","Spam Message","The Game.") as text
  4. // Define Message to be the text,
  5. // "Message?" is the question.
  6. // "Spam Message" is the title.
  7. // "The Game. is the default text. This will appear in the text box,
  8. // so that the text box isn't blank.
  9. for(var/mob/M in world) M<<"[src] spams [Message]"
  10. // For every mob in the world, we output to the mob the Messenger, and the Message.
  12. mob/Admin_2/verb/Change_Icon(A as icon)
  13. // Level 2 Admin verb.
  14. // A as icon, A will be the icon file they choose.
  15. src.icon = A
  16. // Their icon will now be the A icon.
  19. mob/proc/Admin_Check()
  20. if(src.key=="Klosk")
  21. // If the mob's key is "Klosk"
  22. src.verbs += typesof(/mob/Admin_1/verb)
  23. // Add Level 1 Admin verbs to their verb list.
  24. src.verbs += typesof(/mob/Admin_2/verb)
  25. // Add Level 2 Admin verbs to their verb list.
  26. return 1
  27. // return 1, meaning it was successful or "True"
  28. if(src.key=="Sowa12")
  29. src.verbs += typesof(/mob/Admin_1/verb)
  30. return 1
  31. // Same thing, except if they aren't Klosk, it'll check the next in line, being Sowa12.
  32. if(src.key=="Random_Cookie")
  33. world << "It's the cookie."
  34. // This is me. return 0 means unsuccsessful, or "False"
  35. return 0
  36. else return 0
  38. client/New()
  39. ..()
  40. if(src.mob.Admin_Check()) world<<"<b>Admin</b> [src] has arrived!"
  41. // Shortened version of "If the client's mob returns a 1 on Admin_Check()...
  42. // Tell the world they are Admin.
  43. else world << "[src] has arrived!"
  44. // Otherwise, tell the world they ain't nothin'
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