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Aug 18th, 2018
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text 16.06 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Startup cmd: ['/usr/bin/python', '/app/lazylibrarian/', '--datadir', '/config', '--nolaunch']
  2. Interface: bookstrap
  3. Loglevel: 2
  4. Sys_Encoding: UTF-8
  5. git_repo: lazylibrarian
  6. git_user: dobytang
  7. git_branch: master
  8. latest_version: bbb36a41779e0a68958c54ccb3dc26749490c143
  9. git_updated: Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
  10. current_version: ecb451aa65f6c6982bbc03f6337574c7fcdcc0a7
  11. commits_behind: 10
  12. install_type: git
  13. auto_update: 0
  14. Python version: ['2.7.14 (default, Dec 14 2017, 15:51:29) ', '[GCC 6.4.0]']
  15. Distribution: ('', '', '')
  16. System: Linux
  17. Machine: x86_64
  18. Platform: Linux-4.14.40-unRAID-x86_64-with
  19. uname: ('Linux', '5d458a5e63c4', '4.14.40-unRAID', '#1 SMP PREEMPT Sun May 20 01:23:23 BST 2018', 'x86_64', '')
  20. version: #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun May 20 01:23:23 BST 2018
  21. mac_ver: ('', ('', '', ''), '')
  22. urllib3: 1.23
  23. requests: 2.19.1
  24. tls: TLS 1.2
  25. cherrypy: 3.6.0
  26. sqlite3: 3.21.0
  27. unrar: DLL version 8
  28. openssl: LibreSSL 2.6.5
  29. pyOpenSSL: 18.0.0
  30. cryptography: 2.3
  31. magic: missing
  32. ---CONFIG-------------------------------------
  33. [General]
  34. logdir = /config/log
  35. download_dir = /user/media_import/manual/books/,/user/media_import/usenet/books/
  36. imp_calibredb = /opt/calibre/calibredb
  37. loglimit = 500
  38. logfiles = 10
  39. logsize = 204800
  40. loglevel = 2
  41. ebook_dir = /library
  42. proxy_host =
  43. reject_magmin = 0
  44. imp_autoaddmag =
  45. cache_age = 30
  46. imp_autoadd_magonly = 0
  47. name_postfix = snr, jnr, jr, sr, phd
  48. mag_age = 31
  49. skipped_ext = fail, part, bts, !ut, torrent, magnet, nzb, unpack
  50. alternate_dir = /user/media_import/manual/books/
  51. reject_magsize = 0
  52. audio_dir =
  53. iss_format = $Y-$m-$d
  54. reject_words = audiobook, mp3
  55. series_tab = 1
  56. file_perm = 0o644
  57. imp_monthlang =
  58. sort_definite = 0
  59. audio_tab = 1
  60. http_ext_timeout = 90
  61. destination_copy = 0
  62. dir_perm = 0o755
  63. calibre_rename = False
  64. imp_convert =
  65. imp_magcover = 1
  66. calibre_server =
  67. http_port = 5299
  68. reject_audio = epub, mobi
  69. book_img = 1
  70. git_program =
  71. dload_ratio = 90
  72. delete_csv = 0
  73. proxy_local =
  74. sys_encoding =
  75. imp_rename = 0
  76. calibre_use_server = 1
  77. reject_maxaudio = 0
  78. imp_magopf = 1
  79. http_timeout = 30
  80. proxy_type =
  81. user_accounts = 0
  82. http_root = /lazy
  83. http_proxy = 0
  84. launch_browser = 1
  85. blacklist_failed = 1
  86. imp_preprocess =
  87. hist_refresh = 1000
  88. ebook_type = azw3,mobi, pdf, epub
  89. match_ratio = 80
  90. calibre_pass = <redacted>
  91. max_pages = 0
  92. task_age = 12
  93. audiobook_type = mp3
  94. https_cert =
  95. mag_type = pdf
  96. api_key =
  97. mag_rename = 0
  98. banned_ext = avi, mp4, mov, iso, m4v,mp3
  99. reject_mags =
  100. http_host =
  101. max_wall = 0
  102. date_format = $Y-$m-$d
  103. blacklist_processed = 0
  104. wall_columns = 6
  105. toggles = 1
  106. imp_singlebook = 1
  107. http_pass = <redacted>
  108. max_bookpages = 0
  109. mag_img = 1
  110. reject_minaudio = 0
  111. imp_autosearch = 1
  112. https_key =
  113. imp_preflang = en, eng, en-US, en-GB
  114. displaylength = 10
  115. imp_autoadd_bookonly = 0
  116. api_enabled = 0
  117. mag_tab = 1
  118. reject_maxsize = 0
  119. calibre_user = LL
  120. bookstrap_theme = slate
  121. reject_minsize = 0
  122. single_user = 0
  123. https_enabled = 0
  124. imp_autoadd =
  125. mag_single = 1
  126. author_img = 0
  127. sort_surname = 0
  128. blocklist_timer = 3600
  129. http_look = bookstrap
  130. http_user = <redacted>
  131. admin_email =
  132. [NZBGet]
  133. nzbget_host =
  134. nzbget_port = 6789
  135. nzbget_category = books
  136. nzbget_priority = 0
  137. nzbget_pass = <redacted>
  138. nzbget_user = nzbget
  139. [UTORRENT]
  140. utorrent_host =
  141. utorrent_port = 0
  142. utorrent_pass =
  143. utorrent_label =
  144. utorrent_user =
  146. qbittorrent_host =
  147. qbittorrent_port = 0
  148. qbittorrent_label =
  149. qbittorrent_dir =
  150. qbittorrent_pass =
  151. qbittorrent_user =
  153. transmission_host =
  154. transmission_port = 0
  155. transmission_dir =
  156. transmission_user =
  157. transmission_pass =
  158. [LibraryScan]
  159. full_scan = 0
  160. no_sets = 0
  161. newaudio_status = Skipped
  162. no_lang = 0
  163. found_status = Open
  164. add_series = 1
  165. newauthor_audio = Skipped
  166. imp_googleimage = 1
  167. newauthor_books = 1
  168. no_isbn = 0
  169. isbn_lookup = True
  170. no_future = 0
  171. newauthor_status = Wanted
  172. newbook_status = Wanted
  173. add_author = 1
  174. no_pubdate = 0
  175. imp_ignore = 0
  176. notfound_status = Wanted
  177. [Pushover]
  178. use_pushover = 1
  179. pushover_keys = <redacted>
  180. pushover_onsnatch = 1
  181. pushover_ondownload = 1
  182. pushover_priority = 0
  183. pushover_apitoken = <redacted>>
  184. pushover_device = nexus6p
  185. [TPB]
  186. tpb_dlpriority = 0
  187. tpb = 0
  188. tpb_host =
  189. [Newzbin]
  190. newzbin_uid =
  191. newzbin = 0
  192. newzbin_pass =
  193. [Telegram]
  194. telegram_ondownload = 0
  195. telegram_token =
  196. telegram_onsnatch = 0
  197. use_telegram = 0
  198. telegram_userid =
  199. [Email]
  200. use_email = 0
  201. email_smtp_port = 25
  202. email_smtp_password =
  203. email_notify_onsnatch = 0
  204. email_tls = 0
  205. email_to =
  206. email_smtp_server =
  207. email_sendfile_ondownload = 0
  208. email_smtp_user =
  209. email_notify_ondownload = 0
  210. email_ssl = 0
  211. email_from =
  212. [SearchScan]
  213. scan_interval = 10
  214. search_maginterval = 360
  215. search_bookinterval = 360
  216. delaysearch = 0
  217. wishlist_interval = 24
  218. goodreads_interval = 48
  219. versioncheck_interval = 240
  220. searchrss_interval = 20
  221. [LIME]
  222. lime_host =
  223. lime = 0
  224. lime_dlpriority = 0
  225. [API]
  226. gr_wanted = wanted
  227. gb_api =
  228. gr_owned =
  229. gr_sync = 1
  230. gr_api = <redacted>
  231. gr_oauth_secret = <redacted>
  232. gr_secret = <redacted>
  233. gr_follownew = 0
  234. gr_oauth_token = <redacted>
  235. book_api = <redacted>
  236. lt_devkey =
  237. gr_unique = 0
  238. gr_follow = 0
  239. [Boxcar]
  240. use_boxcar = 0
  241. boxcar_notify_onsnatch = 0
  242. boxcar_notify_ondownload = 0
  243. boxcar_token =
  244. [Git]
  245. auto_update = 0
  246. git_updated = 0
  247. commits_behind = 10
  248. install_type = git
  249. git_repo = lazylibrarian
  250. current_version = ecb451aa65f6c6982bbc03f6337574c7fcdcc0a7
  251. git_user = dobytang
  252. latest_version = bbb36a41779e0a68958c54ccb3dc26749490c143
  253. git_branch = master
  254. [TORRENT]
  255. tor_downloader_transmission = 0
  256. tor_downloader_blackhole = 0
  257. torrent_dir =
  258. tor_downloader_synology = 0
  259. tor_downloader_utorrent = 0
  260. prefer_magnet = 1
  261. numberofseeders = 1
  262. tor_downloader_deluge = 1
  263. keep_seeding = 1
  264. tor_downloader_rtorrent = 0
  265. tor_downloader_qbittorrent = 0
  266. tor_convert_magnet = 0
  267. [SABnzbd]
  268. sab_port = 0
  269. sab_cat =
  270. sab_host =
  271. sab_api =
  272. sab_pass =
  273. sab_subdir =
  274. sab_user =
  275. [NMA]
  276. nma_priority = 0
  277. nma_apikey =
  278. nma_onsnatch = 0
  279. use_nma = 0
  280. nma_ondownload = 0
  281. [DELUGE]
  282. deluge_host =
  283. deluge_pass = <redacted>
  284. deluge_cert =
  285. deluge_dir =
  286. deluge_port = 8112
  287. deluge_label = books
  288. deluge_user =
  289. [FMT]
  290. fmt_series = ( $FmtName $FmtNum )
  291. fmt_sername = $SerName
  292. fmt_sernum = Book #$SerNum -$$
  293. [Growl]
  294. growl_password =
  295. use_growl = 0
  296. growl_ondownload = 0
  297. growl_host =
  298. growl_onsnatch = 0
  299. [AndroidPN]
  300. androidpn_notify_onsnatch = 0
  301. androidpn_username =
  302. androidpn_notify_ondownload = 0
  303. androidpn_broadcast = 0
  304. use_androidpn = 0
  305. androidpn_url =
  306. [WWT]
  307. wwt_dlpriority = 0
  308. wwt_host =
  309. wwt = 0
  310. [Twitter]
  311. twitter_password =
  312. twitter_notify_ondownload = 0
  313. twitter_username =
  314. twitter_prefix =
  315. use_twitter = 0
  316. twitter_notify_onsnatch = 0
  317. [Slack]
  318. use_slack = 0
  319. slack_notify_ondownload = 0
  320. slack_token =
  321. slack_url =
  322. slack_notify_onsnatch = 0
  323. [PostProcess]
  324. audiobook_dest_file = $Author - $Title Part $Part of $Total
  325. mag_relative = 1
  326. ebook_dest_file = $Title - $Author
  327. mag_dest_folder = /magazines/$Title/$IssueDate
  328. one_format = 0
  329. ebook_dest_folder = $Author/$Title
  330. mag_dest_file = $IssueDate - $Title
  331. [USENET]
  332. usenet_retention = 0
  333. nzb_downloader_nzbget = 1
  334. nzb_downloader_synology = 0
  335. nzb_blackholedir =
  336. nzb_downloader_blackhole = 0
  337. nzb_downloader_sabnzbd = 0
  338. [TDL]
  339. tdl_host =
  340. tdl_dlpriority = 0
  341. tdl = 0
  342. [GEN]
  343. gen = 0
  344. gen2_search = foreignfiction/index.php
  345. gen2_host =
  346. gen2_dlpriority = 0
  347. gen_dlpriority = 0
  348. gen2 = 0
  349. gen_search = search.php
  350. gen_host =
  351. [KAT]
  352. kat = 0
  353. kat_dlpriority = 0
  354. kat_host =
  355. [Custom]
  356. custom_notify_onsnatch = 0
  357. use_custom = 0
  358. custom_script =
  359. custom_notify_ondownload = 0
  360. [Prowl]
  361. prowl_ondownload = 0
  362. prowl_apikey =
  363. prowl_priority = 0
  364. use_prowl = 0
  365. prowl_onsnatch = 0
  366. [RTORRENT]
  367. rtorrent_host =
  368. rtorrent_dir =
  369. rtorrent_user =
  370. rtorrent_label =
  371. rtorrent_pass =
  372. [SYNOLOGY]
  373. synology_port = 0
  374. use_synology = 0
  375. synology_user =
  376. synology_host =
  377. synology_pass =
  378. synology_dir = Multimedia/Download
  379. [Pushbullet]
  380. pushbullet_token =
  381. pushbullet_notify_onsnatch = 0
  382. use_pushbullet = 0
  383. pushbullet_deviceid =
  384. pushbullet_notify_ondownload = 0
  385. [ZOO]
  386. zoo = 0
  387. zoo_dlpriority = 0
  388. zoo_host =
  389. [OPDS]
  390. opds_username =
  391. opds_metainfo = 0
  392. opds_authentication = 0
  393. opds_enabled = 0
  394. opds_password =
  395. [NZBMatrix]
  396. nzbmatrix_api =
  397. nzbmatrix = 0
  398. nzbmatrix_user =
  399. [Newznab0]
  400. enabled = True
  401. dispname = nzbgeek
  402. host =
  403. api = <redacted>
  404. generalsearch = search
  405. booksearch = book
  406. magsearch =
  407. audiosearch =
  408. bookcat = 7020
  409. magcat = 7010
  410. audiocat = 3030
  411. extended = 1
  412. dlpriority = 10
  413. updated = 2018-08-17
  414. manual = False
  415. apilimit = 0
  416. [Newznab1]
  417. audiocat = 3030
  418. extended = 1
  419. updated =
  420. manual = 0
  421. bookcat = 7000,7020
  422. enabled = 0
  423. magcat = 7010
  424. apicount = 0
  425. generalsearch = search
  426. host =
  427. api =
  428. apilimit = 0
  429. booksearch = book
  430. dlpriority = 0
  431. magsearch =
  432. audiosearch =
  433. dispname = Newznab1
  434. [Torznab0]
  435. enabled = False
  436. dispname = IPT
  437. host =
  438. api = <redacted>
  439. generalsearch = search
  440. booksearch =
  441. magsearch =
  442. audiosearch =
  443. bookcat = 8010
  444. magcat = 8030
  445. audiocat = 3030
  446. extended = 1
  447. dlpriority = 0
  448. updated = 2018-08-17
  449. manual = False
  450. apilimit = 0
  451. [Torznab1]
  452. enabled = True
  453. dispname = TD
  454. host =
  455. api = <redacted>
  456. generalsearch = search
  457. booksearch =
  458. magsearch =
  459. audiosearch =
  460. bookcat = 8010
  461. magcat = 8030
  462. audiocat = 3030
  463. extended = 1
  464. dlpriority = 0
  465. updated = 2018-08-17
  466. manual = False
  467. apilimit = 0
  468. [Torznab2]
  469. audiocat = 8030
  470. extended = 1
  471. updated =
  472. manual = 0
  473. bookcat = 8000,8010
  474. enabled = 0
  475. magcat = 8030
  476. apicount = 0
  477. generalsearch = search
  478. host =
  479. api =
  480. apilimit = 0
  481. booksearch = book
  482. dlpriority = 0
  483. magsearch =
  484. audiosearch =
  485. dispname = Torznab2
  486. [RSS_0]
  487. enabled = False
  488. host =
  489. ---END-CONFIG---------------------------------
  490. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:58 - INFO :: WEBSERVER : : Debug log ON, loglevel is 2
  491. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : calibredb rc 1
  492. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : calibredb res 10[Forbidden ]
  493. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : calibredb err 0[]
  494. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - ERROR :: IMPORTALT : : Postprocessing for Whitney the Whale Fairy - Daisy Meadows has failed: calibredb rc 1 from /opt/calibre/calibredb
  495. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - WARNING :: IMPORTALT : : Residual files remain in /user/media_import/manual/books/Daisy Meadows/Whitney the Whale Fairy (3122)
  496. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : Processing directory /user/media_import/manual/books/Daisy Meadows/Tyra the Designer Fairy (2963)
  497. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - WARNING :: IMPORTALT : : No book file found in /user/media_import/manual/books/Daisy Meadows/Tyra the Designer Fairy (2963)
  498. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : Processing directory /user/media_import/manual/books/Daisy Meadows/Edie the Garden Fairy (2964)
  499. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - WARNING :: IMPORTALT : : No book file found in /user/media_import/manual/books/Daisy Meadows/Edie the Garden Fairy (2964)
  500. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : Processing directory /user/media_import/manual/books/Daisy Meadows/Lucy Longwhiskers Gets Lost (2965)
  501. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - WARNING :: IMPORTALT : : No book file found in /user/media_import/manual/books/Daisy Meadows/Lucy Longwhiskers Gets Lost (2965)
  502. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : Processing directory /user/media_import/manual/books/Daisy Meadows/Esme the Ice Cream Fairy (2966)
  503. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - WARNING :: IMPORTALT : : No book file found in /user/media_import/manual/books/Daisy Meadows/Esme the Ice Cream Fairy (2966)
  504. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : Processing directory /user/media_import/manual/books/Daisy Meadows/Coco the Cupcake Fairy (2967)
  505. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - WARNING :: IMPORTALT : : No book file found in /user/media_import/manual/books/Daisy Meadows/Coco the Cupcake Fairy (2967)
  506. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : Processing directory /user/media_import/manual/books/Daisy Meadows/Rosie the Honey Bear Fairy (2969)
  507. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - WARNING :: IMPORTALT : : No book file found in /user/media_import/manual/books/Daisy Meadows/Rosie the Honey Bear Fairy (2969)
  508. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : Processing directory /user/media_import/manual/books/Daisy Meadows/Milly the River Fairy (2970)
  509. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : Author Daisy Meadows found in database
  510. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : Searching database for [Milly the River Fairy] by [Daisy Meadows]
  511. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : Exact match [Milly the River Fairy]
  512. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : Importing Milly The River Fairy - Daisy Meadows into calibre library
  513. 18-Aug-2018 10:51:59 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : [u'/opt/calibre/calibredb', 'add', '--username', u'LL', '--password', u'<redacted>', '-1', '--with-library', u'', u'/user/media_import/manual/books/Daisy Meadows/Milly the River Fairy (2970)']
  514. 18-Aug-2018 10:52:00 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : calibredb rc 1
  515. 18-Aug-2018 10:52:00 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : calibredb res 10[Forbidden ]
  516. 18-Aug-2018 10:52:00 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : calibredb err 0[]
  517. 18-Aug-2018 10:52:00 - ERROR :: IMPORTALT : : Postprocessing for Milly The River Fairy - Daisy Meadows has failed: calibredb rc 1 from /opt/calibre/calibredb
  518. 18-Aug-2018 10:52:00 - WARNING :: IMPORTALT : : Residual files remain in /user/media_import/manual/books/Daisy Meadows/Milly the River Fairy (2970).fail
  519. 18-Aug-2018 10:52:00 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : Processing directory /user/media_import/manual/books/Daisy Meadows/Esme the Ice Cream Fairy (3069).fail
  520. 18-Aug-2018 10:52:00 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : Author Daisy Meadows found in database
  521. 18-Aug-2018 10:52:00 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : Searching database for [Esme the Ice Cream Fairy] by [Daisy Meadows]
  522. 18-Aug-2018 10:52:00 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : Exact match [Esme the Ice Cream Fairy]
  523. 18-Aug-2018 10:52:00 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : Importing Esme the Ice Cream Fairy - Daisy Meadows into calibre library
  524. 18-Aug-2018 10:52:00 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : [u'/opt/calibre/calibredb', 'add', '--username', u'LL', '--password', u'<redacted>', '-1', '--with-library', u'', u'/user/media_import/manual/books/Daisy Meadows/Esme the Ice Cream Fairy (3069).fail']
  525. 18-Aug-2018 10:52:01 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : calibredb rc 1
  526. 18-Aug-2018 10:52:01 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : calibredb res 10[Forbidden ]
  527. 18-Aug-2018 10:52:01 - DEBUG :: IMPORTALT : : calibredb err 0[]
  528. 18-Aug-2018 10:52:01 - ERROR :: IMPORTALT : : Postprocessing for Esme the Ice Cream Fairy - Daisy Meadows has failed: calibredb rc 1 from /opt/calibre/calibredb
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