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  11. 9 20 2 alekso56/ComputercraftLua
  12. Code Issues 0 Pull requests 0 Projects 0 Security Insights
  13. ComputercraftLua/rom/programs/rednet/chat
  14. @alekso56 alekso56 1.62
  15. 553b7e7 on 5 Apr 2014
  16. 436 lines (392 sloc) 14.1 KB
  19. local tArgs = { ... }
  21. local function printUsage()
  22. print( "Usages:" )
  23. print( "chat host <hostname>" )
  24. print( "chat join <hostname> <nickname>" )
  25. end
  27. local sOpenedModem = nil
  28. local function openModem()
  29. for n,sModem in ipairs( peripheral.getNames() ) do
  30. if peripheral.getType( sModem ) == "modem" then
  31. if not rednet.isOpen( sModem ) then
  32. sModem )
  33. sOpenedModem = sModem
  34. end
  35. return true
  36. end
  37. end
  38. print( "No modems found." )
  39. return false
  40. end
  42. local function closeModem()
  43. if sOpenedModem ~= nil then
  44. rednet.close( sOpenedModem )
  45. sOpenedModem = nil
  46. end
  47. end
  49. -- Colours
  50. local highlightColour, textColour
  51. if term.isColour() then
  52. textColour = colours.white
  53. highlightColour = colours.yellow
  54. else
  55. textColour = colours.white
  56. highlightColour = colours.white
  57. end
  59. local sCommand = tArgs[1]
  60. if sCommand == "host" then
  61. -- "chat host"
  62. -- Get hostname
  63. local sHostname = tArgs[2]
  64. if sHostname == nil then
  65. printUsage()
  66. return
  67. end
  69. -- Host server
  70. if not openModem() then
  71. return
  72. end
  73. "chat", sHostname )
  74. print( "0 users connected." )
  76. local tUsers = {}
  77. local nUsers = 0
  78. function send( sText, nUserID )
  79. if nUserID then
  80. local tUser = tUsers[ nUserID ]
  81. if tUser then
  82. rednet.send( tUser.nID, {
  83. sType = "text",
  84. nUserID = nUserID,
  85. sText = sText,
  86. }, "chat" )
  87. end
  88. else
  89. for nUserID, tUser in pairs( tUsers ) do
  90. rednet.send( tUser.nID, {
  91. sType = "text",
  92. nUserID = nUserID,
  93. sText = sText,
  94. }, "chat" )
  95. end
  96. end
  97. end
  99. -- Setup ping pong
  100. local tPingPongTimer = {}
  101. function ping( nUserID )
  102. local tUser = tUsers[ nUserID ]
  103. rednet.send( tUser.nID, {
  104. sType = "ping to client",
  105. nUserID = nUserID,
  106. }, "chat" )
  108. local timer = os.startTimer( 15 )
  109. tUser.bPingPonged = false
  110. tPingPongTimer[ timer ] = nUserID
  111. end
  113. function printUsers()
  114. local x,y = term.getCursorPos()
  115. term.setCursorPos( 1, y - 1 )
  116. term.clearLine()
  117. if nUsers == 1 then
  118. print( nUsers .. " user connected." )
  119. else
  120. print( nUsers .. " users connected." )
  121. end
  122. end
  124. -- Handle messages
  125. local ok, error = pcall( function()
  126. parallel.waitForAny( function()
  127. while true do
  128. local sEvent, timer = os.pullEvent( "timer" )
  129. local nUserID = tPingPongTimer[ timer ]
  130. if nUserID and tUsers[ nUserID ] then
  131. local tUser = tUsers[ nUserID ]
  132. if tUser then
  133. if not tUser.bPingPonged then
  134. send( "* "..tUser.sUsername.." has timed out" )
  135. tUsers[ nUserID ] = nil
  136. nUsers = nUsers - 1
  137. printUsers()
  138. else
  139. ping( nUserID )
  140. end
  141. end
  142. end
  143. end
  144. end,
  145. function()
  146. while true do
  147. local tCommands
  148. tCommands = {
  149. ["me"] = function( tUser, sContent )
  150. if string.len(sContent) > 0 then
  151. send( "* "..tUser.sUsername.." "..sContent )
  152. else
  153. send( "* Usage: /me [words]", tUser.nUserID )
  154. end
  155. end,
  156. ["nick"] = function( tUser, sContent )
  157. if string.len(sContent) > 0 then
  158. local sOldName = tUser.sUsername
  159. tUser.sUsername = sContent
  160. send( "* "..sOldName.." is now known as "..tUser.sUsername )
  161. else
  162. send( "* Usage: /nick [nickname]", tUser.nUserID )
  163. end
  164. end,
  165. ["users"] = function( tUser, sContent )
  166. send( "* Connected Users:", tUser.nUserID )
  167. local sUsers = "*"
  168. for nUserID, tUser in pairs( tUsers ) do
  169. sUsers = sUsers .. " " .. tUser.sUsername
  170. end
  171. send( sUsers, tUser.nUserID )
  172. end,
  173. ["help"] = function( tUser, sContent )
  174. send( "* Available commands:", tUser.nUserID )
  175. local sCommands = "*"
  176. for sCommand, fnCommand in pairs( tCommands ) do
  177. sCommands = sCommands .. " /" .. sCommand
  178. end
  179. send( sCommands.." /logout", tUser.nUserID )
  180. end,
  181. }
  183. local nSenderID, tMessage = rednet.receive( "chat" )
  184. if type( tMessage ) == "table" then
  185. if tMessage.sType == "login" then
  186. -- Login from new client
  187. local nUserID = tMessage.nUserID
  188. local sUsername = tMessage.sUsername
  189. if nUserID and sUsername then
  190. tUsers[ nUserID ] = {
  191. nID = nSenderID,
  192. nUserID = nUserID,
  193. sUsername = sUsername,
  194. }
  195. nUsers = nUsers + 1
  196. printUsers()
  197. send( "* "..sUsername.." has joined the chat" )
  198. ping( nUserID )
  199. end
  201. else
  202. -- Something else from existing client
  203. local nUserID = tMessage.nUserID
  204. local tUser = tUsers[ nUserID ]
  205. if tUser and tUser.nID == nSenderID then
  206. if tMessage.sType == "logout" then
  207. send( "* "..tUser.sUsername.." has left the chat" )
  208. tUsers[ nUserID ] = nil
  209. nUsers = nUsers - 1
  210. printUsers()
  212. elseif tMessage.sType == "chat" then
  213. local sMessage = tMessage.sText
  214. if sMessage then
  215. local sCommand = string.match( sMessage, "^/([a-z]+)" )
  216. if sCommand then
  217. local fnCommand = tCommands[ sCommand ]
  218. if fnCommand then
  219. local sContent = string.sub( sMessage, string.len(sCommand)+3 )
  220. fnCommand( tUser, sContent )
  221. else
  222. send( "* Unrecognised command: /"..sCommand, tUser.nUserID )
  223. end
  224. else
  225. send( "<"..tUser.sUsername.."> "..tMessage.sText )
  226. end
  227. end
  229. elseif tMessage.sType == "ping to server" then
  230. rednet.send( tUser.nID, {
  231. sType = "pong to client",
  232. nUserID = nUserID,
  233. }, "chat" )
  235. elseif tMessage.sType == "pong to server" then
  236. tUser.bPingPonged = true
  238. end
  239. end
  240. end
  241. end
  242. end
  243. end )
  244. end )
  245. if not ok then
  246. printError( error )
  247. end
  249. -- Unhost server
  250. for nUserID, tUser in pairs( tUsers ) do
  251. rednet.send( tUser.nID, {
  252. sType = "kick",
  253. nUserID = nUserID,
  254. }, "chat" )
  255. end
  256. rednet.unhost( "chat" )
  257. closeModem()
  259. elseif sCommand == "join" then
  260. -- "chat join"
  261. -- Get hostname and username
  262. local sHostname = tArgs[2]
  263. local sUsername = tArgs[3]
  264. if sHostname == nil or sUsername == nil then
  265. printUsage()
  266. return
  267. end
  269. -- Connect
  270. if not openModem() then
  271. return
  272. end
  273. write( "Looking up " .. sHostname .. "... " )
  274. local nHostID = rednet.lookup( "chat", sHostname )
  275. if nHostID == nil then
  276. print( "Failed." )
  277. return
  278. else
  279. print( "Success." )
  280. end
  282. -- Login
  283. local nUserID = math.random( 1, 2147483647 )
  284. rednet.send( nHostID, {
  285. sType = "login",
  286. nUserID = nUserID,
  287. sUsername = sUsername,
  288. }, "chat" )
  290. -- Setup ping pong
  291. local bPingPonged = true
  292. local pingPongTimer = os.startTimer( 0 )
  294. function ping()
  295. rednet.send( nHostID, {
  296. sType = "ping to server",
  297. nUserID = nUserID,
  298. }, "chat" )
  299. bPingPonged = false
  300. pingPongTimer = os.startTimer( 15 )
  301. end
  303. -- Handle messages
  304. local w,h = term.getSize()
  305. local parentTerm = term.current()
  306. local titleWindow = window.create( parentTerm, 1, 1, w, 1, true )
  307. local historyWindow = window.create( parentTerm, 1, 2, w, h-2, true )
  308. local promptWindow = window.create( parentTerm, 1, h, w, 1, true )
  309. historyWindow.setCursorPos( 1, h-2 )
  311. term.clear()
  312. term.setTextColour( textColour )
  313. term.redirect( promptWindow )
  314. promptWindow.restoreCursor()
  316. function drawTitle()
  317. local x,y = titleWindow.getCursorPos()
  318. local w,h = titleWindow.getSize()
  319. local sTitle = sUsername.." on "..sHostname
  320. titleWindow.setTextColour( highlightColour )
  321. titleWindow.setCursorPos( math.floor( w/2 - string.len(sTitle)/2 ), 1 )
  322. titleWindow.clearLine()
  323. titleWindow.write( sTitle )
  324. promptWindow.restoreCursor()
  325. end
  327. function printMessage( sMessage )
  328. term.redirect( historyWindow )
  329. print()
  330. if string.match( sMessage, "^\*" ) then
  331. -- Information
  332. term.setTextColour( highlightColour )
  333. write( sMessage )
  334. term.setTextColour( textColour )
  335. else
  336. -- Chat
  337. local sUsernameBit = string.match( sMessage, "^\<[^\>]*\>" )
  338. if sUsernameBit then
  339. term.setTextColour( highlightColour )
  340. write( sUsernameBit )
  341. term.setTextColour( textColour )
  342. write( string.sub( sMessage, string.len( sUsernameBit ) + 1 ) )
  343. else
  344. write( sMessage )
  345. end
  346. end
  347. term.redirect( promptWindow )
  348. promptWindow.restoreCursor()
  349. end
  351. drawTitle()
  353. local ok, error = pcall( function()
  354. parallel.waitForAny( function()
  355. while true do
  356. local sEvent, timer = os.pullEvent()
  357. if sEvent == "timer" then
  358. if timer == pingPongTimer then
  359. if not bPingPonged then
  360. printMessage( "Server timeout." )
  361. return
  362. else
  363. ping()
  364. end
  365. end
  367. elseif sEvent == "term_resize" then
  368. local w,h = parentTerm.getSize()
  369. titleWindow.reposition( 1, 1, w, 1 )
  370. historyWindow.reposition( 1, 2, w, h-2 )
  371. promptWindow.reposition( 1, h, w, 1 )
  373. end
  374. end
  375. end,
  376. function()
  377. while true do
  378. local nSenderID, tMessage = rednet.receive( "chat" )
  379. if nSenderID == nHostID and type( tMessage ) == "table" and tMessage.nUserID == nUserID then
  380. if tMessage.sType == "text" then
  381. local sText = tMessage.sText
  382. if sText then
  383. printMessage( sText )
  384. end
  386. elseif tMessage.sType == "ping to client" then
  387. rednet.send( nSenderID, {
  388. sType = "pong to server",
  389. nUserID = nUserID,
  390. }, "chat" )
  392. elseif tMessage.sType == "pong to client" then
  393. bPingPonged = true
  395. elseif tMessage.sType == "kick" then
  396. return
  398. end
  399. end
  400. end
  401. end,
  402. function()
  403. local tSendHistory = {}
  404. while true do
  405. promptWindow.setCursorPos( 1,1 )
  406. promptWindow.clearLine()
  407. promptWindow.setTextColor( highlightColour )
  408. promptWindow.write( ": ")
  409. promptWindow.setTextColor( textColour )
  411. local sChat = read( nil, tSendHistory )
  412. if string.match( sChat, "^/logout" ) then
  413. break
  414. else
  415. rednet.send( nHostID, {
  416. sType = "chat",
  417. nUserID = nUserID,
  418. sText = sChat,
  419. }, "chat" )
  420. table.insert( tSendHistory, sChat )
  421. end
  422. end
  423. end )
  424. end )
  426. -- Close the windows
  427. term.redirect( parentTerm )
  429. -- Print error notice
  430. local w,h = term.getSize()
  431. term.setCursorPos( 1, h )
  432. term.clearLine()
  433. term.setCursorBlink( false )
  434. if not ok then
  435. printError( error )
  436. end
  438. -- Logout
  439. rednet.send( nHostID, {
  440. sType = "logout",
  441. nUserID = nUserID,
  442. }, "chat" )
  443. closeModem()
  445. -- Print disconnection notice
  446. print( "Disconnected." )
  448. else
  449. -- "chat somethingelse"
  450. printUsage()
  452. end
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