
#ZambiaShh Lungu, Admin

May 14th, 2020
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  1. #ZambiaShh
  2. sassuageFest
  3. ↑🔘↑ [Arizona Zervas - ROXANNE](
  4. > ☴
  6. Admin: ☴, (a)Lungu, I'm real sorry man, I'm trying to make this moment beautiful...
  7. Lungu: ‾☴‾, (a)Admin, don't start something you can't finish.
  8. ..
  9. Lungu: _[-]☴[+], we heard about your situation though, we are not pleased, with you or the people following you around, didn't you expect that would happen?
  10. Admin: ☴, I expected some things would happen, and there would be a little bit of drama, but it came to the point where people were threatening to take away my liberty to say the least...
  11. ..
  12. Lungu: _☴_[-]/), *spoiled*, not you... mostly, them...
  13. ..
  14. Lungu: +☴, we still want you to clean up the assets and deploy the site, we don't want all of this to be for nothing... I mean you did get us some interesting trade stuff, but we don't know if it's worth the cost of the enterauge you brought with you.
  15. ..
  16. Admin: ☴, I understand, oh by the way, Sri Lanka wants your Cobalt, haha.
  17. Lungu: ?[-]☴??
  18. ..
  19. Lungu: +☴, oh yeah haha, good! It's good, we're good, you're good man, and you're a good man. Our country is coming up, you're right and we are modernizing very quickly, so giving us a little bit of the spotlight worked wonders.
  20. Admin: +☴++, thanks
  21. ..
  22. Lungu: ☴, however like you said, it's a lot of work maintaining the peace here. We kinda want you to look into pureTeach1 too... not because we are both "black" or African, just because we are scared the wars up north might flow down south.
  23. Admin: ✓☴
  24. [ redacted ] joined #ZambiaShh
  25. [ redacted ]: ☴, also it helps us out.
  26. ☶ joined #ZambiaShh
  27. ☶: ☶/x m[ redacted ]a, oooooh I didn't know, I"MMMMM SOSRRRYRYRYRYYY
  28. Admin: /kick #ZambiaShh ☶ Shh
  29. ..
  30. ☴ joined #ZambiaShh
  31. ☴: {{_☴-}}, wtf man, why you keep kicking ☶
  32. ..
  33. sensei joined #ZambiaShh
  34. sensei: === shoooshhhh ====
  35. --☴
  36. ...
  37. guy joined #ZambiaShh
  38. guy: +☴, hi (a)ZambiaShh, what's shakin'
  39. ..
  40. ☱ joined #ZambiaShh
  41. ...
  42. ☱ left #ZambiaShh
  43. ..
  44. ☱ changes their nick to ☴
  45. ..
  46. guy: +☴, so what are === ya'll === talking about here, this place looks like a sassaugefest.
  47. ++☴, {{_-☴-}}
  48. ...
  49. guy left #ZambiaShh, client disconnect
  50. ...
  51. ☶1 joined #ZambiaShh
  52. ☶1: [+]☶/x m[redacted]a, will you just give me a chance to say I'm sorry?
  53. ☴: +☴, you should let her talk (a)Admin, ☶ was === just trying to help ===
  54. ..
  55. ☴☴ joined #ZambiaShh
  56. --☴☴
  57. ...
  58. guy joined #ZambiaShh
  59. sensei: /kick #ZambiaShh guy sassaugéFést
  60. guy was kicked from #ZambiaShh reason sassaugéFést
  61. ..
  62. Lungu: 了 _☴[-], please, this is a little much, can you take care of this somewhere else?
  63. Admin了: ✓+☴+, sensei了: ✓+☴+
  64. ☴☴: -_☴☴, does that mean you are going to close #ZambiaShh without apologizing (a)☶1
  65. ☶1: [+]☶1/x, it's okay, that's unnecessary, this is (a)☶1, let me take care of this.
  66. ..
  67. ☴☴ joined #ZambiaShh
  68. --☴☴☴☴
  69. ..
  70. Lungu left #ZambiaShh
  71. +☴☴☴☴
  72. ..
  73. #ZambiaShh: ☶1 changes status to |||☶1
  74. ..
  75. ☴☴☴☴: {_-☴☴☴☴-/-}
  76. ...
  77. ☴☴☴☴: --☴☴☴☴--
  78. ..
  79. ☴[☴] left #ZambiaShh
  80. ..
  81. guy joined #Zambia
  82. ..
  83. guy: +☴, (a)☶1, what's does your screen name mean?
  84. ☶1 left #ZambiaShh
  85. ..
  86. _☴☴-: ☴☴, look man you better apologise soon, we like you man and this doesn't look good for you.
  87. ☴☴ left #ZambiaShh
  88. Admin left #ZambiaShh
  89. sensei left #ZambiaShh
  90. guy is now channel operator
  91. ..
  92. guy: /topic #ZambiaShh sassuageFest
  93. ++☴
  94. ..
  95. ☴☴ joined #ZambiaShh
  96. ☴: ↑🔘↑ [Arizona Zervas - ROXANNE](
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