
Renew command Output v2

Feb 15th, 2018
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  1. ./letsencrypt-auto certonly --verbose --apache --renew-by-default -d,
  2. Root logging level set at 10
  3. Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
  4. Requested authenticator apache and installer apache
  5. Apache version is 2.4.6
  6. Single candidate plugin: * apache
  7. Description: Apache Web Server plugin - Beta
  8. Interfaces: IAuthenticator, IInstaller, IPlugin
  9. Entry point: apache = certbot_apache.entrypoint:ENTRYPOINT
  10. Initialized: <certbot_apache.override_centos.CentOSConfigurator object at 0x2fdae10>
  11. Prep: True
  12. Single candidate plugin: * apache
  13. Description: Apache Web Server plugin - Beta
  14. Interfaces: IAuthenticator, IInstaller, IPlugin
  15. Entry point: apache = certbot_apache.entrypoint:ENTRYPOINT
  16. Initialized: <certbot_apache.override_centos.CentOSConfigurator object at 0x2fdae10>
  17. Prep: True
  18. Selected authenticator <certbot_apache.override_centos.CentOSConfigurator object at 0x2fdae10> and installer <certbot_apache.override_centos.CentOSConfigurator object at 0x2fdae10>
  19. Plugins selected: Authenticator apache, Installer apache
  20. Picked account: <Account(RegistrationResource(body=Registration(status=None, contact=(u'',), agreement=u'', key=JWKRSA(key=<ComparableRSAKey(<cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.rsa._RSAPublicKey object at 0x2fd5590>)>)), uri=u'', new_authzr_uri=u'', terms_of_service=u''), da2f79b881378618455b98ac91ce6546, Meta(creation_host=u'localhost.localdomain', creation_dt=datetime.datetime(2017, 11, 15, 12, 36, 6, tzinfo=<UTC>)))>
  21. Sending GET request to
  22. Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
  23. "GET /directory HTTP/1.1" 200 562
  24. Received response:
  25. HTTP 200
  26. Server: nginx
  27. Content-Type: application/json
  28. Content-Length: 562
  29. Replay-Nonce: oQZnc86p2VDIiqJV4Iq5dIPDbIgIwMu9UG5opu0OwBM
  30. X-Frame-Options: DENY
  31. Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=604800
  32. Expires: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:23:44 GMT
  33. Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
  34. Pragma: no-cache
  35. Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:23:44 GMT
  36. Connection: keep-alive
  38. {
  39. "btfKe5YcmAU": "",
  40. "key-change": "",
  41. "meta": {
  42. "terms-of-service": ""
  43. },
  44. "new-authz": "",
  45. "new-cert": "",
  46. "new-reg": "",
  47. "revoke-cert": ""
  48. }
  49. Obtaining a new certificate
  50. Requesting fresh nonce
  51. Sending HEAD request to
  52. "HEAD /acme/new-authz HTTP/1.1" 405 0
  53. Received response:
  54. HTTP 405
  55. Server: nginx
  56. Content-Type: application/problem+json
  57. Content-Length: 91
  58. Allow: POST
  59. Replay-Nonce: 66y1Y6V8uO8ieEM_nR2J31jtlzSlpkxlJZIrFtV1wv8
  60. Expires: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:23:44 GMT
  61. Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
  62. Pragma: no-cache
  63. Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:23:44 GMT
  64. Connection: keep-alive
  67. Storing nonce: 66y1Y6V8uO8ieEM_nR2J31jtlzSlpkxlJZIrFtV1wv8
  68. JWS payload:
  69. {
  70. "identifier": {
  71. "type": "dns",
  72. "value": ""
  73. },
  74. "resource": "new-authz"
  75. }
  76. Sending POST request to
  77. {
  79. "payload": "ewogICJpZGVudGlmaWVyIjogewogICAgInR5cGUiOiAiZG5zIiwgCiAgICAidmFsdWUiOiAic2VpbWVtLnVuaW92aS5lcyIKICB9LCAKICAicmVzb3VyY2UiOiAibmV3LWF1dGh6Igp9",
  80. "signature": "FDfZHAGlpjMpKPinfOL3TbZ4pFuHgX1G6gMqp32RWsHzD6gptrq48Hn31fwGfzzMYZB3-hG5d2bGAZjvPH1WaBcYguXDPiohasecrhds_MEjtTZ8eOqTizV1BRca1w6jfgLE_QFodPZ3iwShWMcNx90HQvrHrW0f9Au3HdO-DlfuKSNYIB9TyYpwR11_VpRUpJA2vnZmp8TKRFx2UFGCDvCsrSuJliyZDyWjffnkQPdfs_CYHvceD_JWDEGI6GfwcqvxqHIIjxSazti9sl4saXJfEv-I14ZAbLM1_YZZhlzZPPIk9nXM9ziAzBqJiNu6_EycVoLDFFXWIJ1YczO2AQ"
  81. }
  82. "POST /acme/new-authz HTTP/1.1" 201 1004
  83. Received response:
  84. HTTP 201
  85. Server: nginx
  86. Content-Type: application/json
  87. Content-Length: 1004
  88. Boulder-Requester: 24306535
  89. Link: <>;rel="next"
  90. Location:
  91. Replay-Nonce: cl3k8Fiseky-Fg_CceYONHU1lvZnPlib9Cm0vaaYWRk
  92. X-Frame-Options: DENY
  93. Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=604800
  94. Expires: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:23:45 GMT
  95. Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
  96. Pragma: no-cache
  97. Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:23:45 GMT
  98. Connection: keep-alive
  100. {
  101. "identifier": {
  102. "type": "dns",
  103. "value": ""
  104. },
  105. "status": "pending",
  106. "expires": "2018-02-22T08:23:44.894226854Z",
  107. "challenges": [
  108. {
  109. "type": "dns-01",
  110. "status": "pending",
  111. "uri": "",
  112. "token": "oUm8mS4yDEo5Be3wY1g8pTi0yFB5CLryMkkkpCR5Dc4"
  113. },
  114. {
  115. "type": "http-01",
  116. "status": "pending",
  117. "uri": "",
  118. "token": "tvWIm-kZ1hV3gBU00pNOawGt1BYym5cZuSO8yuvCpk8"
  119. },
  120. {
  121. "type": "tls-sni-01",
  122. "status": "pending",
  123. "uri": "",
  124. "token": "YnM_ebHoqob9XWQzjX4SCjMpFSXO80ouOICcjYR_KkA"
  125. }
  126. ],
  127. "combinations": [
  128. [
  129. 0
  130. ],
  131. [
  132. 2
  133. ],
  134. [
  135. 1
  136. ]
  137. ]
  138. }
  139. Storing nonce: cl3k8Fiseky-Fg_CceYONHU1lvZnPlib9Cm0vaaYWRk
  140. JWS payload:
  141. {
  142. "identifier": {
  143. "type": "dns",
  144. "value": ""
  145. },
  146. "resource": "new-authz"
  147. }
  148. Sending POST request to
  149. {
  151. "payload": "ewogICJpZGVudGlmaWVyIjogewogICAgInR5cGUiOiAiZG5zIiwgCiAgICAidmFsdWUiOiAiaGFpczIwMTgudW5pb3ZpLmVzIgogIH0sIAogICJyZXNvdXJjZSI6ICJuZXctYXV0aHoiCn0",
  152. "signature": "LiS-D9hjcC-ZmXHoUqp9jv5KdijQc8Jj5Djye67ns5-JqUXL3JWEBurcoFlwlvw5G0pJQyaQH-3oqieGfhZwy5OujKyJmhYX4H2jsE3Gs7hGSG-rnL3Z6zm_YGKpXql86AIqqCD95Q9d6DXb_wC9awj4HZ5_IB07ax_MKf4Hgt13kPyA_CHD7m1E6zuaUYmY8drkrZ3j-ZrJsAH5yQLP0m-UYtnbWhQKAw-vGCwq3IGUdp1hAYv8Fv3Ym23m6sRRFfYd1OUM4BDa6aTMWan4ZbpJBI6345ZzVkAy0TBF0E8PGBkbkUDqQ9lnisOKCIbyuTdT4h2oTZwhol6O0xz3DQ"
  153. }
  154. "POST /acme/new-authz HTTP/1.1" 201 1006
  155. Received response:
  156. HTTP 201
  157. Server: nginx
  158. Content-Type: application/json
  159. Content-Length: 1006
  160. Boulder-Requester: 24306535
  161. Link: <>;rel="next"
  162. Location:
  163. Replay-Nonce: wNqI8v-_MoWn5JqwsOz-D--ay8RnRaewnpbgP8kkXJg
  164. X-Frame-Options: DENY
  165. Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=604800
  166. Expires: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:23:45 GMT
  167. Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
  168. Pragma: no-cache
  169. Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:23:45 GMT
  170. Connection: keep-alive
  172. {
  173. "identifier": {
  174. "type": "dns",
  175. "value": ""
  176. },
  177. "status": "pending",
  178. "expires": "2018-02-22T08:23:45.542586946Z",
  179. "challenges": [
  180. {
  181. "type": "http-01",
  182. "status": "pending",
  183. "uri": "",
  184. "token": "Q75L-IyPoTD2pHiE-NEkOjF9SnHNFsBiQpQWgsEYraE"
  185. },
  186. {
  187. "type": "dns-01",
  188. "status": "pending",
  189. "uri": "",
  190. "token": "jxHGnR2MJiFxVItxHELAc7JB6KE1bq7-kwMqdkgdXQQ"
  191. },
  192. {
  193. "type": "tls-sni-01",
  194. "status": "pending",
  195. "uri": "",
  196. "token": "zHouxVQ-graM6Sy2to13vERG_CReR4qjiKvhDFyg-7o"
  197. }
  198. ],
  199. "combinations": [
  200. [
  201. 1
  202. ],
  203. [
  204. 2
  205. ],
  206. [
  207. 0
  208. ]
  209. ]
  210. }
  211. Storing nonce: wNqI8v-_MoWn5JqwsOz-D--ay8RnRaewnpbgP8kkXJg
  212. Performing the following challenges:
  213. tls-sni-01 challenge for
  214. tls-sni-01 challenge for
  215. Adding Include /etc/httpd/conf.d/le_tls_sni_01_cert_challenge.conf to /files/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
  216. writing a config file with text:
  217. <IfModule mod_ssl.c>
  218. <VirtualHost>
  219. ServerName 12a97227de24e199d0c772a778655930.5c4dab578d6d1c70b26252972385ccf2.acme.invalid
  220. UseCanonicalName on
  221. SSLStrictSNIVHostCheck on
  223. LimitRequestBody 1048576
  225. Include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf
  226. SSLCertificateFile /var/lib/letsencrypt/YnM_ebHoqob9XWQzjX4SCjMpFSXO80ouOICcjYR_KkA.crt
  227. SSLCertificateKeyFile /var/lib/letsencrypt/YnM_ebHoqob9XWQzjX4SCjMpFSXO80ouOICcjYR_KkA.pem
  229. DocumentRoot /var/lib/letsencrypt/tls_sni_01_page/
  230. </VirtualHost>
  232. <VirtualHost>
  233. ServerName c5de8f66799d63b43cf2107b47a62303.00046ee40dadb7b8164cc0f30fa6352e.acme.invalid
  234. UseCanonicalName on
  235. SSLStrictSNIVHostCheck on
  237. LimitRequestBody 1048576
  239. Include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf
  240. SSLCertificateFile /var/lib/letsencrypt/zHouxVQ-graM6Sy2to13vERG_CReR4qjiKvhDFyg-7o.crt
  241. SSLCertificateKeyFile /var/lib/letsencrypt/zHouxVQ-graM6Sy2to13vERG_CReR4qjiKvhDFyg-7o.pem
  243. DocumentRoot /var/lib/letsencrypt/tls_sni_01_page/
  244. </VirtualHost>
  246. </IfModule>
  248. Creating backup of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
  249. Waiting for verification...
  250. JWS payload:
  251. {
  252. "keyAuthorization": "YnM_ebHoqob9XWQzjX4SCjMpFSXO80ouOICcjYR_KkA.RW9iKJy0e9riSWOFmdz_E7mrVlhev3eXvgaOZfGXWqU",
  253. "type": "tls-sni-01",
  254. "resource": "challenge"
  255. }
  256. Sending POST request to
  257. {
  259. "payload": "ewogICJrZXlBdXRob3JpemF0aW9uIjogIlluTV9lYkhvcW9iOVhXUXpqWDRTQ2pNcEZTWE84MG91T0lDY2pZUl9La0EuUlc5aUtKeTBlOXJpU1dPRm1kel9FN21yVmxoZXYzZVh2Z2FPWmZHWFdxVSIsIAogICJ0eXBlIjogInRscy1zbmktMDEiLCAKICAicmVzb3VyY2UiOiAiY2hhbGxlbmdlIgp9",
  260. "signature": "H_s0a5n10-1WskhI8ZeTc0DiQxnkR5Goos0oW_TpsC-0knmIrP-qj2Ve1VVQ2Cp-ec_C__52wqTj3FP-mM62OOIZk0zj5sQBeiCy71tm-pc_lpis45SuD8oTF_ElzbAghkVa3BtHjVuJ8zisthCDjEGGhEZmKZmaoptFVuGByMJSLqZeutwXBvej7vRhgTRXIXAvdrYXdoyhkJlsojS4qHxxRPX7EQ2hYSChGeOOx7Bpp1H5iDRvqMSySaL8MIG_GjdklQ-Dr3cItd3X04SYcQelL-n7xw4CgdyUbapQKHHO1gp-Igvth98fG25F41HACvjkjjUXKvjgLJf-rq1WDQ"
  261. }
  262. "POST /acme/challenge/jOgYjdBEljP_hMUXJqIhQJ5gPgHw0COOMDSqMv7dh_o/3467367207 HTTP/1.1" 202 339
  263. Received response:
  264. HTTP 202
  265. Server: nginx
  266. Content-Type: application/json
  267. Content-Length: 339
  268. Boulder-Requester: 24306535
  269. Link: <>;rel="up"
  270. Location:
  271. Replay-Nonce: dRcyB72wL-AGtnqZOYdcYW_ftU0kfHdHvCYpv6WphV8
  272. Expires: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:23:49 GMT
  273. Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
  274. Pragma: no-cache
  275. Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:23:49 GMT
  276. Connection: keep-alive
  278. {
  279. "type": "tls-sni-01",
  280. "status": "pending",
  281. "uri": "",
  282. "token": "YnM_ebHoqob9XWQzjX4SCjMpFSXO80ouOICcjYR_KkA",
  283. "keyAuthorization": "YnM_ebHoqob9XWQzjX4SCjMpFSXO80ouOICcjYR_KkA.RW9iKJy0e9riSWOFmdz_E7mrVlhev3eXvgaOZfGXWqU"
  284. }
  285. Storing nonce: dRcyB72wL-AGtnqZOYdcYW_ftU0kfHdHvCYpv6WphV8
  286. JWS payload:
  287. {
  288. "keyAuthorization": "zHouxVQ-graM6Sy2to13vERG_CReR4qjiKvhDFyg-7o.RW9iKJy0e9riSWOFmdz_E7mrVlhev3eXvgaOZfGXWqU",
  289. "type": "tls-sni-01",
  290. "resource": "challenge"
  291. }
  292. Sending POST request to
  293. {
  295. "payload": "ewogICJrZXlBdXRob3JpemF0aW9uIjogInpIb3V4VlEtZ3JhTTZTeTJ0bzEzdkVSR19DUmVSNHFqaUt2aERGeWctN28uUlc5aUtKeTBlOXJpU1dPRm1kel9FN21yVmxoZXYzZVh2Z2FPWmZHWFdxVSIsIAogICJ0eXBlIjogInRscy1zbmktMDEiLCAKICAicmVzb3VyY2UiOiAiY2hhbGxlbmdlIgp9",
  296. "signature": "v-koQMbai44TY9tmhSsD_FDyg6jV-toT50fILqlLQrEKIgEI2ZnODfUS4ptHL7QwoISlmWT15L2CH4LpkeHrpwmvRBSE8vqhVnVjQc0Z4lyBg3iqCnpTngfbLVBLdTvfebqkUtUzxSsh1BpLU838LnM3pdvfWcPoCruz2j1w_kbXLzWYQm0wpQK4lFxhAwkyluVn7KjpLb2RYjhheip6u7vPT9_H-sm1ApR-C_jI49uClGvyJwZ6KKrsqjslmkdUBblFsKwNq2DVhLvzpALrfv-IZVAeqPCglnWwTrLSb10rfvYXD0JkxtQlSu6XA2vpsLcE_HTlkcRJNgwTrTLGTg"
  297. }
  298. "POST /acme/challenge/yD7o9W04EqdoglxORc96VoQYznp5tKSvlIzEcx4JDk8/3467367269 HTTP/1.1" 202 339
  299. Received response:
  300. HTTP 202
  301. Server: nginx
  302. Content-Type: application/json
  303. Content-Length: 339
  304. Boulder-Requester: 24306535
  305. Link: <>;rel="up"
  306. Location:
  307. Replay-Nonce: nkrUsleIvmGYl2YAXm-Gw97PI47ERmFy-RDoZ66ldYc
  308. Expires: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:23:50 GMT
  309. Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
  310. Pragma: no-cache
  311. Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:23:50 GMT
  312. Connection: keep-alive
  314. {
  315. "type": "tls-sni-01",
  316. "status": "pending",
  317. "uri": "",
  318. "token": "zHouxVQ-graM6Sy2to13vERG_CReR4qjiKvhDFyg-7o",
  319. "keyAuthorization": "zHouxVQ-graM6Sy2to13vERG_CReR4qjiKvhDFyg-7o.RW9iKJy0e9riSWOFmdz_E7mrVlhev3eXvgaOZfGXWqU"
  320. }
  321. Storing nonce: nkrUsleIvmGYl2YAXm-Gw97PI47ERmFy-RDoZ66ldYc
  322. Sending GET request to
  323. "GET /acme/authz/yD7o9W04EqdoglxORc96VoQYznp5tKSvlIzEcx4JDk8 HTTP/1.1" 200 1113
  324. Received response:
  325. HTTP 200
  326. Server: nginx
  327. Content-Type: application/json
  328. Content-Length: 1113
  329. Link: <>;rel="next"
  330. Replay-Nonce: -jAgNLfBnS-_pbvzmtx9UJqRSrmNMvrCnHguwZn5a38
  331. X-Frame-Options: DENY
  332. Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=604800
  333. Expires: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:23:53 GMT
  334. Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
  335. Pragma: no-cache
  336. Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:23:53 GMT
  337. Connection: keep-alive
  339. {
  340. "identifier": {
  341. "type": "dns",
  342. "value": ""
  343. },
  344. "status": "pending",
  345. "expires": "2018-02-22T08:23:45Z",
  346. "challenges": [
  347. {
  348. "type": "http-01",
  349. "status": "pending",
  350. "uri": "",
  351. "token": "Q75L-IyPoTD2pHiE-NEkOjF9SnHNFsBiQpQWgsEYraE"
  352. },
  353. {
  354. "type": "dns-01",
  355. "status": "pending",
  356. "uri": "",
  357. "token": "jxHGnR2MJiFxVItxHELAc7JB6KE1bq7-kwMqdkgdXQQ"
  358. },
  359. {
  360. "type": "tls-sni-01",
  361. "status": "pending",
  362. "uri": "",
  363. "token": "zHouxVQ-graM6Sy2to13vERG_CReR4qjiKvhDFyg-7o",
  364. "keyAuthorization": "zHouxVQ-graM6Sy2to13vERG_CReR4qjiKvhDFyg-7o.RW9iKJy0e9riSWOFmdz_E7mrVlhev3eXvgaOZfGXWqU"
  365. }
  366. ],
  367. "combinations": [
  368. [
  369. 1
  370. ],
  371. [
  372. 2
  373. ],
  374. [
  375. 0
  376. ]
  377. ]
  378. }
  379. Sending GET request to
  380. "GET /acme/authz/jOgYjdBEljP_hMUXJqIhQJ5gPgHw0COOMDSqMv7dh_o HTTP/1.1" 200 1111
  381. Received response:
  382. HTTP 200
  383. Server: nginx
  384. Content-Type: application/json
  385. Content-Length: 1111
  386. Link: <>;rel="next"
  387. Replay-Nonce: uUAa2v5MnqLQiuyEijVzRHPNPE2c5sHQ587EaMIUdm8
  388. X-Frame-Options: DENY
  389. Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=604800
  390. Expires: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:23:54 GMT
  391. Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
  392. Pragma: no-cache
  393. Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:23:54 GMT
  394. Connection: keep-alive
  396. {
  397. "identifier": {
  398. "type": "dns",
  399. "value": ""
  400. },
  401. "status": "pending",
  402. "expires": "2018-02-22T08:23:44Z",
  403. "challenges": [
  404. {
  405. "type": "dns-01",
  406. "status": "pending",
  407. "uri": "",
  408. "token": "oUm8mS4yDEo5Be3wY1g8pTi0yFB5CLryMkkkpCR5Dc4"
  409. },
  410. {
  411. "type": "http-01",
  412. "status": "pending",
  413. "uri": "",
  414. "token": "tvWIm-kZ1hV3gBU00pNOawGt1BYym5cZuSO8yuvCpk8"
  415. },
  416. {
  417. "type": "tls-sni-01",
  418. "status": "pending",
  419. "uri": "",
  420. "token": "YnM_ebHoqob9XWQzjX4SCjMpFSXO80ouOICcjYR_KkA",
  421. "keyAuthorization": "YnM_ebHoqob9XWQzjX4SCjMpFSXO80ouOICcjYR_KkA.RW9iKJy0e9riSWOFmdz_E7mrVlhev3eXvgaOZfGXWqU"
  422. }
  423. ],
  424. "combinations": [
  425. [
  426. 0
  427. ],
  428. [
  429. 2
  430. ],
  431. [
  432. 1
  433. ]
  434. ]
  435. }
  436. Sending GET request to
  437. "GET /acme/authz/yD7o9W04EqdoglxORc96VoQYznp5tKSvlIzEcx4JDk8 HTTP/1.1" 200 1113
  438. Received response:
  439. HTTP 200
  440. Server: nginx
  441. Content-Type: application/json
  442. Content-Length: 1113
  443. Link: <>;rel="next"
  444. Replay-Nonce: 2NvcHBHMh8qh2T2L1_XgWDStOsjHAAFLpQZ1DNbDBdk
  445. X-Frame-Options: DENY
  446. Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=604800
  447. Expires: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:23:57 GMT
  448. Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
  449. Pragma: no-cache
  450. Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:23:57 GMT
  451. Connection: keep-alive
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  459. "expires": "2018-02-22T08:23:45Z",
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  472. },
  473. {
  474. "type": "tls-sni-01",
  475. "status": "pending",
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  477. "token": "zHouxVQ-graM6Sy2to13vERG_CReR4qjiKvhDFyg-7o",
  478. "keyAuthorization": "zHouxVQ-graM6Sy2to13vERG_CReR4qjiKvhDFyg-7o.RW9iKJy0e9riSWOFmdz_E7mrVlhev3eXvgaOZfGXWqU"
  479. }
  480. ],
  481. "combinations": [
  482. [
  483. 1
  484. ],
  485. [
  486. 2
  487. ],
  488. [
  489. 0
  490. ]
  491. ]
  492. }
  493. Sending GET request to
  494. "GET /acme/authz/jOgYjdBEljP_hMUXJqIhQJ5gPgHw0COOMDSqMv7dh_o HTTP/1.1" 200 1111
  495. Received response:
  496. HTTP 200
  497. Server: nginx
  498. Content-Type: application/json
  499. Content-Length: 1111
  500. Link: <>;rel="next"
  501. Replay-Nonce: P0NDQRn8YnMWnaThl1Iz41oTmNQrEix3sbG84tgfY2E
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  504. Expires: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:23:57 GMT
  505. Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
  506. Pragma: no-cache
  507. Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:23:57 GMT
  508. Connection: keep-alive
  510. {
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  512. "type": "dns",
  513. "value": ""
  514. },
  515. "status": "pending",
  516. "expires": "2018-02-22T08:23:44Z",
  517. "challenges": [
  518. {
  519. "type": "dns-01",
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  525. "type": "http-01",
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  527. "uri": "",
  528. "token": "tvWIm-kZ1hV3gBU00pNOawGt1BYym5cZuSO8yuvCpk8"
  529. },
  530. {
  531. "type": "tls-sni-01",
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  534. "token": "YnM_ebHoqob9XWQzjX4SCjMpFSXO80ouOICcjYR_KkA",
  535. "keyAuthorization": "YnM_ebHoqob9XWQzjX4SCjMpFSXO80ouOICcjYR_KkA.RW9iKJy0e9riSWOFmdz_E7mrVlhev3eXvgaOZfGXWqU"
  536. }
  537. ],
  538. "combinations": [
  539. [
  540. 0
  541. ],
  542. [
  543. 2
  544. ],
  545. [
  546. 1
  547. ]
  548. ]
  549. }
  550. Sending GET request to
  551. "GET /acme/authz/yD7o9W04EqdoglxORc96VoQYznp5tKSvlIzEcx4JDk8 HTTP/1.1" 200 1113
  552. Received response:
  553. HTTP 200
  554. Server: nginx
  555. Content-Type: application/json
  556. Content-Length: 1113
  557. Link: <>;rel="next"
  558. Replay-Nonce: gGWdOKxcxCbcPwU5tjD7c8CVO250gTJ1CZMFXwN_JGY
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  560. Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=604800
  561. Expires: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:24:00 GMT
  562. Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
  563. Pragma: no-cache
  564. Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:24:00 GMT
  565. Connection: keep-alive
  567. {
  568. "identifier": {
  569. "type": "dns",
  570. "value": ""
  571. },
  572. "status": "pending",
  573. "expires": "2018-02-22T08:23:45Z",
  574. "challenges": [
  575. {
  576. "type": "http-01",
  577. "status": "pending",
  578. "uri": "",
  579. "token": "Q75L-IyPoTD2pHiE-NEkOjF9SnHNFsBiQpQWgsEYraE"
  580. },
  581. {
  582. "type": "dns-01",
  583. "status": "pending",
  584. "uri": "",
  585. "token": "jxHGnR2MJiFxVItxHELAc7JB6KE1bq7-kwMqdkgdXQQ"
  586. },
  587. {
  588. "type": "tls-sni-01",
  589. "status": "pending",
  590. "uri": "",
  591. "token": "zHouxVQ-graM6Sy2to13vERG_CReR4qjiKvhDFyg-7o",
  592. "keyAuthorization": "zHouxVQ-graM6Sy2to13vERG_CReR4qjiKvhDFyg-7o.RW9iKJy0e9riSWOFmdz_E7mrVlhev3eXvgaOZfGXWqU"
  593. }
  594. ],
  595. "combinations": [
  596. [
  597. 1
  598. ],
  599. [
  600. 2
  601. ],
  602. [
  603. 0
  604. ]
  605. ]
  606. }
  607. Sending GET request to
  608. "GET /acme/authz/jOgYjdBEljP_hMUXJqIhQJ5gPgHw0COOMDSqMv7dh_o HTTP/1.1" 200 1111
  609. Received response:
  610. HTTP 200
  611. Server: nginx
  612. Content-Type: application/json
  613. Content-Length: 1111
  614. Link: <>;rel="next"
  615. Replay-Nonce: UFvee0KtZHhfiCn7NML6OtlGNhVQmcxluQMASW0WAPM
  616. X-Frame-Options: DENY
  617. Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=604800
  618. Expires: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:24:00 GMT
  619. Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
  620. Pragma: no-cache
  621. Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:24:00 GMT
  622. Connection: keep-alive
  624. {
  625. "identifier": {
  626. "type": "dns",
  627. "value": ""
  628. },
  629. "status": "pending",
  630. "expires": "2018-02-22T08:23:44Z",
  631. "challenges": [
  632. {
  633. "type": "dns-01",
  634. "status": "pending",
  635. "uri": "",
  636. "token": "oUm8mS4yDEo5Be3wY1g8pTi0yFB5CLryMkkkpCR5Dc4"
  637. },
  638. {
  639. "type": "http-01",
  640. "status": "pending",
  641. "uri": "",
  642. "token": "tvWIm-kZ1hV3gBU00pNOawGt1BYym5cZuSO8yuvCpk8"
  643. },
  644. {
  645. "type": "tls-sni-01",
  646. "status": "pending",
  647. "uri": "",
  648. "token": "YnM_ebHoqob9XWQzjX4SCjMpFSXO80ouOICcjYR_KkA",
  649. "keyAuthorization": "YnM_ebHoqob9XWQzjX4SCjMpFSXO80ouOICcjYR_KkA.RW9iKJy0e9riSWOFmdz_E7mrVlhev3eXvgaOZfGXWqU"
  650. }
  651. ],
  652. "combinations": [
  653. [
  654. 0
  655. ],
  656. [
  657. 2
  658. ],
  659. [
  660. 1
  661. ]
  662. ]
  663. }
  664. Sending GET request to
  665. "GET /acme/authz/yD7o9W04EqdoglxORc96VoQYznp5tKSvlIzEcx4JDk8 HTTP/1.1" 200 1476
  666. Received response:
  667. HTTP 200
  668. Server: nginx
  669. Content-Type: application/json
  670. Content-Length: 1476
  671. Link: <>;rel="next"
  672. Replay-Nonce: W2ye0eOdPWtdk_1bidAPte64WI7Uyaqo46hpgesCTgU
  673. X-Frame-Options: DENY
  674. Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=604800
  675. Expires: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:24:04 GMT
  676. Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
  677. Pragma: no-cache
  678. Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:24:04 GMT
  679. Connection: keep-alive
  681. {
  682. "identifier": {
  683. "type": "dns",
  684. "value": ""
  685. },
  686. "status": "invalid",
  687. "expires": "2018-02-22T08:23:45Z",
  688. "challenges": [
  689. {
  690. "type": "http-01",
  691. "status": "pending",
  692. "uri": "",
  693. "token": "Q75L-IyPoTD2pHiE-NEkOjF9SnHNFsBiQpQWgsEYraE"
  694. },
  695. {
  696. "type": "dns-01",
  697. "status": "pending",
  698. "uri": "",
  699. "token": "jxHGnR2MJiFxVItxHELAc7JB6KE1bq7-kwMqdkgdXQQ"
  700. },
  701. {
  702. "type": "tls-sni-01",
  703. "status": "invalid",
  704. "error": {
  705. "type": "urn:acme:error:connection",
  706. "detail": "Timeout",
  707. "status": 400
  708. },
  709. "uri": "",
  710. "token": "zHouxVQ-graM6Sy2to13vERG_CReR4qjiKvhDFyg-7o",
  711. "keyAuthorization": "zHouxVQ-graM6Sy2to13vERG_CReR4qjiKvhDFyg-7o.RW9iKJy0e9riSWOFmdz_E7mrVlhev3eXvgaOZfGXWqU",
  712. "validationRecord": [
  713. {
  714. "hostname": "",
  715. "port": "443",
  716. "addressesResolved": [
  717. ""
  718. ],
  719. "addressUsed": ""
  720. }
  721. ]
  722. }
  723. ],
  724. "combinations": [
  725. [
  726. 1
  727. ],
  728. [
  729. 2
  730. ],
  731. [
  732. 0
  733. ]
  734. ]
  735. }
  736. Sending GET request to
  737. "GET /acme/authz/jOgYjdBEljP_hMUXJqIhQJ5gPgHw0COOMDSqMv7dh_o HTTP/1.1" 200 1111
  738. Received response:
  739. HTTP 200
  740. Server: nginx
  741. Content-Type: application/json
  742. Content-Length: 1111
  743. Link: <>;rel="next"
  744. Replay-Nonce: 6NtekLUMO4V2pshB-eZlPoFQ4yOphTuCpOuFZIvCaGU
  745. X-Frame-Options: DENY
  746. Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=604800
  747. Expires: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:24:04 GMT
  748. Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
  749. Pragma: no-cache
  750. Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 08:24:04 GMT
  751. Connection: keep-alive
  753. {
  754. "identifier": {
  755. "type": "dns",
  756. "value": ""
  757. },
  758. "status": "pending",
  759. "expires": "2018-02-22T08:23:44Z",
  760. "challenges": [
  761. {
  762. "type": "dns-01",
  763. "status": "pending",
  764. "uri": "",
  765. "token": "oUm8mS4yDEo5Be3wY1g8pTi0yFB5CLryMkkkpCR5Dc4"
  766. },
  767. {
  768. "type": "http-01",
  769. "status": "pending",
  770. "uri": "",
  771. "token": "tvWIm-kZ1hV3gBU00pNOawGt1BYym5cZuSO8yuvCpk8"
  772. },
  773. {
  774. "type": "tls-sni-01",
  775. "status": "pending",
  776. "uri": "",
  777. "token": "YnM_ebHoqob9XWQzjX4SCjMpFSXO80ouOICcjYR_KkA",
  778. "keyAuthorization": "YnM_ebHoqob9XWQzjX4SCjMpFSXO80ouOICcjYR_KkA.RW9iKJy0e9riSWOFmdz_E7mrVlhev3eXvgaOZfGXWqU"
  779. }
  780. ],
  781. "combinations": [
  782. [
  783. 0
  784. ],
  785. [
  786. 2
  787. ],
  788. [
  789. 1
  790. ]
  791. ]
  792. }
  793. Reporting to user: The following errors were reported by the server:
  795. Domain:
  796. Type: connection
  797. Detail: Timeout
  799. To fix these errors, please make sure that your domain name was entered correctly and the DNS A/AAAA record(s) for that domain contain(s) the right IP address. Additionally, please check that your computer has a publicly routable IP address and that no firewalls are preventing the server from communicating with the client. If you're using the webroot plugin, you should also verify that you are serving files from the webroot path you provided.
  800. Cleaning up challenges
  801. Exiting abnormally:
  802. Traceback (most recent call last):
  803. File "/opt/", line 11, in <module>
  804. sys.exit(main())
  805. File "/opt/", line 1240, in main
  806. return config.func(config, plugins)
  807. File "/opt/", line 1120, in certonly
  808. lineage = _get_and_save_cert(le_client, config, domains, certname, lineage)
  809. File "/opt/", line 118, in _get_and_save_cert
  810. lineage = le_client.obtain_and_enroll_certificate(domains, certname)
  811. File "/opt/", line 357, in obtain_and_enroll_certificate
  812. certr, chain, key, _ = self.obtain_certificate(domains)
  813. File "/opt/", line 318, in obtain_certificate
  814. self.config.allow_subset_of_names)
  815. File "/opt/", line 81, in get_authorizations
  816. self._respond(resp, best_effort)
  817. File "/opt/", line 138, in _respond
  818. self._poll_challenges(chall_update, best_effort)
  819. File "/opt/", line 202, in _poll_challenges
  820. raise errors.FailedChallenges(all_failed_achalls)
  821. FailedChallenges: Failed authorization procedure. (tls-sni-01): urn:acme:error:connection :: The server could not connect to the client to verify the domain :: Timeout
  822. Failed authorization procedure. (tls-sni-01): urn:acme:error:connection :: The server could not connect to the client to verify the domain :: Timeout
  825. - The following errors were reported by the server:
  827. Domain:
  828. Type: connection
  829. Detail: Timeout
  831. To fix these errors, please make sure that your domain name was
  832. entered correctly and the DNS A/AAAA record(s) for that domain
  833. contain(s) the right IP address. Additionally, please check that
  834. your computer has a publicly routable IP address and that no
  835. firewalls are preventing the server from communicating with the
  836. client. If you're using the webroot plugin, you should also verify
  837. that you are serving files from the webroot path you provided.
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