Guest User


a guest
Dec 12th, 2019
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  1. mysql> show tables;
  2. +------------------------------------------------------------+
  3. | Tables_in_zizoo_local |
  4. +------------------------------------------------------------+
  5. | BoatImage |
  6. | Landingpage |
  7. | LandingpageTranslation |
  8. | about |
  9. | about_translation |
  10. | accounting_account |
  11. | accounting_journal |
  12. | accounting_tx |
  13. | acl_classes |
  14. | acl_entries |
  15. | acl_object_identities |
  16. | acl_object_identity_ancestors |
  17. | acl_security_identities |
  18. | address |
  19. | billing_payout |
  20. | billing_payout_method |
  21. | boat |
  22. | boat_asset |
  23. | boat_asset_amenities |
  24. | boat_asset_category |
  25. | boat_asset_category_translation |
  26. | boat_asset_equipment |
  27. | boat_asset_extra |
  28. | boat_asset_option |
  29. | boat_asset_translation |
  30. | boat_assets |
  31. | boat_brand |
  32. | boat_charter_fee |
  33. | boat_charter_type |
  34. | boat_day_price |
  35. | boat_deposit_type |
  36. | boat_description |
  37. | boat_description_description_parts |
  38. | boat_description_parts |
  39. | boat_description_parts_translation |
  40. | boat_equipment |
  41. | boat_evaluation_translation |
  42. | boat_evaluations |
  43. | boat_extra |
  44. | boat_grade |
  45. | boat_image |
  46. | boat_image_label |
  47. | boat_image_status |
  48. | boat_image_translation |
  49. | boat_model |
  50. | boat_option |
  51. | boat_price |
  52. | boat_rating_translation |
  53. | boat_ratings |
  54. | boat_reviews |
  55. | boat_sail_type |
  56. | boat_sail_type_translation |
  57. | boat_standard_charter_length |
  58. | boat_translation |
  59. | boat_type |
  60. | boat_type_priority_asset |
  61. | boat_type_slugs |
  62. | boat_week_price |
  63. | booking |
  64. | booking_instalment_option |
  65. | booking_invoice |
  66. | booking_payment |
  67. | booking_payment_method |
  68. | booking_rating_media |
  69. | booking_review |
  70. | booking_review_media |
  71. | booking_review_rating |
  72. | booking_tpp_map |
  73. | brochure_request |
  74. | campaign |
  75. | cancelation_policy |
  76. | charter |
  77. | charter_assets |
  78. | charter_boats |
  79. | charter_conditions |
  80. | charter_conditions_low_seasons |
  81. | charter_kyc |
  82. | charter_legal_rep |
  83. | charter_log_entry |
  84. | charter_main_system |
  85. | charter_marina |
  86. | charter_tags |
  87. | charter_users |
  88. | classification__category |
  89. | classification__collection |
  90. | classification__context |
  91. | classification__tag |
  92. | command |
  93. | command_result |
  94. | contact_me |
  95. | country |
  96. | country_info |
  97. | country_info_translation |
  98. | country_slugs |
  99. | craue_geo_postalcode |
  100. | credits |
  101. | crew_list |
  102. | crew_member |
  103. | default_vat |
  104. | destination |
  105. | destination_meta_tags |
  106. | destination_translation |
  107. | destination_type |
  108. | discount |
  109. | discount_boat |
  110. | discount_boatasset |
  111. | discounts |
  112. | ecommerce_base |
  113. | ecommerce_iban_tx |
  114. | ecommerce_item |
  115. | ecommerce_opportunity |
  116. | ecommerce_order |
  117. | ecommerce_order_item |
  118. | ecommerce_payout |
  119. | ecommerce_product |
  120. | ecommerce_quote |
  121. | ecommerce_quote_item |
  122. | email_design |
  123. | email_nbreq_handler |
  124. | email_notification_handler |
  125. | email_template |
  126. | email_template_translation |
  127. | engine_type |
  128. | event |
  129. | ext_log_entries |
  130. | ext_translations |
  131. | external_lookup_dictionary |
  132. | external_resource |
  133. | faq |
  134. | faq_nav |
  135. | faq_nav_translation |
  136. | faq_translation |
  137. | filters |
  138. | financial_transactions |
  139. | fuel_type |
  140. | generic |
  141. | generic_content_translation |
  142. | generic_slugs |
  143. | generic_template |
  144. | generic_type |
  145. | how |
  146. | how_nav |
  147. | how_nav_translation |
  148. | how_translation |
  149. | iban_account |
  150. | iban_payin |
  151. | identification_document |
  152. | identification_document_media |
  153. | ip |
  154. | job |
  155. | job_translation |
  156. | kuma_acl_changesets |
  157. | kuma_analytics_config |
  158. | kuma_analytics_goal |
  159. | kuma_analytics_overview |
  160. | kuma_analytics_segment |
  161. | kuma_audio_page_parts |
  162. | kuma_checkbox_page_parts |
  163. | kuma_choice_page_parts |
  164. | kuma_dashboard_configurations |
  165. | kuma_download_page_parts |
  166. | kuma_email_page_parts |
  167. | kuma_file_upload_page_parts |
  168. | kuma_folders |
  169. | kuma_form_submission_fields |
  170. | kuma_form_submissions |
  171. | kuma_groups |
  172. | kuma_groups_roles |
  173. | kuma_header_page_parts |
  174. | kuma_image_page_parts |
  175. | kuma_line_page_parts |
  176. | kuma_link_page_parts |
  177. | kuma_media |
  178. | kuma_menu |
  179. | kuma_menu_item |
  180. | kuma_multi_line_text_page_parts |
  181. | kuma_node_queued_node_translation_actions |
  182. | kuma_node_translations |
  183. | kuma_node_versions |
  184. | kuma_nodes |
  185. | kuma_nodes_search |
  186. | kuma_page_part_refs |
  187. | kuma_page_template_configuration |
  188. | kuma_raw_html_page_parts |
  189. | kuma_redirects |
  190. | kuma_robots |
  191. | kuma_roles |
  192. | kuma_seo |
  193. | kuma_single_line_text_page_parts |
  194. | kuma_sitemap_pages |
  195. | kuma_slide_page_parts |
  196. | kuma_submit_button_page_parts |
  197. | kuma_text_page_parts |
  198. | kuma_to_top_page_parts |
  199. | kuma_toc_page_parts |
  200. | kuma_translation |
  201. | kuma_users |
  202. | kuma_video_page_parts |
  203. | landingpage_filters |
  204. | language |
  205. | locality |
  206. | locality_info |
  207. | locality_info_translation |
  208. | locality_slugs |
  209. | location |
  210. | log |
  211. | mango_pay_beneficiary |
  212. | mango_pay_contribution |
  213. | mango_pay_immediate_contribution |
  214. | mango_pay_payment_card |
  215. | mango_pay_refund |
  216. | mango_pay_strong_authentication |
  217. | mango_pay_transfer |
  218. | mango_pay_transfer_refund |
  219. | mango_pay_user |
  220. | mango_pay_wallet |
  221. | mango_pay_withdrawal |
  222. | mangopay_notifications |
  223. | mangopay_wallet_reference_map |
  224. | marina |
  225. | media |
  226. | media__gallery |
  227. | media__gallery_media |
  228. | media__media |
  229. | media_translation |
  230. | message_contact |
  231. | message_message |
  232. | message_message_metadata |
  233. | message_thread |
  234. | message_thread_metadata |
  235. | message_type |
  236. | meta_tags |
  237. | mmk_quote_item_validation |
  238. | notification |
  239. | oauth2_access_token |
  240. | oauth2_authorization_code |
  241. | oauth2_client |
  242. | oauth2_refresh_token |
  243. | partner |
  244. | party |
  245. | party_dates |
  246. | party_translation |
  247. | payment_credit_card |
  248. | payment_instructions |
  249. | payments |
  250. | press |
  251. | press_translation |
  252. | price_season |
  253. | profile |
  254. | profile_languages |
  255. | profile_notification_settings |
  256. | promotion |
  257. | pw_pingback |
  258. | redirects |
  259. | region |
  260. | region_translation |
  261. | reminder |
  262. | reports |
  263. | reservation |
  264. | sales_opportunity |
  265. | search_queries |
  266. | seo_audit |
  267. | seo_audit_asset |
  268. | seo_audit_audit_asset |
  269. | seo_audit_setup |
  270. | seo_landing_page |
  271. | seo_landing_page_family |
  272. | seo_landing_page_family_interlinking |
  273. | seo_landing_page_family_metadata |
  274. | seo_landing_page_family_translation |
  275. | seo_landing_page_status |
  276. | seo_landing_page_translation |
  277. | seo_meta_data_options_translation |
  278. | seo_metadata |
  279. | seo_metadata_options |
  280. | seo_url |
  281. | skill_boat_types |
  282. | skill_type |
  283. | skills |
  284. | skipper_licence |
  285. | skipper_licence_media |
  286. | subscriptions |
  287. | tag |
  288. | team |
  289. | team_translation |
  290. | tpp_payment_instruction_map |
  291. | tppayment |
  292. | trustpilot |
  293. | user |
  294. | user_cards |
  295. | user_charter |
  296. | user_group |
  297. | user_kyc |
  298. | usergroup |
  299. | usp |
  300. | usp_translation |
  301. | verify |
  302. | wpt_url |
  303. | zendesk_booking |
  304. | zendesk_charter |
  305. | zendesk_user |
  306. | zizoo_bundle_cmsbundle_content_with_gallery_page_parts |
  307. | zizoo_bundle_cmsbundle_destination_group_page_part_regions |
  308. | zizoo_bundle_cmsbundle_job_page_part_job |
  309. | zizoo_bundle_cmsbundle_job_page_parts |
  310. | zizoo_bundle_cmsbundle_map_page_parts |
  311. | zizoo_bundle_cmsbundle_partner_page_part_partner |
  312. | zizoo_bundle_cmsbundle_partner_page_parts |
  313. | zizoo_bundle_cmsbundle_press_page_parts |
  314. | zizoo_bundle_cmsbundle_team_page_part_team |
  315. | zizoo_bundle_cmsbundle_team_page_parts |
  316. | zizoo_bundle_cmsbundle_usp_homepage_page_parts |
  317. | zizoo_bundle_cmsbundle_usp_sales_page_parts |
  318. | zizoo_bundle_cmsbundle_usp_sales_page_parts_usps |
  319. | zizoo_cms_bundle_boat_focus_offers_page_parts |
  320. | zizoo_cms_bundle_boat_focus_page_parts |
  321. | zizoo_cms_bundle_contact_page_parts |
  322. | zizoo_cms_bundle_download_email |
  323. | zizoo_cms_bundle_download_with_email_page_parts |
  324. | zizoo_cms_bundle_featured_partners_page_parts |
  325. | zizoo_cms_bundle_gallery_page_part_media |
  326. | zizoo_cms_bundle_gallery_page_parts |
  327. | zizoo_cms_bundle_icon_bullet_point_page_parts |
  328. | zizoo_cms_bundle_instagram_page_parts |
  329. | zizoo_cms_bundle_request_page_parts |
  330. | zizoo_cms_bundle_testimonials_page_parts |
  331. | zizoo_cms_bundle_trustpilot_page_parts |
  332. | zizoo_cmsbundle_audio_page_parts |
  333. | zizoo_cmsbundle_behat_test_pages |
  334. | zizoo_cmsbundle_bikes_list_page_parts |
  335. | zizoo_cmsbundle_boat_focus |
  336. | zizoo_cmsbundle_boat_listing_page_parts |
  337. | zizoo_cmsbundle_boat_pages |
  338. | zizoo_cmsbundle_boats_query_builder_page_parts |
  339. | zizoo_cmsbundle_button_page_parts |
  340. | zizoo_cmsbundle_content_pages |
  341. | zizoo_cmsbundle_content_section_page_parts |
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  345. | zizoo_cmsbundle_destination_summary_page_part |
  346. | zizoo_cmsbundle_download_page_parts |
  347. | zizoo_cmsbundle_explore_offers_page_parts |
  348. | zizoo_cmsbundle_featured_partner |
  349. | zizoo_cmsbundle_form_pages |
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  351. | zizoo_cmsbundle_grid |
  352. | zizoo_cmsbundle_grid_item |
  353. | zizoo_cmsbundle_grid_slider_page_parts |
  354. | zizoo_cmsbundle_header_page_parts |
  355. | zizoo_cmsbundle_home_pages |
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  357. | zizoo_cmsbundle_hp_hero_page_parts |
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  365. | zizoo_cmsbundle_map_page_parts |
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  368. | zizoo_cmsbundle_marketingpage_filters |
  369. | zizoo_cmsbundle_memory_item |
  370. | zizoo_cmsbundle_memory_page_parts |
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  390. | zizoo_cmsbundle_to_top_page_parts |
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  393. | zizoo_cmsbundle_usp_page_parts |
  394. | zizoo_cmsbundle_video_page_parts |
  395. | zizoo_cmsbundle_zizoo_experience_page_parts |
  396. | zizoo_cmsbundle_zizoo_trailer_page_parts |
  397. +------------------------------------------------------------+
  398. 392 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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