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a guest
Jul 20th, 2019
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  1. 1 vim
  2. 2 git
  3. 3 xorg
  4. 4 openbox
  5. 5 obconf
  6. 6 lxappearance
  7. 7 lxappearance-obconf
  8. 8 menumaker
  9. 9 tint2
  10. 10 firefox
  11. 11 mousepad
  12. 12 flameshot
  13. 13 mpv
  14. 14 ranger
  15. 15 w3m
  16. 16 thunar
  17. 17 rxvt-unicode
  18. 18 htop
  19. 19 xterm
  20. 20 arandr
  21. 21 go
  22. 22 network-manager-applet
  23. 23 alsa-tray
  24. 24 polkit
  25. 25 mate-polkit
  26. 26 rofi
  27. 27 networkmanager
  28. 28 lightdm
  29. 29 lightdm-gtk-greeter
  30. 30 feh
  31. 31 imagemagick
  32. 32 python-pip
  33. 33 python-pywal
  34. 34 expac
  35. 35 yajl
  36. 36 otf-overpass
  37. 37 archlinux-wallpaper
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