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Apr 19th, 2019
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  226. <div class="col-md-3 select">
  227. <select name="place">
  228. <option value="Place">Place</option>
  229. <option value="Bandarban District">Bandarban District</option>
  230. <option value="Rangamati">Rangamati</option>
  231. <option value="Khagrachari District">Khagrachari District</option>
  232. <option value="Patenga beach">Patenga beach</option>
  233. <option value="Foys Lake">Foy's Lake</option>
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  237. <option value="Madhobpur Lake">Madhobpur Lake</option>
  238. <option value="Ratargul Swamp Forest">Ratargul Swamp Forest</option>
  239. <option value="Lalbagh Fort">Lalbagh Fort</option>
  240. <option value="Ahsan Manzil">Ahsan Manzil</option>
  241. <option value="Somapura Mahavihara">Somapura Mahavihara</option>
  242. <option value="Mahastangar">Mahastangar</option>
  243. <option value="Kantajew Temple">Kantajew Temple</option>
  244. <option value="Kuakata Beach">Kuakata Beach</option>
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  257. <div class="gallery">
  258. <div class="desc">
  259. <p class="rName">Owner Name</p>
  260. <p class="location">location</p>
  261. <p class="cuisine">No of rooms</p>
  262. <p class="rating">4.4</p>
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