

Jul 24th, 2019
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  1. 軍刀:
  2. Item_Information:
  3. Item_Name: "§7軍刀"
  4. Item_Type: 267
  5. Item_Lore: "§7一定範囲の敵をまとめて薙ぎ払う"
  6. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  7. Shooting:
  8. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  9. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  10. Delay_Between_Shots: 20
  11. Recoil_Amount: 0
  12. Projectile_Amount: 1
  13. Projectile_Type: energy
  14. Projectile_Subtype: 3-2-NONE-0
  15. Projectile_Damage: 7
  16. Bullet_Spread: 0
  17. Sounds_Shoot: BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE-1-2-0
  18. Sneak:
  19. Enable: true
  20. Bullet_Spread: 0
  21. Reload:
  22. Enable: true
  23. Reload_Amount: 20
  24. Reload_Duration: 50
  25. Firearm_Action:
  26. Type: slide
  27. Custom_Death_Message:
  28. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fに§7軍刀§fで切り裂かれた
  29. ゲームキューブ:
  30. Item_Information:
  31. Item_Name: "§8ゲームキューブ"
  32. Item_Type: 22
  33. Item_Lore: "§7任天DOの中でも最も耐久力のある|§7ゲーム機、威力はまぁまぁ高い"
  34. Melee_Mode: true
  35. Sounds_Acquired: SHOOT_ARROW-1-0-0
  36. Hidden_From_List: true
  37. Shooting:
  38. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  39. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  40. Delay_Between_Shots: 20
  41. Projectile_Damage: 9
  42. Custom_Death_Message:
  43. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fに謎のゲーム機で殴り殺された
  44. Particles:
  45. Enable: true
  46. Particle_Hit: BLOCK_BREAK-55
  47. Extras:
  48. Disable_Underwater: true
  49. judgement:
  50. Item_Information:
  51. Item_Name: "§ejudgement"
  52. Item_Type: 147
  53. Item_Lore: "§c50%の確率で相手に大ダメージを|§c与える武器|§f「§e黄金の天秤§f」§cの亜種"
  54. Shooting:
  55. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  56. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  57. Delay_Between_Shots: 200
  58. Projectile_Amount: 1
  59. Projectile_Type: energy
  60. Projectile_Subtype: 40-2-NONE-1
  61. Projectile_Damage: 1
  62. Sounds_Shoot: BLOCK_NOTE_CHIME-2-0-0
  63. Custom_Death_Message:
  64. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fに§ejudgement§fで裁かれた
  65. Reload:
  66. Enable: true
  67. Reload_Amount: 5
  68. Reload_Bullets_Individually: true
  69. Reload_Duration: 40
  70. Sounds_Shoot: BLOCK_NOTE_CHIME-2-0-0
  71. Critical_Hits:
  72. Enable: true
  73. Bonus_Damage: 13
  74. Chance: 50
  75. Potion_Effects:
  76. Activation: crit
  77. Potion_Effect_Victim: SLOW-40-10,JUMP-40-240,WITHER-100-5,BLINDNESS-100-1,SLOW_DIGGING-100-5,WEAKNESS-100-5
  78. Hit_Events:
  79. Enable: true
  80. Sounds_Shooter: BLOCK_NOTE_CHIME-2-0-0
  81. Sounds_Victim: BLOCK_NOTE_CHIME-2-0-0
  82. punishing:
  83. Item_Information:
  84. Item_Name: "§epunishing"
  85. Item_Type: 372
  86. Item_Lore: "§c射撃時にダメージを受けるが|§cその2倍のダメージを相手に与える"
  87. Shooting:
  88. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  89. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  90. Delay_Between_Shots: 30
  91. Recoil_Amount: 0
  92. Projectile_Amount: 1
  93. Projectile_Type: energy
  94. Projectile_Subtype: 8-1-NONE-0
  95. Projectile_Damage: 1
  96. Bullet_Spread: 0
  97. Sneak:
  98. Enable: true
  99. No_Recoil: true
  100. Bullet_Spread: 0
  101. Reload:
  102. Enable: true
  103. Reload_Amount: 5
  104. Reload_Bullets_Individually: true
  105. Reload_Duration: 20
  106. Sounds_Out_Of_Ammo:
  107. Firearm_Action:
  108. Type: slide
  109. Potion_Effects:
  110. Activation: hit
  111. Potion_Effect_Shooter: HARM-1-1
  112. Potion_Effect_Victim: HARM-1-2
  113. Salvation:
  114. Item_Information:
  115. Item_Name: "§eSalvation"
  116. Item_Type: 379
  117. Item_Lore: "§c歪んだ救済を与える|§c相手を回復するが|§cその後爆発して|§c相手を破壊する|§4死こそが最高の救済"
  118. e: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  119. Remove_Unused_Tag: true
  120. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  121. Shooting:
  122. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  123. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  124. Delay_Between_Shots: 600
  125. Recoil_Amount: 0
  126. Projectile_Amount: 1
  127. Projectile_Type: energy
  128. Projectile_Subtype: 15-1-NONE-0
  129. Projectile_Damage: 1
  130. Bullet_Spread: 0
  131. Sounds_Shoot: BLOCK_NOTE_CHIME-2-2-0
  132. Reload:
  133. Enable: true
  134. Reload_Amount: 5
  135. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  136. Reload_Duration: 100
  137. Firearm_Action:
  138. Type: slide
  139. Custom_Death_Message:
  140. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fに§e救済§fされた
  141. Explosions:
  142. Enable: true
  143. Knockback: 0
  144. Ignite_Victims: 100
  145. Damage_Multiplier: 100
  146. Enable_Friendly_Fire: true
  147. Enable_Owner_Immunity: true
  148. Explosion_No_Grief: true
  149. Explosion_Radius: 3
  150. Explosion_Incendiary: false
  151. Explosion_Delay: 200
  152. On_Impact_With_Anything: true
  153. trueSounds_Explode: ITEM_TOTEM_USE-1-2-0
  154. Potion_Effects:
  155. Activation: hit
  156. Potion_Effect_Victim: HEAL-1-3
  157. Hit_Events:
  158. Enable: true
  161. 魚雷発射管:
  162. Item_Information:
  163. Item_Name: "§7魚雷"
  164. Item_Type: 23
  165. Item_Lore: "§7魚雷を消費して発射できる|§7スピードと威力が両方優れている"
  166. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  167. Shooting:
  168. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  169. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  170. Delay_Between_Shots: 100
  171. Recoil_Amount: 0
  172. Projectile_Amount: 1
  173. Projectile_Type: arrow
  174. Projectile_Speed: 80
  175. Projectile_Damage: 7
  176. Projectile_Incendiary:
  177. Enable: true
  178. Duration: 100
  179. Projectile_Flames: true
  180. Bullet_Spread: 0
  181. Sneak:
  182. Enable: true
  183. Bullet_Spread: 0
  184. Ammo:
  185. Enable: true
  186. Ammo_Item_ID: 262
  187. Ammo_Name_Check: "§7魚雷"
  188. Sounds_Out_Of_Ammo: NOTE_PLING-1-2-0
  189. Sounds_Shoot_With_No_Ammo: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT-1-2-0
  190. Reload:
  191. Enable: true
  192. Reload_Amount: 5
  193. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  194. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  195. Reload_Duration: 100
  196. Sounds_Reloading: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT-1-2-0
  197. Firearm_Action:
  198. Type: slide
  199. Custom_Death_Message:
  200. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fに§7魚雷§fで吹き飛ばされた
  201. Abilities:
  202. Reset_Hit_Cooldown: true
  203. Hit_Events:
  204. Enable: true
  205. Sounds_Shooter: SHOOT_ARROW-1-2-0
  206. Explosions:
  207. Enable: true
  208. Knockback: 50
  209. Ignite_Victims: 100
  210. Damage_Multiplier: 100
  211. Enable_Friendly_Fire: true
  212. Enable_Owner_Immunity: true
  213. Explosion_No_Grief: true
  214. Explosion_Radius: 3
  215. Explosion_Incendiary: false
  216. Explosion_Delay: 0
  217. On_Impact_With_Anything: true
  218. 謎の手術道具:
  219. Item_Information:
  220. Item_Name: "§5謎の手術道具"
  221. Item_Type: 54
  222. Item_Lore: "§c中には謎の薬や注射器、メスが入っている|§c医療に関係なさそうな謎の道具も..."
  223. Melee_Mode: true
  224. Sounds_Acquired: SHOOT_ARROW-1-0-0
  225. Hidden_From_List: true
  226. Shooting:
  227. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  228. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  229. Delay_Between_Shots: 20
  230. Projectile_Damage: 5
  231. Custom_Death_Message:
  232. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fによく分からない手術道具で殺害され、事故死として処理された
  233. Critical_Hits:
  234. Enable: true
  235. Bonus_Damage: 3
  236. Chance: 30
  237. Message_Victim: §c謎の薬が入った注射器が刺さった
  238. Sounds_Victim: ENTITY_WITHER_DEATH-2-2-0
  239. Particles:
  240. Enable: true
  241. Particle_Hit: BLOCK_BREAK-55
  242. Hit_Events:
  243. Enable: true
  244. Sounds_Shooter: SHOOT_ARROW-1-0-0,SLIME_WALK-1-1-1
  245. Potion_Effects:
  246. Activation: crit
  247. Potion_Effect_Victim: BLINDNESS-200-1,NIGHT_VISION-200-1,POISON-200-5,CONFUSION-200-5,HUNGER-200-5,JUMP-200-250,SLOW-200-1,WEAKNESS-200-1
  248. enderscythe:
  249. Item_Information:
  250. Item_Name: "§5ender scythe"
  251. Item_Type: 292
  252. Item_Lore: "§7アンチエンダー武器|§7エンダー系mobへ大ダメージ"
  253. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  254. Shooting:
  255. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  256. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  257. Delay_Between_Shots: 20
  258. Recoil_Amount: 0
  259. Projectile_Amount: 1
  260. Projectile_Type: energy
  261. Projectile_Subtype: 3-2-NONE-0
  262. Projectile_Damage: 5
  263. Bullet_Spread: 0
  264. Sounds_Shoot: ENTITY_BLAZE_SHOOT-1-2-0
  265. Sneak:
  266. Enable: true
  267. Bullet_Spread: 0
  268. Reload:
  269. Enable: true
  270. Reload_Amount: 20
  271. Reload_Duration: 50
  272. Firearm_Action:
  273. Type: slide
  274. Custom_Death_Message:
  275. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fにエンダー系と見間違われて§5ender scythe§fで切り裂かれた
  276. Abilities:
  277. Super_Effective: ENDER_DRAGON-10,ENDERMAN-3
  278. Kel-TecKSG:
  279. Item_Information:
  280. Item_Name: "&eKel-Tec KSG"
  281. Item_Type: 418
  282. Item_Lore: "&e|&e"
  283. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  284. Shooting:
  285. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  286. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  287. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  288. Delay_Between_Shots: 15
  289. Recoil_Amount: 0.5
  290. Projectile_Amount: 5
  291. Projectile_Type: snowball
  292. Projectile_Speed: 40
  293. Projectile_Damage: 2
  294. Bullet_Spread: 1.2
  295. Sounds_Shoot: IRONGOLEM_HIT-1-2-0,SKELETON_HURT-1-2-0,ZOMBIE_WOOD-1-2-0
  296. Reload:
  297. Enable: true
  298. Reload_Amount: 12
  299. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  300. Reload_Duration: 70
  301. Sounds_Out_Of_Ammo: ITEM_BREAK-1-1-0
  302. Sounds_Reloading: FIRE_IGNITE-1-1-4,DOOR_OPEN-1-2-6,FIRE_IGNITE-1-1-36,HURT_FLESH-1-0-37,DOOR_CLOSE-1-2-38
  303. Firearm_Action:
  304. Type: slide
  305. Close_Duration: 10
  306. Close_Shoot_Delay: 12
  307. Sound_Close: PISTON_RETRACT-1-2-0,PISTON_RETRACT-1-2-3
  308. Abilities:
  309. Reset_Hit_Cooldown: true
  310. Hit_Events:
  311. Enable: true
  312. Sounds_Shooter: SHOOT_ARROW-1-2-0
  313. Extras:
  314. One_Time_Use: false
  315. 氷結刀:
  316. Item_Information:
  317. Item_Name: "§b氷結刀"
  318. Item_Type: 276
  319. Item_Lore: "§7一定範囲の敵をまとめて薙ぎ払う"
  320. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  321. Shooting:
  322. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  323. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  324. Delay_Between_Shots: 4
  325. Recoil_Amount: 0
  326. Projectile_Amount: 1
  327. Projectile_Type: energy
  328. Projectile_Subtype: 3-2-NONE-0
  329. Projectile_Damage: 2
  330. Bullet_Spread: 0
  331. Sounds_Shoot: ENTITY_BLAZE_SHOOT-1-2-0
  332. Sneak:
  333. Enable: true
  334. Bullet_Spread: 0
  335. Reload:
  336. Enable: true
  337. Reload_Amount: 20
  338. Reload_Duration: 50
  339. Custom_Death_Message:
  340. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fに§b氷結刀§fで氷塊となり、砕け散った
  341. Potion_Effects:
  342. Activation: hit
  343. Potion_Effect_Shooter: SLOW-10-3,DAMAGE_RESISTANCE-10-3
  344. Potion_Effect_Victim: SLOW-60-1
  345. Abilities:
  346. Reset_Hit_Cooldown: true
  347. 茅野博士:
  348. Item_Information:
  349. Item_Name: "§a茅野博士の§e芸術作品"
  350. Item_Type: 321
  351. Item_Lore: "§e左クリックで所有者が作品被害にあうことを回避できます|§f注: 茅野博士の作品を「設置型武器」と称して持ち出すことは禁止されています。| |§f注: 茅野博士が私的に用いる文書中に、茅野博士の手で描かれた|§f図や絵を挿入するのは控えてください。|§f詩的な文章もです。文書の保存性が著しく失われています。| |§f茅野博士は絵画・彫刻・粘土細工に関しては知|§f識・技術ともに有能であると評価されますが、音楽・歌・|§f詩の類に関して§f§mの才能は全く無い§fは非常に-個性的-である|§fと同期の職員から評価されています。| |§fその他: 茅野博士及び茅野博士の作品は現在、記録されている|§fだけでも36の被害を受けています。奇妙な|§fことに、被害は茅野博士、もしくはその作品の周囲に集中|§fしています。しかし、本人はそれらについては|§f偶然だと否定しています。| |§7 使い方:|§7 左クリック後|§7チェストに入れて自分以外が開けたとき|§7 ディスペンサーで発射したとき|§7 地面に捨てて自分以外が拾ったとき|§7 爆破します"
  352. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  353. Explosive_Devices:
  354. Enable: true
  355. Device_Type: trap
  356. Device_Info: true-true-true-false-false
  357. Sounds_Deploy: ITEM_PICKUP-2-0-0
  358. Message_Trigger_Placer: "§c<victim>§fに茅野博士の作品の取扱説明書を読ませるのを忘れてました - ももちパレス運転手"
  359. Message_Trigger_Victim: "§a<shooter>§fは茅野博士の作品の取扱説明書を読んでいましたが、あたなに読ませるのを忘れてました - ももちパレス運転手"
  360. Sounds_Trigger: SHEEP_IDLE-2-1-0
  361. Explosions:
  362. Enable: true
  363. Damage_Multiplier: 200
  364. Explosion_No_Grief: true
  365. Enable_Owner_Immunity: true
  366. Explosion_Radius: 3
  367. Explosion_Potion_Effect: POISON-100-5,HUNGER-100-5,SLOW-100-3,WEEKNESS-100-3,SLOW_DIGGING-100-3,GLOWING-100-1,HARM-1-100
  368. Explosion_Delay: 5
  369. Sounds_Explode: WITHER_SHOOT-2-2-0
  370. 居合:
  371. Item_Information:
  372. Item_Name: "§7居合斬り"
  373. Item_Type: 267
  374. Item_Lore: "§7攻撃範囲は狭いが威力がとても高い"
  375. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  376. Shooting:
  377. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  378. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  379. Delay_Between_Shots: 400
  380. Recoil_Amount: -10
  381. Projectile_Amount: 1
  382. Projectile_Type: energy
  383. Projectile_Subtype: 5-1-NONE-0
  384. Projectile_Damage: 13
  385. Bullet_Spread: 0
  386. Sounds_Shoot: BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE-1-2-0
  387. Burstfire:
  388. Enable: true
  389. Shots_Per_Burst: 2
  390. Delay_Between_Shots_In_Burst: 10
  391. Reload:
  392. Enable: true
  393. Reload_Amount: 20
  394. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  395. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  396. Take_Ammo_As_Magazine: true
  397. Reload_Duration: 100
  398. Firearm_Action:
  399. Type: slide
  400. Custom_Death_Message:
  401. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§7居合切り§fで一刀両断された
  402. Potion_Effects:
  403. Activation: hit
  404. Potion_Effect_Shooter: SPEED-15-3
  405. Potion_Effect_Victim: BLINDNESS-10-1
  406. Particles:
  407. Enable: true
  408. Particle_Hit: BLOCK_BREAK-152
  409. 魔法使いの箒:
  410. Item_Information:
  411. Item_Name: "§e§l🌟魔法使いの箒🌟"
  412. Item_Type: 296
  413. Item_Lore: "§e速度は控えめだがジェットより|§e滑らかな飛行ができる"
  414. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  415. Shooting:
  416. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  417. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  418. Delay_Between_Shots: 10
  419. Recoil_Amount: -13
  420. Projectile_Amount: 1
  421. Projectile_Type: Energy
  422. Projectile_Subtype: 0-0-NONE-0
  423. Reset_Fall_Distance: true
  424. Ammo:
  425. Enable: true
  426. Ammo_Item_ID: 348
  427. Ammo_Name_Check: "§3魔力"
  428. Sounds_Out_Of_Ammo: NOTE_PLING-1-2-0
  429. Sounds_Shoot_With_No_Ammo: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT-1-2-0
  430. Reload:
  431. Enable: true
  432. Reload_Amount: 20
  433. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  434. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  435. Take_Ammo_As_Magazine: true
  436. Reload_Duration: 1
  437. Sounds_Reloading: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT-1-2-0
  438. Firearm_Action:
  439. Type: slide
  440. Abilities:
  441. No_Fall_Damage: true
  442. Extras:
  443. Run_Command:
  444. - "@effect <shooter> 25 5 255"
  445. 刺突:
  446. Item_Information:
  447. Item_Name: "§7刺突"
  448. Item_Type: 267
  449. Item_Lore: "§7前方に攻撃判定を発生させる|§7それなりに威力が高い"
  450. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  451. Shooting:
  452. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  453. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  454. Delay_Between_Shots: 50
  455. Projectile_Amount: 1
  456. Projectile_Type: energy
  457. Projectile_Subtype: 4-1-NONE-0
  458. Projectile_Damage: 13
  459. Sounds_Shoot: BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE-1-2-0
  460. Sneak:
  461. Enable: true
  462. Bullet_Spread: 0
  463. Reload:
  464. Enable: true
  465. Reload_Amount: 20
  466. Reload_Duration: 50
  467. Firearm_Action:
  468. Type: slide
  469. Custom_Death_Message:
  470. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fに§7刺突§fで貫かれた
  471. Particles:
  472. Enable: true
  473. Particle_Hit: BLOCK_BREAK-55
  474. 鞘打ち:
  475. Item_Information:
  476. Item_Name: "§7鞘打ち"
  477. Item_Type: 267
  478. Item_Lore: "§7鞘で打って相手をひるませる"
  479. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  480. Shooting:
  481. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  482. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  483. Delay_Between_Shots: 60
  484. Projectile_Amount: 1
  485. Projectile_Type: energy
  486. Projectile_Subtype: 3-2-NONE-0
  487. Projectile_Damage: 1
  488. Sounds_Shoot: BLOCK_WOOL_BREAK-1-2-0
  489. Reload:
  490. Enable: true
  491. Reload_Amount: 20
  492. Reload_Duration: 50
  493. Firearm_Action:
  494. Type: slide
  495. Custom_Death_Message:
  496. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fに鞘で執拗に殴打されて死亡した
  497. Potion_Effects:
  498. Activation: hit
  499. Potion_Effect_Victim: SLOW-60-20
  500. Particles:
  501. Enable: true
  502. Particle_Hit: BLOCK_BREAK-55
  503. 守りの構え:
  504. Item_Information:
  505. Item_Name: "§7守りの構え"
  506. Item_Type: 276
  507. Item_Lore: "§7攻撃を必ず無効化する"
  508. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  509. Shooting:
  510. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  511. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  512. Delay_Between_Shots: 4
  513. Recoil_Amount: 0
  514. Projectile_Amount: 1
  515. Projectile_Type: energy
  516. Projectile_Subtype: 0-0-NONE-0
  517. Projectile_Damage: 0
  518. Bullet_Spread: 0
  519. Sounds_Shoot: BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE-1-2-0
  520. Reload:
  521. Enable: true
  522. Reload_Amount: 20
  523. Reload_Duration: 60
  524. Potion_Effects:
  525. Activation: shoot
  526. Potion_Effect_Shooter: DAMAGE_RESISTANCE-10-5,SLOW-10-3
  527. 斬撃:
  528. Item_Information:
  529. Item_Name: "§7斬撃"
  530. Item_Type: 267
  531. Item_Lore: "§7斬撃を遠くに飛ばす"
  532. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  533. Shooting:
  534. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  535. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  536. Delay_Between_Shots: 40
  537. Projectile_Amount: 1
  538. Projectile_Type: snowball
  539. Projectile_Speed: 100
  540. Projectile_Damage: 14
  541. Sounds_Shoot: BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE-1-2-0
  542. Reload:
  543. Enable: true
  544. Reload_Amount: 5
  545. Reload_Duration: 60
  546. Sounds_Reloading: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT-1-2-0
  547. Particles:
  548. Enable: true
  549. Particle_Hit: BLOCK_BREAK-55
  550. 流星斬り:
  551. Item_Information:
  552. Item_Name: "§e流星斬り"
  553. Item_Type: 267
  554. Item_Lore: "§7居合斬りの強化ver"
  555. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  556. Shooting:
  557. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  558. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  559. Delay_Between_Shots: 600
  560. Recoil_Amount: -10
  561. Projectile_Amount: 1
  562. Projectile_Type: energy
  563. Projectile_Subtype: 5-1-NONE-0
  564. Projectile_Damage: 10
  566. Burstfire:
  567. Enable: true
  568. Shots_Per_Burst: 10
  569. Delay_Between_Shots_In_Burst: 4
  570. Reload:
  571. Enable: true
  572. Reload_Amount: 10
  573. Reload_Duration: 100
  574. Custom_Death_Message:
  575. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fに§e流星斬り§fで灰にされた
  576. Potion_Effects:
  577. Activation: hit
  578. Potion_Effect_Victim: GLOWING-60-1
  579. 死神の鎌:
  580. Item_Information:
  581. Item_Name: "§5死神の鎌"
  582. Item_Type: 292
  583. Item_Lore: "§75%の確率で相手を(事実上の)即死させる"
  584. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  585. Shooting:
  586. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  587. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  588. Delay_Between_Shots: 20
  589. Projectile_Amount: 1
  590. Projectile_Type: energy
  591. Projectile_Subtype: 3-2-NONE-0
  592. Projectile_Damage: 7
  593. Sounds_Shoot: BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE-1-2-0
  594. Reload:
  595. Enable: true
  596. Reload_Amount: 20
  597. Reload_Duration: 50
  598. Custom_Death_Message:
  599. Normal: §a<shooter>§5 led the soul of §c<victim>
  600. Critical_Hits:
  601. Enable: true
  602. Bonus_Damage: 50
  603. Chance: 5
  604. Message_Shooter: §5彼方は§c<victim>§5をあの世に送った
  605. Message_Victim: §5彼方は§a<shooter>§5によってあの世に導かれた
  606. Sounds_Shooter: ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP-1-2-0
  607. Sounds_Victim: BLOCK_PORTAL_TRAVEL-1-2-0
  608. Potion_Effects:
  609. Activation: crit
  610. Potion_Effect_Victim: HARM-1-100,BLINDNESS-10000-1
  611. チェーンソー:
  612. Item_Information:
  613. Item_Name: "§7チェーンソー"
  614. Item_Type: 286
  615. Item_Lore: "§71秒に10発相手にダメージを与える武器|§7範囲が極端に狭い"
  616. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  617. Shooting:
  618. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  619. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  620. Projectile_Amount: 1
  621. Projectile_Type: energy
  622. Projectile_Subtype: 2-1-NONE-0
  623. Projectile_Damage: 2
  624. Sounds_Shoot: BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE-1-2-0,IRONGOLEM_HIT-1-2-0,SKELETON_HURT-1-2-0
  625. Fully_Automatic:
  626. Enable: true
  627. Fire_Rate: 6
  628. Reload:
  629. Enable: true
  630. Reload_Amount: 100
  631. Reload_Duration: 100
  632. Custom_Death_Message:
  633. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fに§7チェーンソー§fで食材にされた
  634. Critical_Hits:
  635. Enable: true
  636. Bonus_Damage: 1
  637. Chance: 50
  638. Abilities:
  639. Reset_Hit_Cooldown: true
  640. 東海道新幹線のぞみ:
  641. Item_Information:
  642. Item_Name: "§a§n§l§o-東海道新幹線-のぞみ-"
  643. Item_Type: 343
  644. Item_Lore: "§7全段装填に鉄ブロックを1個消費する|§716両編成[16発]|§7威力55年目[作成当時]-開設1964年-"
  645. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  646. Shooting:
  647. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  648. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  649. Delay_Between_Shots: 2400
  650. Projectile_Amount: 1
  651. Projectile_Type: energy
  652. Projectile_Subtype: 100-2-NONE-0
  653. Projectile_Damage: 55
  654. Sounds_Shoot: BLOCK_PORTAL_TRAVEL-1-0-0
  655. Ammo:
  656. Enable: true
  657. Ammo_Item_ID: 42
  658. Sounds_Out_Of_Ammo: NOTE_PLING-1-2-0
  659. Sounds_Shoot_With_No_Ammo: BLOCK_CHEST_LOCKED-1-1-0
  660. Reload:
  661. Enable: true
  662. Reload_Amount: 16
  663. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  664. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  665. Take_Ammo_As_Magazine: true
  666. Reload_Duration: 100
  668. Custom_Death_Message:
  669. Normal: §c<victim>§cは§a§n§l§oのぞみ?§cに轢かれて§4§l◇◇◇◇◇§cになった
  670. Potion_Effects:
  671. Activation: back
  672. Potion_Effect_Victim: BLINDNESS-60-1
  673. Particles:
  674. Enable: true
  675. Particle_Hit: BLOCK_BREAK-42,BLOCK_BREAK-152
  676. Abilities:
  677. Knockback: 7
  678. Hit_Events:
  679. Enable: true
  682. ticktack:
  683. Item_Information:
  684. Item_Name: "§e§oticktack"
  685. Item_Type: 347
  686. Item_Lore: "§e§o時を刻む音を出す|§e§o時を刻むものは最後には停止する"
  687. Shooting:
  688. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  689. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  690. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  691. Delay_Between_Shots: 600
  692. Projectile_Amount: 1
  693. Projectile_Type: energy
  694. Projectile_Subtype: 20-3-NONE-0
  695. Projectile_Damage: 0
  696. Sounds_Shoot: BLOCK_GLASS_BREAK-1-2-0
  697. Reload:
  698. Enable: true
  699. Reload_Amount: 1
  700. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  701. Reload_Duration: 20
  702. Custom_Death_Message:
  703. Normal: §c<victim>§fは時を刻み終わり、物言わぬ肉片と化した
  704. Explosions:
  705. Enable: true
  706. Damage_Multiplier: 400
  707. Explosion_No_Grief: true
  708. Enable_Owner_Immunity: true
  709. Explosion_Radius: 3
  710. Explosion_Delay: 1200
  712. Hit_Events:
  713. Enable: true
  716. アイアンワイヤー:
  717. Item_Information:
  718. Item_Name: "§7§lアイアンワイヤー"
  719. Item_Type: 287
  720. Item_Lore: "§7命中率は低いが|§7威力はそれなりに高い"
  721. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  722. Shooting:
  723. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  724. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  725. Delay_Between_Shots: 20
  726. Projectile_Amount: 1
  727. Projectile_Type: energy
  728. Projectile_Subtype: 15-2-NONE-0
  729. Projectile_Damage: 0
  730. Sounds_Shoot: ENTITY_ARROW_HIT-1-2-0
  731. Reload:
  732. Enable: true
  733. Reload_Amount: 10
  734. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  735. Reload_Duration: 40
  736. Sounds_Reloading: BLOCK_DISPENSER_LAUNCH-1-1-0
  737. Critical_Hits:
  738. Enable: true
  739. Bonus_Damage: 14
  740. Chance: 40
  741. Sounds_Shooter: ENTITY_ARROW_HIT-1-2-0
  742. Sounds_Victim: ENTITY_ARROW_HIT-1-2-0
  743. Custom_Death_Message:
  744. Normal: §c<victim>§7は§a<shooter>§7に§7§lアイアンワイヤー§fで§c§m§l首を斬り落とされた§fゆっくりにされた
  745. 初期スポTP:
  746. Item_Information:
  747. Item_Name: "§e&l&o&nFirst Spawn Teleporter"
  748. Item_Type: 381
  749. Item_Lore: "§e§l初期スポーンにTPできる|§e§lクールダウン30秒"
  750. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  751. Shooting:
  752. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  753. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  754. Delay_Between_Shots: 600
  755. Recoil_Amount: 0
  756. Projectile_Amount: 1
  757. Projectile_Type: Energy
  758. Projectile_Subtype: 0-0-NONE-0
  759. Reset_Fall_Distance: true
  760. Sounds_Shoot: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT-1-2-0
  761. Reload:
  762. Enable: true
  763. Reload_Amount: 1
  764. Reload_Duration: 20
  765. Abilities:
  766. No_Fall_Damage: true
  767. Extras:
  768. Run_Command:
  769. - "@tp <shooter> -14 70 222"
  770. 遺憾の意:
  771. Item_Information:
  772. Item_Name: "§7§l§o『遺憾の意』1号"
  773. Item_Type: 154
  774. Item_Lore: "§7§l遺憾の意を表明できる武器|§7§lミサイルを飛ばす|§7§l圧縮火薬を消費"
  775. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  776. Shooting:
  777. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  778. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  779. Delay_Between_Shots: 100
  780. Recoil_Amount: 0
  781. Projectile_Amount: 1
  782. Projectile_Type: arrow
  783. Remove_Bullet_Drop: true
  784. Projectile_Speed: 40
  785. Projectile_Damage: 15
  786. Projectile_Incendiary:
  787. Enable: true
  788. Duration: 100
  789. Projectile_Flames: true
  790. Bullet_Spread: 0
  791. Ammo:
  792. Enable: true
  793. Ammo_Item_ID: 351~8
  794. Ammo_Name_Check: "§7圧縮火薬"
  795. Sounds_Out_Of_Ammo: NOTE_PLING-1-2-0
  796. Sounds_Shoot_With_No_Ammo: NOTE_STICKS-1-2-0
  797. Reload:
  798. Enable: true
  799. Reload_Amount: 3
  800. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  801. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  802. Take_Ammo_As_Magazine: true
  803. Reload_Duration: 140
  804. Sounds_Reloading: DOOR_OPEN-1-2-4,DOOR_OPEN-1-2-8,DOOR_CLOSE-1-2-23,DOOR_CLOSE-1-2-38,DOOR_CLOSE-1-2-140
  805. Firearm_Action:
  806. Type: slide
  807. Custom_Death_Message:
  808. Normal: §a<shooter>§7は§c<victim>§7に遺憾の意を表明した
  809. Explosions:
  810. Enable: true
  811. Ignite_Victims: 200
  812. Damage_Multiplier: 70
  813. Enable_Friendly_Fire: true
  814. Enable_Owner_Immunity: true
  815. Explosion_No_Grief: true
  816. Explosion_Radius: 3
  817. Explosion_Incendiary: false
  818. Explosion_Delay: 0
  819. On_Impact_With_Anything: true
  820. 3点バーストナイフ:
  821. Item_Information:
  822. Item_Name: "§7§lⅢバーストナイフ"
  823. Item_Type: 267
  824. Item_Lore: "§7§l名前の通りの性能がある|§7§l1発の威力は低めだが総合火力は投げナイフを超える"
  825. Shooting:
  826. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  827. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  828. Delay_Between_Shots: 20
  829. Projectile_Amount: 1
  830. Projectile_Type: arrow
  831. Removal_Or_Drag_Delay: 100-true
  832. Remove_Bullet_Drop: true
  833. Projectile_Speed: 30
  834. Projectile_Damage: 5
  835. Bullet_Spread: 1
  836. Burstfire:
  837. Enable: true
  838. Shots_Per_Burst: 3
  839. Delay_Between_Shots_In_Burst: 4
  840. Sneak:
  841. Enable: true
  842. Bullet_Spread: 0
  843. Reload:
  844. Enable: true
  845. Reload_Amount: 15
  846. Reload_Bullets_Individually: true
  847. Reload_Duration: 4
  848. Firearm_Action:
  849. Type: slide
  850. Critical_Hits:
  851. Enable: true
  852. Bonus_Damage: 1
  853. Chance: 30
  854. Abilities:
  855. Reset_Hit_Cooldown: true
  856. スティンガーミサイル:
  857. Item_Information:
  858. Item_Name: "§7§l❂スティンガー❂"
  859. Item_Type: 417
  860. Item_Lore: "§7§l命中率が非常に高い|§7§l仕様上ホーミングはできなかったがそれに準ずるものを再現|§7§l圧縮火薬を消費"
  861. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  862. Shooting:
  863. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  864. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  865. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  866. Delay_Between_Shots: 300
  867. Projectile_Amount: 1
  868. Projectile_Type: energy
  869. Projectile_Subtype: 200-3-NONE-1
  870. Projectile_Damage: 0
  872. Ammo:
  873. Enable: true
  874. Ammo_Item_ID: 351~8
  875. Ammo_Name_Check: "§7圧縮火薬"
  876. Sounds_Out_Of_Ammo: NOTE_PLING-1-2-0
  877. Sounds_Shoot_With_No_Ammo: NOTE_STICKS-1-2-0
  878. Reload:
  879. Enable: true
  880. Reload_Amount: 1
  881. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  882. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  883. Take_Ammo_As_Magazine: true
  884. Reload_Duration: 100
  885. Sounds_Reloading: DOOR_OPEN-1-2-4,DOOR_OPEN-1-2-8,DOOR_CLOSE-1-2-23,DOOR_CLOSE-1-2-38,DOOR_CLOSE-1-2-100
  886. Firearm_Action:
  887. Type: slide
  888. Custom_Death_Message:
  889. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fに§7§lスティンガーミサイル§fで撃ち落とされた
  890. Explosions:
  891. Enable: true
  892. Ignite_Victims: 200
  893. Damage_Multiplier: 150
  894. Enable_Friendly_Fire: true
  895. Enable_Owner_Immunity: true
  896. Explosion_No_Grief: true
  897. Explosion_Radius: 2
  898. Explosion_Incendiary: false
  899. Explosion_Delay: 160
  900. On_Impact_With_Anything: true
  901. Hit_Events:
  902. Enable: true
  905. 深紅の刃:
  906. Item_Information:
  907. Item_Name: "§c§o§l§n深紅の刄"
  908. Item_Type: 283
  909. Item_Lore: "§c§l自分の血を消費し、一時的に攻撃力を激増させる"
  910. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  911. Shooting:
  912. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  913. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  914. Delay_Between_Shots: 100
  915. Projectile_Amount: 1
  916. Projectile_Type: energy
  917. Projectile_Subtype: 0-0-NONE-0
  918. Projectile_Speed: 10000
  919. Projectile_Damage: 0
  921. Reload:
  922. Enable: true
  923. Reload_Amount: 3
  924. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  925. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  926. Reload_Duration: 100
  928. Firearm_Action:
  929. Type: slide
  930. Custom_Death_Message:
  931. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§c§o§l§n深紅の刄§fの生贄になった
  932. Potion_Effects:
  933. Activation: shoot
  934. Potion_Effect_Shooter: INCREASE_DAMAGE-400-3,HARM-1-2
  935. スライムガン:
  936. Item_Information:
  937. Item_Name: "§2§oスライムガン"
  938. Item_Type: 419
  939. Item_Lore: "§2スライムボールを消費する|§2相手を分解する"
  940. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  941. Shooting:
  942. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  943. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  944. Delay_Between_Shots: 20
  945. Projectile_Amount: 1
  946. Projectile_Type: snowball
  947. Projectile_Speed: 40
  948. Projectile_Damage: 5
  949. Sounds_Shoot: ITEM_BUCKET_FILL-1-2-0,BLOCK_SLIME_BLOCK_BREAK-1-0-0
  950. Ammo:
  951. Enable: true
  952. Ammo_Item_ID: 341
  953. Sounds_Out_Of_Ammo: NOTE_PLING-1-2-0
  954. Sounds_Shoot_With_No_Ammo: BLOCK_SLIME_BLOCK_BREAK-1-2-0
  955. Reload:
  956. Enable: true
  957. Reload_Amount: 5
  958. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  959. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  960. Take_Ammo_As_Magazine: true
  961. Reload_Duration: 30
  962. Sounds_Reloading: BLOCK_SLIME_BLOCK_BREAK-1-2-0
  963. Custom_Death_Message:
  964. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§2§oスライムガン§fで肉体が分解され、不完全なスライムになった
  965. Headshot:
  966. Enable: true
  967. Bonus_Damage: 2
  968. Sounds_Shooter: BLOCK_SLIME_BLOCK_BREAK-1-2-0
  969. Spawn_Entity_On_Hit:
  970. Enable: true
  971. Chance: 20
  972. Mob_Name: §c鉄臭いスライム
  973. EntityType_Baby_Explode_Amount: Slime-false-false-1
  974. Make_Entities_Target_Victim: true
  975. Timed_Death: 200
  976. Entity_Disable_Drops: true
  977. Potion_Effects:
  978. Activation: hit
  979. Potion_Effect_Victim: SLOW-100-2
  980. Hit_Events:
  981. Enable: true
  982. Sounds_Shooter: BLOCK_LAVA_EXTINGUISH-1-1-0
  983. Sounds_Victim: BLOCK_LAVA_EXTINGUISH-1-1-0
  984. オリジナルC4:
  985. Item_Information:
  986. Item_Name: "§7§lC4"
  987. Item_Type: 69
  988. Item_Lore: "§7§l設置型の爆弾|§7§l芸術は爆発だ‼ - 匠博士"
  989. Shooting:
  990. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  991. Explosive_Devices:
  992. Enable: true
  993. Device_Type: remote
  994. Device_Info: 1-3S-MHF_TNT
  995. Sounds_Deploy: BLOCK_STONE_PLACE-1-1-0
  996. Remote_Place_Anywhere: true
  997. Message_Disarm: "§7§l*爆弾との接続が切断されました"
  998. Message_Trigger_Placer: "§c<victim> §7§lの爆破に成功した"
  999. Sounds_Alert_Placer: ENTITY_CREEPER_PRIMED-1-1-0
  1000. Sounds_Trigger: ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_LAUNCH-1-1-0
  1001. Explosions:
  1002. Enable: true
  1003. Damage_Multiplier: 200
  1004. Explosion_No_Grief: true
  1005. Explosion_Radius: 4
  1006. Explosion_Delay: 10
  1007. ジャックザリッパー:
  1008. Item_Information:
  1009. Item_Name: "§7§l§oジャック・ザ・リッパー"
  1010. Item_Type: 288
  1011. Item_Lore: "§7§l§o範囲攻撃で敵を切り裂く|§7§l§o再使用までが長い"
  1012. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  1013. Shooting:
  1014. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1015. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  1016. Delay_Between_Shots: 600
  1017. Recoil_Amount: -20
  1018. Projectile_Amount: 1
  1019. Projectile_Type: energy
  1020. Projectile_Subtype: 15-3-NONE-0
  1021. Projectile_Damage: 18
  1022. Bullet_Spread: 0
  1023. Sounds_Shoot: ENTITY_SHEEP_SHEAR-10-1-0
  1024. Reload:
  1025. Enable: true
  1026. Reload_Amount: 1
  1027. Reload_Duration: 40
  1028. Custom_Death_Message:
  1029. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§7ジャック・ザ・リッパー§fに§c§o切り裂かれた
  1030. Potion_Effects:
  1031. Activation: shoot
  1032. Potion_Effect_Shooter: SLOW-20-10
  1033. 終末日記:
  1034. Item_Information:
  1035. Item_Name: "§6§l『終末日記』§5§l~禁忌の扉~"
  1036. Item_Type: 340
  1037. Item_Lore: "§8§lページは残り少なく、最後までは記されていない"
  1038. e: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  1039. Remove_Unused_Tag: true
  1040. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  1041. Shooting:
  1042. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1043. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  1044. Delay_Between_Shots: 200
  1045. Projectile_Amount: 1
  1046. Projectile_Type: energy
  1047. Projectile_Subtype: 15-1-NONE-0
  1048. Projectile_Damage: 8
  1049. Sounds_Shoot: ENTITY_SHEEP_SHEAR-1-0-0
  1050. Reload:
  1051. Enable: true
  1052. Reload_Amount: 1
  1053. Reload_Duration: 40
  1054. Custom_Death_Message:
  1055. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§6§l終末日記§fの1ページになった
  1056. Potion_Effects:
  1057. Activation: hit
  1058. Potion_Effect_Victim: SLOW-1200-2,WEAKNESS-1200-2,HARM-1-2,HUNGER-1200-2
  1059. 虚無の魔導書:
  1060. Item_Information:
  1061. Item_Name: "§5§o虚無の魔導書"
  1062. Item_Type: 340
  1063. Item_Lore: "§5有効攻撃範囲が9マスしかない武器|§5威力は高いが不意打ち位にしか使えない|§5死者には効かない|§5彼方は滅びを望みますか? - §5§n奈落の§e§n太陽"
  1064. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  1065. Shooting:
  1066. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1067. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  1068. Delay_Between_Shots: 100
  1069. Projectile_Amount: 1
  1070. Projectile_Type: energy
  1071. Projectile_Subtype: 1-1-NONE-0
  1072. Projectile_Damage: 30
  1073. Sounds_Shoot: ENTITY_SHEEP_SHEAR-1-0-0,BLOCK_PORTAL_TRAVEL-1-0-20
  1074. Reload:
  1075. Enable: true
  1076. Reload_Amount: 1
  1077. Reload_Duration: 40
  1078. Custom_Death_Message:
  1079. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§5§o虚無の魔導書§fで無に還った
  1080. Potion_Effects:
  1081. Activation: hit
  1082. Potion_Effect_Victim: HARM-1-100
  1083. 獣の爪:
  1084. Item_Information:
  1085. Item_Name: "§7獣の爪"
  1086. Item_Type: 338
  1087. Item_Lore: "§7相手を残酷に切り裂く|§7速度特化"
  1088. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  1089. Shooting:
  1090. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1091. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  1092. Delay_Between_Shots: 10
  1093. Recoil_Amount: 0
  1094. Projectile_Amount: 1
  1095. Projectile_Type: energy
  1096. Projectile_Subtype: 3-2-NONE-0
  1097. Projectile_Damage: 4
  1098. Bullet_Spread: 0
  1099. Reload:
  1100. Enable: true
  1101. Reload_Amount: 20
  1102. Reload_Duration: 30
  1103. Custom_Death_Message:
  1104. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fに§7獣の爪§fで十字に切り裂かれた
  1105. Particles:
  1106. Enable: true
  1107. Particle_Hit: BLOCK_BREAK-152
  1108. Hit_Events:
  1109. Enable: true
  1110. Sounds_Shooter: SHOOT_ARROW-1-0-0,SLIME_WALK-1-1-1
  1111. AUG:
  1112. Item_Information:
  1113. Item_Name: "§7AUG"
  1114. Item_Type: 417
  1115. Item_Lore: "§7ある星の銃を再現したもの|§7高い精度とまぁまぁ連射速度を誇る|§7危険異常のTAKUMICHA corporation製|§7現実の性能との差異は...気にしたら匠将軍に消されます"
  1116. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  1117. Shooting:
  1118. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1119. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  1120. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  1121. Delay_Between_Shots: 7
  1122. Recoil_Amount: 1
  1123. Projectile_Amount: 1
  1124. Projectile_Type: snowball
  1125. Projectile_Speed: 40
  1126. Projectile_Damage: 5
  1127. Bullet_Spread: 1
  1128. Sounds_Shoot: IRONGOLEM_HIT-1-2-0,SKELETON_HURT-1-2-0,ZOMBIE_WOOD-1-2-0
  1129. Sneak:
  1130. Enable: true
  1131. No_Recoil: true
  1132. Bullet_Spread: 0
  1133. Ammo:
  1134. Enable: true
  1135. Ammo_Item_ID: 265
  1136. Sounds_Out_Of_Ammo: NOTE_PLING-1-2-0
  1137. Sounds_Shoot_With_No_Ammo: NOTE_STICKS-1-2-0
  1138. Reload:
  1139. Enable: true
  1140. Reload_Amount: 21
  1141. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  1142. Take_Ammo_As_Magazine: true
  1143. Reload_Duration: 160
  1144. Sounds_Out_Of_Ammo: ITEM_BREAK-1-1-0
  1145. Sounds_Reloading: FIRE_IGNITE-1-1-4,DOOR_OPEN-1-2-6,FIRE_IGNITE-1-1-36,HURT_FLESH-1-0-37,DOOR_CLOSE-1-2-38
  1146. Firearm_Action:
  1147. Type: slide
  1148. Close_Duration: 10
  1149. Close_Shoot_Delay: 12
  1150. Sound_Close: PISTON_RETRACT-1-2-0,PISTON_RETRACT-1-2-3
  1151. Scope:
  1152. Enable: true
  1153. Zoom_Amount: 10
  1154. Zoom_Bullet_Spread: 0
  1155. Sounds_Toggle_Zoom: ENDERDRAGON_WINGS-1-2-0
  1156. Custom_Death_Message:
  1157. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fに§7AUG§fで撃ち抜かれた
  1158. Headshot:
  1159. Enable: true
  1160. Bonus_Damage: 1
  1161. Abilities:
  1162. Reset_Hit_Cooldown: true
  1163. データ干渉:
  1164. Item_Information:
  1165. Item_Name: "§7§o§kプ99イヤ99デ66タ干渉66崩壊』"
  1166. Item_Type: 137
  1167. Item_Lore: "§7§o相手に直接干渉してeffectデータを取り消す|§7§oプレイヤー専用|§7§o注意:[データへの接続に失敗しました]"
  1168. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  1169. Shooting:
  1170. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1171. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  1172. Delay_Between_Shots: 40
  1173. Projectile_Amount: 1
  1174. Projectile_Type: energy
  1175. Projectile_Subtype: 60-6-NONE-0
  1176. Projectile_Damage: 0
  1178. Reload:
  1179. Enable: true
  1180. Reload_Amount: 20
  1181. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  1182. Reload_Duration: 50
  1183. Sounds_Reloading: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT-1-2-0
  1184. Custom_Death_Message:
  1185. Normal: §c<victim>と<shooter>はエラーが蓄積したため処理された
  1186. Critical_Hits:
  1187. Enable: true
  1188. Bonus_Damage: 100
  1189. Chance: 1
  1190. Potion_Effects:
  1191. Activation: crit
  1192. Potion_Effect_Shooter: HARM-1-100
  1193. Hit_Events:
  1194. Enable: true
  1195. Sounds_Shooter: BLOCK_LAVA_EXTINGUISH-1-1-0,BLOCK_GLASS_BREAK-1-0-0
  1196. Sounds_Victim: BLOCK_LAVA_EXTINGUISH-1-1-0,BLOCK_GLASS_BREAK-1-0-0
  1197. Extras:
  1198. Make_Victim_Run_Commmand: effect <victim> clear
  1199. Run_Console_Command: "effect <victim> clear"
  1200. RPG7:
  1201. Item_Information:
  1202. Item_Name: "§c§lRPG-7"
  1203. Item_Type: 417
  1204. Item_Lore: "§c吹き飛びやがれこの野郎"
  1205. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  1206. Shooting:
  1207. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  1208. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  1209. Delay_Between_Shots: 300
  1210. Recoil_Amount: 4
  1211. Projectile_Amount: 1
  1212. Projectile_Type: snowball
  1213. Remove_Bullet_Drop: true
  1214. Projectile_Speed: 30
  1216. Sneak:
  1217. Enable: true
  1218. No_Recoil: true
  1219. Reload:
  1220. Enable: true
  1221. Reload_Amount: 1
  1222. Reload_Duration: 100
  1223. Sounds_Reloading: FIRE_IGNITE-1-1-4,DOOR_OPEN-1-2-6,DOOR_CLOSE-1-0-26,DOOR_CLOSE-1-0-46,DOOR_CLOSE-1-0-66,DOOR_CLOSE-1-0-86,FIRE_IGNITE-1-1-98,HURT_FLESH-1-0-99,DOOR_CLOSE-1-2-100
  1224. Custom_Death_Message:
  1225. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fに§cRPG-7§fで四肢が吹き飛び、失血死した
  1226. Explosions:
  1227. Enable: true
  1228. Knockback: 10
  1229. Ignite_Victims: 100
  1230. Damage_Multiplier: 100
  1231. Enable_Friendly_Fire: true
  1232. Enable_Owner_Immunity: true
  1233. Explosion_No_Grief: true
  1234. Explosion_Radius: 3
  1235. Explosion_Incendiary: false
  1236. Explosion_Delay: 0
  1237. On_Impact_With_Anything: true
  1238. Glock17:
  1239. Item_Information:
  1240. Item_Name: "§7Glock_17"
  1241. Item_Type: 417
  1242. Item_Lore: "§7使い勝手がいい|§7headshot+2"
  1243. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  1244. Shooting:
  1245. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1246. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  1247. Delay_Between_Shots: 10
  1248. Recoil_Amount: 1
  1249. Projectile_Amount: 1
  1250. Projectile_Type: arrow
  1251. Projectile_Speed: 60
  1252. Projectile_Damage: 6
  1253. Bullet_Spread: 1
  1254. Sounds_Shoot: ENTITY_PLAYER_HURT-1-2-0,DOOR_CLOSE-1-0-3
  1255. Sneak:
  1256. Enable: true
  1257. Bullet_Spread: 0
  1258. Reload:
  1259. Enable: true
  1260. Reload_Amount: 18
  1261. Reload_Duration: 40
  1263. Firearm_Action:
  1264. Type: slide
  1265. Close_Duration: 10
  1266. Close_Shoot_Delay: 10
  1267. Custom_Death_Message:
  1268. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fに§7Glock_17§fで脳髄をぶちまけた
  1269. Headshot:
  1270. Enable: true
  1271. Bonus_Damage: 2
  1272. Sounds_Shooter: NOTE_PLING-1-2-0
  1273. 300個記念銃:
  1274. Item_Information:
  1275. Item_Name: "§e§lN§6§lT§e§l_§6§l3§e§l0§6§l0§e§l"
  1276. Item_Type: 418
  1277. Item_Lore: "§6§lNT=NeTa|§e§l-NETA-survival-で多分300個目のcrack Item記念|§6§l性能そこそこに、入手しやすいような設定|§e§l歯車仕掛けで作られている"
  1278. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  1279. Shooting:
  1280. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1281. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  1282. Delay_Between_Shots: 10
  1283. Projectile_Amount: 1
  1284. Projectile_Type: arrow
  1285. Projectile_Speed: 60
  1286. Projectile_Damage: 7
  1287. Bullet_Spread: 1
  1289. Sneak:
  1290. Enable: true
  1291. Bullet_Spread: 0
  1292. Reload:
  1293. Enable: true
  1294. Reload_Amount: 15
  1295. Reload_Duration: 60
  1297. Custom_Death_Message:
  1298. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fに§e§lN§6§lT§e§l_§6§l3§e§l0§6§l0§fで撃たれて派手に肉片をまき散らして死んだ
  1299. Headshot:
  1300. Enable: true
  1301. Bonus_Damage: 2
  1302. Sounds_Shooter: BLOCK_NOTE_CHIME-2-0-0
  1303. Particles:
  1304. Enable: true
  1305. Particle_Hit: BLOCK_BREAK-41
  1306. Abilities:
  1307. No_Fall_Damage: true
  1308. 人形:
  1309. Item_Information:
  1310. Item_Name: "§5§l人形"
  1311. Item_Type: 449
  1312. Item_Lore: "§5§o藁人形|§5§o夜中に動く|§5§o見てると気分が悪い|§5§o力が入らない|§5§o意識が遠のく|§5§o安く譲ってくれた"
  1313. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  1314. Shooting:
  1315. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1316. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  1317. Delay_Between_Shots: 60
  1318. Projectile_Amount: 1
  1319. Projectile_Type: energy
  1320. Projectile_Subtype: 15-3-ALL-0
  1321. Projectile_Damage: 0
  1322. Sounds_Shoot: BLOCK_NOTE_CHIME-2-0-0
  1323. Reload:
  1324. Enable: true
  1325. Reload_Amount: 10
  1326. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  1327. Reload_Duration: 50
  1328. Sounds_Reloading: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT-1-2-0
  1329. Custom_Death_Message:
  1330. Normal: §c<victim>
  1331. Critical_Hits:
  1332. Enable: true
  1333. Bonus_Damage: 100
  1334. Chance: 3
  1335. Potion_Effects:
  1336. Activation: hit
  1337. Potion_Effect_Shooter: CONFUSION-80-1
  1338. Potion_Effect_Victim: SLOW-200-2,CONFUSION-200-1,HUNGER-200-2,SLOW_DIGGING-200-2,WEAKNESS-200-2,WITHER-200-2,HARM-1-1
  1339. Hit_Events:
  1340. Enable: true
  1341. Sounds_Shooter: BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK-10-0-0
  1342. Sounds_Victim: BLOCK_WOOD_BREAK-10-0-0
  1343. Extras:
  1344. Run_Command:
  1345. - "@time add 150"
  1346. 日廻:
  1347. Item_Information:
  1348. Item_Name: "§6§l§o日廻§c§l§o『破損時計』"
  1349. Item_Type: 283
  1350. Item_Lore: "§e§o§l速度+妨害の武器"
  1351. Melee_Mode: true
  1352. Sounds_Acquired: SHOOT_ARROW-1-0-0
  1353. Hidden_From_List: true
  1354. Shooting:
  1355. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  1356. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  1357. Delay_Between_Shots: 10
  1358. Projectile_Damage: 5
  1359. Custom_Death_Message:
  1360. Normal: §c<victim>§6は§a<shooter>§6の§6§l§o日廻§c§l§o『破損時計』§6で体を分解された
  1361. Particles:
  1362. Enable: true
  1363. Particle_Hit: BLOCK_BREAK-55
  1364. Potion_Effects:
  1365. Activation: hit
  1366. Potion_Effect_Victim: POISON-100-2,SLOW-60-1
  1367. 時間停止:
  1368. Item_Information:
  1369. Item_Name: "§7§oThe world"
  1370. Item_Type: 347
  1371. Item_Lore: "§7§o半径5以内の敵の時間を6秒停止する|§7§oYour time will be mine, you will stop recording time|§7§oAnd you will never record time again"
  1372. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  1373. Remove_Unused_Tag: true
  1374. Shooting:
  1375. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1376. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  1377. Delay_Between_Shots: 400
  1378. Projectile_Amount: 1
  1379. Projectile_Type: grenade
  1380. Projectile_Subtype: 347
  1381. Projectile_Speed: 0
  1382. Sounds_Shoot: BLOCK_NOTE_CHIME-2-0-0
  1383. Reload:
  1384. Enable: true
  1385. Reload_Amount: 6
  1386. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  1387. Reload_Duration: 66
  1388. Sounds_Reloading: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT-1-2-0
  1389. Potion_Effects:
  1390. Activation: shoot
  1391. Potion_Effect_Shooter: HARM-1-1
  1392. Custom_Death_Message:
  1393. Normal: §7*§c<victim>§7の時は停止しました*恐らく§c<victim>§7の針はもう二度と時を刻むことはないでしょう
  1394. Explosions:
  1395. Enable: true
  1396. Damage_Multiplier: 20
  1397. Enable_Owner_Immunity: true
  1398. Explosion_No_Grief: true
  1399. Explosion_Radius: 5
  1400. Explosion_Delay: 0
  1401. Explosion_Potion_Effect: SLOW-120-20,JUMP-120-250,CONFUSION-120-1,HUNGER-120-2,SLOW_DIGGING-120-20,WEAKNESS-120-20,BLINDNESS-120-1
  1402. Hit_Events:
  1403. Enable: true
  1404. Sounds_Shooter: BLOCK_NOTE_CHIME-2-0-0
  1405. Sounds_Victim: BLOCK_NOTE_CHIME-2-0-0
  1406. 無限の剣製:
  1407. Item_Information:
  1408. Item_Name: "§b§l無限の§7§l剣製"
  1409. Item_Type: 283
  1410. Item_Lore: "§6§l剣を内包した世界の無数の剣で蹂躙される。"
  1411. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  1412. Shooting:
  1413. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1414. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  1415. Delay_Between_Shots: 80
  1416. Projectile_Amount: 4
  1417. Projectile_Type: arrow
  1418. Projectile_Speed: 80
  1419. Projectile_Damage: 3
  1420. Bullet_Spread: 3
  1421. Sneak:
  1422. Enable: true
  1423. Bullet_Spread: 2
  1424. Burstfire:
  1425. Enable: true
  1426. Shots_Per_Burst: 10
  1427. Delay_Between_Shots_In_Burst: 4
  1428. Reload:
  1429. Enable: true
  1430. Reload_Amount: 20
  1431. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  1432. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  1433. Take_Ammo_As_Magazine: true
  1434. Reload_Duration: 200
  1435. Sounds_Reloading: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT-1-2-0
  1436. Custom_Death_Message:
  1437. Normal: §4<victim>はUnlimided Blade Worksに抗えなかった
  1438. Critical_Hits:
  1439. Enable: true
  1440. Bonus_Damage: 1
  1441. Chance: 20
  1442. Sounds_Shooter: BLOCK_GLASS_BREAK-1-2-0
  1443. Abilities:
  1444. Reset_Hit_Cooldown: true
  1445. 産業革命:
  1446. Item_Information:
  1447. Item_Name: "§a§l-産業革命-"
  1448. Item_Type: 238
  1449. Item_Lore: "§2自身の性能を超強化するが、排気ガスが酷い|§2石炭ブロックを消費"
  1450. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  1451. Shooting:
  1452. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1453. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  1454. Delay_Between_Shots: 1800
  1455. Projectile_Amount: 1
  1456. Projectile_Type: energy
  1457. Projectile_Subtype: 0-0-NONE-0
  1458. Projectile_Speed: 10000
  1459. Projectile_Damage: 0
  1461. Ammo:
  1462. Enable: true
  1463. Ammo_Item_ID: 173
  1464. Reload:
  1465. Enable: true
  1466. Reload_Amount: 1
  1467. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  1468. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  1469. Reload_Duration: 100
  1471. Firearm_Action:
  1472. Type: slide
  1473. Potion_Effects:
  1474. Activation: shoot
  1476. BGM:
  1477. Item_Information:
  1478. Item_Name: "§e§l-♬♪-BGM-♩♫-"
  1479. Item_Type: 84
  1480. Item_Lore: "§a5分間能力強化できる、クールタイムはないが、エネルギー[レッドストーン]を大量に消費する"
  1481. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  1482. Shooting:
  1483. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1484. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  1485. Delay_Between_Shots: 0
  1486. Projectile_Amount: 1
  1487. Projectile_Type: energy
  1488. Projectile_Subtype: 0-0-NONE-0
  1489. Projectile_Speed: 10000
  1490. Projectile_Damage: 0
  1491. Sounds_Shoot: MUSIC_DISC_STAL-2-1-0,MUSIC_DISC_FAR-2-1-3000
  1492. Burstfire:
  1493. Enable: true
  1494. Shots_Per_Burst: 10
  1495. Delay_Between_Shots_In_Burst: 1
  1496. Ammo:
  1497. Enable: true
  1498. Ammo_Item_ID: 331
  1499. Reload:
  1500. Enable: true
  1501. Reload_Amount: 10
  1502. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  1503. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  1504. Reload_Duration: 100
  1505. Firearm_Action:
  1506. Type: slide
  1507. Potion_Effects:
  1508. Activation: shoot
  1509. Potion_Effect_Shooter: SPEED-6000-1,DAMAGE_RESISTANCE-6000-1,INCREASE_DAMAGE-6000-1,NIGHT_VISION-6000-1,JUMP-6000-1,WATER_BREATHING-6000-1,FIRE_RESISTANCE-6000-1,HEALTH_BOOST-6000-1
  1510. 食事:
  1511. Item_Information:
  1512. Item_Name: "§6食事"
  1513. Item_Type: 359
  1514. Item_Lore: "§c範囲内のmobを食べる"
  1515. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  1516. Shooting:
  1517. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1518. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  1519. Delay_Between_Shots: 20
  1520. Recoil_Amount: 0
  1521. Projectile_Amount: 1
  1522. Projectile_Type: energy
  1523. Projectile_Subtype: 3-2-NONE-0
  1524. Projectile_Damage: 5
  1525. Bullet_Spread: 0
  1526. Reload:
  1527. Enable: true
  1528. Reload_Amount: 20
  1529. Reload_Duration: 50
  1530. Custom_Death_Message:
  1531. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§a<shooter>§fにムシャムシャされた
  1532. Potion_Effects:
  1533. Activation: hit
  1534. Potion_Effect_Shooter: SATURATION-2-2
  1535. Particles:
  1536. Enable: true
  1537. Particle_Hit: BLOCK_BREAK-152
  1538. Hit_Events:
  1539. Enable: true
  1540. Sounds_Shooter: SHOOT_ARROW-1-0-0,SLIME_WALK-1-1-1,EAT-2-1-0
  1541. 8月32日:
  1542. Item_Information:
  1543. Item_Name: "§6§l§o8月32日"
  1544. Item_Type: 340
  1545. Item_Lore: "§6§l相手に害悪なeffectを10秒間付与+12ダメージ"
  1546. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  1547. Shooting:
  1548. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1549. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  1550. Delay_Between_Shots: 600
  1551. Projectile_Amount: 1
  1552. Projectile_Type: energy
  1553. Projectile_Subtype: 15-2-NONE-0
  1554. Projectile_Damage: 12
  1555. Projectile_Incendiary:
  1556. Enable: true
  1557. Duration: 200
  1558. Sounds_Shoot: ENTITY_SHEEP_SHEAR-2-0-0
  1559. Reload:
  1560. Enable: true
  1561. Reload_Amount: 5
  1562. Reload_Duration: 40
  1563. Custom_Death_Message:
  1564. Normal: §c<victim>§fは§6§l§o8月32日§fの日記を書いた
  1565. Potion_Effects:
  1566. Activation: hit
  1567. Potion_Effect_Victim: SLOW-200-2,WEAKNESS-200-5,HUNGER-200-5,CONFUSION-200-1,POISON-200-1,WITHER-200-2
  1568. EA_BLADE_NEXT:
  1569. Item_Information:
  1570. Item_Name: §4乖離剣エア
  1571. Item_Type: 283
  1572. Attachments:
  1573. Type: main
  1574. Info: EA_ATT
  1575. Toggle_Dealy: 5
  1576. Sounds_Toggle: NOTE_STICKS-1-2-0
  1577. Shooting:
  1578. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1579. Recoil_Amount: 1
  1580. Projectile_Amount: 280
  1581. Projectile_Type: snowball
  1582. Remove_Bullet_Drop: true
  1583. Removal_Or_Drag_Delay: 800-true
  1584. Projectile_Speed: 75
  1585. Projectile_Damage: 200
  1586. Bullet_Spread: 5
  1587. Sounds_Shoot: ENTITY_WITHER_DEATH-2-1-1
  1588. Projectile_Incendiary:
  1589. Enable: true
  1590. Duration: 20
  1591. Projectile_Flames: true
  1592. Ammo:
  1593. Enable: true
  1594. Ammo_Item_ID: 399
  1595. Reload:
  1596. Enable: true
  1597. Reload_Amount: 1
  1598. Starting_Amount: 1
  1599. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  1600. Take_Ammo_As_Magazine: true
  1601. Reload_Duration: 140
  1602. Shrapnel:
  1603. Enable: true
  1604. Block_Type: 95~14
  1605. Amount: 7
  1606. Speed: 4
  1607. Custom_Death_Message:
  1608. Nomal: §5victim§fは§4乖離剣エア§fの§6§l最大出力§fにより土に還った
  1609. Explosions:
  1610. Enable: true
  1611. Ignite_Victims: 200
  1612. Damage_Multiplier: 100
  1613. Enable_Owner_Immunity: true
  1614. Explosion_No_Grief: true
  1615. Explosion_Radius: 10
  1616. Sounds_Explode: ENTITY_WITHER_DEATH-2-1-1
  1617. アイシクル:
  1618. Item_Information:
  1619. Item_Name: "§b§o§l氷結兵器§b§l『§b§lア§3§lイ§9§lシ§3§lク§b§lル§b§l』"
  1620. Item_Type: 276
  1621. Item_Lore: "§b§l近接武器、妨害は移動低下しかないが火力は高い"
  1622. Melee_Mode: true
  1623. Sounds_Acquired: SHOOT_ARROW-1-0-0
  1624. Hidden_From_List: true
  1625. Shooting:
  1626. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  1627. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  1628. Delay_Between_Shots: 15
  1629. Projectile_Damage: 7
  1630. Custom_Death_Message:
  1631. Normal: §c<victim>§bは§a<shooter>§bの§b§o§l氷結兵器§b§l『§b§lア§3§lイ§9§lシ§3§lク§b§lル§b§l』§bで氷塊になった
  1632. Critical_Hits:
  1633. Enable: true
  1634. Bonus_Damage: 7
  1635. Chance: 10
  1636. Potion_Effects:
  1637. Activation: hit
  1638. Potion_Effect_Victim: SLOW-140-2
  1639. Particles:
  1640. Enable: true
  1641. Particle_Hit: BLOCK_BREAK-79
  1642. Alondite:
  1643. Item_Information:
  1644. Item_Name: §5§lAlondite
  1645. Item_Type: 272
  1646. Item_Lore: §3Lancelot's Sword.
  1647. Melee_Mode: true
  1648. Shooting:
  1649. Delay_Between_Shots: 6
  1650. Recoil_Amount: -1
  1651. Projectile_Damage: 4
  1652. Sounds_Shoot: ENTITY_WITHER_SHOOT-1-1-1
  1653. Custom_Death_Message:
  1654. Normal: §7<victim>§fは§5アロンダイト§fで細切れにされた
  1655. Potion_Effects:
  1656. Activation: head,back,crit,hit,shoot
  1657. Potion_Effect_Shooter: DAMAGE_RESISTANCE-40-1
  1658. Potion_Effect_Victim: WEAKNESS-60-2,SLOW-60-1
  1659. Particles:
  1660. Enable: true
  1661. Particle_Hit: block_break-22
  1662. Particle_Headshot: block_break-22
  1663. Particle_Critical: block_break-22
  1664. Particle_Backstab: block_break-22
  1665. Abilities:
  1666. Reset_Hit_Cooldown: true
  1667. 新型カメラ:
  1668. Item_Information:
  1669. Item_Name: "§e§l新型カメラ"
  1670. Item_Type: 184
  1671. Item_Lore: "§f§l速度が上がったが光が弱くなった|§f§lヘイトをためやすい武器"
  1672. Shooting:
  1673. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1674. Delay_Between_Shots: 20
  1675. Projectile_Amount: 1
  1676. Projectile_Type: energy
  1677. Projectile_Subtype: 40-2-NONE-0
  1678. Projectile_Damage: 5
  1679. Sounds_Shoot: BLOCK_WOODEN_TRAPDOOR_OPEN-2-2-0
  1680. Reload:
  1681. Enable: true
  1682. Reload_Amount: 10
  1683. Reload_Duration: 10
  1684. Custom_Death_Message:
  1685. Normal: §7<victim>§fは§e§l新型カメラ§fで§5§o魂§fを抜かれた
  1686. Potion_Effects:
  1687. Activation: hit
  1688. Potion_Effect_Victim: BLINDNESS-40-1,NIGHT_VISION-40-1
  1689. Gate_Of_Babylon:
  1690. Item_Information:
  1691. Item_Name: §6Gate Of Babylon
  1692. Item_Type: 371
  1693. Item_Lore: §eバビロニアの宝物庫と繋がる鍵。
  1694. Shooting:
  1695. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1696. Delay_Between_Shots: 10
  1697. Recoil_Amount: 0
  1698. Projectile_Amount: 12
  1699. Projectile_Type: arrow
  1700. Remove_Arrows_On_Impact: true
  1701. Remove_Bullet_Drop: true
  1702. Removal_Or_Drag_Delay: 80
  1703. Projectile_Speed: 21
  1704. Projectile_Damage: 1
  1705. Bullet_Spread: 2
  1706. Sounds_Shoot: ENTITY_BLAZE_HURT-1-2-1
  1707. Ammo:
  1708. Enable: true
  1709. Ammo_Item_ID: 41
  1710. Reload:
  1711. Enable: true
  1712. Reload_Amount: 100
  1713. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  1714. Take_Ammo_As_Magazine: true
  1715. Reload_Duration: 140
  1716. Custom_Death_Message:
  1717. Normal: §5<victim>§fは§6§l王の財宝§fで粉々に吹き飛ばされた
  1718. Potion_Effects:
  1719. Activation: hit
  1720. Potion_Effect_Shooter: SLOW-200-10,WEAKNESS-120-3
  1721. Abilities:
  1722. Reset_Hit_Cooldown: true
  1723. Knockback: 0
  1724. No_Fall_Damage: true
  1725. Hit_Events:
  1726. Enable: true
  1727. Sounds_Impact: ENTITY_TNT_PRIMED-1-1-0
  1728. Sounds_Shooter: ENTITY_TNT_PRIMED-1-1-0
  1729. Archer_s_Bow:
  1730. Item_Information:
  1731. Item_Name: §2洋弓
  1732. Item_Type: 261
  1733. Item_Lore: §1Archer's Bow.|§8無銘
  1734. Shooting:
  1735. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1736. Delay_Between_Shots: 4
  1737. Projectile_Amount: 1
  1738. Projectile_Type: arrow
  1739. Remove_Arrows_On_Impact: true
  1740. Remove_Bullet_Drop: true
  1741. Projectile_Speed: 20
  1742. Projectile_Damage: 4
  1743. Projectile_Flames: true
  1744. Bullet_Spread: 0
  1745. Sounds_Shoot: ENTITY_BLAZE_HURT-1-1-0
  1746. Burstfire:
  1747. Enable: true
  1748. Shots_Per_Burst: 3
  1749. Delay_Between_Shots_In_Burst: 4
  1750. Reload:
  1751. Enable: true
  1752. Reload_Amount: 3
  1753. Reload_Duration: 15
  1754. Custom_Death_Message:
  1755. Normal: §a<victim>§7は§1洋弓§7で貫かれた
  1756. Explosions:
  1757. Enable: true
  1758. Knockback: 0
  1759. Ignite_Victims: 120
  1760. Damage_Multiplier: 3
  1761. Enable_Owner_Immunity: true
  1762. Explosion_No_Grief: true
  1763. Explosion_Potion_Effect: WITHER-60-1
  1764. Explosion_Radius: 3
  1765. On_Impact_With_Anything: true
  1766. Potion_Effects:
  1767. Activation: shoot
  1768. Potion_Effect_Victim: SLOW-10-10,WITHER-100-1
  1769. Particles:
  1770. Enable: true
  1771. Particle_Hit: block_break-152
  1772. Abilities:
  1773. Reset_Hit_Cooldown: true
  1774. No_Fall_Damage: true
  1775. Enkidu:
  1776. Item_Information:
  1777. Item_Name: §e§l天の鎖
  1778. Item_Type: 261
  1779. Item_Lore: §5神性が高い者ほど強い力で拘束される|§8対神宝具
  1780. Shooting:
  1781. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1782. Projectile_Amount: 1
  1783. Projectile_Type: snowball
  1784. Remove_Bullet_Drop: true
  1785. Removal_Or_Drag_Delay: 80
  1786. Projectile_Speed: 80
  1787. Projectile_Damage: 0
  1788. Bullet_Spread: 0
  1790. Ammo:
  1791. Enable: true
  1792. Ammo_Item_ID: 262
  1793. Reload:
  1794. Enable: true
  1795. Reload_Amount: 1
  1796. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  1797. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  1798. Reload_Duration: 20
  1799. Custom_Death_Message:
  1800. Normal: §d<victim>§fは§e§l天の鎖§fで拘束された
  1801. Explosions:
  1802. Enable: true
  1803. Damage_Victims: 0
  1804. Explosion_No_Damage: true
  1805. Enable_Owner_Immunity: true
  1806. Explosion_No_Grief: true
  1807. Explosion_Potion_Effect: SLOW-30-20,JUMP-30-250
  1808. Explosion_Radius: 1
  1809. On_Impact_With_Anything: true
  1811. Potion_Effects:
  1812. Activation: hit
  1813. Potion_Effect_Victim: SLOW-80-20,JUMP-80-250
  1814. Particles:
  1815. Enable: true
  1816. Particle_Hit: block_break-41
  1817. Abilities:
  1818. No_Fall_Damage: true
  1819. Blue_Rose:
  1820. Item_Information:
  1821. Item_Name: §9青薔薇の剣
  1822. Item_Type: 267
  1823. Item_Lore: §7黒の剣士の親友であり戦友でもある|§7剣士が使っていた剣|§7亡き友の思いを紡ぐ黒の剣士を|§7この剣は見守っている|§7エンダーパールを消費
  1824. Shooting:
  1825. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1826. Delay_Between_Shots: 600
  1827. Projectile_Amount: 5
  1828. Projectile_Type: energy
  1829. Projectile_Subtype: 5-5-ALL-0
  1830. Remove_Bullet_Drop: true
  1831. Projectile_Damage: 6
  1832. Bullet_Spread: 50
  1834. Ammo:
  1835. Enable: true
  1836. Ammo_Item_ID: 264
  1837. Reload:
  1838. Enable: true
  1839. Reload_Amount: 1
  1840. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  1841. Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true
  1842. Reload_Duration: 200
  1843. Custom_Death_Message:
  1844. Normal: §b<victim>§fは§8<shooter>§fの§9青薔薇の剣§fで天命を吸い取られた
  1845. Explosions:
  1846. Enable: true
  1847. Enable_Owner_Immunity: true
  1848. Explosion_No_Damage: true
  1849. Explosion_Potion_Effect: SLOW-120-200,JUMP-120-250,WITHER-160-3
  1850. Explosion_Radius: 1
  1851. Explosion_No_Grief: true
  1852. Potion_Effects:
  1853. Activation: hit
  1854. Potion_Effect_Shooter: REGENERATION-200-2
  1855. Potion_Effect_Victim: SLOW-80-20,JUMP-80-250,WITHER-160-3
  1856. Particles:
  1857. Enable: true
  1858. Particre_Hit: block_break-57,block_break-79
  1859. Particle_Impact_Anything: block_break-57,block_break-79
  1860. 黄金色の炎:
  1861. Item_Information:
  1862. Item_Name: "§6§o§l黄金色の炎"
  1863. Item_Type: 377
  1864. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  1865. Shooting:
  1866. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1867. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  1868. Delay_Between_Shots: 10
  1869. Recoil_Amount: 0
  1870. Projectile_Amount: 1
  1871. Projectile_Type: energy
  1872. Projectile_Subtype: 20-20-NONE-0
  1873. Projectile_Damage: 50
  1874. Projectile_Incendiary:
  1875. Enable: true
  1876. Duration: 1200
  1877. Bullet_Spread: 0
  1878. Sounds_Shoot: BLOCK_ANVIL_PLACE-1-2-0
  1879. Sneak:
  1880. Enable: true
  1881. Bullet_Spread: 0
  1882. Reload:
  1883. Enable: true
  1884. Reload_Amount: 20
  1885. Reload_Duration: 1
  1886. Firearm_Action:
  1887. Type: slide
  1888. Custom_Death_Message:
  1889. Normal: §c<victim>は§6§o§l黄金色の炎§cで塵となった
  1890. 観測手:
  1891. Item_Information:
  1892. Item_Name: "§2§l観測手の双眼鏡"
  1893. Item_Type: 369
  1894. Item_Lore: "§a相手の位置を長時間示す、前の射程が長い"
  1895. Shooting:
  1896. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1897. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  1898. Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true
  1899. Delay_Between_Shots: 100
  1900. Projectile_Amount: 1
  1901. Projectile_Type: energy
  1902. Projectile_Subtype: 60-3-ALL-0
  1903. Projectile_Damage: 0
  1904. Reload:
  1905. Enable: true
  1906. Reload_Amount: 5
  1907. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  1908. Reload_Duration: 20
  1909. Lightning:
  1910. Enable: true
  1911. Potion_Effects:
  1912. Activation: hit
  1913. Potion_Effect_Victim: GLOWING-2400-1
  1914. Hit_Events:
  1915. Enable: true
  1916. Sounds_Shooter: ENTITY_ARROW_HIT-1-2-0
  1917. Sounds_Victim: ENTITY_ARROW_HIT-1-2-0
  1918. 機関長:
  1919. Item_Information:
  1920. Item_Name: "§b§l§o機関長権限"
  1921. Item_Type: 257
  1922. Item_Lore: "§9火災や浸水に対して、ダメージコントロールを行い、受けるダメージを減らす"
  1923. Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0
  1924. Shooting:
  1925. Right_Click_To_Shoot: true
  1926. Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true
  1927. Delay_Between_Shots: 1200
  1928. Projectile_Amount: 1
  1929. Projectile_Type: energy
  1930. Projectile_Subtype: 0-0-NONE-0
  1931. Projectile_Speed: 10000
  1932. Projectile_Damage: 0
  1934. Reload:
  1935. Enable: true
  1936. Reload_Amount: 1
  1937. Reload_Bullets_Individually: false
  1938. Reload_Duration: 100
  1939. Firearm_Action:
  1940. Type: slide
  1941. Potion_Effects:
  1942. Activation: shoot
  1944. Extras:
  1945. Run_Command:
  1946. - "@ext <shooter>"
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