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Feb 18th, 2020
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  1. Hearthstone Color Pie
  3. Druid = Druids have mana ramp, giant minions, swarms of small minions, card draw, and Beast tribal. However, they lack removal options for big minions, and have no board wipes. (Closest Magic Equivalent: Green)
  5. Hunter = Hunters have Beast tribal, burn spells that can target players, Secrets, and a lot of cards with Deathrattle. They also have a small amount of card draw, card creation, board wipes, and minions with Taunt. However, they lack the ability to heal damage once it's been dealt. (Closest Magic Equivalent: Green)
  7. Mage = Mages have a lot of spells (both big and small), they have burn spells that can target either minions or players, they have Secrets, and they have board wipes. There is also a little bit of "swarming", although not a lot. But they lack any form of healing, minions with Taunt, or the ability to increase the Attack/Health of a minion. (Closest Magic Equivalent: Mostly blue, but a little bit of red)
  9. Paladin = Paladins have minion swarms, the ability to increase/decrease the Attack/Health of minions, healing effects, Divine Shield, and Secrets. They have a little bit of cost-reduction effects too. But they have no burn spells and lack removal options for big minions. (Closest Magic Equivalent: White)
  11. Priest = Priests have a lot of healing effects. They also have spells that are very powerful but narrow in usage. They can create copies of cards, increase the attack/health of a single minion at a time, and they have a lot of Deathrattle effects. They also have a small amount of card draw. But they lack burn spells that can target players, and the ability to increase the attack/health of more than one minion at a time. (Closest Magic Equivalent: White)
  13. Rogue = Rogues have cards that care about Combo. They have targeted minion removal, card draw, powerful Weapon cards, and a lot of cards with Deathrattle. But they lack cards with Taunt, healing effects, board wipes, and the ability to increase the attack/health of more than one minion at a time. (Closest Magic Equivalent: Really none of them...)
  15. Shaman = Shamans have the ability to create minion swarms, burn spells, and tribal synergies for Totems, Elementals, and Murlocs. But they lack card draw and card creation. (Closest Magic Equivalent: Red)
  17. Warlock = Warlocks have powerful effects that often rely on making sacrifices. They have card draw, minion swarms, disruption, and Demon tribal. But they don't have burn spells that can target players and their healing spells are only able to heal small amounts. (Closest Magic Equivalent: Black)
  19. Warrior = Warriors have the ability to create Armor, powerful Weapon cards, minions with Taunt, and the ability to destroy minions that are in play. They also have a small amount of card draw and card creation. But they don't have burn spells that can target players, the ability to increase the attack/health of multiple minions at a time, or the ability to "swarm" the field with minions. (Closest Magic Equivalent: Not really any of them, but I guess white if I had to pick one)
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