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Sep 25th, 2018
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  1. # Let X be multivariate hypergeometrically distributed with s
  2. # categories having assigned values x_1,...x_s having f_1,...f_s
  3. # instances in the urn. m is the sum of all the f_i.
  5. # Let Y be the sum of of n observations from X. Y is discrete random
  6. # variable of s' values y_1,...y_s' with frequency g_1,...g_s'.
  8. # Y will range from n*x_0 to n*x_s, and s' is given by
  9. # | Outer Sum from 1..n of the set { x_0,...,x_s } |
  11. from __future__ import division
  12. import sys
  13. # Factorial of N
  14. def factorial( N ):
  15. if N == 0:
  16. return 1.0
  17. else:
  18. r = 1.0
  19. for i in range( 2, N+1 ):
  20. r *= i
  21. return r
  23. # Number of combinations of r items taken from n
  24. def combinations( n, r ):
  25. nCr = 1
  26. if (r*2) > n:
  27. r = n-r
  28. for i in range( r-1, -1, -1 ):
  29. nCr = ( nCr * ( n - i ) ) // ( r - i )
  30. return nCr
  32. # Enumerate probability mass pieces from the sum-of-multivariate-hypergeometrics distribution
  33. # Y, g, s, m, n, f, x are described at the top
  34. # i is the number of the category from X that we are processing
  35. # prob[Y] is the probability of observing sum Y
  36. # free is the number of observations (out of n) that remain to be used
  37. # maxfree[i] is the maximum allowed value of free at point i
  38. # k is the number of observations to use from category i
  39. def enumerate_mhyper_sum( i, prob, free, maxfree, Y, g, s, m, n, f, x ):
  40. if free == 0:
  41. if Y not in prob: prob[Y] = 0
  42. prob[Y] += g
  43. else:
  44. for k in range( max( 0, free-maxfree[i+1] ), min( f[i], free ) + 1 ):
  45. enumerate_mhyper_sum( i+1, prob, free-k, maxfree, Y+(x[i]*k), g*combinations(f[i],k), s, m, n, f, x )
  47. # Construct the sum-of-multivariate-hypergeometrics distribution
  48. # Return a discrete distribution such that values[i] has a frequency
  49. # of mass[i]
  50. def construct_mhyper_sum( x, f, n ):
  51. s = len(x)
  52. m = sum(f)
  53. prob = dict()
  54. maxfree = list( f )
  55. for i in range( s-2, -1, -1 ):
  56. maxfree[i] += maxfree[i+1]
  57. maxfree += [ 0 ]
  58. enumerate_mhyper_sum( 0, prob, n, maxfree, 0, 1, s, m, n, f, x )
  59. values = []
  60. mass = []
  61. for k in sorted( prob.keys() ):
  62. values.append( k )
  63. mass.append( prob[k] / combinations(m,n) )
  64. return ( values, mass )
  66. n = int(sys.argv[4])
  67. x = [ -1, 0, 1 ]
  68. f = [ int(sys.argv[1]),int(sys.argv[2]) , int(sys.argv[3]) ]
  69. t = int(sys.argv[5])
  71. #print f
  72. (values,mass) = construct_mhyper_sum( x, f, n )
  74. #for (v,d) in zip(values,mass):
  75. # print v, d
  77. #print "Probability Mass Sums to: %f" % sum(mass)
  78. #print "Population Mean (expected sum of %d observations) is: %f" % (n, sum( v*d for (v,d) in zip(values,mass) ) )
  79. pval = 0
  80. #print t #debug
  81. for num in range(len(values)):
  82. if t == values[num]:
  83. if t >= 0:
  84. for calc in range( num, len(values) ):
  85. # print mass[calc] #debug
  86. pval = pval + mass[calc]
  87. else:
  88. for calc in range( 0, num+1 ):
  89. pval = pval + mass[calc]
  90. #print mass[calc] #debug
  92. print "1-tailed: ", pval
  93. print "2-tailed: ", pval*2
  94. #from matplotlib import pylab as p
  95. #p.plot( vals, density )
  96. #input()
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