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a guest
Jul 22nd, 2019
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  1. darkness:
  3. Display: '&4&lThe God Of Darkness'
  4. Health: 50000
  5. Damage: 25
  6. Faction: Undead
  7. BossBar:
  8. Enabled: true
  9. Title: '&4&lThe God Of Darkness'
  10. Range: 20
  11. Color: PURPLE
  12. Style: SEGMENTED_20
  13. AITargetSelectors:
  14. - 0 clear
  15. - 1 attacker
  16. - 2 OtherFaction
  17. DamageModifiers:
  18. - PROJECTILE 0.9
  19. - ENTITY_ATTACK 0.9
  20. - THORNS 0
  21. - POISON 0
  22. - MAGIC 0
  23. Skills:
  24. - skill{s=Teleportation2} @Self =99%
  25. - skill{s=Teleportation2} @Self =95%
  26. - skill{s=Teleportation2} @Self =92%
  27. - skill{s=Teleportation2} @Self =85%
  28. - skill{s=Teleportation2} @Self =82%
  29. - skill{s=Teleportation2} @Self =75%
  30. - skill{s=Teleportation2} @Self =72%
  31. - skill{s=Teleportation2} @Self =65%
  32. - skill{s=Teleportation2} @Self =62%
  33. - skill{s=Teleportation2} @Self =55%
  34. - skill{s=Teleportation2} @Self =52%
  35. - skill{s=Teleportation2} @Self =45%
  36. - skill{s=Teleportation2} @Self =42%
  37. - skill{s=Teleportation2} @Self =35%
  38. - skill{s=Teleportation2} @Self =32%
  39. - skill{s=Teleportation2} @Self =25%
  40. - skill{s=Teleportation2} @Self =22%
  41. - skill{s=Teleportation2} @Self =15%
  42. - skill{s=Teleportation2} @Self =5%
  43. - lightning @Target =99%
  44. - lightning @Target =90%
  45. - lightning @Target =80%
  46. - lightning @Target =70%
  47. - lightning @Target =60%
  48. - lightning @Target =50%
  49. - lightning @Target =40%
  50. - lightning @Target =30%
  51. - lightning @Target =20%
  52. - lightning @Target =10%
  53. - skill{s=AngrySludgePoison} @Target >0 0.05
  54. - skill{s=SmashAttack} @Target >0 0.05
  55. - skill{s=AngrySludgePoison} @Target >0.25
  56. - summon{mob=mini;amount=1;noise=1} @Self =99%
  57. - summon{mob=mini2;amount=1;noise=1} @Self =90%
  58. - summon{mob=mini3;amount=1;noise=1} @Self =80%
  59. - summon{mob=skeletal;amount=1;noise=1} @Self =70%
  60. - summon{mob=ANGRYZOMBIE;amount=1;noise=1} @Self =65%
  61. - summon{mob=mini4;amount=1;noise=1} @Self =60%
  62. - summon{mob=mini5;amount=1;noise=1} @Self =50%
  63. - summon{mob=babyzombie;amount=1;noise=1} @Self =40%
  64. - summon{mob=mini7;amount=1;noise=1} @Self =30%
  65. - summon{mob=mini8;amount=1;noise=1} @Self =20%
  66. - summon{mob=minion;amount=1;noise=1} @Self =10%
  67. - summon{mob=oly;amount=1;noise=1} @Self =71%
  68. - summon{mob=marduk;amount=1;noise=1} @Self =51%
  69. - summon{mob=dead;amount=1;noise=1} @Self =21%
  70. - message{cooldown=3000;m="<><&co> &3Тебе крышка слабак!"} @PlayersInRadius{r=40} ~onCombat >0 0.02
  71. - message{cooldown=3000;m="<><&co> &7Не бойся &c&l<>&7, скоро всё закончится!"} @PlayersInRadius{r=40} ~onCombat >0 0.04
  72. - message{cooldown=3000;m="<><&co> &6Я порву тебя как Тузик тряпку!"} @PlayersInRadius{r=40} ~onCombat >0 0.03
  73. - actionmessage{m="<><&sp>:<&sp>&c&l<mob.hp><&sp>&7&l/<&sp>&e&l<mob.mhp>"} @PlayersinRadius{r=30} ~onDamaged 1
  74. - effect:particles{particle=lava;amount=1;vSpread=0.1;hSpread=0.2;Speed=0;yOffset=0.1} @Self ~onTimer:5 1
  75. - equip{item=air:0} @self ~onSpawn
  76. Equipment:
  77. - PlayerCrown HEAD
  78. - PlayerChestplate CHEST
  79. - PlayerLegins LEGS
  80. - PlayerShoes FEET
  81. Drops:
  82. - DarknessBossDrops
  83. Options:
  84. MovementSpeed: 0.2
  85. AlwaysShowName: true
  86. PreventOtherDrops: true
  87. MaxCombatDistance: 100
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