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Dec 15th, 2018
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  1. // Language - Used for Phrases Pronounced
  2. var language = {
  3. 'welcome': 'Welcome',
  4. 'cycle_execute': 'When you hear a mode you would like to select, hit the gyrosphere.',
  5. 'welcome_to_hot_potato': 'Welcome to hot potato. Pass me before five seconds is up or loose. Throw me now to get started.',
  6. 'hot_potato_lost': 'This game has ended. Better luck next time!',
  7. 'new_color': 'I have a new color!',
  8. 'throwit_start': 'Welcome to throw it! I count your throws.',
  9. 'hot_Potato_reset': 'Charge detected. Flying status reset.',
  10. 'hot_potato_flying': 'I am flying.',
  11. 'hot_potato_reset_please': 'If I have landed already, please place me on my dock to reset flight status',
  12. 'charging': 'I am now charging.',
  13. 'remove_dock': 'You need to remove me from my dock before selecting a mode.',
  14. 'timer_paused': 'Timer paused.',
  15. 'timer_started': 'Timer started, shake to pause.',
  16. 'timer_restarted': 'Timer restarted.'
  17. };
  18. // [MODE] Cycle
  19. function actionCycle(eventKey) {
  20. switch(eventKey) {
  21. case 1:
  22. actionCycleStart();
  23. break;
  24. case 2:
  25. actionCycleCollision();
  26. break;
  27. case 6:
  28. actionCycleCharging();
  29. break;
  30. case 7:
  31. actionCycleNotCharging();
  32. break;
  33. }
  34. }
  35. async function actionCycleStart() {
  36. await speak(language['cycle_execute'], true);
  37. for (var i = 0; i < modes.length; i++) {
  38. if (modes[i]['announce']) {
  39. await delay(2);
  40. if (handler != actionCycle) {
  41. return;
  42. }
  43. data['cycle_select'] = i;
  44. await speak(modes[i]['title'], true);
  45. }
  46. }
  47. }
  48. async function actionCycleCollision() {
  49. if (data['charging']) {
  50. await speak(language['remove_dock'], true);
  51. return;
  52. }
  53. if (data['cycle_select'] !== null) {
  54. handler = modes[data['cycle_select']]['actionHandler'];
  55. handler(1);
  56. }
  57. }
  58. async function actionCycleCharge() {
  59. await speak(language['charging'], true);
  60. data['charging'] = true;
  61. }
  62. async function actionCycleNotCharging() {
  63. data['charging'] = false;
  64. }
  65. // [MODE] Hot Potato
  66. function actionHotPotato(eventKey) {
  67. switch(eventKey) {
  68. case 1:
  69. actionHotPotatoStart();
  70. break;
  71. case 3:
  72. actionHotPotatoLanding();
  73. break;
  74. case 4:
  75. actionHotPotatoFreefall();
  76. break;
  77. case 6:
  78. actionHotPotatoCharging();
  79. break;
  80. }
  81. }
  82. async function actionHotPotatoStart() {
  83. await setBackLed(125);
  84. await roll(255, 255, 5);
  85. await speak(language['welcome_to_hot_potato'], true);
  86. data['hot_potato_playing'] = true;
  87. data['hot_potato_counter'] = 0;
  88. data['hot_potato_flighttime'] = 0;
  89. data['hot_potato_counted'] = false;
  90. }
  91. async function actionHotPotatoLanding() {
  92. if (data['hot_potato_counted']) {
  93. data['hot_potato_flying'] = false;
  94. data['hot_potato_flighttime'] = 0;
  95. }
  96. if (data['hot_potato_playing'] && !data['hot_potato_counted']) {
  97. await setBackLed(25);
  98. data['hot_potato_counted'] = true;
  99. while (data['hot_potato_counter'] < 6) {
  100. while(data['hot_potato_flying']) {
  101. await speak(language['hot_potato_flying'], true);
  102. data['hot_potato_flighttime']++;
  103. if (data['hot_potato_flighttime'] > 6) {
  104. await speak(language['hot_potato_reset_please'], true);
  105. }
  106. velocity = Math.sqrt((getVelocity().x ** 2) + (getVelocity().y ** 2));
  107. if (velocity < 150) {
  108. data['hot_potato_flighttime'] = 0;
  109. data['hot_potato_flying'] = false;
  110. }
  111. }
  112. data['hot_potato_flighttime'] = 0;
  113. if (data['hot_potato_counter'] == 5) {
  114. await setBackLed(255);
  115. await speak(language['hot_potato_lost'], true);
  116. handler = actionCycle;
  117. handler(1);
  118. }
  119. await delay(1);
  120. data['hot_potato_counter']++;
  121. await speak(data['hot_potato_counter'].toString(), true);
  123. }
  124. }
  125. }
  126. async function actionHotPotatoFreefall() {
  127. data['hot_potato_counter'] = 0;
  128. data['hot_potato_flying'] = true;
  129. }
  130. async function actionHotPotatoCharging() {
  131. if (data['hot_potato_flying']) {
  132. await speak(language['hot_Potato_reset']);
  133. data['hot_potato_flying'] = false;
  134. } else {
  135. handler = actionCycle;
  136. handler(1);
  137. }
  138. }
  139. // [MODE] Random Light
  140. async function actionRandomLight() {
  141. data['main_led_color'] = getRandomColor();
  142. await setMainLed(data['main_led_color']);
  143. await speak(language['new_color'], true);
  144. handler = actionCycle;
  145. handler(1);
  146. }
  147. // [MODE] ThrowIt!
  148. function actionThrowIt(eventKey) {
  149. switch(eventKey) {
  150. case 1:
  151. actionThrowItStart();
  152. break;
  153. case 4:
  154. actionThrowItFreefall();
  155. break;
  156. case 6:
  157. actionThrowItCharging();
  158. break;
  159. }
  160. }
  161. async function actionThrowItStart() {
  162. await speak(language['throwit_start'], true);
  163. data['throwit_throws'] = 0;
  164. }
  165. async function actionThrowItCharging() {
  166. if (data['throwit_throws'] > 1) {
  167. await speak(data['throwit_throws'], true);
  168. data['throwit_throws'] = 0;
  169. } else {
  170. handler = actionCycle;
  171. handler(1);
  172. }
  173. }
  174. async function actionThrowItFreefall() {
  175. data['throwit_throws']++;
  176. await setMainLed(getRandomColor());
  177. await speak(data['throwit_throws'].toString(), true);
  178. }
  179. // [MODE] Explore
  180. function actionExplore(eventKey) {
  181. switch(eventKey) {
  182. case 1:
  183. actionExploreStart();
  184. break;
  185. case 2:
  186. actionExploreCollision();
  187. break;
  188. case 6:
  189. actionExploreCharging();
  190. break;
  191. }
  192. }
  193. async function actionExploreStart() {
  194. data['explore_direction'] = 0;
  195. data['explore_time'] = 0;
  196. data['explore_seconds'] = 1;
  197. while(true) {
  198. await roll(data['explore_direction'], 255, data['explore_seconds']);
  199. velocity = Math.sqrt((getVelocity().x ** 2) + (getVelocity().y ** 2));
  200. if (velocity < 40) data['explore_direction'] = data['explore_direction'] + 10;
  201. data['explore_time']++;
  202. if (data['explore_time'] > 30) {
  203. data['explore_time'] = 0;
  204. data['explore_seconds']++;
  205. }
  206. }
  207. }
  208. async function actionExploreCollision() {
  209. data['explore_direction'] + 15;
  210. }
  211. async function actionExploreCharging() {
  212. handler = actionCycle;
  213. handler(1);
  214. }
  215. // [MODE] Recycle - Reruns Cycle
  216. async function actionRecycle(eventKey) {
  217. handler = actionCycle;
  218. handler(1);
  219. }
  220. // [MODE] Timer - Times Things
  221. function actionTimer(eventKey) {
  222. switch(eventKey) {
  223. case 1:
  224. actionTimerStart();
  225. break;
  226. case 2:
  227. actionTimerPause();
  228. break;
  229. case 6:
  230. actionTimerCharging();
  231. break;
  232. }
  233. }
  234. async function actionTimerStart() {
  235. data['timer_running'] = true;
  236. data['timer_time'] = 0;
  237. await speak(language['timer_started'], true);
  238. while(data['timer_running']) {
  239. await delay(1);
  240. data['timer_time']++;
  241. }
  242. }
  243. async function actionTimerPause() {
  244. if (data['timer_running']) {
  245. data['timer_running'] = false;
  246. await speak(language['timer_paused'], true);
  247. } else {
  248. data['timer_running'] = true;
  249. await speak(language['timer_restarted'], true);
  250. }
  251. }
  252. async function actionTimerCharging() {
  253. await speak(data['timer_time'].toString(), true);
  254. handler = actionCycle;
  255. handler(1);
  256. }
  257. // Handler - Function That Should be Executed
  258. var handler = actionCycle;
  259. // Modes - Voiced in Cycle
  260. var modes = [
  261. {
  262. 'title': 'Cycle',
  263. 'announce': false,
  264. 'actionHandler': actionCycle,
  265. },
  266. {
  267. 'title': 'Timer',
  268. 'announce': true,
  269. 'actionHandler': actionTimer
  270. },
  271. {
  272. 'title': 'Hot Potato',
  273. 'announce': true,
  274. 'actionHandler': actionHotPotato
  275. },
  276. {
  277. 'title': 'Randomize Main Light Color',
  278. 'announce': true,
  279. 'actionHandler': actionRandomLight
  280. },
  281. {
  282. 'title': 'Throw It',
  283. 'announce': true,
  284. 'actionHandler': actionThrowIt
  285. },
  286. {
  287. 'title': 'Exploration',
  288. 'announce': true,
  289. 'actionHandler': actionExplore
  290. },
  291. {
  292. 'title': 'Recycle Through Modes',
  293. 'announce': true,
  294. 'actionHandler': actionRecycle
  295. }
  296. ];
  297. // Events - Registered on Startup
  298. var events = [
  299. {
  300. 'type': EventType.onCollision,
  301. 'function': onCollision
  302. },
  303. {
  304. 'type': EventType.onLanding,
  305. 'function': onLanding
  306. },
  307. {
  308. 'type': EventType.onFreefall,
  309. 'function': onFreefall
  310. },
  311. {
  312. 'type': EventType.onGyroMax,
  313. 'function': onGyroMax
  314. },
  315. {
  316. 'type': EventType.onCharging,
  317. 'function': onCharging
  318. },
  319. {
  320. 'type': EventType.onNotCharging,
  321. 'function': onNotCharging
  322. }
  323. ];
  324. // Data - Set by Individual Modes
  325. var data = [];
  326. // System Processing
  327. async function startProgram() {
  328. registerSystemEvents();
  329. executeStartExtras();
  330. handler(1);
  331. }
  332. async function executeStartExtras() {
  333. await speak(language['welcome'], true);
  334. }
  335. async function onCollision() {
  336. if (!data['lock']) handler(2);
  337. }
  338. async function onLanding() {
  339. if (!data['lock']) handler(3);
  340. }
  341. async function onFreefall() {
  342. if (!data['lock']) handler(4);
  343. }
  344. async function onGyroMax() {
  345. if (!data['lock']) handler(5);
  346. }
  347. async function onCharging() {
  348. handler(6);
  349. }
  350. async function onNotCharging() {
  351. handler(7);
  352. }
  353. function registerSystemEvents() {
  354. let i = 0;
  355. while (i < events.length) {
  356. registerSystemEvent(events[i]);
  357. i++;
  358. }
  359. }
  360. function registerSystemEvent(event) {
  361. registerEvent(event['type'], event['function']);
  362. }
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