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Jun 20th, 2018
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  1. --------------------------------------------------------
  2. Launch Script:
  4. #!/bin/bash
  6. export QEMU_AUDIO_DRV=pa
  7. #export QEMU_PA_SERVER="<your-pulse-socket>"
  8. export QEMU_AUDIO_TIMER_PERIOD=50011
  10. brctl addbr bridge0
  11. brctl addif bridge0 enp0s31f6
  12. dhclient -v bridge0
  14. modprobe vfio_pci
  15. echo "10de 13b0" > "/sys/bus/pci/drivers/vfio-pci/new_id"
  19. # Use command below to generate a MAC address
  20. # printf '52:54:BE:EF:%02X:%02X\n' $((RANDOM%256)) $((RANDOM%256))
  21. qemu-system-x86_64 \
  22. -name "Windows10-QEMU" \
  23. -machine type=q35,accel=kvm \
  24. -global ICH9-LPC.disable_s3=1 \
  25. -global ICH9-LPC.disable_s4=1 \
  26. -enable-kvm \
  27. -cpu host,hypervisor=off,kvm=off,hv_vapic,hv_relaxed,hv_spinlocks=0x1fff,hv_time,hv_vendor_id=whatvendor \
  28. -smp 4,sockets=1,cores=2,threads=2 \
  29. -m 16G \
  30. -mem-path /dev/hugepages \
  31. -mem-prealloc \
  32. -balloon none \
  33. -rtc clock=host,base=localtime \
  34. -device ich9-intel-hda -device hda-output \
  35. -nographic \
  36. -serial none \
  37. -parallel none \
  38. -k de \
  39. -usbdevice tablet \
  40. -device ioh3420,bus=pcie.0,addr=1c.0,multifunction=on,port=1,chassis=1,id=root.1 \
  41. -device vfio-pci,host=01:00.0,bus=root.1,addr=00.0,x-pci-sub-device-id=1753,x-pci-sub-vendor-id=4136,multifunction=on,romfile=MyGPU.rom \
  42. -drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly=on,file=/usr/share/edk2-ovmf/OVMF_CODE.fd \
  43. -drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=WIN_VARS.fd \
  44. -boot menu=on \
  45. -boot order=c \
  46. -drive id=disk0,if=virtio,cache=none,format=raw,file=WindowsVM.img \
  47. -drive file=Windows.iso,index=1,media=cdrom \
  48. -drive file=virtio-win-0.1.149.iso,index=2,media=cdrom \
  49. -net nic -net bridge,br=bridge0 \
  50. -device pci-bridge,addr=12.0,chassis_nr=2,id=head.2 \
  51. -device virtio-keyboard-pci,bus=head.2,addr=03.0,display=video.2 \
  52. -device virtio-mouse-pci,bus=head.2,addr=04.0,display=video.2 \
  53. -vga none
  58. echo "0000:01:00.0" > "/sys/bus/pci/drivers/vfio-pci/0000:01:00.0/driver/unbind"
  59. echo "OFF" >> /proc/acpi/bbswitch
  60. ifconfig bridge0 down
  61. brctl delbr bridge0
  63. --------------------------------------------------------
  65. lspci -v when launched
  67. 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM107GLM [Quadro M2000M] (rev a2) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
  68. Subsystem: Dell GM107GLM [Quadro M2000M]
  69. Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 142
  70. Memory at de000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16M]
  71. Memory at c0000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M]
  72. Memory at d0000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=32M]
  73. I/O ports at e000 [size=128]
  74. [virtual] Expansion ROM at df000000 [disabled] [size=512K]
  75. Capabilities: [60] Power Management version 3
  76. Capabilities: [68] MSI: Enable+ Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit+
  77. Capabilities: [78] Express Legacy Endpoint, MSI 00
  78. Capabilities: [100] Virtual Channel
  79. Capabilities: [250] Latency Tolerance Reporting
  80. Capabilities: [258] L1 PM Substates
  81. Capabilities: [128] Power Budgeting <?>
  82. Capabilities: [600] Vendor Specific Information: ID=0001 Rev=1 Len=024 <?>
  83. Capabilities: [900] #19
  84. Kernel driver in use: vfio-pci
  85. Kernel modules: nvidia_drm, nvidia
  87. --------------------------------------------------------
  89. ./rom-parser ../../../qemu/MyGPU.rom
  90. Valid ROM signature found @600h, PCIR offset 190h
  91. PCIR: type 0 (x86 PC-AT), vendor: 10de, device: 13b0, class: 030000
  92. PCIR: revision 3, vendor revision: 1
  93. Valid ROM signature found @19e00h, PCIR offset 1ch
  94. PCIR: type 3 (EFI), vendor: 10de, device: 13b0, class: 030000
  95. PCIR: revision 3, vendor revision: 0
  96. EFI: Signature Valid, Subsystem: Boot, Machine: X64
  97. Last image
  99. --------------------------------------------------------
  101. optirun lspci -nnk -s 01:00.0
  102. 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GM107GLM [Quadro M2000M] [10de:13b0] (rev a2)
  103. Subsystem: Dell GM107GLM [Quadro M2000M] [1028:06d9]
  104. Kernel driver in use: nvidia
  105. Kernel modules: nvidia_drm, nvidia
  107. --------------------------------------------------------
  109. OIMMU Groups
  110. plumbus /home/bock/Downloads/git/rom-parser # for iommu_group in $(find /sys/kernel/iommu_groups/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d);do echo "IOMMU group $(basename "$iommu_group")"; for device in $(\ls -1 "$iommu_group"/devices/); do if [[ -e "$iommu_group"/devices/"$device"/reset ]]; then echo -n "[RESET]"; fi; echo -n $'\t';lspci -nns "$device"; done; done
  111. IOMMU group 7
  112. [RESET] 00:1c.0 PCI bridge [0604]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H PCI Express Root Port #2 [8086:a111] (rev f1)
  113. IOMMU group 15
  114. [RESET] 05:00.0 Non-Volatile memory controller [0108]: Samsung Electronics Co Ltd NVMe SSD Controller SM951/PM951 [144d:a802] (rev 01)
  115. IOMMU group 5
  116. 00:16.0 Communication controller [0780]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H CSME HECI #1 [8086:a13a] (rev 31)
  117. 00:16.3 Serial controller [0700]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H KT Redirection [8086:a13d] (rev 31)
  118. IOMMU group 13
  119. [RESET] 02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Intel Corporation Wireless 8260 [8086:24f3] (rev 3a)
  120. IOMMU group 3
  121. 00:04.0 Signal processing controller [1180]: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v5/E3-1500 v5/6th Gen Core Processor Thermal Subsystem [8086:1903] (rev 07)
  122. IOMMU group 11
  123. 00:1f.0 ISA bridge [0601]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H LPC Controller [8086:a150] (rev 31)
  124. 00:1f.2 Memory controller [0580]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H PMC [8086:a121] (rev 31)
  125. 00:1f.3 Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H HD Audio [8086:a170] (rev 31)
  126. 00:1f.4 SMBus [0c05]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H SMBus [8086:a123] (rev 31)
  127. IOMMU group 1
  128. 00:01.0 PCI bridge [0604]: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v5/E3-1500 v5/6th Gen Core Processor PCIe Controller (x16) [8086:1901] (rev 07)
  129. [RESET] 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GM107GLM [Quadro M2000M] [10de:13b0] (rev ff)
  130. IOMMU group 8
  131. [RESET] 00:1c.2 PCI bridge [0604]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H PCI Express Root Port #3 [8086:a112] (rev f1)
  132. IOMMU group 6
  133. 00:17.0 SATA controller [0106]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H SATA controller [AHCI mode] [8086:a102] (rev 31)
  134. IOMMU group 14
  135. [RESET] 03:00.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTS525A PCI Express Card Reader [10ec:525a] (rev 01)
  136. IOMMU group 4
  137. 00:14.0 USB controller [0c03]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H USB 3.0 xHCI Controller [8086:a12f] (rev 31)
  138. 00:14.2 Signal processing controller [1180]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H Thermal subsystem [8086:a131] (rev 31)
  139. IOMMU group 12
  140. [RESET] 00:1f.6 Ethernet controller [0200]: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection (2) I219-LM [8086:15b7] (rev 31)
  141. IOMMU group 2
  142. [RESET] 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation HD Graphics P530 [8086:191d] (rev 06)
  143. IOMMU group 10
  144. [RESET] 00:1d.0 PCI bridge [0604]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H PCI Express Root Port #9 [8086:a118] (rev f1)
  145. IOMMU group 0
  146. 00:00.0 Host bridge [0600]: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v5/E3-1500 v5/6th Gen Core Processor Host Bridge/DRAM Registers [8086:1918] (rev 07)
  147. IOMMU group 9
  148. [RESET] 00:1c.4 PCI bridge [0604]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-H PCI Express Root Port #5 [8086:a114] (rev f1)
  151. --------------------------------------------------------
  153. cat /proc/cmdline
  155. BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.17.2 root=/dev/mapper/root ro crypt_root=UUID=a7ef84c9-a8f0-4596-837e-6ee3f1a51231 rootfstype=ext4 keymap=de intel_iommu=on kvm.ignore_msrs=1 default_hugepagesz=1G hugepagesz=1G hugepages=16 transparent_hugepage=never root_trim=yes
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