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  1. ;
  2. ; ToUpper_USART.asm
  3. ;
  4. ; Created: 24/04/2018 13:29:04
  5. ; Author : 1418
  6. ;
  8. ;*********************************************************************************************
  9. ;******************** Const Definitions, Precompiler sentences ******************************
  10. ;*********************************************************************************************
  11. .EQU lowercase_a = 97 ;ASCII for 'a'
  12. .EQU lowercase_z = 122 ;ASCII for 'z'
  13. .EQU TOUPPER = 32 ;to be subtracted from the lowercase to get the uppercase
  14. .EQU minus = 45 ;Letra guion "-"
  17. .EQU Clock = 16000000 ;processor’s clock frequency, Hz
  18. .EQU Baud = 9600 ;desired serial port baud rate (bits per second)
  19. .EQU UBRRvalue = Clock/(Baud*16) -1 ;calculates value to be put in UBRR0H:L
  21. ;*********************************************************************************************
  22. ;******************** Main VARs **************************************************************
  23. ;*********************************************************************************************
  24. .DSEG
  26. ;*********************************************************************************************
  27. ;******************** Main Program ***********************************************************
  28. ;*********************************************************************************************
  29. .CSEG
  30. .ORG 0x00000 ;reset interrupt vector
  31. jmp Init
  33. .ORG 0x00032 ;interrupt vectors for USART0
  34. jmp USART0_reception_completed
  35. reti
  36. reti
  38. .ORG 0x00100 ;leave room for IRQ vectors
  39. Init:
  40. ;configure USART0
  41. RCALL init_USART0
  42. rcall InitBPort
  44. SEI ;enable interrupts globally
  46. clr r16
  47. Loop:
  48. out portb, r16
  49. rcall delay500ms
  50. com r16
  51. rjmp Loop
  53. ;*********************************************************************************************
  54. ;**************** End Main Program ***********************************************************
  55. ;*********************************************************************************************
  57. ;------- initialize USART0 as 9600baud, asynchronous, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity -----
  58. ;Especificaciones:
  59. ;
  60. init_USART0:
  61. PUSH R16
  62. LDI R16, LOW(UBRRvalue)
  63. STS UBRR0L, R16 ;load the low byte
  64. LDI R16, HIGH(UBRRvalue)
  65. STS UBRR0H, R16 ;load the low byte
  66. ; enable receive and transmit, enable USART0 interrupts (UDR empty, Tx finished, Rx finished)
  67. ;ldi r16, (1<<RXEN0)| (1<<RXCIE0)
  68. LDI R16, (1<<RXEN0)|(1<< TXEN0)|(0<<UDRIE0)|(0<< TXCIE0)|(1<< RXCIE0)
  69. STS UCSR0B, R16 ;set control register UCSR0B with the corresponding bits
  70. ; configure USART 0 as asynchronous, set frame format: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
  71. LDI R16, (0<<UMSEL00) |(1<<UCSZ01)|(1<< UCSZ00) |(0<< USBS0)|(0<<UPM01)|(0<< UPM00)
  72. STS UCSR0C, R16 ;set control register UCSR0C with the corresponding bits
  73. POP R16
  74. RET
  76. ;----USART0_reception_completed handler --------------------------------------------------
  77. USART0_reception_completed:
  78. PUSH r16 ;this handler routine will be automatically called every 61msec (in this example)
  79. IN r16, SREG ;Backup SREG. MANDATORY in interrupt handler routines
  80. PUSH r16
  82. ;do the desired periodic task here
  83. LDS r16, UDR0 ;pick up the byte received and do anything with it
  84. CPI r16,lowercase_a ;'a'
  85. BRLT NotConvert ;not a lowercase letter
  86. CPI r16,lowercase_z+1 ;'z'+1
  87. BRGE NotConvert ;not an lowercase letter
  88. SUBI r16, TOUPPER ;change to Uppercase
  89. STS UDR0, r16 ;transmits the [modified] byte
  90. JMP USART0_reception_cont
  91. ; Non conver. not lowercase letter. send "-" character
  92. NotConvert:
  93. ;LDI r16, minus
  94. STS UDR0, r16 ;transmits the [modified] byte
  96. USART0_reception_cont:
  97. POP r16
  98. OUT SREG, r16 ;Recover SREG from the previous backup
  99. POP r16
  100. RETI ;RETI is MANDATORY when returning from an interrupt handling routine
  102. ;Funcion inicializar puerto B como salida
  103. InitBPort:
  104. push r31
  105. LDI r31, 0xff
  106. OUT DDRB, r31
  107. pop r31
  108. ret
  110. ; Delay 3 200 000 cycles
  111. ; 200ms at 16 MHz
  112. delay500ms:
  113. push r18
  114. push r19
  115. push r20
  116. ldi r18, 41
  117. ldi r19, 150
  118. ldi r20, 128
  119. L1: dec r20
  120. brne L1
  121. dec r19
  122. brne L1
  123. dec r18
  124. brne L1
  125. pop r20
  126. pop r19
  127. pop r18
  128. ret
  130. .EXIT
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