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a guest
Dec 16th, 2018
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  1. local key_col = Color(0,255,255)
  2. local str_col = Color(255,255,0)
  3. local vec_ang_col = Color(255,0,255)
  4. local ent_col = Color(0,255,0)
  5. local func_col = Color(0,0,255)
  6. local white = Color(255,255,255)
  7. local red = Color(255,0,0)
  8. local green = Color(0,255,0)
  10. local function print_var(no_recurse, longest_tbl, longest, indentation_level, indent, k, v, no_recurse)
  11. local pretty_spacing = (" "):rep(math.max(longest, longest_tbl) - utf8.len(tostring(k)))
  12. if (type(v) == "table") then
  13. if (IsColor(v)) then
  14. if (v.a < 255) then
  15. MsgC(indent, key_col, k, white, pretty_spacing, " = ", v, "Color(r: " .. v.r .. ", g: " .. v.b .. ", b: " .. v.g .. ", a: " .. v.a .. ")\n")
  16. else
  17. MsgC(indent, key_col, k, white, pretty_spacing, " = ", v, "Color(r: " .. v.r .. ", g: " .. v.b .. ", b: " .. v.g .. ")\n")
  18. end
  19. else
  20. if (no_recurse ~= nil and no_recurse[v]) then
  21. MsgC(indent, key_col, k, white, pretty_spacing, " = ", red, "[recursive table]\n")
  22. else
  23. local new_no_recurse = table.Copy(no_recurse or {})
  24. new_no_recurse[v] = true
  26. if (next(v) == nil) then
  27. MsgC(indent, key_col, k, white, pretty_spacing, " = ", str_col, "[0] ", key_col, "{}\n")
  28. else
  29. MsgC(indent, key_col, k, white, " = ", str_col, "[" .. table.Count(v) .. "] ", key_col, "{\n")
  30. var_dump(k, v, indentation_level + 1, new_no_recurse)
  31. MsgC(indent, key_col, "}\n")
  32. end
  33. end
  34. end
  35. elseif (type(v) == "string") then
  36. MsgC(indent, key_col, k, white, pretty_spacing, " = ", str_col, "\"" .. v .. "\"\n")
  37. elseif (isvector(v)) then
  38. MsgC(indent, key_col, k, white, pretty_spacing, " = ", vec_ang_col, "Vector(x: " .. v.x .. ", y: " .. v.y .. ", z: " .. v.z .. ")\n")
  39. elseif (isangle(v)) then
  40. MsgC(indent, key_col, k, white, pretty_spacing, " = ", vec_ang_col, "Angle(y: " .. v.y .. ", p: " .. v.p .. ", r: " .. v.r .. ")\n")
  41. elseif (isentity(v)) then
  42. if (not IsValid(v)) then
  43. MsgC(indent, key_col, k, white, pretty_spacing, " = ", red, "[INVALID]", ent_col, tostring(v), "\n")
  44. else
  45. if (v:IsWorld()) then
  46. MsgC(indent, key_col, k, white, pretty_spacing, " = ", ent_col, "[0] worldspawn\n")
  47. elseif (v:IsPlayer()) then
  48. if (v:IsBot()) then
  49. MsgC(indent, key_col, k, white, pretty_spacing, " = ", team.GetColor(v:Team()), "[BOT #" .. v:SteamID64() - 90071996842377216 + 1 .. "] " .. v:Nick() .. "\n")
  50. else
  51. MsgC(indent, key_col, k, white, pretty_spacing, " = ", team.GetColor(v:Team()), "[" .. v:SteamID() .. " #" .. v:UserID() .. "] " .. v:Nick() .. "\n")
  52. end
  53. elseif (v.GetPrintName ~= nil) then
  54. MsgC(indent, key_col, k, white, pretty_spacing, " = ", ent_col, "[" .. v:EntIndex() .. "] [" .. v:GetClass() .. "] " .. v:GetPrintName() .. "\n")
  55. else
  56. MsgC(indent, key_col, k, white, pretty_spacing, " = ", ent_col, "[" .. v:EntIndex() .. "] " .. v:GetClass() .. "\n")
  57. end
  58. end
  59. elseif (isfunction(v)) then
  60. local params = ""
  61. for i=1,debug.getinfo(v).nparams do
  62. params = params .. i .. ", "
  63. end
  64. MsgC(indent, key_col, k, white, pretty_spacing, " = ", func_col, "[" .. (tostring(v):gsub("^function: ", "")) .. "] function(" .. (params:gsub(", $", "")) .. ")" .. "\n")
  65. elseif (type(v) == "number") then
  66. MsgC(indent, key_col, k, white, pretty_spacing, " = ", str_col, tostring(v) .. "\n")
  67. elseif (type(v) == "boolean") then
  68. if (v == true) then
  69. MsgC(indent, key_col, k, white, pretty_spacing, " = ", green, tostring(v) .. "\n")
  70. else
  71. MsgC(indent, key_col, k, white, pretty_spacing, " = ", red, tostring(v) .. "\n")
  72. end
  73. else
  74. MsgC(indent, key_col, k, white, pretty_spacing, " = ", str_col, tostring(v) .. "\n")
  75. end
  76. end
  78. function var_dump(str, tbl, indentation_level, no_recurse)
  79. local indentation_level = indentation_level or 0
  80. local indent = (" "):rep(indentation_level * 4)
  81. if (tbl == nil) then return MsgC(indent, red, "Input was nil\n") end
  82. if (type(tbl) == "table") then
  83. local no_recurse = no_recurse or {}
  84. local keys = table.GetKeys(tbl)
  86. table.sort(keys, function(a, b)
  87. if (isnumber(a) and isnumber(b)) then return a < b end
  88. return tostring(a) < tostring(b)
  89. end)
  91. local longest = 0
  92. local longest_tbl = 0
  93. for _,k in ipairs(keys) do
  94. local len = utf8.len(tostring(k))
  95. if (len > longest) then
  96. longest = len
  97. end
  98. if (len > longest_tbl and type(tbl[k]) == "table") then
  99. longest_tbl = len
  100. end
  101. end
  102. for _,k in ipairs(keys) do
  103. local v = tbl[k]
  104. print_var(no_recurse, longest_tbl, longest, indentation_level, indent, k, v, no_recurse)
  105. end
  106. else
  107. print_var(nil, 0, 0, indentation_level, indent, str, tbl, no_recurse)
  108. end
  109. end
  111. concommand.Add("var_dump", function(ply, __, ___, args)
  112. if (SERVER and IsValid(ply)) then return end
  113. local worked = xpcall(function() RunString("var_dump(\"" .. (args:gsub("\"", "\\\"")) .. "\"," .. args .. ")") end, function() end)
  114. if (not worked) then
  115. MsgC(red, "Failed\n")
  116. end
  117. end)
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