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HackerGiraffe out. I'm sorry.

a guest
Jan 3rd, 2019
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  1. So, here we are. At the endgame. I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly, and I'm sorry for all of you who expected more tutorials, guides, or anything. I can't do this. It may not look like it, but the constant pressure of being afraid of being caught and prosecuted has been keeping me up and giving me all kinds of fears and panic attacks.
  3. I just wanted to inform people of their vulnerable devices while supporting a YouTuber I liked. I never meant any hard, nor did I ever have any ill intentions. I'm sorry if anything I've done has made you feel under attack or threatened.
  5. Most of all, I'm sorry to the people who supported me on Patreon. I didn't want to leave like this, you deserve more for your money, and I'm truly sorry that I've failed to meet your demands and my promises when it comes to the guides.
  7. @pewdiepie, I love your content man, keep on going.
  9. I guess there is a lesson to be learned here, don't fly too close to the sun and then act like you don't know you'll get burned. Well, here I am, burned and roasted, awaiting my maybe-coming end. I thank you all, thank you all so much for the past month. It's been amazing to see all of you who wanted to learn hacking/cybersecurity. Please do push on, don't give up! Stay safe, stay legal, and most of all, be civil.
  11. What will I do now? Probably suffer from this horrible panic for the next few days before I completely lose my mind until either my end comes or this all flies over and I'll probably never touch a computer again.
  13. I hope I'm overreacting and this is all in my head, I really do hope so.
  15. Peace out guys,
  16. TheHackerGiraffe
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