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Two-Word Briefs in Plover

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Nov 18th, 2014
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  1. {
  2. "A*EUFRS": "Air Force",
  3. "PHRO*URT": "Appellate Court",
  4. "PHR*BGT": "Appellate Court",
  5. "A*ERPBLS": "Army Base",
  6. "HRARDZ": "Atlantic Yards",
  7. "TO*ERPBG": "Attorney General",
  8. "PWHR*EUBG": "Bill Clinton",
  9. "PWHRUBGS": "Blue Cross",
  10. "SPWHREUPB": "Brooklyn is",
  11. "PW*URGS": "Bush Administration",
  12. "KHAO*EBGS": "Chief Executive",
  13. "KHAO*EPBLGS": "Chief Justice",
  14. "SKO*URT": "Circuit Court",
  15. "KHR*EURGS": "Clinton Administration",
  16. "KPH*EPBLG": "Community College",
  17. "KRORPS": "Consumer Reports",
  18. "STK*PB": "DNA is",
  19. "TKO*ERPB": "Defense Attorney",
  20. "TKRO*ERPB": "District Attorney",
  21. "TKRO*URT": "District Court",
  22. "TAO*URP": "Europe it",
  23. "TPHRO*URT": "Family Court",
  24. "TPRO*URT": "Federal Court",
  25. "TPRO*FT": "Federal Government",
  26. "TPEURLD": "First Lady",
  27. "STPREFRPB": "French is",
  28. "SKWR*PLTS": "General Motors",
  29. "TKPWAO*L": "Grade School",
  30. "TKPWRAO*L": "Graduate School",
  31. "TKPWRA*EFS": "Gram negatives",
  32. "TKPWRA*EPS": "Gram positives",
  33. "TKPWR*RPBLG": "Grand Juror",
  34. "TKPWR*PBLG": "Grand Jury",
  35. "TKPWRAEUBGS": "Great Lakes",
  36. "HAO*L": "High School",
  37. "HOULDZ": "How would",
  38. "HAO*EUTS": "Human Rights",
  39. "O*EUPL": "I am",
  40. "EUBLD": "I believed",
  41. "KEU": "I can",
  42. "KROEU": "I could",
  43. "EUBGD": "I could",
  44. "KRO*EU": "I could",
  45. "KOEU": "I could",
  46. "EUFLT": "I felt",
  47. "TKPWEU": "I go",
  48. "H*EU": "I had",
  49. "SREU": "I have",
  50. "KWR*PB": "I know",
  51. "KWRO*": "I know",
  52. "EUBT": "I object",
  53. "EURL": "I recall",
  54. "EURLD": "I recalled",
  55. "EURPL": "I remember",
  56. "EURPLD": "I remembered",
  57. "EUBS": "I said",
  58. "EUBZ": "I say",
  59. "EUBSZ": "I says",
  60. "EURBL": "I shall",
  61. "EURBD": "I should",
  62. "KWREUBG": "I think",
  63. "EUPBDZ": "I understand",
  64. "*EUPBDZ": "I understood",
  65. "EUPT": "I want",
  66. "EUPTD": "I wanted",
  67. "EUFS": "I was",
  68. "EURP": "I were",
  69. "HRO*EU": "I will",
  70. "HR*EU": "I will",
  71. "WOEU": "I would",
  72. "EULD": "I would",
  73. "STPH*URBG": "Insurance Company",
  74. "SPWEFRB": "Internal Revenue",
  75. "TPHA*EUPT": "International Airport",
  76. "SKWR*EPBLG": "Junior College",
  77. "SKWR*FP": "Jury Charge",
  78. "SKWR-PT": "Jury present",
  79. "SKWRO*URT": "Juvenile Court",
  80. "HRAO*L": "Law School",
  81. "HRAOEULD": "Long Island",
  82. "HRAO*EULD": "Long Island",
  83. "HRAEULD": "Long Island",
  84. "SPH-PBT": "Manhattan is",
  85. "PHRAO*EPBS": "Marine Base",
  86. "PHAO*L": "Medical School",
  87. "PHAO*ELS": "Middle East",
  88. "PHAO*EFT": "Middle East",
  89. "PHRAO*L": "Middle School",
  90. "PH-RTS": "Miranda rights",
  91. "PH-RL": "Miranda rule",
  92. "PH-RPBG": "Miranda warning",
  93. "PH-RPBGS": "Miranda warnings",
  94. "PHO*URT": "Municipal Court",
  95. "TPHA*EUBS": "Navy Base",
  96. "TPHA*PL": "New Hampshire",
  97. "TPHAOUPBLG": "New Jersey",
  98. "TPHURPBLG": "New Jersey",
  99. "TPH*PL": "New Mexico",
  100. "PHORPBLS": "New Orleans",
  101. "TPHORLS": "New Orleans",
  102. "TPHORPBLS": "New Orleans",
  103. "PHOERPBLS": "New Orleans",
  104. "TPHOERPBLS": "New Orleans",
  105. "TPHO*RBG": "New York",
  106. "TPHO*RPBG": "New York",
  107. "TPHO*FRBG": "New York",
  108. "TPHORB": "New York",
  109. "TPH*Z": "New Zealand",
  110. "TPHOERPLS": "New orleans",
  111. "TPH*BG": "North Carolina",
  112. "TPH*D": "North Dakota",
  113. "TPHA*EURS": "Paris in",
  114. "P*R": "Puerto Rico",
  115. "R*ERGS": "Reagan Administration",
  116. "REUFPLT": "Rhode Island",
  117. "R*EU": "Rhode Island",
  118. "SA*ERPL": "Salvation Army",
  119. "STPREUFBG": "San Francisco",
  120. "STPEUFBG": "San Francisco",
  121. "SKHRAUZ": "Santa Claus",
  122. "SAOEUPBT": "Saturday night",
  123. "SHRA*PBLG": "Sign Language",
  124. "S*S": "Social Security",
  125. "S*BG": "South Carolina",
  126. "S*D": "South Dakota",
  127. "STO*URT": "State Court",
  128. "STPHREUS": "State Police",
  129. "STAO*F": "State of",
  130. "SPRO*URT": "Superior Court",
  131. "SPO*URT": "Supreme Court",
  132. "SKORT": "Supreme Court",
  133. "S*RPBG": "Surgeon General",
  134. "S*RPBGS": "Surgeons General",
  135. "UBG": "United Kingdom",
  136. "KWRAOEUPBS": "United Nations",
  137. "*US": "United States",
  138. "*UTS": "United States",
  139. "KWRAOEUTS": "United States",
  140. "*UFS": "United States",
  141. "SROED": "Vehicle Code",
  142. "SRAOED": "Vehicle Code",
  143. "SR*ERGS": "Veterans Administration",
  144. "SRO*PT": "Veterans Hospital",
  145. "SR*PT": "Vice President",
  146. "W*F": "West Virginia",
  147. "WH-RP": "When were",
  148. "WHU": "When you",
  149. "WHO*US": "White House",
  150. "WEUBGS": "Witness excused",
  151. "WO*URT": "World Court",
  152. "KPARB": "X bar",
  153. "HR-LT": "a little",
  154. "HROELT": "a lot",
  155. "TAOBLT": "ability to",
  156. "TAOEUBL": "able to",
  157. "PW-T": "about the",
  158. "PWOFT": "above the",
  159. "STKAP": "accident happen",
  160. "STKAPD": "accident happened",
  161. "STKORT": "accident report",
  162. "STKAEPB": "accident scene",
  163. "KORGT": "according to",
  164. "A*FRBGS": "affirmative action",
  165. "TKPWRAULT": "aggravated assault",
  166. "AEUFRS": "air force",
  167. "AEURPLGS": "air pollution",
  168. "KHROEUPBLG": "alcoholic beverage",
  169. "A*UFL": "all of",
  170. "HRAOEURLT": "all right",
  171. "THRAOEURLT": "all right",
  172. "HR-RT": "all right",
  173. "HAOEURLT": "all right",
  174. "WHRAOEURLT": "all right",
  175. "HRAOEUFRLT": "all right",
  176. "HRAOURLT": "all right",
  177. "RAOEURLT": "all right",
  178. "AULT": "all the",
  179. "THRO*UD": "allowed to",
  180. "AFPLT": "amount of",
  181. "SAEPBLS": "analysis is",
  182. "SKPEU": "and I",
  183. "SKPA": "and a",
  184. "STKPA": "and a",
  185. "SKPAEU": "and a",
  186. "AEUPBD": "and a",
  187. "SKPAUL": "and all",
  188. "SKPALS": "and also",
  189. "SKPAPB": "and an",
  190. "SKPA*PB": "and an",
  191. "SKP-R": "and are",
  192. "SKP-B": "and be",
  193. "SKP-BG": "and can",
  194. "SKP-BGD": "and could",
  195. "TKAPBD": "and did",
  196. "SKP-FL": "and feel",
  197. "SKP-FLT": "and felt",
  198. "SKP-FPBD": "and find",
  199. "SKP-D": "and had",
  200. "SKP-F": "and have",
  201. "SKPE": "and he",
  202. "TPAPBD": "and if",
  203. "TAPBD": "and it",
  204. "SKPEUT": "and it",
  205. "SKPOFR": "and over",
  206. "SKP-RL": "and recall",
  207. "SKP-RLD": "and recalled",
  208. "SKP-RBG": "and recollect",
  209. "SKP-RBGD": "and recollected",
  210. "SKP-RPL": "and remember",
  211. "SKP-RPLD": "and remembered",
  212. "SKP-RB": "and shall",
  213. "SKPHE": "and she",
  214. "SKP-RBD": "and should",
  215. "SAOPBD": "and so",
  216. "SKP-T": "and the",
  217. "STKP-T": "and the",
  218. "SKPAT": "and the",
  219. "SKPW-T": "and the",
  220. "SKP-LT": "and the",
  221. "STKPH-T": "and the",
  222. "SKPET": "and the",
  223. "THAPBD": "and this",
  224. "STHAPBD": "and this",
  225. "TAOPBD": "and to",
  226. "SKP-FS": "and was",
  227. "SKP-RP": "and were",
  228. "SKP-L": "and will",
  229. "SKP-LD": "and would",
  230. "SKPU": "and you",
  231. "AUPBD": "and you",
  232. "TPHAEPBS": "answer in",
  233. "SAEPBS": "answer is",
  234. "STPHAED": "answer read",
  235. "TPHEUFBGT": "any fact",
  236. "TPHEUFR": "any further",
  237. "TPHEUPBLG": "any knowledge",
  238. "TPH*EUBGS": "any objection",
  239. "TPHEUF": "any of",
  240. "TPHEUBLS": "anybody else",
  241. "TPHEUPBLS": "anyone else",
  242. "TPHOEUPB": "anyone to",
  243. "TPHEUFRG": "anything further",
  244. "TPHEURLS": "anywhere else",
  245. "PHR-BGT": "appellate court",
  246. "PHROURT": "appellate court",
  247. "TPROEPT": "appropriate to",
  248. "RA*": "are a",
  249. "R-LS": "are also",
  250. "R-T": "are the",
  251. "SKWRA*ER": "area is",
  252. "SAERPLT": "argument is",
  253. "AERPBLS": "army base",
  254. "STROUPBD": "around it",
  255. "SA*FZ": "as a",
  256. "SA*Z": "as a",
  257. "SA*SZ": "as a",
  258. "SA*DZ": "as a",
  259. "SA*EPB": "as an",
  260. "STPOLS": "as follows",
  261. "TAZ": "as it",
  262. "SPHAEPB": "as many",
  263. "SPHA*EPB": "as many",
  264. "SPHUFP": "as much",
  265. "SAUZ": "as the",
  266. "SAZ": "as the",
  267. "SW*EL": "as well",
  268. "AUZ": "as you",
  269. "SK-T": "ask the",
  270. "SKU": "ask you",
  271. "SWOERBT": "associate with",
  272. "SWOERBTD": "associated with",
  273. "TA*": "at a",
  274. "TA*PB": "at an",
  275. "THRAO*ES": "at least",
  276. "THRA*ES": "at least",
  277. "THRAES": "at least",
  278. "TWUPBS": "at once",
  279. "TE": "at the",
  280. "TOERPBG": "attorney general",
  281. "TOERPBGS": "attorneys general",
  282. "STPHRAEUBL": "available in",
  283. "SAFRG": "average is",
  284. "SKPWABG": "back and",
  285. "TPWAOBG": "back to",
  286. "PWAUP": "back up",
  287. "PWHRAO*ET": "balance sheet",
  288. "PW-BGT": "bank account",
  289. "PW-BGTS": "bank accounts",
  290. "PWRORB": "bank robber",
  291. "PWROERB": "bank robbery",
  292. "SPWAEUS": "base is",
  293. "TPWAUS": "because it",
  294. "PWAUFS": "because of",
  295. "PWAUF": "because of",
  296. "TPWH-PB": "been in",
  297. "TPWOPB": "been to",
  298. "PW-FRT": "before the",
  299. "PW-FT": "before the",
  300. "STKPWAOPB": "began to",
  301. "STKPWOEUPB": "begin to",
  302. "STKPWOEUPBG": "beginning to",
  303. "STKPWOEUPBS": "begins to",
  304. "STKPWOUPB": "begun to",
  305. "THAEUPBD": "behind that",
  306. "TPWHRAEF": "believe that",
  307. "SPWEFPBT": "benefit is",
  308. "TPWOEFPBT": "benefit to",
  309. "TWAOEPBT": "between the",
  310. "TWHAOEPB": "between this",
  311. "TKWHRAOPBD": "beyond that",
  312. "TPWEUG": "big it",
  313. "TPWOEURG": "bigger to",
  314. "PWHRARBGT": "black market",
  315. "PWHROL": "blood alcohol",
  316. "PWHR-LT": "blood clot",
  317. "PWHR-BGT": "blood count",
  318. "PWHR-P": "blood pressure",
  319. "PWR*EP": "blood pressure",
  320. "PWR*EPS": "blood pressures",
  321. "PWHRAOUG": "blood sugar",
  322. "PWHRAOURG": "blood sugar",
  323. "PWHR*ES": "blood test",
  324. "PWHRAOEUP": "blood type",
  325. "PWHR*FL": "blood vessel",
  326. "PWHREFLS": "blood vessels",
  327. "PWORPL": "bodily harm",
  328. "PWOPBLG": "bodily injury",
  329. "SPWOPBD": "bond is",
  330. "PWAOFBG": "book of",
  331. "TPWOUPBD": "bound to",
  332. "PW-LT": "brake light",
  333. "PW-LTS": "brake lights",
  334. "SPWRAFRPB": "branch is",
  335. "PWR-LT": "bright light",
  336. "PWR-LTS": "bright lights",
  337. "SPWUPBLT": "budget is",
  338. "TPWEULD": "build it",
  339. "TPWHRAGS": "buildings that",
  340. "TPWOURD": "burden to",
  341. "SPWEUS": "business is",
  342. "TPWUT": "but it",
  343. "TPWEU": "by it",
  344. "TKAUL": "call it",
  345. "TKHAUL": "call this",
  346. "TKPHAULD": "called in",
  347. "TKAULD": "called it",
  348. "TKPHAEUPL": "came in",
  349. "K-B": "can be",
  350. "K-FL": "can feel",
  351. "K-FPBD": "can find",
  352. "K-RL": "can recall",
  353. "K-RPL": "can remember",
  354. "K-PBDZ": "can understand",
  355. "K-PT": "can want",
  356. "K*U": "can you",
  357. "KA*EUFPB": "capital gain",
  358. "KOEUBGS": "carbon dioxide",
  359. "KPHOEUBGS": "carbon monoxide",
  360. "KARPLT": "carpal tunnel",
  361. "KAEUFS": "case of",
  362. "K*UDZ": "case studies",
  363. "KUDZ": "case study",
  364. "KR-FPB": "cell phone",
  365. "KR*FPB": "cellular phone",
  366. "KRO*EPB": "cellular phone",
  367. "STPHRAEPB": "center lane",
  368. "STPHRAOEUPB": "center line",
  369. "KR*PL": "centimeter are",
  370. "TKHAOPBS": "chance to",
  371. "SKHAEUPBG": "change is",
  372. "TKHAEUPBG": "change it",
  373. "KHUP": "check up",
  374. "KH-BGT": "checking account",
  375. "KH-BGTS": "checking accounts",
  376. "KWEP": "chemical weapon",
  377. "KHAOEPBLGS": "chief justice",
  378. "KHORT": "child support",
  379. "SKPHEURPB": "children and",
  380. "SKOURT": "circuit court",
  381. "SKEFD": "circumstantial evidence",
  382. "SK*EFD": "circumstantial evidence",
  383. "SKOUPBS": "city council",
  384. "SHR-RTS": "civil rights",
  385. "KHRAFS": "class of",
  386. "TKHRAOEPB": "clean it",
  387. "KHRUP": "clean up",
  388. "KHROUP": "close up",
  389. "KHROEPGS": "closed caption",
  390. "KHRARGT": "closing argument",
  391. "KHRARGTS": "closing arguments",
  392. "KHROEPLT": "closing statement",
  393. "KHROEPLTS": "closing statements",
  394. "KHROUBG": "cloud cover",
  395. "KHRAOEUZ": "cloudy skies",
  396. "KHR*EUPLT": "cochlear implant",
  397. "TKHROEPBLG": "college to",
  398. "SKPHRUPLS": "columns and",
  399. "TKPHOPL": "come in",
  400. "SKPHOPB": "common is",
  401. "KPH-PBS": "common sense",
  402. "KPHEPBLG": "community college",
  403. "SKPHAOUPBT": "community is",
  404. "TKPAOEURD": "compared to",
  405. "KPEPBLGS": "compensatory damages",
  406. "KPO*EFD": "composed of",
  407. "KPAOURTD": "computer disk",
  408. "SKRAEUBGS": "concentration is",
  409. "KPWERPB": "concern with",
  410. "KWERPBD": "concerned with",
  411. "KPWERPBD": "concerned with",
  412. "TKOEBGT": "connect to",
  413. "KWEBGS": "connection with",
  414. "SKAOF": "consist of",
  415. "KAOF": "consist of",
  416. "KAOFTD": "consisted of",
  417. "KAOFD": "consisted of",
  418. "KWAOPBT": "consistent with",
  419. "KAOFG": "consisting of",
  420. "KAOFS": "consists of",
  421. "TAOURTS": "constitutional rights",
  422. "TOPBD": "continued to",
  423. "KREUPBLGT": "contributorily negligent",
  424. "KREUPBLG": "contributory negligence",
  425. "KRO*LS": "controlled substance",
  426. "KRUBS": "controlled substance",
  427. "KOB": "could be",
  428. "KO*B": "could be",
  429. "KOUB": "could be",
  430. "KOUBL": "could believe",
  431. "KOUFL": "could feel",
  432. "KOUFPBD": "could find",
  433. "KOUF": "could have",
  434. "KOURL": "could recall",
  435. "KOURBG": "could recollect",
  436. "KOURPL": "could remember",
  437. "KOUPBDZ": "could understand",
  438. "KOUPT": "could want",
  439. "SKUPBT": "country is",
  440. "KRORT": "court report",
  441. "KRORP": "court reporter",
  442. "KROERT": "court reporter",
  443. "KREFD": "credible evidence",
  444. "KR*EFD": "credible evidence",
  445. "KREUFRPLT": "criminal informant",
  446. "KREUFGS": "criminal information",
  447. "KREUPBT": "criminal intent",
  448. "TKUT": "cut it",
  449. "TKWREP": "dangerous weapon",
  450. "TKWREPS": "dangerous weapons",
  451. "TKAEUFT": "date of",
  452. "STKED": "dead is",
  453. "TKWEP": "deadly weapon",
  454. "TKWEPS": "deadly weapons",
  455. "TKWAOEL": "deal with",
  456. "TKWAOELG": "dealing with",
  457. "TK*EPLT": "death penalty",
  458. "TKEFRG": "deferring it",
  459. "TKPHAO*ERB": "deficiency in",
  460. "TKHAEFPBL": "definitely an",
  461. "TK-TS": "delirium tremens",
  462. "TKHR*RPL": "delivery room",
  463. "STKROEUT": "destroy the",
  464. "TKEU": "did I",
  465. "TKA*": "did a",
  466. "TKPA*": "did a",
  467. "TK-T": "did the",
  468. "TKOEUFRPBS": "difference to",
  469. "TKPHEUFRPBS": "differences in",
  470. "TKPREUFRPB": "different from",
  471. "TK*EURPL": "dining room",
  472. "TK*R": "dining room",
  473. "TKRAUZ": "direct cause",
  474. "TKR*EFD": "direct evidence",
  475. "TKROERPB": "district attorney",
  476. "TKROURT": "district court",
  477. "TKWORPLT": "divorce agreement",
  478. "TKWORPLTS": "divorce settlement",
  479. "TKOEU": "do I",
  480. "STKO": "do is",
  481. "TKPHOT": "do not",
  482. "TKO*T": "do the",
  483. "TKHAOS": "does that",
  484. "TKPHOUS": "domestic abuse",
  485. "TKPHAOUS": "domestic abuse",
  486. "TKPHAOUT": "domestic dispute",
  487. "TKPHAOEULS": "domestic violence",
  488. "TKHAOPB": "done that",
  489. "TKPHOUPB": "down in",
  490. "TKR-DZ": "driver side",
  491. "TKROERPLT": "drug enforcement",
  492. "TKURGT": "during the",
  493. "ERPBLG": "early morning",
  494. "S*ERT": "earth is",
  495. "*EBL": "eastbound lane",
  496. "*EBT": "eastbound traffic",
  497. "TOEZ": "easy to",
  498. "EBGD": "educational background",
  499. "TPHAEBGT": "effect that",
  500. "TOEFRT": "effort to",
  501. "KELS": "else can",
  502. "HR*ELS": "else is",
  503. "THAELS": "else that",
  504. "PH*RPL": "emergency room",
  505. "EPLD": "eminent domain",
  506. "SHRAOERPL": "equilibrium is",
  507. "TPEPS": "especially if",
  508. "TPHEPS": "especially in",
  509. "EGTS": "et cetera",
  510. "ETS": "et cetera",
  511. "ETSZ": "et cetera",
  512. "ELTS": "et cetera",
  513. "TPAOEPB": "even if",
  514. "TPHAOEPB": "even in",
  515. "KEFRPB": "everyone can",
  516. "TOEFRPB": "everyone to",
  517. "TPHEFRG": "everything in",
  518. "TEFRG": "everything it",
  519. "THAEFRG": "everything that",
  520. "TOEFRG": "everything to",
  521. "TKPHAEPT": "except that",
  522. "KH*ET": "exchangeable debt",
  523. "KPUPL": "excuse me",
  524. "KP-PBS": "expert witness",
  525. "TPAO*EURL": "failure to",
  526. "TPAEURPDZ": "fair preponderance",
  527. "TPA*EURB": "fair share",
  528. "TPHROURT": "family court",
  529. "TPROURT": "federal court",
  530. "TPRUPBLG": "federal judge",
  531. "TPAOUF": "few of",
  532. "TPHAOEUPBD": "find it",
  533. "TPAOEURBG": "fire truck",
  534. "TP*D": "first degree",
  535. "TPEURPB": "first name",
  536. "TPEURT": "first time",
  537. "TPHROUP": "follow up",
  538. "TPOERBGS": "for example",
  539. "TPOEUD": "for identification",
  540. "TPOERPBS": "for instance",
  541. "TPREUPBS": "for instance",
  542. "TP-RT": "for the",
  543. "TPORT": "for the",
  544. "TPUPBT": "foreign country",
  545. "TPHAOUPBD": "found that",
  546. "TPHOUPBD": "found this",
  547. "TPRA*": "from a",
  548. "TPR-T": "from the",
  549. "TPRUS": "from us",
  550. "TPRU": "from you",
  551. "TPRUR": "from your",
  552. "TPROEPBD": "front end",
  553. "TPROFPBT": "front of",
  554. "TPUFL": "full of",
  555. "TPOUPB": "fun to",
  556. "STPUPBGS": "function is",
  557. "TPHAUPBD": "fund that",
  558. "SKWR-PLG": "general manager",
  559. "TKPWO*EUP": "general partner",
  560. "TKPWHAET": "get that",
  561. "TKPWOET": "get to",
  562. "TKPWOETS": "gets to",
  563. "TKPWUP": "give up",
  564. "TKPWHEUFPB": "given in",
  565. "TKPWHAEUFPB": "given that",
  566. "TKPWOEUFPB": "given to",
  567. "TKPWHRAOD": "glad to",
  568. "TKPWHR-PT": "glove compartment",
  569. "TKPWOEFLS": "goals of",
  570. "TKPWOS": "goes to",
  571. "TPW*G": "going to",
  572. "TKPW*BG": "going to",
  573. "TKPWAEFPB": "good afternoon",
  574. "TKPWAOFRPB": "good afternoon",
  575. "TKPWA*EFPB": "good afternoon",
  576. "TKPWAEUD": "good day",
  577. "TKPWAOEPBG": "good evening",
  578. "TKPWAOPBG": "good evening",
  579. "TKPWAOEFPBG": "good evening",
  580. "TKPWHR*UBG": "good luck",
  581. "TKPWHRUBG": "good luck",
  582. "TKPW-PL": "good many",
  583. "TPWORPBG": "good morning",
  584. "TKPWAORPBG": "good morning",
  585. "TKPWORPBG": "good morning",
  586. "TKPWAOPBT": "good night",
  587. "TKPWAOEUT": "got a",
  588. "TKPWAOL": "grade school",
  589. "TKPWRAOL": "graduate school",
  590. "TKPWRAFPL": "gram of",
  591. "TKPWRAFPLS": "grams of",
  592. "TKPWR-RPBLG": "grand juror",
  593. "TKPWR-PBLG": "grand jury",
  594. "TKPWHRARS": "grand larceny",
  595. "TKPWRAEL": "great deal",
  596. "TKPWRAEBGS": "great extent",
  597. "TKPWRAEPL": "great many",
  598. "TKPWR-LT": "green light",
  599. "TKPWR-LTS": "green lights",
  600. "TKPWHROUPBD": "ground in",
  601. "TKPWRURPBS": "group insurance",
  602. "TKPWRAOUFP": "group of",
  603. "TKPWRUP": "grown up",
  604. "TKPWHAES": "guess that",
  605. "TKPW-RBGT": "guilty verdict",
  606. "HA*": "had a",
  607. "H-BLD": "had believed",
  608. "H-FLT": "had felt",
  609. "H-D": "had had",
  610. "H-RLD": "had recalled",
  611. "H-RBGD": "had recollected",
  612. "H-RPLD": "had remembered",
  613. "H-T": "had the",
  614. "SKPHAPBD": "hand and",
  615. "SHAPD": "happened is",
  616. "THAOPD": "happened to",
  617. "TPHAPS": "happens in",
  618. "SHAPS": "happens is",
  619. "THAOPS": "happens to",
  620. "THAORD": "hard to",
  621. "THAORPL": "harm to",
  622. "HAB": "has been",
  623. "HAFLT": "has felt",
  624. "THAOS": "has to",
  625. "SRAEU": "have a",
  626. "SRA": "have a",
  627. "SRA*EU": "have a",
  628. "SRA*PB": "have an",
  629. "SRA*EPB": "have an",
  630. "SR-B": "have been",
  631. "SR-FLT": "have felt",
  632. "SR-D": "have had",
  633. "SR-RLD": "have recalled",
  634. "SR-RBGD": "have recollected",
  635. "SR-RPLD": "have remembered",
  636. "SR-BS": "have said",
  637. "SR-T": "have the",
  638. "SR*U": "have you",
  639. "HEBL": "he believe",
  640. "HEBLD": "he believed",
  641. "HEBLS": "he believes",
  642. "KE": "he can",
  643. "HEBGD": "he could",
  644. "HEFLS": "he feels",
  645. "HEFLT": "he felt",
  646. "HEZ": "he has",
  647. "SE": "he is",
  648. "H*EPBS": "he knows",
  649. "HERLD": "he recalled",
  650. "HERLS": "he recalls",
  651. "HERBGD": "he recollected",
  652. "HERBGS": "he recollects",
  653. "HERPLD": "he remembered",
  654. "HERPLS": "he remembers",
  655. "HEBS": "he said",
  656. "HEBZ": "he say",
  657. "HEBSZ": "he says",
  658. "SHOEU": "he should",
  659. "HERBD": "he should",
  660. "HEPBG": "he think",
  661. "HEPBGS": "he thinks",
  662. "HEPBDZ": "he understand",
  663. "H*EPBDZ": "he understood",
  664. "HEPTD": "he wanted",
  665. "HEPTS": "he wants",
  666. "EFS": "he was",
  667. "HEFS": "he was",
  668. "H-BG": "health care",
  669. "H*ELTD": "health department",
  670. "HURPBS": "health insurance",
  671. "HAERB": "hear about",
  672. "PWHAERPBG": "hearing about",
  673. "SKPHEFPB": "heaven and",
  674. "THOEPD": "helped to",
  675. "THO*EFL": "helpful to",
  676. "HERPB": "her Honor",
  677. "HAOL": "high school",
  678. "HEURPB": "his Honor",
  679. "THEUT": "hit it",
  680. "THAOELD": "hold it",
  681. "THOELD": "hold it",
  682. "HOUP": "hold up",
  683. "SHOERBG": "homework is",
  684. "HOUBT": "how about",
  685. "HOUB": "how about",
  686. "HOUBG": "how can",
  687. "HOUBGD": "how could",
  688. "HOUFZ": "how fast",
  689. "THOU": "how it",
  690. "HOURPBLG": "how large",
  691. "HOULT": "how late",
  692. "HOUPBG": "how long",
  693. "HOUPL": "how many",
  694. "HOUFP": "how much",
  695. "HAOUFP": "how much",
  696. "HOUFPB": "how often",
  697. "HOULD": "how old",
  698. "HOURB": "how shall",
  699. "HOURBD": "how should",
  700. "HOUT": "how the",
  701. "HOUFS": "how was",
  702. "HOURP": "how were",
  703. "HAOUB": "human being",
  704. "KWR-FD": "idea of",
  705. "TPEU": "if I",
  706. "TPA*EU": "if a",
  707. "TPAOEPL": "if people",
  708. "TP-T": "if the",
  709. "TPU": "if you",
  710. "TOEUPBLG": "image to",
  711. "TPHAPBLG": "imagine it",
  712. "SPORPB": "important is",
  713. "TPHAORPB": "important that",
  714. "TPORPB": "important to",
  715. "TPHA*EU": "in a",
  716. "TPHRA*EU": "in a",
  717. "TPHAGS": "in addition",
  718. "TPHA*PB": "in an",
  719. "TPHAOEFP": "in each",
  720. "TPHEFBGT": "in effect",
  721. "TPHEFD": "in evidence",
  722. "TPH*EFD": "in evidence",
  723. "TPH-FT": "in fact",
  724. "STPROPBT": "in front",
  725. "TPHOERD": "in order",
  726. "TPHORD": "in order",
  727. "TPHORTD": "in order",
  728. "TPHOUR": "in our",
  729. "TPHR*E": "in re",
  730. "TPHREFRPBS": "in reference",
  731. "TPHRARD": "in regard",
  732. "TPH-RPT": "in respect",
  733. "TPH-T": "in the",
  734. "STHEUPBS": "in this",
  735. "TPHAFPS": "inasmuch as",
  736. "STPHUFPS": "inasmuch as",
  737. "TPH*T": "income tax",
  738. "TKRETD": "indirect credit",
  739. "STPHEFD": "instead of",
  740. "STHER": "instruct her",
  741. "STHEUPL": "instruct him",
  742. "STHERG": "instructing her",
  743. "STHEUPLG": "instructing him",
  744. "STPHURGT": "insurance agent",
  745. "STPHURBG": "insurance company",
  746. "STPHURPS": "insurance policy",
  747. "SPWR-BGT": "interest account",
  748. "SPWR-RT": "interest rate",
  749. "SPWR-RTS": "interest rates",
  750. "TROG": "interesting to",
  751. "TPHAEUPT": "international airport",
  752. "SPWAOBGT": "into account",
  753. "SPWAOEFBGT": "into effect",
  754. "TPHAOT": "into the",
  755. "SPWAOT": "into the",
  756. "STPHREFPLT": "investment in",
  757. "TPHO*PLS": "involuntary manslaughter",
  758. "EURBGD": "irreconcilable difference",
  759. "EURBGDZ": "irreconcilable differences",
  760. "SA*EU": "is a",
  761. "S-LS": "is also",
  762. "SA*PB": "is an",
  763. "SK-GS": "is asking",
  764. "STKOPB": "is done",
  765. "STPOR": "is for",
  766. "STPHOT": "is not",
  767. "SHRAOERL": "is really",
  768. "STHAPBT": "is that",
  769. "STHA": "is that",
  770. "S-T": "is the",
  771. "STHR": "is there",
  772. "STO": "is to",
  773. "S*EURB": "issue is",
  774. "TA*EU": "it a",
  775. "T-BG": "it can",
  776. "T-BGD": "it could",
  777. "T-FLS": "it feels",
  778. "T-FLT": "it felt",
  779. "T-PD": "it happened",
  780. "T-PS": "it happens",
  781. "T-Z": "it has",
  782. "T-RLD": "it recalled",
  783. "T-RLS": "it recalls",
  784. "T-RBD": "it should",
  785. "TUP": "it up",
  786. "TWUZ": "it was",
  787. "TWUS": "it was",
  788. "T-FS": "it was",
  789. "TWAS": "it was",
  790. "T-RP": "it were",
  791. "T-LD": "it would",
  792. "TWOULD": "it would",
  793. "SKWRO*EUF": "joint venture",
  794. "SKWROEUF": "joint venture",
  795. "SKWREPBLG": "junior college",
  796. "SKWROBGS": "jury box",
  797. "SKWR-FP": "jury charge",
  798. "KH-PBLG": "jury charge",
  799. "SKWR-RPL": "jury room",
  800. "SKWRURT": "jury trial",
  801. "SKWR-T": "jury trial",
  802. "SKWRABT": "just about",
  803. "STKPWRUFT": "just go",
  804. "STKPWHRUFT": "just in",
  805. "STKWROUFT": "just to",
  806. "SKWROURT": "juvenile court",
  807. "SKWRORT": "juvenile court",
  808. "SKWRAO*UFLD": "juvenile deliquent",
  809. "SKAOEUPBD": "kind is",
  810. "KAOEUFPBD": "kind of",
  811. "TPHRAPBD": "land in",
  812. "SHRAPBD": "land is",
  813. "THRAPBD": "land it",
  814. "THRAOPBD": "land to",
  815. "SHRAPBLG": "language is",
  816. "HRAURBG": "law clerk",
  817. "HRAEURPLT": "law enforcement",
  818. "HRAUFRPL": "law firm",
  819. "HRAUFS": "law office",
  820. "HRAUFRS": "law officer",
  821. "HRAUFR": "law officer",
  822. "HRAOL": "law school",
  823. "THRAOEDZ": "leads to",
  824. "PWHRERPB": "learn about",
  825. "TPHRERPB": "learn in",
  826. "THRERPB": "learn it",
  827. "THROERPB": "learn to",
  828. "TPHRERPBD": "learned from",
  829. "THRAERPBD": "learned that",
  830. "THROERPBD": "learned to",
  831. "TPHRERPBG": "learning in",
  832. "THROERPBG": "learning to",
  833. "THROED": "led to",
  834. "HR*RPL": "left arm",
  835. "HR*FPBD": "left fender",
  836. "HR*FT": "left foot",
  837. "THREFT": "left it",
  838. "HR*L": "left lane",
  839. "HR-DZ": "left side",
  840. "TPHREG": "leg in",
  841. "HRAUZ": "legal cause",
  842. "HRELGS": "legal conclusion",
  843. "THREPBD": "lend it",
  844. "SHR*ERPBD": "lender is",
  845. "SHREPBG": "length is",
  846. "THRAOEUBLT": "liability to",
  847. "SHR-PBS": "license is",
  848. "HRURPBS": "life insurance",
  849. "THRAOEUBG": "like it",
  850. "THRAOEUBGD": "liked it",
  851. "HRO*EUP": "limited partner",
  852. "TPHRAOEUPB": "line in",
  853. "HRUP": "line up",
  854. "SKPHREUFPB": "listen and",
  855. "THROEUFPB": "listen to",
  856. "THRO*EUFPBG": "listening to",
  857. "THROEUFPBG": "listening to",
  858. "SKPHR*EUFP": "literature and",
  859. "TPHR*EUFP": "literature in",
  860. "SHR*EUFP": "literature is",
  861. "PWHREULT": "little bit",
  862. "TPHREUFG": "living in",
  863. "HR*EUFRPL": "living room",
  864. "HR*R": "living room",
  865. "TPHROEBGS": "location in",
  866. "HROUP": "lock up",
  867. "THRO*LG": "logical to",
  868. "HRAOBGT": "look at",
  869. "SHROS": "loss is",
  870. "HROFT": "lot of",
  871. "HROFTS": "lots of",
  872. "HR*PBG": "low income",
  873. "PHAEFD": "made of",
  874. "SPHAEUPBLG": "major is",
  875. "PHAFPLT": "management of",
  876. "PHRAOEPBS": "marine base",
  877. "PHA*RPL": "master bedroom",
  878. "SPHAERT": "matter is",
  879. "PHAEUBL": "may believe",
  880. "PHAEUFL": "may feel",
  881. "PHAEUFPBD": "may find",
  882. "PHAEUF": "may have",
  883. "PHAEUPBT": "may not",
  884. "PHAEURPL": "may remember",
  885. "PHAEUPBDZ": "may understand",
  886. "PHAEUPT": "may want",
  887. "SPHAOEPB": "mean is",
  888. "SPHAOEPBS": "means is",
  889. "TPHAOEPBS": "means that",
  890. "TPHOEPBT": "meant to",
  891. "TPH*ERB": "measure it",
  892. "PHAOL": "medical school",
  893. "TPHAEPBGS": "mention it",
  894. "TPHOEPBLG": "message to",
  895. "SPH*EULD": "middle is",
  896. "PH*EUFLD": "middle of",
  897. "PHRAOL": "middle school",
  898. "PHAOEUB": "might be",
  899. "PHAOEUF": "might have",
  900. "SPHAOEUPBD": "mind is",
  901. "PHEURBG": "mitigating circumstance",
  902. "PHEURBGZ": "mitigating circumstances",
  903. "SKPHORPBT": "monitor and",
  904. "SKPHO*PBT": "month and",
  905. "PH-RPB": "more than",
  906. "SKPHORPBG": "morning and",
  907. "PHAO*EBG": "motor vehicle",
  908. "PHO*EFBG": "motor vehicle",
  909. "SPHOUPBD": "mound is",
  910. "TPHOFG": "moving in",
  911. "TPHOUFRP": "much for",
  912. "PHO*EUS": "multiple sclerosis",
  913. "PHOURT": "municipal court",
  914. "TPHAURD": "murder that",
  915. "PHUBL": "must believe",
  916. "PHUFPBD": "must find",
  917. "PHURL": "must recall",
  918. "PHURPL": "must remember",
  919. "PHUPBDZ": "must understand",
  920. "PHAOUFDZ": "mutual funds",
  921. "TPHAFRS": "narcotics officer",
  922. "TPHO*EUF": "negative to",
  923. "TPHOEGT": "next to",
  924. "TPHOUFP": "no such",
  925. "TPHOEUPLGS": "noise pollution",
  926. "TPH*BL": "northbound lane",
  927. "TPH*BT": "northbound traffic",
  928. "TPHOPS": "notaries public",
  929. "TPHURT": "nothing further",
  930. "STPH-TS": "notice is",
  931. "TPHOUF": "now have",
  932. "TPHUFPL": "number of",
  933. "TPHUFRPL": "number of",
  934. "TKPWHRAOEUGS": "obligation to",
  935. "SOFBL": "obviously is",
  936. "TOFBL": "obviously it",
  937. "AEUF": "of a",
  938. "-FBGS": "of course",
  939. "-FBG": "of course",
  940. "OFBG": "of course",
  941. "T-F": "of it",
  942. "THAF": "of that",
  943. "-FT": "of the",
  944. "-FTD": "of the",
  945. "-FTS": "of the",
  946. "-FLT": "of the",
  947. "TH-F": "of this",
  948. "SKPOF": "off and",
  949. "OFT": "off the",
  950. "AUFT": "off the",
  951. "TPHOFPB": "often in",
  952. "SKPOELD": "old and",
  953. "SROEUL": "olive oil",
  954. "SKPOPB": "on and",
  955. "THAOPB": "on that",
  956. "OPBT": "on the",
  957. "O*PBT": "on the",
  958. "THOPB": "on this",
  959. "TWHAUPBS": "once that",
  960. "TPWHUPB": "one about",
  961. "SKPWUPB": "one and",
  962. "SW*UPB": "one is",
  963. "TWHAUPB": "one that",
  964. "TPOEPBL": "only if",
  965. "TPHOEPBL": "only in",
  966. "SOEPBL": "only is",
  967. "OEPGT": "opening statement",
  968. "OEPGTS": "opening statements",
  969. "O*RPL": "operating room",
  970. "TAOUBT": "opportunity to",
  971. "ORPBT": "or not",
  972. "ORT": "or the",
  973. "O*ERDZ": "other side",
  974. "O*ERPB": "other than",
  975. "SKPOUT": "out and",
  976. "OUF": "out of",
  977. "SKPOEFR": "over and",
  978. "TOEFR": "over it",
  979. "THAOEFR": "over that",
  980. "THROEFR": "over there",
  981. "SPAPBLG": "package is",
  982. "SPAEUPBLG": "page is",
  983. "SKPAEUPBLGS": "pages and",
  984. "P-LT": "parking light",
  985. "P-LTS": "parking lights",
  986. "PHRO*T": "parking lot",
  987. "PRO*EFD": "parol evidence",
  988. "PAFRT": "part of",
  989. "TPAOERPBT": "partner to",
  990. "SP*EUP": "partnership is",
  991. "P-DZ": "passenger side",
  992. "TPAOEURBZ": "patients to",
  993. "PAUFRS": "peace officer",
  994. "SPAOERD": "period is",
  995. "PAOEFRD": "period of",
  996. "TPHERPB": "person in",
  997. "SPERPB": "person is",
  998. "PEUPBLG": "personal injury",
  999. "STPAFRT": "pharmacist is",
  1000. "TP-FRPBS": "phone conference",
  1001. "TPOEURPB": "phone ringing",
  1002. "TPABS": "physical abuse",
  1003. "TP-BGS": "physical examination",
  1004. "TPEUPBLG": "physical injury",
  1005. "TPA*EURPS": "physical therapist",
  1006. "TPAEURP": "physical therapy",
  1007. "TPAEBS": "physically abuse",
  1008. "P*UPT": "pickup truck",
  1009. "SKP*EUFPS": "pictures and",
  1010. "TPHA*EUFPS": "pictures that",
  1011. "SPHRAPB": "plan is",
  1012. "PHR-RPBLG": "plastic surgery",
  1013. "PHRAOEPLT": "plea agreement",
  1014. "PHRARG": "plea bargain",
  1015. "PHRAOEGT": "plead guilty",
  1016. "TPHR*ERB": "pleasure in",
  1017. "SPOEPL": "poem is",
  1018. "SKPOEUPBT": "point and",
  1019. "TPHOEUPBT": "point in",
  1020. "SPOEUPBT": "point is",
  1021. "TPOEUPBT": "point it",
  1022. "PHRAOEF": "police chief",
  1023. "PHRARPLT": "police department",
  1024. "PHR-D": "police department",
  1025. "PHR-DZ": "police departments",
  1026. "PHRORS": "police force",
  1027. "PHREURS": "police headquarters",
  1028. "PHRAUFRS": "police officer",
  1029. "PHREUFR": "police officer",
  1030. "PHROEUFR": "police officer",
  1031. "PHRORT": "police report",
  1032. "PHR-GS": "police station",
  1033. "PHRAOEBG": "police vehicle",
  1034. "PHRAO*EUPBS": "political science",
  1035. "TPROEFR": "prefer to",
  1036. "TPHREFRD": "preferred to",
  1037. "TPROEFRD": "preferred to",
  1038. "PRAOEBGS": "preliminary examination",
  1039. "PRAOERG": "preliminary hearing",
  1040. "TPRAOEPD": "prepared to",
  1041. "SPREPBT": "present is",
  1042. "TPROEPBT": "present to",
  1043. "PR-FRPBS": "pretrial conference",
  1044. "SKPREFPBGS": "prevention and",
  1045. "PR*EFT": "previous to",
  1046. "PREFT": "previous to",
  1047. "PROEURT": "prior to",
  1048. "PRAOEUL": "private school",
  1049. "PROBLZ": "probable cause",
  1050. "PRAUFS": "probation office",
  1051. "PRAUFRS": "probation officer",
  1052. "SPRAOERD": "procedure is",
  1053. "SPROUBGT": "product is",
  1054. "SPROPBLG": "project is",
  1055. "TPHRAOPBLG": "project that",
  1056. "TPROEPB": "prone to",
  1057. "SPWORPGS": "proportion is",
  1058. "TPHRAO*EPB": "protein in",
  1059. "TPROFPB": "proven it",
  1060. "PRAUZ": "proximate cause",
  1061. "PR-RLT": "proximate result",
  1062. "PRAOUP": "prudent person",
  1063. "PHRO*UGS": "public housing",
  1064. "PHRAOUL": "public school",
  1065. "TPHR*EURBD": "published in",
  1066. "PUFRPS": "purpose of",
  1067. "TPUT": "put it",
  1068. "TPUGT": "putting it",
  1069. "SKWE": "question is",
  1070. "KWAED": "question read",
  1071. "SRAEUPBG": "range is",
  1072. "RAEUFT": "rate of",
  1073. "RARPB": "rather than",
  1074. "RAERPB": "rather than",
  1075. "SROEURB": "ratio is",
  1076. "TRAED": "read it",
  1077. "TKRAOE": "ready to",
  1078. "SKRAOELT": "real estate",
  1079. "SRAOELT": "real estate",
  1080. "SHRAOELT": "real estate",
  1081. "SRAO*ELT": "real estate",
  1082. "SRAOERLT": "real estate",
  1083. "RA*ELS": "real estate",
  1084. "RAOERPBD": "rear end",
  1085. "TROPB": "reason to",
  1086. "R-PBLD": "reasonable doubt",
  1087. "TROEPLD": "recommended to",
  1088. "R-BGS": "recross examination",
  1089. "R-LT": "red light",
  1090. "R-LTS": "red lights",
  1091. "TRO*EFRD": "referred to",
  1092. "REFRTD": "referred to",
  1093. "TROEFRD": "referred to",
  1094. "REFRGT": "referring to",
  1095. "TROEFRG": "referring to",
  1096. "TROEFRGT": "referring to",
  1097. "TRAORD": "regard to",
  1098. "TROELGS": "relation to",
  1099. "TRO*EUP": "relationship to",
  1100. "TRER": "remember it",
  1101. "TRORP": "report it",
  1102. "SREFRPB": "research is",
  1103. "TROEFRPB": "research to",
  1104. "TROEUFPBT": "resistant to",
  1105. "STPOPBD": "respond to",
  1106. "STPOPBS": "response to",
  1107. "TPHRULT": "result in",
  1108. "SRURPB": "return is",
  1109. "THRAURPB": "return that",
  1110. "TROURPB": "return to",
  1111. "TROURPBS": "returns to",
  1112. "SKPRAOUFPB": "revenue and",
  1113. "SRAOUFPB": "revenue is",
  1114. "R*RPL": "right arm",
  1115. "R*FPBD": "right fender",
  1116. "R*FT": "right foot",
  1117. "R*L": "right lane",
  1118. "R*LG": "right leg",
  1119. "R*T": "right turn",
  1120. "STPARBGT": "risk factor",
  1121. "STPRABGT": "risk factor",
  1122. "STPARBGS": "risk factors",
  1123. "STPARBGTS": "risk factors",
  1124. "TROUPBD": "round it",
  1125. "TOURPB": "run to",
  1126. "STHAEUD": "said that",
  1127. "SAO*BGS": "same objection",
  1128. "SAEUBGT": "savings account",
  1129. "STAU": "saw it",
  1130. "SKAORD": "school board",
  1131. "SKAORDZ": "school boards",
  1132. "SKEUBGT": "school district",
  1133. "STKR-T": "school district",
  1134. "SKRUP": "screw up",
  1135. "STHAEFRPB": "search that",
  1136. "SWARPBT": "search warrant",
  1137. "SPWELT": "seat belt",
  1138. "STAOE": "see it",
  1139. "STAOEG": "seeing it",
  1140. "STAOEPB": "seen it",
  1141. "SWAOEPB": "seen with",
  1142. "STEPBD": "send it",
  1143. "SEFPBS": "sense of",
  1144. "STHAEPBS": "sense that",
  1145. "STOEPBT": "sent to",
  1146. "SAOUPBT": "separate unit",
  1147. "SPRAEUPLT": "separation agreement",
  1148. "ST-FRPBS": "settlement conference",
  1149. "STOEFPB": "seven to",
  1150. "SWAPLGS": "sex discrimination",
  1151. "SWAUBS": "sexual abuse",
  1152. "SWAULT": "sexual assault",
  1153. "SWAUBGT": "sexual conduct",
  1154. "SWAUPLGS": "sexual discrimination",
  1155. "SWAURPLT": "sexual harassment",
  1156. "SWAOURS": "sexual intercourse",
  1157. "SWAUPBLGT": "sexual misconduct",
  1158. "SWAEUBS": "sexually abuse",
  1159. "SWAEULT": "sexually assault",
  1160. "SWAEUPLGT": "sexually discriminate",
  1161. "SWAEURSZ": "sexually harass",
  1162. "SH-B": "shall be",
  1163. "SH-BL": "shall believe",
  1164. "SH-FL": "shall feel",
  1165. "SH-F": "shall have",
  1166. "SH-RL": "shall recall",
  1167. "SH-RBG": "shall recollect",
  1168. "SH-RPL": "shall remember",
  1169. "SH-PBDZ": "shall understand",
  1170. "SH-PT": "shall want",
  1171. "SHEB": "she been",
  1172. "SHEBL": "she believe",
  1173. "SHEBLD": "she believed",
  1174. "SHEBLS": "she believes",
  1175. "SHEBG": "she can",
  1176. "SHAOEBG": "she can",
  1177. "SHEBGD": "she could",
  1178. "SHEFR": "she ever",
  1179. "SHEFLT": "she felt",
  1180. "SHEZ": "she has",
  1181. "SHES": "she is",
  1182. "SH*EPBS": "she knows",
  1183. "SHERLD": "she recalled",
  1184. "SHERLS": "she recalls",
  1185. "SHERBGD": "she recollected",
  1186. "SHERBGS": "she recollects",
  1187. "SHERPLD": "she remembered",
  1188. "SHERPLS": "she remembers",
  1189. "SHEBS": "she said",
  1190. "SHEBZ": "she say",
  1191. "SHEBSZ": "she says",
  1192. "SHERB": "she shall",
  1193. "SHERBD": "she should",
  1194. "SHEPBG": "she think",
  1195. "SHEPBGS": "she thinks",
  1196. "SHEPBDZ": "she understand",
  1197. "SH*EPBDZ": "she understood",
  1198. "SHEPT": "she want",
  1199. "SHEPTD": "she wanted",
  1200. "SHEPTS": "she wants",
  1201. "SHAOEFS": "she was",
  1202. "SHEFS": "she was",
  1203. "SHERP": "she were",
  1204. "SHELD": "she would",
  1205. "STHAOELD": "shield it",
  1206. "SHOPGS": "shopping center",
  1207. "SHOUB": "should be",
  1208. "SHOB": "should be",
  1209. "SHOUBL": "should believe",
  1210. "SHOUFL": "should feel",
  1211. "SHOUFPBD": "should find",
  1212. "SHOUG": "should go",
  1213. "SHOUF": "should have",
  1214. "SHOURL": "should recall",
  1215. "SHOURBG": "should recollect",
  1216. "SHOURPL": "should remember",
  1217. "SHOUPBDZ": "should understand",
  1218. "SHOUPT": "should want",
  1219. "STHOE": "show it",
  1220. "STHOEPB": "shown to",
  1221. "SHUP": "shut up",
  1222. "STPEBGT": "side effect",
  1223. "STPEBLGT": "side effect",
  1224. "STPEBGS": "side effects",
  1225. "STPEBGZ": "side effects",
  1226. "SAOEUFD": "side of",
  1227. "STEUPBS": "since it",
  1228. "SKPHARBG": "skid mark",
  1229. "SPHEBGT": "smoke detector",
  1230. "SO*EU": "so I",
  1231. "SOFR": "so far",
  1232. "SOFZ": "so fast",
  1233. "SOFPBD": "so find",
  1234. "STPO*RT": "so forth",
  1235. "SHROPBG": "so long",
  1236. "SOEPBG": "so long",
  1237. "SOELG": "so long",
  1238. "SOEPL": "so many",
  1239. "SPHARBGD": "so marked",
  1240. "SOFP": "so much",
  1241. "SOEFP": "so much",
  1242. "SAOFP": "so much",
  1243. "SOEFPB": "so often",
  1244. "SO*ET": "so the",
  1245. "SOT": "so the",
  1246. "SOU": "so you",
  1247. "SOERBG": "social work",
  1248. "STOELD": "sold it",
  1249. "SOPBLGS": "sole judges",
  1250. "SPHOF": "some of",
  1251. "SPAOEPL": "some people",
  1252. "SPH-BLS": "somebody else",
  1253. "SPH-PBLS": "someone else",
  1254. "SWUPBLS": "someone else",
  1255. "SO*ERB": "sorry about",
  1256. "SOFRT": "sort of",
  1257. "STHAOUPBD": "sound that",
  1258. "S*BL": "southbound lane",
  1259. "S*BT": "southbound traffic",
  1260. "SPULT": "space shuttle",
  1261. "SPAOEPBLG": "speaking Spanish",
  1262. "SPERBG": "special circumstance",
  1263. "SPERBGZ": "special circumstances",
  1264. "STPEPBD": "spend it",
  1265. "SPOEPBD": "spend so",
  1266. "SPAOEUF": "spite of",
  1267. "SPWO*EPB": "spoken about",
  1268. "SKWAO*ET": "square feet",
  1269. "SKPWAOET": "square feet",
  1270. "SKWAOET": "square feet",
  1271. "SKWAEUFT": "square feet",
  1272. "SKWAO*T": "square foot",
  1273. "SKWAOFT": "square foot",
  1274. "SKW*EUFRPB": "square inch",
  1275. "STKPW*EUFPB": "square inch",
  1276. "STKPW*EUFRPB": "square inch",
  1277. "STKPW*EUFPBS": "square inches",
  1278. "SKW*EUFRPBS": "square inches",
  1279. "SKWEUFRPBS": "square inches",
  1280. "SKWAOT": "square root",
  1281. "STPHAPBD": "stand in",
  1282. "ST*D": "standard deviation",
  1283. "STAO*EFD": "standard deviation",
  1284. "STAORT": "start to",
  1285. "STWART": "start with",
  1286. "STOURT": "state court",
  1287. "STKPWO*FT": "state government",
  1288. "STKPWOFT": "state government",
  1289. "STAOF": "state of",
  1290. "STPREUZ": "state prison",
  1291. "STAOUPBD": "stay tuned",
  1292. "STWAOEL": "steering wheel",
  1293. "STEBGS": "stock exchange",
  1294. "STPHAORBGT": "stock market",
  1295. "ST-PB": "stop sign",
  1296. "ST-PBS": "stop signs",
  1297. "STWAFP": "storm watch",
  1298. "STRAOEUPBG": "strange to",
  1299. "STPRAPL": "strategic plan",
  1300. "STR-LT": "street light",
  1301. "STR-LTS": "street lights",
  1302. "STR-PB": "street sign",
  1303. "STR-PBS": "street signs",
  1304. "STAO*UFD": "study of",
  1305. "STHAO*UD": "study this",
  1306. "STAOUBT": "subject to",
  1307. "STAPBLD": "substantial doubt",
  1308. "SUFPS": "such as",
  1309. "STUFRD": "suffered it",
  1310. "SPROURT": "superior court",
  1311. "STPOEFD": "supposed to",
  1312. "SPOURT": "supreme court",
  1313. "S-RPBG": "surgeon general",
  1314. "S-RPBGS": "surgeons general",
  1315. "STHAPL": "system that",
  1316. "TPWAUBG": "talk about",
  1317. "TPWAUBGD": "talked about",
  1318. "TAUBGTD": "talked about",
  1319. "TPWAUG": "talking about",
  1320. "TOEPBD": "tend to",
  1321. "TOEPBDZ": "tends to",
  1322. "TOERPL": "term to",
  1323. "THAPBT": "than the",
  1324. "THAUPBG": "thank you",
  1325. "THAOUPBG": "thank you",
  1326. "THA*UPBG": "thank you",
  1327. "THAEU": "that I",
  1328. "THA*": "that a",
  1329. "THAFRPB": "that afternoon",
  1330. "THABGD": "that could",
  1331. "THAFZ": "that fast",
  1332. "THAPD": "that happened",
  1333. "THAPS": "that happens",
  1334. "THAZ": "that has",
  1335. "THAE": "that he",
  1336. "SHATS": "that is",
  1337. "THARPBG": "that morning",
  1338. "THA*UFP": "that much",
  1339. "THA*EFP": "that much",
  1340. "THAEFP": "that much",
  1341. "THARB": "that shall",
  1342. "STHAE": "that she",
  1343. "THARBD": "that should",
  1344. "THADZ": "that side",
  1345. "THA*T": "that the",
  1346. "THAPLT": "that time",
  1347. "THAPT": "that want",
  1348. "THAFS": "that was",
  1349. "THARP": "that were",
  1350. "THALD": "that would",
  1351. "THAU": "that you",
  1352. "TKOURT": "the Court",
  1353. "TKORT": "the Court",
  1354. "T*PT": "the President",
  1355. "TK-RPL": "the courtroom",
  1356. "T-PT": "the president",
  1357. "TRORD": "the record",
  1358. "TRORDZ": "the records",
  1359. "TW-PBS": "the witness",
  1360. "STHEPB": "then is",
  1361. "THR-R": "there are",
  1362. "THR-BG": "there can",
  1363. "THR-BGD": "there could",
  1364. "THR-Z": "there has",
  1365. "THR-LGS": "there is",
  1366. "THR-RBD": "there should",
  1367. "THR-FS": "there was",
  1368. "THR-RP": "there were",
  1369. "THR-LD": "there would",
  1370. "THAOERS": "these are",
  1371. "THEBL": "they believe",
  1372. "THEBLD": "they believed",
  1373. "THEBG": "they can",
  1374. "THEBGD": "they could",
  1375. "TKHOE": "they do",
  1376. "THEFR": "they ever",
  1377. "THEFLT": "they felt",
  1378. "TH*EPB": "they know",
  1379. "THERL": "they recall",
  1380. "THERLD": "they recalled",
  1381. "THERBG": "they recollect",
  1382. "THERBGD": "they recollected",
  1383. "THEBS": "they said",
  1384. "THEBZ": "they say",
  1385. "THEBSZ": "they says",
  1386. "THERBD": "they should",
  1387. "THEPBDZ": "they understand",
  1388. "TH*EPBDZ": "they understood",
  1389. "THEPT": "they want",
  1390. "THEPTD": "they wanted",
  1391. "THEFS": "they was",
  1392. "THERP": "they were",
  1393. "THERPB": "they were",
  1394. "THELD": "they would",
  1395. "TH*EUPBGS": "thing is",
  1396. "THOEUPBG": "thing to",
  1397. "THOEUPG": "thing to",
  1398. "THREUPBGS": "things are",
  1399. "TPHEUPBGS": "things in",
  1400. "THAEUPBGS": "things that",
  1401. "THOEUPBGS": "things to",
  1402. "THEUF": "think of",
  1403. "TH*D": "third degree",
  1404. "TH-FRPB": "this afternoon",
  1405. "TH-B": "this be",
  1406. "TH-BG": "this can",
  1407. "TH-BGD": "this could",
  1408. "TH-FZ": "this fast",
  1409. "TH-PD": "this happened",
  1410. "TH-PS": "this happens",
  1411. "TH-Z": "this has",
  1412. "TH-S": "this is",
  1413. "TH-RPBG": "this morning",
  1414. "TH-PBT": "this night",
  1415. "TH-RB": "this shall",
  1416. "TH-RBD": "this should",
  1417. "TH-DZ": "this side",
  1418. "TH-FS": "this was",
  1419. "TH-RP": "this were",
  1420. "TH-LD": "this would",
  1421. "THOET": "though the",
  1422. "STHAUT": "thought is",
  1423. "STHRED": "thread is",
  1424. "THRUT": "through the",
  1425. "TOB": "to be",
  1426. "TOBL": "to believe",
  1427. "TOFL": "to feel",
  1428. "TOFPBD": "to find",
  1429. "TOF": "to have",
  1430. "TOT": "to the",
  1431. "TO*T": "to the",
  1432. "THOEPB": "to then",
  1433. "TOPBDZ": "to understand",
  1434. "TOPT": "to want",
  1435. "TOU": "to you",
  1436. "TAOBD": "too bad",
  1437. "TAOFZ": "too fast",
  1438. "TAOGD": "too good",
  1439. "TAORPBLG": "too large",
  1440. "TAOLT": "too late",
  1441. "TAOPBG": "too long",
  1442. "TAOPL": "too many",
  1443. "TAOFP": "too much",
  1444. "TAOFPB": "too often",
  1445. "TAOPS": "took place",
  1446. "TORPBG": "tornado warning",
  1447. "TWAFP": "tornado watch",
  1448. "TRAFBGS": "traffic accident",
  1449. "TRAOURT": "traffic court",
  1450. "TR-LT": "traffic light",
  1451. "TR-LTS": "traffic lights",
  1452. "TRAOEUPB": "train to",
  1453. "TWRAOETD": "treated with",
  1454. "TROURT": "trial court",
  1455. "TR-BGT": "trial court",
  1456. "TR-TD": "trial date",
  1457. "TR-PBLG": "trial judge",
  1458. "TR-RTS": "trial rights",
  1459. "TR-PLT": "trial time",
  1460. "TR-LD": "trillion dollar",
  1461. "TR-LDZ": "trillion dollars",
  1462. "TPHURPB": "turn in",
  1463. "THURPB": "turn it",
  1464. "TPHAO*URPBD": "turned into",
  1465. "TOURPBG": "turning to",
  1466. "SURPBD": "understand is",
  1467. "TURPBD": "understand it",
  1468. "THAURPBD": "understand that",
  1469. "WHAURPBD": "understand what",
  1470. "T*URPD": "understood it",
  1471. "THAOUPBT": "unit that",
  1472. "TPH-LT": "until the",
  1473. "SKPUP": "up and",
  1474. "THAUP": "up that",
  1475. "TOUP": "up to",
  1476. "TOURPBLG": "urge to",
  1477. "SAOURPB": "urine is",
  1478. "TOUS": "us to",
  1479. "WHOUS": "us who",
  1480. "TAOUS": "use it",
  1481. "THAOUS": "use it",
  1482. "TPHAOUFD": "used in",
  1483. "TAOUFD": "used to",
  1484. "TAOUFG": "using it",
  1485. "TAOURBL": "usually it",
  1486. "STRAOUL": "value to",
  1487. "SRAO*EDZ": "vehicular homicide",
  1488. "SRAO*EPLS": "vehicular manslaughter",
  1489. "SR-RPL": "very many",
  1490. "SR-FP": "very much",
  1491. "SREFP": "very much",
  1492. "SR-FRP": "very much",
  1493. "SR-RL": "very well",
  1494. "SROPT": "veterans hospital",
  1495. "SR-PT": "vice president",
  1496. "SR-PTS": "vice presidents",
  1497. "SR-RD": "voir dire",
  1498. "SRO*PLS": "voluntary manslaughter",
  1499. "TWAPBT": "want it",
  1500. "WA*PBT": "want to",
  1501. "TWAOPBT": "want to",
  1502. "TWAOPBTD": "wanted to",
  1503. "WAFRT": "warm front",
  1504. "TWAEU": "way it",
  1505. "WER": "we are",
  1506. "WEBL": "we believe",
  1507. "WEBLD": "we believed",
  1508. "KWAOE": "we can",
  1509. "WEBGD": "we could",
  1510. "WEFLT": "we felt",
  1511. "WEFPBD": "we find",
  1512. "W*EPB": "we know",
  1513. "WERLD": "we recalled",
  1514. "WERBG": "we recollect",
  1515. "WERBGD": "we recollected",
  1516. "WERPL": "we remember",
  1517. "WERPLD": "we remembered",
  1518. "WEBZ": "we say",
  1519. "WEBSZ": "we says",
  1520. "WERBD": "we should",
  1521. "WEPBG": "we think",
  1522. "WEPBDZ": "we understand",
  1523. "W*EPBDZ": "we understood",
  1524. "WEFS": "we was",
  1525. "WRAOE": "we were",
  1526. "WERP": "we were",
  1527. "WAOERP": "we were",
  1528. "SWAOEBG": "week is",
  1529. "TWOELG": "welcome to",
  1530. "TWOEPBT": "went to",
  1531. "WR-T": "were the",
  1532. "W-RT": "were the",
  1533. "W*BL": "westbound lane",
  1534. "W*BT": "westbound traffic",
  1535. "WHAEU": "what I",
  1536. "WHA*": "what a",
  1537. "WHABT": "what about",
  1538. "WHAR": "what are",
  1539. "WHA*BG": "what can",
  1540. "WHABGD": "what could",
  1541. "WHA*BGD": "what could",
  1542. "WHAELS": "what else",
  1543. "WHAFL": "what feel",
  1544. "WHAFLS": "what feels",
  1545. "WHAFLT": "what felt",
  1546. "WHAD": "what had",
  1547. "WHAPD": "what happened",
  1548. "WHAPLD": "what happened",
  1549. "WHAPS": "what happens",
  1550. "WHAZ": "what has",
  1551. "WHAE": "what he",
  1552. "WHAS": "what is",
  1553. "SWHA*": "what is",
  1554. "WHAPT": "what part",
  1555. "WHARB": "what shall",
  1556. "SWHAE": "what she",
  1557. "WHARBD": "what should",
  1558. "WHADZ": "what side",
  1559. "WHA*T": "what the",
  1560. "WHAT": "what the",
  1561. "WHAPLT": "what time",
  1562. "WHAFS": "what was",
  1563. "WHARP": "what were",
  1564. "WHALD": "what would",
  1565. "WHAU": "what you",
  1566. "WH*EU": "when I",
  1567. "WH-R": "when are",
  1568. "WH-BG": "when can",
  1569. "WH-BGD": "when could",
  1570. "WH-D": "when had",
  1571. "WH-Z": "when has",
  1572. "WH-F": "when have",
  1573. "WH-S": "when is",
  1574. "SWHEPB": "when is",
  1575. "TWHEPB": "when it",
  1576. "WH-RB": "when shall",
  1577. "SWHE": "when she",
  1578. "WH-RBD": "when should",
  1579. "WH-T": "when the",
  1580. "TWHOEPB": "when to",
  1581. "WH-FS": "when was",
  1582. "WH-L": "when will",
  1583. "WH-LD": "when would",
  1584. "WR*EU": "where I",
  1585. "WR-R": "where are",
  1586. "WR-BG": "where can",
  1587. "WR-BGD": "where could",
  1588. "WRELS": "where else",
  1589. "WR-D": "where had",
  1590. "WR-Z": "where has",
  1591. "WR-F": "where have",
  1592. "WRE": "where he",
  1593. "WR-S": "where is",
  1594. "SWRE": "where she",
  1595. "WR-RBD": "where should",
  1596. "WR-FS": "where was",
  1597. "WR-RP": "where were",
  1598. "WR-L": "where will",
  1599. "WR-LD": "where would",
  1600. "WHREU": "whether I",
  1601. "SWHRE": "whether she",
  1602. "WHR-T": "whether the",
  1603. "WHRU": "whether you",
  1604. "KH-R": "which are",
  1605. "KH-BG": "which can",
  1606. "KH-BGD": "which could",
  1607. "KH-FL": "which feel",
  1608. "KH-FLS": "which feels",
  1609. "KH-FLT": "which felt",
  1610. "KH-D": "which had",
  1611. "KH-PD": "which happened",
  1612. "KH-PS": "which happens",
  1613. "KH-Z": "which has",
  1614. "KH-F": "which have",
  1615. "KH-S": "which is",
  1616. "SWEU": "which is",
  1617. "KH-PT": "which part",
  1618. "KH-RB": "which shall",
  1619. "SKHE": "which she",
  1620. "KH-RBD": "which should",
  1621. "KH-DZ": "which side",
  1622. "KH-T": "which the",
  1623. "KH-FS": "which was",
  1624. "KH-RP": "which were",
  1625. "KH-L": "which will",
  1626. "KH-LD": "which would",
  1627. "WHAOEULT": "while the",
  1628. "WHO*EU": "who I",
  1629. "WHOBL": "who believe",
  1630. "WHOBLD": "who believed",
  1631. "WHOBLS": "who believes",
  1632. "WHOBG": "who can",
  1633. "WHOBGD": "who could",
  1634. "WHOELS": "who else",
  1635. "WHOFL": "who feel",
  1636. "WHOFLS": "who feels",
  1637. "WHOFLT": "who felt",
  1638. "HOD": "who had",
  1639. "WHOD": "who had",
  1640. "WHOPD": "who happened",
  1641. "WHOPS": "who happens",
  1642. "WHO*Z": "who has",
  1643. "WHO*E": "who he",
  1644. "SWHO": "who is",
  1645. "WHOS": "who is",
  1646. "WHORBG": "who recollect",
  1647. "WHORBGD": "who recollected",
  1648. "WHORPL": "who remember",
  1649. "WHORPLD": "who remembered",
  1650. "WHORPLS": "who remembers",
  1651. "WHOBS": "who said",
  1652. "WHOBZ": "who say",
  1653. "WHOBSZ": "who says",
  1654. "WHORB": "who shall",
  1655. "SWHOE": "who she",
  1656. "WHORBD": "who should",
  1657. "WHOT": "who the",
  1658. "WHOPBG": "who think",
  1659. "WHOPBGS": "who thinks",
  1660. "WHOPBDZ": "who understand",
  1661. "WHO*PBDZ": "who understood",
  1662. "WHOPT": "who want",
  1663. "WHOPTD": "who wanted",
  1664. "WHOPTS": "who wants",
  1665. "WHROEFRS": "who was",
  1666. "HOFS": "who was",
  1667. "WHOFS": "who was",
  1668. "WHORP": "who were",
  1669. "HORP": "who were",
  1670. "WHOLD": "who would",
  1671. "SWHOZ": "whose is",
  1672. "KWR-T": "why the",
  1673. "HR-B": "will be",
  1674. "HR-BL": "will believe",
  1675. "HR-FPBD": "will find",
  1676. "HR*G": "will go",
  1677. "HR-PBT": "will not",
  1678. "HR-RL": "will recall",
  1679. "HR-RBG": "will recollect",
  1680. "HR-RPL": "will remember",
  1681. "HR-BZ": "will say",
  1682. "HR-T": "will the",
  1683. "WA*EU": "with a",
  1684. "WA*EPB": "with an",
  1685. "WREFRPBS": "with reference",
  1686. "WRARD": "with regard",
  1687. "WRARDZ": "with regards",
  1688. "WR-PT": "with respect",
  1689. "W-RPT": "with respect",
  1690. "W-T": "with the",
  1691. "WU": "with you",
  1692. "WUR": "with your",
  1693. "TW*EUPB": "within it",
  1694. "W-PBT": "within the",
  1695. "TWOUT": "without it",
  1696. "W-PBD": "witness stand",
  1697. "W-PBDZ": "witness stands",
  1698. "SWORLD": "world is",
  1699. "WO*ERBD": "worried about",
  1700. "PWO*ERBD": "worried about",
  1701. "WOERBD": "worried about",
  1702. "WO*ERB": "worry about",
  1703. "WOERB": "worry about",
  1704. "WO*ERBG": "worrying about",
  1705. "TWO*RT": "worth it",
  1706. "WOUB": "would be",
  1707. "W-B": "would be",
  1708. "WOB": "would be",
  1709. "WOUBL": "would believe",
  1710. "WOUFL": "would feel",
  1711. "WOUFPBD": "would find",
  1712. "WOUF": "would have",
  1713. "WOURL": "would recall",
  1714. "WOURBG": "would recollect",
  1715. "WOURPL": "would remember",
  1716. "WOT": "would the",
  1717. "WOUPT": "would want",
  1718. "WOU": "would you",
  1719. "TWR*EUPB": "written it",
  1720. "KWRAERG": "year ago",
  1721. "KWRAOERG": "year ago",
  1722. "KWRAERLD": "year old",
  1723. "KWRAOERGS": "years ago",
  1724. "KWRAERGS": "years ago",
  1725. "KWRAERLDZ": "years old",
  1726. "KWR-LT": "yellow light",
  1727. "KWR-LTS": "yellow lights",
  1728. "SKWRAOELD": "yield is",
  1729. "TKWRAOELD": "yield to",
  1730. "R*U": "you are",
  1731. "*UR": "you are",
  1732. "RU": "you are",
  1733. "UBL": "you believe",
  1734. "UBLD": "you believed",
  1735. "KU": "you can",
  1736. "UBGD": "you could",
  1737. "KOU": "you could",
  1738. "TKU": "you did",
  1739. "TKOU": "you do",
  1740. "UFR": "you ever",
  1741. "UFLT": "you felt",
  1742. "UFPBD": "you find",
  1743. "TKPWU": "you go",
  1744. "SRU": "you have",
  1745. "SU": "you is",
  1746. "KWRAOUPB": "you know",
  1747. "KWRO*UPB": "you know",
  1748. "URL": "you recall",
  1749. "URLD": "you recalled",
  1750. "URBG": "you recollect",
  1751. "URBGD": "you recollected",
  1752. "URPL": "you remember",
  1753. "URPLD": "you remembered",
  1754. "UBS": "you said",
  1755. "UBZ": "you say",
  1756. "UBSZ": "you says",
  1757. "SHO*U": "you should",
  1758. "UPBG": "you think",
  1759. "UPT": "you want",
  1760. "UPTD": "you wanted",
  1761. "URP": "you were",
  1762. "WRU": "you were",
  1763. "HRU": "you will",
  1764. "ULD": "you would",
  1765. "KWROURPB": "your Honor",
  1766. "KWRO*URPB": "your Honor",
  1767. "KWR-RBGT": "your verdict",
  1768. "SO*RPBS": "zoning ordinance",
  1769. }
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