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Jan 14th, 2012
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text 38.69 KB | None | 0 0
  1. cave resolve -c -Cs world
  2. Resolving: 87 stepscave@1326579917: [WARNING e.cache.stale] Stale cache file at '/var/db/paludis/repositories/wolf31o2/metadata/cache/net-misc/networkmanager-0.8.0_pre20100101-r1'
  3. cave@1326579917: [QA e.profile.no_match] In thread ID '10764':
  4. ... In program cave resolve -c -Cs world:
  5. ... When adding targets from commandline:
  6. ... When adding set target 'world':
  7. ... When adding target 'net-misc/networkmanager':
  8. ... When finding slots for 'net-misc/networkmanager':
  9. ... When determining resolvents for 'net-misc/networkmanager':
  10. ... When finding best version of each package from packages matching net-misc/networkmanager (ignoring additional requirements) with filter all matches filtered through supports action install filtered through not masked filtered through all matches:
  11. ... When generating masks for ID 'net-misc/networkmanager-0.8.0_pre20100101-r1:0::wolf31o2':
  12. ... When loading repository masks for 'wolf31o2':
  13. ... When adding profile configuration file '/var/db/paludis/repositories/wolf31o2/profiles/package.mask':
  14. ... No match for '-net-firewall/arno-iptables-firewall'. This usually indicates a bug in your profile.
  15. cave@1326579917: [QA e.profile.no_match] (same context) No match for '-dev-python/pygoogle'. This usually indicates a bug in your profile.
  16. Resolving: 98 stepscave@1326579917: [WARNING e.cache.stale] Stale cache file at '/var/db/paludis/repositories/wolf31o2/metadata/cache/sys-apps/lm_sensors-2.10.6'
  17. cave@1326579917: [WARNING e.cache.stale] Stale cache file at '/var/db/paludis/repositories/wolf31o2/metadata/cache/sys-apps/lm_sensors-3.0.1'
  18. Resolving: 115 stepscave@1326579918: [WARNING e.cache.stale] Stale cache file at '/var/db/paludis/repositories/wolf31o2/metadata/cache/sys-power/acpid-1.0.8-r1'
  19. Resolving: 160 stepscave@1326579918: [WARNING e.cache.stale] Stale cache file at '/var/db/paludis/repositories/wolf31o2/metadata/cache/dev-libs/libnl-1.1-r3'
  20. Resolving: 182 stepscave@1326579919: [WARNING e.cache.stale] Stale cache file at '/var/db/paludis/repositories/wolf31o2/metadata/cache/app-misc/screen-4.0.3-r1'
  21. Deciding: 251 stepscave@1326579919: [WARNING e.cache.stale] Stale cache file at '/var/db/paludis/repositories/wolf31o2/metadata/cache/sys-fs/lvm2-2.02.45-r2'
  22. cave@1326579919: [WARNING e.cache.stale] Stale cache file at '/var/db/paludis/repositories/wolf31o2/metadata/cache/sys-fs/lvm2-2.02.47'
  23. Deciding: 302 stepscave@1326579926: [WARNING e.cache.stale] Stale cache file at '/var/db/paludis/repositories/wolf31o2/metadata/cache/sys-apps/dbus-1.2.3-r2'
  24. Deciding: 311 stepscave@1326579926: [WARNING e.cache.stale] Stale cache file at '/var/db/paludis/repositories/wolf31o2/metadata/cache/net-libs/libpcap-1.0.0-r2'
  25. Deciding: 714 stepscave@1326579950: [WARNING e.cache.stale] Stale cache file at '/var/db/paludis/repositories/wolf31o2/metadata/cache/net-misc/modemmanager-0.2_p20091109'
  26. cave@1326579950: [WARNING e.cache.stale] Stale cache file at '/var/db/paludis/repositories/wolf31o2/metadata/cache/net-misc/modemmanager-0.2_p20091123'
  27. cave@1326579950: [WARNING e.cache.stale] Stale cache file at '/var/db/paludis/repositories/wolf31o2/metadata/cache/net-misc/modemmanager-0.2_p20100101-r1'
  28. Deciding: 952 stepscave@1326579963: [WARNING elike_conditional_dep_spec.query] In thread ID '10764':
  29. ... In program cave resolve -c -Cs world:
  30. ... When resolving and adding dependencies recursively:
  31. ... When adding dependencies for 'gnome-base/gvfs:0::(install_to_slash)' with 'gnome-base/gvfs-1.10.1:0::gentoo':
  32. ... When finding dependencies for 'gnome-base/gvfs-1.10.1:0::gentoo':
  33. ... When finding dependencies for 'gnome-base/gvfs-1.10.1:0::gentoo' from key 'DEPEND':
  34. ... ID 'gnome-base/gvfs-1.10.1:0::gentoo' has no flag named 'prefix'
  35. cave@1326579963: [WARNING elike_conditional_dep_spec.query] In thread ID '10764':
  36. ... In program cave resolve -c -Cs world:
  37. ... When resolving and adding dependencies recursively:
  38. ... When adding dependencies for 'gnome-base/gvfs:0::(install_to_slash)' with 'gnome-base/gvfs-1.10.1:0::gentoo':
  39. ... When finding dependencies for 'gnome-base/gvfs-1.10.1:0::gentoo':
  40. ... When finding dependencies for 'gnome-base/gvfs-1.10.1:0::gentoo' from key 'RDEPEND':
  41. ... ID 'gnome-base/gvfs-1.10.1:0::gentoo' has no flag named 'prefix'
  42. Deciding: 1012 stepscave@1326579966: [WARNING e.cache.stale] Stale cache file at '/var/db/paludis/repositories/wolf31o2/metadata/cache/dev-libs/libusb-0.1.12-r6'
  43. Deciding: 1014 stepscave@1326579966: [WARNING e.cache.stale] Stale cache file at '/var/db/paludis/repositories/wolf31o2/metadata/cache/sys-apps/rescan-scsi-bus-1.29'
  44. Finding Purgeables: 2378 stepscave@1326579979: [WARNING elike_conditional_dep_spec.query] In thread ID '10764':
  45. ... In program cave resolve -c -Cs world:
  46. ... When finding things to purge:
  47. ... ID 'gnome-base/gvfs-1.10.1:0::gentoo' has no flag named 'prefix'
  48. cave@1326579979: [WARNING elike_conditional_dep_spec.query] (same context) ID 'gnome-base/gvfs-1.10.1:0::gentoo' has no flag named 'prefix'
  49. Finding Purgeables: 3355 stepscave@1326579980: [WARNING e.cache.stale] Stale cache file at '/var/db/paludis/repositories/wolf31o2/metadata/cache/net-wireless/bluez-4.59-r1'
  50. cave@1326579980: [WARNING e.cache.stale] Stale cache file at '/var/db/paludis/repositories/wolf31o2/metadata/cache/net-wireless/bluez-4.60-r1'
  51. cave@1326579980: [WARNING e.cache.stale] Stale cache file at '/var/db/paludis/repositories/wolf31o2/metadata/cache/net-wireless/bluez-4.62-r1'
  52. Done: 6611 steps
  54. These are the actions I will take, in order:
  56. n app-crypt/p11-kit:0::gentoo 0.10 to ::installed
  57. "Provides a standard configuration setup for installing PKCS#11."
  58. -debug build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  59. Reasons: gnome-base/gnome-keyring
  60. 515.90 kBytes to download
  61. u dev-libs/nspr:0::gentoo 4.8.9-r1 to ::installed replacing 4.8.9
  62. -debug build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  63. Reasons: dev-libs/nss, www-client/firefox
  64. 1.18 MBytes to download
  65. n gnome-base/gnome-common:3::gentoo 3.1.0 to ::installed
  66. "Common files for development of Gnome packages"
  67. build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  68. Reasons: gnome-base/gnome-vfs, sys-apps/gnome-disk-utility
  69. u media-plugins/live:0::gentoo 2012.01.07 to ::installed replacing 2011.12.23
  70. build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  71. Reasons: media-video/mplayer
  72. 521.56 kBytes to download
  73. u dev-libs/glib:2::gentoo 2.30.2-r1 to ::installed replacing 2.30.2 [cycle 1]
  74. -debug -doc -fam (-selinux) static-libs -systemtap -utils -xattr (-test) build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  75. Reasons: app-admin/syslog-ng, app-cdr/xfburn, app-emulation/virtualbox-bin, 101 more
  76. In dependency cycle with existing packages: dev-libs/libusb:1, sys-apps/util-linux:0, dev-perl/IO-Socket-SSL:0, dev-libs/glib:2, sys-devel/gcc:4.5, dev-libs/gobject-introspection:0, dev-vcs/git:0, dev-libs/openssl:0, perl-core/CPAN-Meta:0, x11-libs/libxcb:0, x11-proto/xcb-proto:0, dev-libs/libxml2:2, virtual/perl-CPAN-Meta:0, sys-apps/openrc:0, sys-auth/polkit:0, sys-kernel/linux-headers:0, x11-libs/libdrm:0, sys-apps/help2man:0
  77. u dev-libs/gobject-introspection:0::gentoo 1.30.0-r2 to ::installed replacing 1.30.0-r1 [cycle 1]
  78. -doc (-test) build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  79. Reasons: app-text/evince, app-text/poppler, dev-libs/atk, 20 more
  80. u dev-libs/libusb:1::gentoo 1.0.9_rc3 to ::installed replacing 1.0.8 [cycle 1]
  81. -debug -doc static-libs+ build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  82. Reasons: virtual/libusb
  83. 183.23 kBytes to download
  84. u dev-libs/libxml2:2::gentoo 2.7.8-r4 to ::installed replacing 2.7.8-r3 [cycle 1]
  85. -debug -doc -examples icu ipv6 python readline static-libs (-test) build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  86. Reasons: !<dev-libs/libxml2-2.7.7 from sys-libs/zlib, app-arch/libarchive, app-emulation/virtualbox-bin, 39 more
  87. u dev-libs/openssl:0::gentoo 1.0.0f-r1 to ::installed replacing 1.0.0f [cycle 1]
  88. -bindist -gmp -kerberos -rfc3779 (sse2) static-libs zlib (-test) build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  89. Reasons: target (world::environment), app-admin/syslog-ng, app-arch/libarchive, 38 more
  90. u dev-perl/IO-Socket-SSL:0::gentoo 1.540.0 to ::installed replacing 1.530.0 [cycle 1]
  91. -idn build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  92. Reasons: dev-perl/Net-SMTP-SSL
  93. 68.60 kBytes to download
  94. u dev-vcs/git:0::gentoo to ::installed replacing [cycle 1]
  95. blksha1 -cgi curl -cvs -doc -emacs -gtk* iconv perl (-ppcsha1) python -subversion threads -tk webdav -xinetd build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  96. Reasons: sys-devel/gettext
  97. 3.85 MBytes to download
  98. u perl-core/CPAN-Meta:0::gentoo 2.113.640 to ::installed replacing 2.112.621 [cycle 1]
  99. build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  100. Reasons: virtual/perl-CPAN-Meta
  101. 79.74 kBytes to download
  102. u sys-apps/help2man:0::gentoo 1.40.5 to ::installed replacing 1.40.4 [cycle 1]
  103. nls build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  104. Reasons: app-benchmarks/stress, sys-devel/automake
  105. 179.62 kBytes to download
  106. u sys-apps/openrc:0::gentoo 0.9.8 to ::installed replacing 0.9.7 [cycle 1]
  107. -debug ncurses pam (-selinux) static-libs unicode build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  108. Reasons: !<sys-apps/openrc-0.4 from sys-fs/lvm2, !<sys-apps/openrc-0.6.0 from net-misc/dhcpcd, dev-db/mysql-init-scripts, sys-apps/baselayout
  109. 162.19 kBytes to download
  110. u sys-apps/util-linux:0::gentoo 2.20.1-r1 to ::installed replacing 2.20.1 [cycle 1]
  111. cramfs crypt ddate -loop-aes ncurses nls -old-linux perl (-selinux) -slang static-libs (-uclibc) unicode build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  112. Reasons: target (system) (system::gentoo), !<sys-apps/util-linux-2.13 from sys-apps/coreutils, !<sys-apps/util-linux-2.20 from sys-apps/sysvinit, 8 more
  113. r sys-auth/polkit:0::gentoo 0.104 to ::installed replacing 0.104 [cycle 1]
  114. -debug -doc -examples -gtk* introspection -kde nls pam (-systemd) build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  115. Reasons: gnome-base/gconf, net-misc/modemmanager, net-misc/networkmanager, 2 more
  116. r sys-devel/gcc:4.5::gentoo 4.5.3-r2 to ::installed replacing 4.5.3-r2 [cycle 1]
  117. (-altivec) -bootstrap -build cxx -doc (-fixed-point) fortran -gcj -graphite -gtk* (-hardened) (-libffi) (-libssp) -lto mudflap (multilib) -multislot nls -nocxx -nopie -nossp nptl -objc -objc++ -objc-gc openmp -vanilla (-test) build_options: -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  118. Reasons: target (system) (system::gentoo), !sys-devel/gcc[libffi] from dev-lang/python, dev-db/mysql, 5 more
  119. 14.29 kBytes to download
  120. u sys-kernel/linux-headers:0::gentoo 3.2 to ::installed replacing 3.1 [cycle 1]
  121. build_options: -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  122. Reasons: !<sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.6.34 from sys-fs/udev, media-libs/libv4l, sys-apps/busybox, 5 more
  123. 4.70 MBytes to download
  124. u virtual/perl-CPAN-Meta:0::gentoo 2.113.640 to ::installed replacing 2.112.621 [cycle 1]
  125. build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  126. Reasons: perl-core/ExtUtils-MakeMaker, perl-core/Module-Build
  127. u x11-libs/libdrm:0::gentoo 2.4.30 to ::installed replacing 2.4.29 [cycle 1]
  128. libkms static-libs VIDEO_CARDS: -intel -nouveau -radeon -vmware build_options: symbols=split (-optional_tests) -trace -preserve_work
  129. Reasons: media-libs/mesa, x11-base/xorg-server
  130. 535.09 kBytes to download
  131. u x11-proto/xcb-proto:0::gentoo 1.7 to ::installed replacing 1.6-r2 [cycle 1]
  132. build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  133. Reasons: x11-libs/libxcb
  134. 101.91 kBytes to download
  135. u x11-libs/libxcb:0::gentoo 1.8 to ::installed replacing 1.7 [cycle 1]
  136. -doc (-selinux) static-libs build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  137. Reasons: x11-apps/xdpyinfo, x11-apps/xlsatoms, x11-apps/xlsclients, 5 more
  138. 363.99 kBytes to download
  139. r app-crypt/pinentry:0::gentoo 0.8.1 to ::installed replacing 0.8.1
  140. -caps -gtk* ncurses -qt4 -static build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  141. Reasons: !<app-crypt/pinentry-0.8.0-r1 from app-admin/eselect-pinentry, app-crypt/gnupg
  142. 492.29 kBytes to download
  143. r app-text/scrollkeeper:0::gentoo 9999-r1 to ::installed replacing 9999-r1
  144. build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  145. Reasons: !<app-text/scrollkeeper-9999 from app-text/rarian, !<app-text/scrollkeeper-9999-r1 from app-text/scrollkeeper-dtd, app-text/evince, 4 more
  146. u dev-lang/v8:0::gentoo to ::installed replacing
  147. build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  148. Reasons: www-client/chromium
  149. 9.38 MBytes to download
  150. n dev-libs/libcroco:0.6::gentoo 0.6.3 to ::installed
  151. "Generic Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) parsing and manipulation toolkit"
  152. -doc (-test) build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  153. Reasons: gnome-base/librsvg
  154. r dev-libs/apr-util:1::gentoo 1.4.1 to ::installed replacing 1.4.1
  155. berkdb -doc -freetds gdbm ldap -mysql* nss -odbc -openssl -postgres sqlite static-libs build_options: symbols=split (-optional_tests) -trace -preserve_work
  156. Reasons: dev-vcs/subversion
  157. u dev-perl/XML-LibXML:0::gentoo 1.900.0 to ::installed replacing 1.890.0
  158. (-test)+ build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  159. Reasons: dev-dotnet/gtk-sharp-gapi, dev-perl/XML-Simple
  160. 424.77 kBytes to download
  161. u dev-perl/Cairo:0::gentoo 1.82.0 to ::installed replacing 1.81.0
  162. (-test) build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  163. Reasons: dev-perl/Pango, dev-perl/gtk2-perl
  164. 102.51 kBytes to download
  165. u dev-perl/glib-perl:0::gentoo 1.242.0 to ::installed replacing 1.241.0
  166. build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  167. Reasons: dev-perl/Pango, dev-perl/gtk2-perl, xfce-base/xfconf
  168. 269.40 kBytes to download
  169. n gnome-base/gnome-mime-data:0::gentoo 2.18.0 to ::installed
  170. "MIME data for Gnome"
  171. -debug build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  172. Reasons: gnome-base/gnome-vfs
  173. 592.79 kBytes to download
  174. n gnome-base/gsettings-desktop-schemas:0::gentoo 3.2.0-r1 to ::installed
  175. "Collection of GSettings schemas for GNOME desktop"
  176. build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  177. Reasons: app-text/evince
  178. n gnome-base/libgtop:2::gentoo 2.28.4 to ::installed
  179. "A library that provides top functionality to applications"
  180. -debug -doc introspection build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  181. Reasons: x11-wm/metacity
  182. 638.61 kBytes to download
  183. n gnome-base/orbit:2::gentoo 2.14.19-r1 to ::installed
  184. "ORBit2 is a high-performance CORBA ORB"
  185. -debug -doc (-test) build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  186. Reasons: gnome-base/gconf, gnome-base/libbonobo
  187. 746.89 kBytes to download
  188. r dev-libs/redland:0::gentoo 1.0.15 to ::installed replacing 1.0.15
  189. berkdb -iodbc -mysql* -odbc -postgres sqlite ssl static-libs xml build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  190. Reasons: app-office/libreoffice-bin
  191. u media-libs/tiff:0::gentoo 4.0.0-r1 to ::installed replacing 4.0.0
  192. cxx -jbig jpeg -lzma static-libs zlib build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  193. Reasons: app-editors/xemacs, app-text/evince, app-text/ghostscript-gpl, 16 more
  194. r media-sound/alsa-tools:0.9::gentoo to ::installed replacing
  195. -fltk -gtk* ALSA_CARDS: -darla20 -darla24 -echo3g -emu10k1 emu10k1x -gina20 -gina24 -hdsp -hdspm -ice1712 -indigo -indigoio -layla20 -layla24 -mia -mixart -mona -pcxhr -rme32 -rme96 -sb16 -sbawe -sscape -usb-usx2y -vx222 build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  196. Reasons: target (world::environment)
  197. 1.64 MBytes to download
  198. r net-dialup/ppp:0::gentoo 2.4.5-r2 to ::installed replacing 2.4.5-r2
  199. -activefilter -atm -dhcp -eap-tls -gtk* ipv6 pam -radius build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  200. Reasons: net-misc/modemmanager, net-misc/networkmanager
  201. r net-libs/libpcap:0::gentoo 1.2.1 to ::installed replacing 1.2.1
  202. -bluetooth* ipv6 -libnl static-libs build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  203. Reasons: net-analyzer/nmap, net-analyzer/scanssh
  204. r net-analyzer/nmap:0::gentoo 5.51 to ::installed replacing 5.51
  205. -gtk* -lua ssl build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  206. Reasons: target (world::environment)
  207. 16.09 MBytes to download
  208. r mail-mta/postfix:0::gentoo 2.8.7 to ::installed replacing 2.8.7
  209. -cdb -doc -dovecot-sasl -hardened ipv6 ldap -ldap-bind -mbox -mysql* -nis pam -postgres -sasl (-selinux) sqlite ssl -vda build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  210. Reasons: target (world::environment), virtual/mta
  211. u net-misc/rdesktop:0::gentoo 1.7.1 to ::installed replacing 1.7.0-r1
  212. alsa -ao -debug ipv6 -libsamplerate oss -pcsc-lite build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  213. Reasons: target (world::environment), net-misc/grdesktop
  214. 291.80 kBytes to download
  215. r net-misc/networkmanager:0::gentoo to ::installed replacing
  216. -avahi -bluetooth* -connection-sharing -dhclient dhcpcd -doc -gnutls introspection nss ppp resolvconf -wimax build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  217. Reasons: target (world::environment)
  218. r dev-python/twisted:0::gentoo 11.1.0 to ::installed replacing 11.1.0
  219. crypt -gtk* -serial build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  220. Reasons: dev-python/twisted-web, net-p2p/deluge
  221. r net-p2p/deluge:0::gentoo 1.3.3 to ::installed replacing 1.3.3
  222. -gtk* -libnotify -webinterface build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  223. Reasons: target (world::environment)
  224. 2.00 MBytes to download
  225. u app-text/xmlto:0::gentoo 0.0.25 to ::installed replacing 0.0.24-r1
  226. -latex build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  227. Reasons: sys-apps/paludis
  228. 113.77 kBytes to download
  229. s sys-kernel/gentoo-sources:3.2.1::gentoo 3.2.1 to ::installed
  230. "Full sources including the Gentoo patchset for the 3.2 kernel tree"
  231. -build -deblob -symlink build_options: -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  232. Reasons: target (world::environment), virtual/linux-sources
  233. 42.51 kBytes to download
  234. u app-arch/libarchive:0::gentoo 3.0.3 to ::installed replacing 2.8.5
  235. acl bzip2 e2fsprogs+ -expat iconv+ lzma -nettle+ static-libs -xattr zlib build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  236. Reasons: dev-util/cmake
  237. 3.35 MBytes to download
  238. n net-libs/libproxy:0::gentoo 0.4.7 to ::installed
  239. "Library for automatic proxy configuration management"
  240. -gnome -kde -mono -networkmanager perl python (-test) build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  241. Reasons: net-libs/glib-networking
  242. n net-libs/glib-networking:0::gentoo 2.30.2 to ::installed
  243. "Network-related giomodules for glib"
  244. -gnome libproxy ssl build_options: symbols=split (-optional_tests) -trace -preserve_work
  245. Reasons: net-libs/libsoup
  246. n net-libs/libsoup:2.4::gentoo 2.36.1 to ::installed
  247. "An HTTP library implementation in C"
  248. -debug -doc introspection -samba ssl (-test) build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  249. Reasons: net-libs/libsoup-gnome, net-libs/webkit-gtk
  250. n sys-libs/libcap-ng:0::gentoo 0.6.6 to ::installed
  251. "POSIX 1003.1e capabilities"
  252. python build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  253. Reasons: gnome-base/gnome-keyring
  254. n gnome-base/libbonobo:0::gentoo 2.24.3 to ::installed
  255. "GNOME CORBA framework"
  256. -debug -doc -examples (-test) build_options: symbols=split (-optional_tests) -trace -preserve_work
  257. Reasons: gnome-base/libbonoboui, gnome-base/libgnome
  258. 1.29 MBytes to download
  259. n x11-libs/libnotify:0::gentoo 0.7.4 to ::installed
  260. "A library for sending desktop notifications"
  261. -doc introspection (-test) build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  262. Reasons: sys-apps/gnome-disk-utility, x11-misc/notification-daemon
  263. 265.64 kBytes to download
  264. u dev-perl/File-MimeInfo:0::gentoo 0.160.0 to ::installed replacing 0.150.0
  265. (-test) build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  266. Reasons: x11-misc/xdg-utils
  267. 34.03 kBytes to download
  268. r x11-misc/slim:0::gentoo 1.3.2-r7 to ::installed replacing 1.3.2-r7
  269. -branding consolekit* pam build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  270. Reasons: target (world::environment)
  271. r app-text/ghostscript-gpl:0::gentoo 9.04-r5 to ::installed replacing 9.04-r5
  272. X -bindist cups dbus -djvu -gtk* -idn -jpeg2k static-libs LINGUAS: -ja -ko -zh_CN -zh_TW build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  273. Reasons: target (world::environment), app-text/libspectre, net-print/cups
  274. n gnome-base/libgnomecanvas:0::gentoo 2.30.3 to ::installed
  275. "The Gnome 2 Canvas library"
  276. -doc -glade (-test) build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  277. Reasons: dev-dotnet/gnome-sharp, gnome-base/libbonoboui, gnome-base/libgnomeui
  278. 560.68 kBytes to download
  279. n gnome-base/librsvg:2::gentoo 2.34.2 to ::installed
  280. "Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) rendering library"
  281. -doc gtk -gtk3 introspection -tools build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  282. Reasons: !<gnome-base/librsvg-2.31.0 from x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf, x11-themes/human-icon-theme, x11-themes/tangerine-icon-theme
  283. r sys-block/gparted:0::gentoo 0.11.0 to ::installed replacing 0.11.0
  284. -btrfs -dmraid -fat -gtk* -hfs -jfs -kde -mdadm -ntfs -reiser4 -reiserfs -xfs build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  285. Reasons: target (world::environment)
  286. s dev-libs/libunique:3::gentoo 3.0.2 to ::installed
  287. "a library for writing single instance application"
  288. -debug -doc introspection (-test) build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  289. Reasons: sys-apps/gnome-disk-utility
  290. n gnome-base/dconf:0::gentoo 0.10.0 to ::installed
  291. "Simple low-level configuration system"
  292. X -doc -vala build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  293. Reasons: media-libs/gmtk
  294. n gnome-base/gconf:2::gentoo 3.2.3 to ::installed
  295. "Gnome Configuration System and Daemon"
  296. -debug -doc introspection ldap orbit policykit build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  297. Reasons: dev-dotnet/gconf-sharp, gnome-base/gnome-vfs, gnome-base/libbonoboui, 10 more
  298. n gnome-base/gnome-keyring:0::gentoo 3.2.2 to ::installed
  299. "Password and keyring managing daemon"
  300. caps -debug -doc pam (-test) build_options: symbols=split (-optional_tests) -trace -preserve_work
  301. Reasons: gnome-base/libgnome-keyring, gnome-base/libgnomeui
  302. n gnome-base/gnome-vfs:2::gentoo 2.24.4-r1 to ::installed
  303. "Gnome Virtual Filesystem"
  304. acl -avahi -doc -fam -gnutls ipv6 -kerberos -samba ssl (-test) build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  305. Reasons: dev-dotnet/gnomevfs-sharp, gnome-base/libgnome, gnome-base/libgnomeui
  306. 1.80 MBytes to download
  307. n gnome-base/libgnome-keyring:0::gentoo 3.2.2 to ::installed
  308. "Compatibility library for accessing secrets"
  309. -debug -doc (-test) build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  310. Reasons: dev-dotnet/gnome-keyring-sharp, gnome-base/gnome-keyring, net-libs/libsoup-gnome
  311. n net-libs/libsoup-gnome:2.4::gentoo 2.36.1 to ::installed
  312. "GNOME plugin for libsoup"
  313. -debug -doc introspection build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  314. Reasons: gnome-base/gvfs
  315. n net-libs/webkit-gtk:3::gentoo 1.6.1-r301 to ::installed
  316. "Open source web browser engine"
  317. (-aqua) -coverage -debug -doc gstreamer introspection jit -spell -webgl (-test) build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  318. Reasons: gnome-extra/zenity
  319. n gnome-extra/zenity:0::gentoo 3.2.0 to ::installed
  320. "Tool to display dialogs from the commandline and shell scripts"
  321. -debug -libnotify webkit build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  322. Reasons: x11-wm/metacity
  323. n sys-apps/gnome-disk-utility:0::gentoo 3.0.2-r300 to ::installed
  324. "Disk Utility for GNOME using devicekit-disks"
  325. -avahi -doc -fat -gnome-keyring -nautilus -remote-access build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  326. Reasons: gnome-base/gvfs
  327. n gnome-base/gvfs:0::gentoo 1.10.1 to ::installed
  328. "GNOME Virtual Filesystem Layer"
  329. -afp -archive -avahi -bluetooth -bluray cdda -doc -fuse gdu -gnome-keyring -gphoto2 http -ios -samba udev build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  330. Reasons: !<gnome-base/gvfs-1.6.4-r990 from dev-libs/glib, gnome-base/libgnome, xfce-base/thunar
  331. r x11-libs/qt-sql:4::gentoo 4.7.4 to ::installed replacing 4.7.4 [cycle 2]
  332. (-aqua) -debug exceptions -firebird -freetds iconv -mysql* -odbc -pch -postgres qt3support sqlite build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  333. Reasons: !<x11-libs/qt-sql-4.7.4 from x11-libs/qt-core, !<x11-libs/qt-sql-4.7.4 from x11-libs/qt-dbus, !<x11-libs/qt-sql-4.7.4 from x11-libs/qt-gui, 12 more
  334. Self dependent (already met)
  335. r media-video/avidemux:2::gentoo 2.5.5 to ::installed replacing 2.5.5
  336. aac aften alsa -amr dts (-esd) -gtk* -jack -libsamplerate mp3 nls oss -pulseaudio qt4 sdl truetype vorbis x264 xv xvid LINGUAS: -bg -ca -cs -de -el -es -fr -it -ja -pt_BR -ru -sr -sr@latin -tr -zh_TW build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  337. Reasons: target (world::environment)
  338. u media-video/mplayer:0::gentoo 1.0_rc4_p20120109 to ::installed replacing 1.0_rc4_p20120105
  339. -3dnow -3dnowext X a52 -aalib alsa (-altivec) (-aqua) ass -bidi -bindist -bl -bluray -bs2b -cddb cdio -cdparanoia -cpudetection -debug -dga -directfb -doc dts dv -dvb dvd dvdnav (-dxr3) enca encode (-esd) -faac faad -fbcon -ftp -ggi -gif -gsm iconv ipv6 -jack -joystick jpeg -jpeg2k -ladspa -libcaca -libmpeg2 -lirc live -lzo -mad -md5sum mmx -mmxext -mng mp3 -nas network -nut -openal opengl osdmenu oss png -pnm -pulseaudio -pvr quicktime -radio rar real rtc -rtmp -samba sdl shm speex sse sse2 -ssse3 -tga theora toolame tremor truetype twolame unicode -v4l -vdpau (-vidix) vorbis (-win32codecs) x264 -xanim -xinerama xscreensaver xv xvid -xvmc -zoran VIDEO_CARDS: -mga -s3virge -tdfx build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  340. Reasons: target (world::environment), media-sound/qmmp, media-video/acidrip, 3 more
  341. 5.15 MBytes to download
  342. r x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers:0::gentoo 290.10 to ::installed replacing 290.10
  343. -acpi -custom-cflags -gtk* (multilib) build_options: -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  344. Reasons: target (world::environment), !=x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-180* from x11-libs/libvdpau, !=x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-185* from x11-libs/libvdpau, 7 more
  345. u www-client/chromium:0::gentoo 17.0.963.33 to ::installed replacing 17.0.963.26 [cycle 2]
  346. -bindist cups -custom-cflags -gnome -gnome-keyring -kerberos (-pulseaudio) (-test) LINGUAS: -am -ar -bg -bn -ca -cs -da -de -el -en_GB -es -es_LA -et -fa -fi -fil -fr -gu -he -hi -hr -hu -id -it -ja -kn -ko -lt -lv -ml -mr -nb -nl -pl -pt_BR -pt_PT -ro -ru -sk -sl -sr -sv -sw -ta -te -th -tr -uk -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  347. Reasons: target (world::environment), !=www-client/chromium-9999 from www-client/chromium
  348. 157.44 MBytes to download
  349. u x11-terms/xterm:0::gentoo 277 to ::installed replacing 276
  350. -Xaw3d toolbar truetype unicode build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  351. Reasons: target (world::environment)
  352. 972.90 kBytes to download
  353. n gnome-base/libgnome:0::gentoo 2.32.1-r1 to ::installed
  354. "Essential Gnome Libraries"
  355. -branding -debug -doc build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  356. Reasons: gnome-base/libbonoboui, gnome-base/libgnomeui, media-gfx/f-spot, 2 more
  357. n gnome-base/libbonoboui:0::gentoo 2.24.5 to ::installed
  358. "User Interface part of libbonobo"
  359. -doc -examples (-test) build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  360. Reasons: gnome-base/libgnomeui
  361. 953.37 kBytes to download
  362. n gnome-base/libgnomeui:0::gentoo 2.24.5 to ::installed
  363. "User Interface routines for Gnome"
  364. -doc (-test) build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  365. Reasons: dev-dotnet/gnome-sharp, media-gfx/f-spot, media-sound/gnome-alsamixer, 3 more
  366. 1.37 MBytes to download
  367. n x11-misc/notification-daemon:0::gentoo 0.7.3 to ::installed
  368. "Notification daemon"
  369. build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  370. Reasons: virtual/notification-daemon
  371. n virtual/notification-daemon:0::gentoo 0 to ::installed
  372. "Virtual for notification daemon dbus service"
  373. -gnome build_options: symbols=split -optional_tests -trace -preserve_work
  374. Reasons: x11-libs/libnotify
  376. Total: 20 reinstalls, 30 upgrades, 2 new slot installs, 30 new installs, 218.25 MBytes to download
  378. I did not take the following:
  380. (<) dev-python/pygame 1.9.2_pre3203:0::installed
  381. Reasons: was used by net-p2p/deluge-1.3.3:0::installed
  382. Take using: --purge
  383. (<) dev-python/pygtksourceview 2.10.1:2::installed
  384. Reasons: was used by dev-vcs/git-
  385. Take using: --purge
  386. (<) net-wireless/bluez 4.97-r1:0::installed
  387. Reasons: was used by net-misc/networkmanager-, net-libs/libpcap-1.2.1:0::installed
  388. Take using: --purge
  389. (<) virtual/perl-Version-Requirements 0.101.20-r2:0::installed
  390. Reasons: was used by perl-core/CPAN-Meta-2.112.621:0::installed
  391. Take using: --purge
  392. (<) x11-libs/gksu 2.0.2:0::installed
  393. Reasons: was used by sys-block/gparted-0.11.0:0::installed
  394. Take using: --purge
  396. Build Options:
  397. optional_tests: Run tests considered by the package to be optional
  398. preserve_work: Do not remove build directories, and do not modify the image when merging
  399. symbols: How to handle debug symbols in installed files
  400. trace: Trace actions executed by the package (very noisy, for debugging broken builds only)
  402. USE:
  403. X: Adds support for X11
  404. acl: Adds support for Access Control Lists
  405. afp: Enables support for accessing AFP (Apple Filing Protocol) network shares
  406. aqua: Include support for the Mac OS X Aqua (Carbon/Cocoa) GUI
  407. archive: Enables support for accessing files in archives transparently via app-arch/libarchive
  408. avahi: Add avahi/Zeroconf support
  409. bluetooth: Enables Bluetooth Support
  410. bluray: Enable playback of Blu-ray filesystems using media-libs/libbluray
  411. branding: Enable Gentoo specific branding
  412. build: !!internal use only!! DO NOT SET THIS FLAG YOURSELF!, used for creating build images and the first half of bootstrapping [make stage1]
  413. caps: Use Linux capabilities library to control privilege
  414. cdda: Adds Compact Disk Digital Audio (Standard Audio CD) support
  415. consolekit: Enable native consolekit support
  416. coverage: Enable code coverage support
  417. deblob: Remove binary blobs from kernel sources to provide libre license compliance.
  418. debug: Enable extra debug codepaths, like asserts and extra output. If you want to get meaningful backtraces see
  419. doc: Adds extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
  420. e2fsprogs: Use file flags from sys-fs/e2fsprogs headers instead of virtual/os-headers headers
  421. examples: Install examples, usually source code
  422. fam: Enable FAM (File Alteration Monitor) support
  423. fat: Include FAT16/FAT32 support (sys-fs/dosfstools)
  424. fuse: Enables fuse mount points in $HOME/.gvfs for legacy application access
  425. gdu: Enable sys-apps/gnome-disk-utility integration
  426. glade: Enable glade support
  427. gnome:
  428. net-libs/libproxy:0::gentoo: Enable support for reading proxy settings from GNOME
  429. net-libs/glib-networking:0::gentoo: Extract HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS proxy configuration stored using GSettings
  430. virtual/notification-daemon:0::gentoo: Adds GNOME support
  431. gnome-keyring: Enable support for storing passwords via gnome-keyring
  432. gnutls: Adds support for net-libs/gnutls (TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 support)
  433. gphoto2: Adds digital camera support
  434. gstreamer: Adds support for media-libs/gstreamer (Streaming media)
  435. gtk:
  436. dev-vcs/git:0::gentoo: Include the gitview contrib tool.
  437. sys-auth/polkit:0::gentoo: Adds support for x11-libs/gtk+ (The GIMP Toolkit)
  438. sys-devel/gcc:4.5::gentoo: Useful only when building GCJ, this enables Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) peer support on top of GTK+
  439. app-crypt/pinentry:0::gentoo: Adds support for x11-libs/gtk+ (The GIMP Toolkit)
  440. media-sound/alsa-tools:0.9::gentoo: Adds support for x11-libs/gtk+ (The GIMP Toolkit)
  441. net-dialup/ppp:0::gentoo: Installs GTK+ password prompting program that can be used by PPP plugin for reading the password from a X11 input terminal
  442. net-analyzer/nmap:0::gentoo: Adds support for x11-libs/gtk+ (The GIMP Toolkit)
  443. dev-python/twisted:0::gentoo: Adds support for x11-libs/gtk+ (The GIMP Toolkit)
  444. net-p2p/deluge:0::gentoo: Adds support for x11-libs/gtk+ (The GIMP Toolkit)
  445. app-text/ghostscript-gpl:0::gentoo: Adds support for x11-libs/gtk+ (The GIMP Toolkit)
  446. gnome-base/librsvg:2::gentoo: Adds support for x11-libs/gtk+ (The GIMP Toolkit)
  447. sys-block/gparted:0::gentoo: Enable .desktop support for gtk+ based desktops.
  448. media-video/avidemux:2::gentoo: Adds support for x11-libs/gtk+ (The GIMP Toolkit)
  449. x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers:0::gentoo: Adds support for x11-libs/gtk+ (The GIMP Toolkit)
  450. gtk3: Build with gtk+-3 support
  451. http: Enable the HTTP/DAV backend using net-libs/libsoup-gnome
  452. iconv: Enable support for the iconv character set conversion library
  453. introspection: Use dev-libs/gobject-introspection for introspection
  454. ios: Enable support for Apple's iDevice with iOS operating system (iPad, iPhone, iPod, etc)
  455. ipv6: Adds support for IP version 6
  456. jit: Enable JIT javascript compiler (disabling it will cause performance penalty)
  457. kde: Enable support for reading proxy settings from KDE
  458. kerberos: Adds kerberos support
  459. ldap: Build backend which enables default mail accounts, addressbooks and calendars for Evolution to be configured using each user's LDAP entry."
  460. libnotify: Enable desktop notification support
  461. libproxy: Use net-libs/libproxy for getting the HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS proxy configuration
  462. mono: Build Mono bindings to support dotnet type stuff
  463. mysql: Adds mySQL Database support
  464. nautilus: Enable gnome-base/nautilus extension.
  465. nettle: Use dev-libs/nettle as crypto backend
  466. networkmanager: Enable net-misc/networkmanager support
  467. orbit: Use gnome-base/orbit for IPC, same as in gconf-2.x
  468. pam: Adds support for PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) - DANGEROUS to arbitrarily flip
  469. perl: Adds optional support/bindings for the Perl language
  470. policykit: Enable PolicyKit authentication support
  471. python: Adds optional support/bindings for the Python language
  472. remote-access: Enable access to remote udisks daemons.
  473. samba:
  474. net-libs/libsoup:2.4::gentoo: Use net-fs/samba for NTLM Single Sign-On
  475. gnome-base/gnome-vfs:2::gentoo: Adds support for SAMBA (Windows File and Printer sharing)
  476. gnome-base/gvfs:0::gentoo: Adds support for SAMBA (Windows File and Printer sharing)
  477. spell: Adds dictionary support
  478. ssl: Adds support for Secure Socket Layer connections
  479. static-libs: Build static libraries
  480. symlink: Force kernel ebuilds to automatically update the /usr/src/linux symlink
  481. test: Workaround to pull in packages needed to run with FEATURES=test. Portage-2.1.2 handles this internally, so don't set it in make.conf/package.use anymore
  482. tools: Build miscellaneous tools
  483. udev: Enable udev base replacement code for cdda feature
  484. vala: Add support for dev-lang/vala
  485. webgl: Build support for the WebGL HTML API using virtual/opengl
  486. webkit: Enable HTML rendering using net-libs/webkit-gtk
  488. I encountered the following errors:
  490. ! app-misc/realpath
  491. Reasons: !app-misc/realpath from sys-apps/coreutils, app-portage/gentoolkit
  492. Unsuitable candidates:
  493. * app-misc/realpath-1.15-r1:0::gentoo
  494. Did not meet !app-misc/realpath, use existing if possible, installing to / (nothing is fine too) from !app-misc/realpath from sys-apps/coreutils
  495. * app-misc/realpath-1.15-r3:0::gentoo
  496. Did not meet !app-misc/realpath, use existing if possible, installing to / (nothing is fine too) from !app-misc/realpath from sys-apps/coreutils
  497. * app-misc/realpath-1.16:0::gentoo
  498. Did not meet !app-misc/realpath, use existing if possible, installing to / (nothing is fine too) from !app-misc/realpath from sys-apps/coreutils
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