

Nov 9th, 2018
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  1. command /aip [<offline player>]:
  2. permission: Command.IP
  3. permission message: &cパーミッションがありません。
  4. trigger:
  5. if arg is not set:
  6. message "&a[IP-log]&ePlayer名を記入してください。"
  7. stop
  8. if arg is "all":
  9. loop all players:
  10. set {ip::%loop-player%} to ip of loop-player
  11. message "&a[IP-log]&b---------------------------------------------"
  12. message "&a[IP-log]&e%loop-player%'sIP&a: &6%{ip::%loop-player%}%" to player
  13. loop {ip::*}:
  14. if {ip::%loop-index%} is {ip::%loop-player%}:
  15. message "&a[IP-log]&e同じIPを使用しているPlayer&a: &6%loop-index%"
  16. else:
  17. set {ip::%arg%} to ip of argument
  18. message "&a[IP-log]&e%arg%'sIP&a: &6%{ip::%arg%}%"
  19. loop {ip::*}:
  20. if {ip::%loop-index%} is {ip::%arg%}:
  21. message "&a[IP-log]&e同じIPを使用しているPlayer&a: &6%loop-index%"
  22. on join:
  23. set {ip::%player%} to ip of player
  24. loop all players:
  25. if loop-player has permission "sk.admin":
  26. message "&a[IP-log]&e%player%'sIP&a: &6%{ip::%player%}%" to loop-player
  27. loop {ip::*}:
  28. if {ip::%loop-index%} is {ip::%player%}:
  29. message "&a[IP-log]&e同じIPを使用しているPlayer&a: &6%loop-index%" to loop-player
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