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bot shuurei

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May 23rd, 2019
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  1. 'use strict';
  2. /** @type {!Array} */
  3. var _0x4ad0 = ["ZUxMcnY=", "cHVzaA==", "QnJhayBrb250YSBvIElEIA==", "V2doWmE=", "b0JMZ1E=", "Tm9kZHY=", "Yl9oZXJvc19kYXRh", "QUdLUkI=", "KiogbmEgbWFwaWUgKio=", "YWlk", "VnRVQ2E=", "Kioo", "bmFtZQ==", "ZWdSZFM=", "dXNlcl9pZA==", "Y3lqelk=", "UFpkSVY=", "V3lrcnl0byBrb2dvxZsga3RvIHNpZSB3eXLDs8W8bmlhIHcgdMWCdW1pZSE=", "UE9TVA==", "UnlOVE4=", "eXhLQlQ=", "b25VY2g=", "dG9Mb3dlckNhc2U=", "bFhjZUM=", "dG9Mb2NhbGVUaW1lU3RyaW5n", "cmVtb3ZlSXRlbQ==", "YWxFcGs=", "ZGVhZA==", "QWpXVWw=", "bUFlVmQ=", "bHZs", "KiogYSAqKg==",
  4. "TVJXRXM=", "YXBwbHk=", "RmVFaW4=", "V2tZSkg=", "cmFuZG9t", "WmlyTGQ=", "Z0hFRmY=", "Ykd5TFU=", "c3RhdA==", "aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWFyZ29uZW0ucGwvb2JyYXpraS9pdGVteS8=", "aGlk", "Y29uc3RydWN0b3I=", "RkZteXo=", "I2FsZXJ0IC5hMg==", "UnNOa2g=", "CkBldmVyeW9uZQ==", "T3RyenltYcWCZW0gZHppd255IGtvbXVuaWthdCE=", "aW5uZXJUZXh0", "bm93", "dUl2UEg=", "UG9kemllbWlhIHNpZWR6aWJ5IG1hZ2EgcC4zIC0gc2FsYSAx", "UGl3bmljYSBvcMSZdGFueWNoIG1uaWNow7N3IHAuMw==", "S3J5cHRhIMWad2nEhXR5bmkgQW5kYXJ1bQ==", "UFdOaWg=", "U2FsYSBsb2Rvd2F0ZWdvIHdpYXRydQ==",
  5. "VWtyeXRhIEdyb3RhIE1vcnNraWNoIERpYWLFgsOzdyAtIE1hZ2F6eW4=", "VWtyeXR5IEthbmlvbg==", "R2htSVY=", "T2dyemEga2F3ZXJuYSBwLjM=", "Z2thY2U=", "SmFzemN6dXJ6ZSBLb3J5dGFyemUgcC4zIC0gc2FsYSAz", "S2ppcHQ=", "TlBiQUk=", "UHNwbUc=", "aGlkZQ==", "bm5NaE0=", "UXdUZlQ=", "d2hpbGUgKHRydWUpIHt9", "WHdOR3g=", "Y1dvVlg=", "Vk9yQUk=", "U1l2eGM=", "Y2NtSlI=", "V0NGSXM=", "cGFyc2U=", "ZnVuY3Rpb24gKlwoICpcKQ==", "ek5JVGc=", "YmV3c2M=", "aW5wdXQ=", "UURPdE0=", "cGxIS0I=", "c29ja2V0Y29ubmVjdGVk", "MXw1fDR8N3w2fDN8OHwwfDI=",
  6. "cmV0dXJuIChmdW5jdGlvbigpIA==", "Y29uc29sZQ==", "d2Fybg==", "ZXhjZXB0aW9u", "ZGVidWc=", "aW5mbw==", "YWRkb25z", "PGIgc3R5bGU9ImNvbG9yOnJlZCI+T2Rtb3dhIGRvc3RlcHU8L2I+Og==", "ZXhwTW9kZQ==", "RHppa2kgemFnYWpuaWs=", "UkZuU2g=", "Z2V0SXRlbQ==", "VVR0ZXM=", "dW5kZWZpbmVk", "aW50ZXJmYWNl", "aW50ZXJmYWNlX2Z1bmM=", "c3htZFQ=", "dXBkYXRlXw==", "aHR0cDovL2FkZG9uczIubWFyZ29uZW0ucGwvZ2V0LzgzLzgzNjc5dmVyaWZpZWQuanM=", "dnRtbUc=", "aHR0cDovL2FkZG9uczIubWFyZ29uZW0ucGwvZ2V0LzE3LzE3MjcwdmVyaWZpZWQuanM=", "aHR0cDovL2FkZG9uczIubWFyZ29uZW0ucGwvZ2V0LzE4LzE4ODM4dmVyaWZpZWQuanM=",
  7. "aHR0cDovL2FkZG9uczIubWFyZ29uZW0ucGwvZ2V0LzAvNDl2ZXJpZmllZC5qcw==", "X19tRXh0cw==", "SlVNSng=", "UGlvYXA=", "cmVwbGFjZQ==", "aHR0cDovL2FkZG9uczIubWFyZ29uZW0ucGwvZ2V0Lw==", "c3BsaXQ=", "c0hncm8=", "QXV0b2hlYWxlLCBtaW51dG5pa2ksIHN6eWJzemUgxYJhZG93YW5pYSBvcmF6IGxvb3RmaWx0cnkgem9zdGHFgnkgb2RpbnN0YWxvd2FuZSEKVXN1bmnEmXRvOiA=", "c2V0SXRlbQ==", "Vkl0U04=", "WWhveUg=", "eWlGQ1Q=", "c3RhcnQ=", "bVdHTmo=", "amVzdFo=", "ZGF0YQ==", "cmVxdWVzdGVk", "bGVuZ3Ro", "YVVETEc=", "aEdwQ1U=", "dHh0cQ==", "InR4dGgi", "cmVsb2Fk",
  8. "TGtkYWg=", "dHdvanN0YXJ5", "c29ja2V0", "KiosICoq", "YmFjaw==", "VnJKSEQ=", "YWpheA==", "c3RyaW5naWZ5", "QGV2ZXJ5b25lCsWad2lhdDogKio=", "am9pbg==", "cUdCUnQ=", "R3VnaFg=", "TWpXbmg=", "Y2hhaW4=", "dGVzdA==", "bG9hZFF1ZXVl", "cE5DbnQ=", "d29ybGRuYW1l", "bmljaw==", "dHJ5Ylpsb2R6aWVq", "QW1iQmw=", "SUdDdVM=", "c3Rhbg==", "UG9kbW9rxYJhIGRvbGluYQ==", "U2thbG5lIENtZW50YXJ6eXNrbyBwLjE=", "VG1PZnM=", "wrsqKiAo", "c2VuZA==", "eGdwR1E=", "blVjQmg=", "ZGlzY29yZGJvdGhvb2tz", "LCBuYSDFm3dpZWNpZSA=", "YXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbg==",
  9. "c2VhcmNo", "d3lnYXPFgmE=", "dHh0aA==", "aW5kZXhPZg==", "cHdFQWs=", "UW1pZVc=", "dHh0ZQ==", "UUhjb3E=", "dWhkVno="];
  12. var __DECODED__ = ["eLLrv","push","Brak konta o ID ","WghZa","oBLgQ","Noddv","b_heros_data","AGKRB","** na mapie **","aid","VtUCa","**(","name","egRdS","user_id","cyjzY","PZdIV","Wykryto kogoś kto sie wyróżnia w tłumie!","POST","RyNTN","yxKBT","onUch","toLowerCase","lXceC","toLocaleTimeString","removeItem","alEpk","dead","AjWUl","mAeVd","lvl","** a **","MRWEs","apply","FeEin","WkYJH","random","ZirLd","gHEFf","bGyLU","stat","","hid","constructor","FFmyz","#alert .a2","RsNkh","\n@everyone","Otrzymałem dziwny komunikat!","innerText","now","uIvPH","Podziemia siedziby maga p.3 - sala 1","Piwnica opętanych mnichów p.3","Krypta Świątyni Andarum","PWNih","Sala lodowatego wiatru","Ukryta Grota Morskich Diabłów - Magazyn","Ukryty Kanion","GhmIV","Ogrza kawerna p.3","gkace","Jaszczurze Korytarze p.3 - sala 3","Kjipt","NPbAI","PspmG","hide","nnMhM","QwTfT","while (true) {}","XwNGx","cWoVX","VOrAI","SYvxc","ccmJR","WCFIs","parse","function *\\( *\\)","zNITg","bewsc","input","QDOtM","plHKB","socketconnected","1|5|4|7|6|3|8|0|2","return (function() ","console","warn","exception","debug","info","addons","<b style=\"color:red\">Odmowa dostepu</b>:","expMode","Dziki zagajnik","RFnSh","getItem","UTtes","undefined","interface","interface_func","sxmdT","update_","","vtmmG","","","","__mExts","JUMJx","Pioap","replace","","split","sHgro","Autoheale, minutniki, szybsze ładowania oraz lootfiltry zostały odinstalowane!\nUsunięto: ","setItem","VItSN","YhoyH","yiFCT","start","mWGNj","jestZ","data","requested","length","aUDLG","hGpCU","txtq","\"txth\"","reload","Lkdah","twojstary","socket","**, **","back","VrJHD","ajax","stringify","@everyone\nŚwiat: **","join","qGBRt","GughX","MjWnh","chain","test","loadQueue","pNCnt","worldname","nick","trybZlodziej","AmbBl","IGCuS","stan","Podmokła dolina","Skalne Cmentarzysko p.1","TmOfs","»** (","send","xgpGQ","nUcBh","discordbothooks",", na świecie ","application/json","search","wygasła","txth","indexOf","pwEAk","QmieW","txte","QHcoq","uhdVz"]
  14. (function(params, content) {
  15. /**
  16. * @param {?} selected_image
  17. * @return {undefined}
  18. */
  19. var fn = function(selected_image) {
  20. for (; --selected_image;) {
  21. params["push"](params["shift"]());
  22. }
  23. };
  24. /**
  25. * @return {undefined}
  26. */
  27. var build = function() {
  28. var target = {
  29. "data" : {
  30. "key" : "cookie",
  31. "value" : "timeout"
  32. },
  33. "setCookie" : function(value, name, path, headers) {
  34. headers = headers || {};
  35. /** @type {string} */
  36. var cookie = name + "=" + path;
  37. /** @type {number} */
  38. var url = 0;
  39. /** @type {number} */
  40. url = 0;
  41. var key = value["length"];
  42. for (; url < key; url++) {
  43. var i = value[url];
  44. /** @type {string} */
  45. cookie = cookie + ("; " + i);
  46. var char = value[i];
  47. value["push"](char);
  48. key = value["length"];
  49. if (char !== !![]) {
  50. /** @type {string} */
  51. cookie = cookie + ("=" + char);
  52. }
  53. }
  54. /** @type {string} */
  55. headers["cookie"] = cookie;
  56. },
  57. "removeCookie" : function() {
  58. return "dev";
  59. },
  60. "getCookie" : function(match, href) {
  61. match = match || function(canCreateDiscussions) {
  62. return canCreateDiscussions;
  63. };
  64. var v = match(new RegExp("(?:^|; )" + href["replace"](/([.$?*|{}()[]\/+^])/g, "$1") + "=([^;]*)"));
  65. /**
  66. * @param {!Function} callback
  67. * @param {number} i
  68. * @return {undefined}
  69. */
  70. var test = function(callback, i) {
  71. callback(++i);
  72. };
  73. test(fn, content);
  74. return v ? decodeURIComponent(v[1]) : undefined;
  75. }
  76. };
  77. /**
  78. * @return {?}
  79. */
  80. var init = function() {
  81. /** @type {!RegExp} */
  82. var test = new RegExp("\\w+ *\\(\\) *{\\w+ *['|\"].+['|\"];? *}");
  83. return test["test"](target["removeCookie"]["toString"]());
  84. };
  85. /** @type {function(): ?} */
  86. target["updateCookie"] = init;
  87. /** @type {string} */
  88. var array = "";
  89. var _0x55b849 = target["updateCookie"]();
  90. if (!_0x55b849) {
  91. target["setCookie"](["*"], "counter", 1);
  92. } else {
  93. if (_0x55b849) {
  94. array = target["getCookie"](null, "counter");
  95. } else {
  96. target["removeCookie"]();
  97. }
  98. }
  99. };
  100. build();
  101. })(_0x4ad0, 423);
  102. /**
  103. * @param {string} k
  104. * @param {?} init_using_data
  105. * @return {?}
  106. */
  107. var _0x4d22 = function(k, init_using_data) {
  108. /** @type {number} */
  109. k = k - 0;
  110. var text = _0x4ad0[k];
  111. if (_0x4d22["BjFPia"] === undefined) {
  112. (function() {
  113. /**
  114. * @return {?}
  115. */
  116. var unescape = function() {
  117. var source;
  118. try {
  119. source = Function("return (function() " + '{}.constructor("return this")( )' + ");")();
  120. } catch (_0xfd277a) {
  121. /** @type {!Window} */
  122. source = window;
  123. }
  124. return source;
  125. };
  126. var s_utf8 = unescape();
  127. /** @type {string} */
  128. var listeners = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
  129. if (!s_utf8["atob"]) {
  130. /**
  131. * @param {?} i
  132. * @return {?}
  133. */
  134. s_utf8["atob"] = function(i) {
  135. var str = String(i)["replace"](/=+$/, "");
  136. /** @type {number} */
  137. var bc = 0;
  138. var bs;
  139. var buffer;
  140. /** @type {number} */
  141. var Y = 0;
  142. /** @type {string} */
  143. var pix_color = "";
  144. for (; buffer = str["charAt"](Y++); ~buffer && (bs = bc % 4 ? bs * 64 + buffer : buffer, bc++ % 4) ? pix_color = pix_color + String["fromCharCode"](255 & bs >> (-2 * bc & 6)) : 0) {
  145. buffer = listeners["indexOf"](buffer);
  146. }
  147. return pix_color;
  148. };
  149. }
  150. })();
  151. /**
  152. * @param {?} dataString
  153. * @return {?}
  154. */
  155. _0x4d22["gBfUji"] = function(dataString) {
  156. /** @type {string} */
  157. var data = atob(dataString);
  158. /** @type {!Array} */
  159. var escapedString = [];
  160. /** @type {number} */
  161. var val = 0;
  162. var key = data["length"];
  163. for (; val < key; val++) {
  164. escapedString = escapedString + ("%" + ("00" + data["charCodeAt"](val)["toString"](16))["slice"](-2));
  165. }
  166. return decodeURIComponent(escapedString);
  167. };
  168. _0x4d22["BEwllg"] = {};
  169. /** @type {boolean} */
  170. _0x4d22["BjFPia"] = !![];
  171. }
  172. var b = _0x4d22["BEwllg"][k];
  173. if (b === undefined) {
  174. /**
  175. * @param {?} deny
  176. * @return {undefined}
  177. */
  178. var WMCacheControl = function(deny) {
  179. this["gfHkDk"] = deny;
  180. /** @type {!Array} */
  181. this["QYILqd"] = [1, 0, 0];
  182. /**
  183. * @return {?}
  184. */
  185. this["UxlmkS"] = function() {
  186. return "newState";
  187. };
  188. /** @type {string} */
  189. this["AtAAkI"] = "\\w+ *\\(\\) *{\\w+ *";
  190. /** @type {string} */
  191. this["HZsQLm"] = "['|\"].+['|\"];? *}";
  192. };
  193. /**
  194. * @return {?}
  195. */
  196. WMCacheControl["prototype"]["sTDIGo"] = function() {
  197. /** @type {!RegExp} */
  198. var test = new RegExp(this["AtAAkI"] + this["HZsQLm"]);
  199. /** @type {number} */
  200. var artistTrack = test["test"](this["UxlmkS"]["toString"]()) ? --this["QYILqd"][1] : --this["QYILqd"][0];
  201. return this["XAQjXQ"](artistTrack);
  202. };
  203. /**
  204. * @param {?} canCreateDiscussions
  205. * @return {?}
  206. */
  207. WMCacheControl["prototype"]["XAQjXQ"] = function(canCreateDiscussions) {
  208. if (!Boolean(~canCreateDiscussions)) {
  209. return canCreateDiscussions;
  210. }
  211. return this["tppUCy"](this["gfHkDk"]);
  212. };
  213. /**
  214. * @param {?} saveNotifs
  215. * @return {?}
  216. */
  217. WMCacheControl["prototype"]["tppUCy"] = function(saveNotifs) {
  218. /** @type {number} */
  219. var fp = 0;
  220. var len = this["QYILqd"]["length"];
  221. for (; fp < len; fp++) {
  222. this["QYILqd"]["push"](Math["round"](Math["random"]()));
  223. len = this["QYILqd"]["length"];
  224. }
  225. return saveNotifs(this["QYILqd"][0]);
  226. };
  227. (new WMCacheControl(_0x4d22))["sTDIGo"]();
  228. text = _0x4d22["gBfUji"](text);
  229. _0x4d22["BEwllg"][k] = text;
  230. } else {
  231. text = b;
  232. }
  233. return text;
  234. };
  235. var _0x5d7ac7 = function() {
  236. /** @type {boolean} */
  237. var closeExpr = !![];
  238. return function(object__360, function__361) {
  239. /** @type {!Function} */
  240. var closingExpr = closeExpr ? function() {
  241. if (function__361) {
  242. var cssobj = function__361["apply"](object__360, arguments);
  243. /** @type {null} */
  244. function__361 = null;
  245. return cssobj;
  246. }
  247. } : function() {
  248. };
  249. /** @type {boolean} */
  250. closeExpr = ![];
  251. return closingExpr;
  252. };
  253. }();
  254. var _0x1f75f6 = _0x5d7ac7(this, function() {
  255. /**
  256. * @return {?}
  257. */
  258. var intval = function() {
  259. return "dev";
  260. };
  261. /**
  262. * @return {?}
  263. */
  264. var getDOMPath = function() {
  265. return "window";
  266. };
  267. /**
  268. * @return {?}
  269. */
  270. var testcase = function() {
  271. /** @type {!RegExp} */
  272. var test = new RegExp("\\w+ *\\(\\) *{\\w+ *['|\"].+['|\"];? *}");
  273. return !test["test"](intval["toString"]());
  274. };
  275. /**
  276. * @return {?}
  277. */
  278. var _stringify = function() {
  279. /** @type {!RegExp} */
  280. var test = new RegExp("(\\\\[x|u](\\w){2,4})+");
  281. return test["test"](getDOMPath["toString"]());
  282. };
  283. /**
  284. * @param {!Object} name
  285. * @return {undefined}
  286. */
  287. var matches = function(name) {
  288. /** @type {number} */
  289. var ms_controller = ~-1 >> 1 + 255 % 0;
  290. if (name["indexOf"]("i" === ms_controller)) {
  291. create(name);
  292. }
  293. };
  294. /**
  295. * @param {!Object} func
  296. * @return {undefined}
  297. */
  298. var create = function(func) {
  299. /** @type {number} */
  300. var _0x46dde4 = ~-4 >> 1 + 255 % 0;
  301. if (func["indexOf"]((!![] + "")[3]) !== _0x46dde4) {
  302. matches(func);
  303. }
  304. };
  305. if (!testcase()) {
  306. if (!_stringify()) {
  307. matches("ind\u0435xOf");
  308. } else {
  309. matches("indexOf");
  310. }
  311. } else {
  312. matches("ind\u0435xOf");
  313. }
  314. });
  315. _0x1f75f6();
  316. var _0x3a8eeb = function() {
  317. /** @type {boolean} */
  318. var closeExpr = !![];
  319. return function(object__360, function__361) {
  320. /** @type {!Function} */
  321. var closingExpr = closeExpr ? function() {
  322. if (function__361) {
  323. var cssobj = function__361["apply"](object__360, arguments);
  324. /** @type {null} */
  325. function__361 = null;
  326. return cssobj;
  327. }
  328. } : function() {
  329. };
  330. /** @type {boolean} */
  331. closeExpr = ![];
  332. return closingExpr;
  333. };
  334. }();
  335. (function() {
  336. var scene = {
  337. "zNITg" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  338. return formatters + customFormatters;
  339. },
  340. "bewsc" : "chain",
  341. "iOhks" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  342. return formatters + customFormatters;
  343. },
  344. "vmRUO" : function(saveNotifs) {
  345. return saveNotifs();
  346. }
  347. };
  348. _0x3a8eeb(this, function() {
  349. /** @type {!RegExp} */
  350. var numericValueTests = new RegExp(_0x4d22("0x0"));
  351. /** @type {!RegExp} */
  352. var test = new RegExp("\\+\\+ *(?:_0x(?:[a-f0-9]){4,6}|(?:\\b|\\d)[a-z0-9]{1,4}(?:\\b|\\d))", "i");
  353. var label = _0x591552("init");
  354. if (!numericValueTests["test"](scene[_0x4d22("0x1")](label, scene[_0x4d22("0x2")])) || !test["test"](scene["iOhks"](label, _0x4d22("0x3")))) {
  355. label("0");
  356. } else {
  357. scene["vmRUO"](_0x591552);
  358. }
  359. })();
  360. })();
  361. var _0x4f7f30 = function() {
  362. var doc = {
  363. "plHKB" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  364. return formatters + customFormatters;
  365. },
  366. "Jaecl" : "trybZlodziej",
  367. "WqtAD" : "DKLHK",
  368. "PFpKj" : function(value, joiner) {
  369. return value !== joiner;
  370. },
  371. "otrMd" : _0x4d22("0x4"),
  372. "IMePI" : "XoJrI"
  373. };
  374. /** @type {boolean} */
  375. var closeExpr = !![];
  376. return function(object__360, function__361) {
  377. if (doc["IMePI"] !== "XoJrI") {
  378. localStorage["setItem"](doc[_0x4d22("0x5")](doc["Jaecl"], hero["id"]), "zloda");
  379. } else {
  380. /** @type {!Function} */
  381. var closingExpr = closeExpr ? function() {
  382. var controller = {
  383. "kuEtm" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  384. return formatters + customFormatters;
  385. }
  386. };
  387. if ("yvCCX" === doc["WqtAD"]) {
  388. bannedAddons[i] = controller["kuEtm"]("d", help[1]);
  389. } else {
  390. if (function__361) {
  391. if (doc["PFpKj"]("QDOtM", doc["otrMd"])) {
  392. if (___g["twojstary"][_0x4d22("0x6")] == !![]) {
  393. ___g["twojstary"]["socket"]["send"](JSON["stringify"]({
  394. "type" : "lic",
  395. "id" : getCookie("user_id")
  396. }));
  397. }
  398. } else {
  399. var cssobj = function__361["apply"](object__360, arguments);
  400. /** @type {null} */
  401. function__361 = null;
  402. return cssobj;
  403. }
  404. }
  405. }
  406. } : function() {
  407. };
  408. /** @type {boolean} */
  409. closeExpr = ![];
  410. return closingExpr;
  411. }
  412. };
  413. }();
  414. var _0x17b4a2 = _0x4f7f30(this, function() {
  415. var self = {
  416. "gykKI" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  417. return formatters + customFormatters;
  418. },
  419. "iYHYU" : _0x4d22("0x7"),
  420. "EPXGF" : function(saveNotifs, notifications) {
  421. return saveNotifs(notifications);
  422. },
  423. "GwxnI" : _0x4d22("0x8"),
  424. "gHzoK" : "ndVmV"
  425. };
  426. /**
  427. * @return {undefined}
  428. */
  429. var frameData = function() {
  430. };
  431. var config;
  432. try {
  433. var compatConfig = self["EPXGF"](Function, self["GwxnI"] + '{}.constructor("return this")( )' + ");");
  434. config = compatConfig();
  435. } catch (_0x609dbc) {
  436. if (self["gHzoK"] === "ndVmV") {
  437. /** @type {!Window} */
  438. config = window;
  439. } else {
  440. bannedAddons[i] = self["gykKI"]("v", help[1]);
  441. }
  442. }
  443. if (!config["console"]) {
  444. config[_0x4d22("0x9")] = function(frameData) {
  445. var callbackVals = self["iYHYU"]["split"]("|");
  446. /** @type {number} */
  447. var callbackCount = 0;
  448. for (; !![];) {
  449. switch(callbackVals[callbackCount++]) {
  450. case "0":
  451. /** @type {function(): undefined} */
  452. console["trace"] = frameData;
  453. continue;
  454. case "1":
  455. var console = {};
  456. continue;
  457. case "2":
  458. return console;
  459. case "3":
  460. /** @type {function(): undefined} */
  461. console["error"] = frameData;
  462. continue;
  463. case "4":
  464. /** @type {function(): undefined} */
  465. console[_0x4d22("0xa")] = frameData;
  466. continue;
  467. case "5":
  468. /** @type {function(): undefined} */
  469. console["log"] = frameData;
  470. continue;
  471. case "6":
  472. /** @type {function(): undefined} */
  473. console["info"] = frameData;
  474. continue;
  475. case "7":
  476. /** @type {function(): undefined} */
  477. console["debug"] = frameData;
  478. continue;
  479. case "8":
  480. /** @type {function(): undefined} */
  481. console[_0x4d22("0xb")] = frameData;
  482. continue;
  483. }
  484. break;
  485. }
  486. }(frameData);
  487. } else {
  488. /** @type {function(): undefined} */
  489. config["console"]["log"] = frameData;
  490. /** @type {function(): undefined} */
  491. config["console"][_0x4d22("0xa")] = frameData;
  492. /** @type {function(): undefined} */
  493. config["console"][_0x4d22("0xc")] = frameData;
  494. /** @type {function(): undefined} */
  495. config["console"][_0x4d22("0xd")] = frameData;
  496. /** @type {function(): undefined} */
  497. config["console"]["error"] = frameData;
  498. /** @type {function(): undefined} */
  499. config["console"][_0x4d22("0xb")] = frameData;
  500. /** @type {function(): undefined} */
  501. config["console"]["trace"] = frameData;
  502. }
  503. });
  504. _0x17b4a2();
  505. (() => {
  506. /**
  507. * @param {string} PL$10
  508. * @return {undefined}
  509. */
  510. function PL$9(PL$10) {
  511. g[_0x4d22("0x45")]["push"]({
  512. "fun" : function() {
  513. if (doc["ZORbt"](_0x4d22("0x46"), "pNCnt")) {
  514. wygasla++;
  515. } else {
  516. if (g && g[_0x4d22("0x47")] && hero && hero["nick"]) {
  517. if (___g["twojstary"]["socketconnected"] == !![]) {
  518. ___g["twojstary"][_0x4d22("0x38")]["send"](JSON["stringify"]({
  519. "nick" : doc["MzxNJ"](doc["MzxNJ"]('<span style="color:' + PL$10 + ';">(' + g["worldname"] + ") ", hero[_0x4d22("0x48")]), "</span>"),
  520. "type" : _0x4d22("0x48")
  521. }));
  522. }
  523. } else {
  524. doc["aaXRz"](setTimeout, function() {
  525. PL$9(PL$10);
  526. }, 200);
  527. }
  528. }
  529. }
  530. });
  531. }
  532. /**
  533. * @return {undefined}
  534. */
  535. function init() {
  536. var match = {
  537. "nAWvs" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  538. return formatters + customFormatters;
  539. },
  540. "FwJnq" : function(saveNotifs, notifications) {
  541. return saveNotifs(notifications);
  542. },
  543. "nUcBh" : "user_id",
  544. "egRdS" : "discordbothooks",
  545. "tABDf" : "Za\u0142adowano gr\u0119",
  546. "aYRxM" : function(text, contextClosing) {
  547. return text == contextClosing;
  548. },
  549. "PRtel" : "wygas\u0142a",
  550. "HXNEi" : function(name, init) {
  551. return doc["Desvy"](name, init);
  552. },
  553. "vSQvO" : _0x4d22("0x49"),
  554. "QmieW" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  555. return formatters + customFormatters;
  556. },
  557. "ozvgL" : "dzienne",
  558. "IGLYh" : "zloda",
  559. "pwEAk" : doc[_0x4d22("0x4a")],
  560. "PbBHm" : function(_num1, _num2) {
  561. return _num1 > _num2;
  562. },
  563. "VtUCa" : doc["hJjvA"],
  564. "lzUMk" : function(name, init) {
  565. return doc["juocr"](name, init);
  566. },
  567. "wfzAn" : function(name, init) {
  568. return doc["hFnWv"](name, init);
  569. },
  570. "mNKOR" : "mapsRet",
  571. "fFBDX" : function(name, data) {
  572. return name != data;
  573. },
  574. "cyjzY" : function(name, initialValue) {
  575. return name === initialValue;
  576. },
  577. "tLOwT" : "application/json",
  578. "GufBW" : "sWLrN",
  579. "mqNiN" : function(name, init) {
  580. return doc["TyjkC"](name, init);
  581. },
  582. "Iqoqf" : "qUorO",
  583. "TkvFd" : "gger",
  584. "ARXYw" : _0x4d22("0x4b"),
  585. "RsNkh" : function(name, init) {
  586. return doc["hFnWv"](name, init);
  587. },
  588. "FLByH" : function(name, init) {
  589. return doc["QHcoq"](name, init);
  590. },
  591. "ebXpN" : function(saveNotifs, notifications) {
  592. return saveNotifs(notifications);
  593. },
  594. "LuPud" : "#alert .a2",
  595. "EAgPW" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  596. return formatters + customFormatters;
  597. },
  598. "jrFYt" : function(saveNotifs, notifications) {
  599. return saveNotifs(notifications);
  600. },
  601. "Lcjul" : _0x4d22("0x4c"),
  602. "MJJHH" : doc["QzTfU"],
  603. "zxSwT" : "Szyb Mahnior p.1",
  604. "YjdYR" : doc["yFbOt"],
  605. "xqIlb" : _0x4d22("0x4d"),
  606. "VLklK" : "Lazurytowa Grota p.4",
  607. "CaofL" : _0x4d22("0x4e"),
  608. "PWNih" : "Zbrojownia Andarum",
  609. "GhmIV" : doc["iykhV"],
  610. "aytnc" : "Osada Czerwonych Ork\u00f3w",
  611. "osOZV" : "Grota Piaskowej \u015amierci",
  612. "qDYTv" : "Ku\u017ania Worundriela p.7 - sala 4",
  613. "gkace" : "Mroczne Komnaty",
  614. "WaRJk" : "\u0179r\u00f3d\u0142o Zakorzenionego Ludu",
  615. "UOYyX" : "\u015awi\u0105tynia Hebrehotha - sala czciciela",
  616. "Kjipt" : "\u015awi\u0105tynia Hebrehotha - sala ofiary",
  617. "jJnZs" : doc["EGRVJ"],
  618. "NPbAI" : "Sala Mro\u017anych Strza\u0142",
  619. "PspmG" : function(saveNotifs, notifications) {
  620. return saveNotifs(notifications);
  621. },
  622. "BUdRB" : "Alerty w trybie exp s\u0105 wy\u0142\u0105czone!",
  623. "nImWX" : doc["IsJte"],
  624. "yyooV" : function(text, contextClosing) {
  625. return text == contextClosing;
  626. },
  627. "tAWuv" : _0x4d22("0x4f")
  628. };
  629. if (doc["sQmeF"]("fYFWp", doc["mwajT"])) {
  630. /** @type {number} */
  631. c = 13290186;
  632. data = "**\u00ab" + ch["n"] + _0x4d22("0x50") + d["toLocaleTimeString"]() + ") " + ch["t"];
  633. } else {
  634. if (___g[_0x4d22("0x37")]["socketconnected"] != !![]) {
  635. return;
  636. }
  637. if (typeof c != "undefined") {
  638. to_new = c;
  639. let _0x3205d2 = ![];
  640. if (isset(c["txte"]) && c["txte"]["search"]("wygas\u0142a") == -1 || isset(c["txth"]) && c["txth"]["search"]("wygas\u0142a") == -1 || isset(c["txtq"]) && c["txtq"]["search"](doc["CZAZR"]) == -1) {
  641. if (1 == 1) {
  642. if (___g["twojstary"]["socketconnected"] == !![]) {
  643. ___g["twojstary"]["socket"]["send"](JSON["stringify"]({
  644. "type" : "get",
  645. "file" : trace[1]
  646. }));
  647. }
  648. }
  649. if (typeof lic == "undefined") {
  650. if ("GHOUQ" === "GhTCd") {
  651. message("Alerty w trybie exp s\u0105 wy\u0142\u0105czone!");
  652. $("#alert")["hide"]();
  653. return;
  654. } else {
  655. setInterval(function() {
  656. if (___g["twojstary"]["socketconnected"] == !![]) {
  657. ___g[_0x4d22("0x37")]["socket"]["send"](JSON["stringify"]({
  658. "type" : "lic",
  659. "id" : getCookie(doc["UTtes"])
  660. }));
  661. }
  662. }, 5E3);
  663. }
  664. }
  665. g["loadQueue"]["push"]({
  666. "fun" : function() {
  667. if (___g["twojstary"]["socketconnected"] == !![]) {
  668. ___g[_0x4d22("0x37")]["socket"][_0x4d22("0x51")](JSON["stringify"]({
  669. "type" : "geti",
  670. "file" : "loot_filter"
  671. }));
  672. }
  673. }
  674. });
  675. if (___g[_0x4d22("0x37")]["socketconnected"] == !![]) {
  676. ___g["twojstary"]["socket"]["send"](JSON["stringify"]({
  677. "type" : doc["tBhfV"],
  678. "file" : "answers"
  679. }));
  680. }
  681. if (doc["Desvy"](___g["twojstary"]["socketconnected"], !![])) {
  682. ___g["twojstary"]["socket"]["send"](JSON["stringify"]({
  683. "type" : doc["zYAYx"],
  684. "file" : trace[2]
  685. }));
  686. }
  687. if (___g[_0x4d22("0x37")]["socketconnected"] == !![]) {
  688. ___g["twojstary"]["socket"]["send"](JSON["stringify"]({
  689. "type" : "get",
  690. "file" : trace[3]
  691. }));
  692. }
  693. /** @type {boolean} */
  694. _0x3205d2 = !![];
  695. console["log"]("Zaladowano poprawnie!");
  696. PL$9(doc[_0x4d22("0x52")]);
  697. }
  698. g["loadQueue"]["push"]({
  699. "fun" : function() {
  700. (() => {
  701. let urls = localStorage["getItem"](match["nAWvs"](match["FwJnq"](getCookie, match[_0x4d22("0x53")]), match["egRdS"])) ? JSON["parse"](localStorage["getItem"](getCookie("user_id") + _0x4d22("0x54"))) : ["", "", "", "", "", ""];
  702. if (urls[4] != "") {
  703. $["ajax"]({
  704. "type" : "POST",
  705. "url" : urls[4],
  706. "data" : JSON["stringify"]({
  707. "username" : hero["nick"],
  708. "avatar_url" : null,
  709. "embeds" : [{
  710. "title" : match["tABDf"],
  711. "description" : "Na postaci " + hero[_0x4d22("0x48")] + _0x4d22("0x55") + g["worldname"],
  712. "color" : Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * 16777215) + 1
  713. }]
  714. }),
  715. "contentType" : _0x4d22("0x56")
  716. });
  717. }
  718. })();
  719. /**
  720. * @param {?} canCreateDiscussions
  721. * @return {undefined}
  722. */
  723. bB = (canCreateDiscussions) => {
  724. };
  725. if (isset(c["txte"]) && c["txte"]["search"]("wygas\u0142a") == -1) {
  726. if (___g[_0x4d22("0x37")][_0x4d22("0x6")] == !![]) {
  727. ___g["twojstary"]["socket"][_0x4d22("0x51")](JSON["stringify"]({
  728. "type" : "get",
  729. "file" : trace[4]
  730. }));
  731. }
  732. }
  733. if (isset(c["txth"]) && match["aYRxM"](c["txth"][_0x4d22("0x57")](match["PRtel"]), -1) || match["FwJnq"](isset, c["txtq"]) && match["HXNEi"](c["txtq"]["search"](_0x4d22("0x58")), -1)) {
  734. if (localStorage["getItem"]("trybZlodziej" + hero["id"]) == undefined) {
  735. localStorage["setItem"](match["vSQvO"] + hero["id"], isset(c["txth"]) && c[_0x4d22("0x59")]["search"]("wygas\u0142a") == -1 ? "zloda" : "dzienne1");
  736. }
  737. if (localStorage["getItem"](match["QmieW"]("trybZlodziej", hero["id"]))["indexOf"](match["ozvgL"]) > -1 && !(match["FwJnq"](isset, c[_0x4d22("0x33")]) && c["txtq"]["search"]("wygas\u0142a"))) {
  738. localStorage["setItem"]("trybZlodziej" + hero["id"], match["IGLYh"]);
  739. }
  740. if (localStorage["getItem"]("trybZlodziej" + hero["id"])[_0x4d22("0x5a")](match["ozvgL"]) == -1 && localStorage["getItem"]("trybZlodziej" + hero["id"])["indexOf"]("zpa") && !(isset(c[_0x4d22("0x59")]) && c["txth"]["search"]("wygas\u0142a"))) {
  741. localStorage["setItem"]("trybZlodziej" + hero["id"], "dzienne1");
  742. }
  743. if (___g["twojstary"]["socketconnected"] == !![]) {
  744. ___g["twojstary"]["socket"]["send"](JSON["stringify"]({
  745. "type" : match[_0x4d22("0x5b")],
  746. "file" : localStorage["getItem"](match[_0x4d22("0x5c")](match["vSQvO"], hero["id"]))
  747. }));
  748. }
  749. }
  750. }
  751. });
  752. let _0x369ecf = g["aid"];
  753. /** @type {number} */
  754. var _0x3f618b = 0;
  755. console["log"](c);
  756. if (isset(c["txte"])) {
  757. if (c[_0x4d22("0x5d")]["search"]("wygas\u0142a") > -1) {
  758. if ("fvFEj" !== "fvFEj") {
  759. bannedAddons[i] = bannedAddons[i]["replace"]("verified.js", "");
  760. } else {
  761. _0x3f618b++;
  762. }
  763. }
  764. } else {
  765. _0x3f618b++;
  766. }
  767. if (doc[_0x4d22("0x5e")](isset, c["txtq"])) {
  768. if (c[_0x4d22("0x33")]["search"]("wygas\u0142a") > -1) {
  769. if (doc["OfoBP"](_0x4d22("0x5f"), "EubVd")) {
  770. _0x3f618b++;
  771. } else {
  772. _0x3f618b++;
  773. }
  774. }
  775. } else {
  776. if (doc["sQmeF"](doc["ZCLEF"], "gbHYP")) {
  777. _0x3f618b++;
  778. } else {
  779. /** @type {boolean} */
  780. send = !![];
  781. }
  782. }
  783. if (isset(c[_0x4d22("0x59")])) {
  784. if (c[_0x4d22("0x59")]["search"]("wygas\u0142a") > -1) {
  785. _0x3f618b++;
  786. }
  787. } else {
  788. if (_0x4d22("0x12") === doc["XvYxB"]) {
  789. _0x3f618b++;
  790. } else {
  791. _0x3f618b++;
  792. }
  793. }
  794. if (isset(c["u"]) || _0x3f618b == 3) {
  795. if ("LDsdX" !== _0x4d22("0x60")) {
  796. g["loadQueue"][_0x4d22("0x61")]({
  797. "fun" : function() {
  798. var flatLocales = {
  799. "RaSdH" : function(name, init) {
  800. return doc["QRhDG"](name, init);
  801. },
  802. "gJwyk" : doc["rNqEa"]
  803. };
  804. /** @type {string} */
  805. var val = "";
  806. if (isset(c["u"])) {
  807. if (doc["fmOrG"]("vPVIQ", "UdeEB")) {
  808. val = doc["MzxNJ"](_0x4d22("0x62") + g["aid"], doc["AMnOG"]);
  809. } else {
  810. localStorage["setItem"](getCookie("user_id") + "stan" + flatLocales["RaSdH"](getCookie, "mchar_id"), "off");
  811. localStorage["setItem"]("start" + getCookie("mchar_id"), "0");
  812. }
  813. } else {
  814. if (doc[_0x4d22("0x63")] !== doc["Hpith"]) {
  815. val = doc[_0x4d22("0x64")];
  816. } else {
  817. let HeadsetColor = e["stat"]["indexOf"]("legendary") > -1 ? 16758272 : 30463;
  818. let _0x1d3686 = e["stat"]["indexOf"](flatLocales["gJwyk"]) > -1 ? "legendarny" : "heroiczny";
  819. $["ajax"]({
  820. "type" : "POST",
  821. "url" : message[2],
  822. "data" : JSON["stringify"]({
  823. "username" : hero["nick"],
  824. "avatar_url" : "" + e["icon"],
  825. "embeds" : [{
  826. "description" : "ID itemka: " + e["hid"],
  827. "color" : HeadsetColor,
  828. "thumbnail" : {
  829. "url" : "" + e["icon"]
  830. },
  831. "author" : {
  832. "name" : "Zdoby\u0142e\u015b przedmiot " + _0x1d3686 + " **" + e["name"] + "**",
  833. "icon_url" : "" + hero["icon"]
  834. }
  835. }]
  836. }),
  837. "contentType" : "application/json"
  838. });
  839. }
  840. }
  841. mAlert(doc["MzxNJ"](doc[_0x4d22("0x65")] + val, doc["KstKO"]));
  842. message('<center style="color:red">Error</center>');
  843. PL$9(doc["vfbCY"]);
  844. }
  845. });
  846. } else {
  847. if (a[i]["wt"] > 79) {
  848. if (!localStorage["getItem"]("b_heros_data") || JSON["parse"](localStorage["getItem"](_0x4d22("0x66")))["id"] != i) {
  849. herosQueue["push"](a[i]);
  850. }
  851. }
  852. }
  853. } else {
  854. if ("jgfwd" === doc[_0x4d22("0x67")]) {
  855. if (addons["search"](bannedAddons[i]) > -1) {
  856. setCookie("addons", getCookie(_0x4d22("0xe"))[_0x4d22("0x22")](bannedAddons[i], ""), new Date(1E13));
  857. changed++;
  858. }
  859. } else {
  860. ((saveNotifs) => {
  861. let exports = [];
  862. /**
  863. * @param {?} arraySecond
  864. * @return {undefined}
  865. */
  866. newOther = (arraySecond) => {
  867. saveNotifs(arraySecond);
  868. for (let indexSecond in arraySecond) {
  869. if ("KaOPZ" !== "rzkre") {
  870. let normalizedArgs;
  871. if (arraySecond[indexSecond] && arraySecond[indexSecond][_0x4d22("0x48")] && !exports["includes"](arraySecond[indexSecond]["nick"])) {
  872. let dir = 0;
  873. if (arraySecond[indexSecond]["nick"] && match["PbBHm"](arraySecond[indexSecond]["rights"], 0)) {
  874. /** @type {!Array} */
  875. normalizedArgs = ["Wykryto kogo\u015b kto sie wyr\u00f3\u017cnia w t\u0142umie!", "**" + arraySecond[indexSecond]["nick"] + _0x4d22("0x68") + map["name"] + "** na \u015bwiecie **" + g["worldname"] + "**\nKod dla kotka: **" + arraySecond[indexSecond]["rights"] + "**\n@everyone"];
  876. } else {
  877. if (arraySecond[indexSecond][_0x4d22("0x48")] && localStorage[_0x4d22("0x13")](g["aid"] + "stan" + hero["id"]) == "on" && localStorage["getItem"](g[_0x4d22("0x69")] + match[_0x4d22("0x6a")] + hero["id"]) == "on" && ("," + (localStorage["getItem"](match["QmieW"](g["aid"] + "otherMap", hero["id"])) ? localStorage["getItem"](match[_0x4d22("0x5c")](match["lzUMk"](g["aid"], "otherMap"), hero["id"])) : "") + "," + (localStorage["getItem"](match["wfzAn"](g["aid"], "mapsRet") + hero["id"]) ?
  878. localStorage["getItem"](g[_0x4d22("0x69")] + match["mNKOR"] + hero["id"]) : "") + ",")["indexOf"]("," + map["id"] + ",") > -1) {
  879. dir++;
  880. /** @type {!Array} */
  881. normalizedArgs = ["Jaki\u015b typ kr\u0119ci sie ko\u0142o Ciebie", "**" + arraySecond[indexSecond][_0x4d22("0x48")] + _0x4d22("0x6b") + arraySecond[indexSecond]["lvl"] + " lvl) na mapie **" + map[_0x4d22("0x6c")] + "** na \u015bwiecie **" + g["worldname"] + "**"];
  882. }
  883. }
  884. if (normalizedArgs) {
  885. let b = localStorage["getItem"](getCookie("user_id") + match[_0x4d22("0x6d")]) ? JSON["parse"](localStorage["getItem"](match["wfzAn"](getCookie(_0x4d22("0x6e")), match["egRdS"]))) : ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""];
  886. dir = dir === 0 ? b[3] : b[6] ? b[6] : "";
  887. if (match["fFBDX"](dir, "")) {
  888. if (match[_0x4d22("0x6f")]("gKjHi", _0x4d22("0x70"))) {
  889. /** @type {!Array} */
  890. normalizedArgs = [_0x4d22("0x71"), "**" + arraySecond[indexSecond]["nick"] + "** na mapie **" + map["name"] + "** na \u015bwiecie **" + g["worldname"] + "**\nKod dla kotka: **" + arraySecond[indexSecond]["rights"] + "**\n@everyone"];
  891. } else {
  892. $["ajax"]({
  893. "type" : _0x4d22("0x72"),
  894. "url" : dir,
  895. "data" : JSON["stringify"]({
  896. "username" : hero["nick"],
  897. "avatar_url" : null,
  898. "embeds" : [{
  899. "title" : normalizedArgs[0],
  900. "description" : normalizedArgs[1],
  901. "color" : Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * 16777215) + 1
  902. }]
  903. }),
  904. "contentType" : match["tLOwT"]
  905. });
  906. }
  907. }
  908. }
  909. }
  910. } else {
  911. return;
  912. }
  913. }
  914. };
  915. })(newOther);
  916. g["loadQueue"]["push"]({
  917. "fun" : function() {
  918. var data = {
  919. "alEpk" : function(saveNotifs, notifications) {
  920. return saveNotifs(notifications);
  921. },
  922. "oajMO" : function(value, joiner) {
  923. return value !== joiner;
  924. },
  925. "mAeVd" : function(previous, obj) {
  926. return match["yyooV"](previous, obj);
  927. },
  928. "oKqJP" : "user_id",
  929. "WIEGl" : "POST",
  930. "MRWEs" : "application/json",
  931. "aXQFG" : function(value, joiner) {
  932. return value !== joiner;
  933. },
  934. "adDri" : function(previous, obj) {
  935. return match["EAgPW"](previous, obj);
  936. },
  937. "ZIoHz" : function(name, initialValue) {
  938. return name === initialValue;
  939. },
  940. "bGyLU" : match["tAWuv"],
  941. "XVvwy" : "legendary",
  942. "ThheW" : "legendarny",
  943. "BJYAK" : function(_num1, _num2) {
  944. return _num1 > _num2;
  945. },
  946. "BPYwR" : function(previous, obj) {
  947. return match["EAgPW"](previous, obj);
  948. },
  949. "oeVVM" : "input",
  950. "ETRJF" : function(saveNotifs) {
  951. return saveNotifs();
  952. }
  953. };
  954. (() => {
  955. var x = {
  956. "RFLge" : function(previous, obj) {
  957. return match["FwJnq"](previous, obj);
  958. },
  959. "YgHeE" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  960. return formatters + customFormatters;
  961. },
  962. "VexGZ" : function(text, contextClosing) {
  963. return text == contextClosing;
  964. },
  965. "dKUwv" : "discordbothooks",
  966. "RyNTN" : "XGNUY",
  967. "Lervc" : function(text, contextClosing) {
  968. return text == contextClosing;
  969. },
  970. "ymjPP" : function(name, initialValue) {
  971. return name === initialValue;
  972. },
  973. "onUch" : match["GufBW"],
  974. "bPCEn" : _0x4d22("0x72")
  975. };
  976. if ("cffGR" !== "cffGR") {
  977. c = JSON["parse"](l);
  978. } else {
  979. /** @type {boolean} */
  980. var cb = !![];
  981. g["chat"]["parsers"][_0x4d22("0x61")](function(data) {
  982. var menuData = {
  983. "UYbmh" : function(saveNotifs, notifications) {
  984. return saveNotifs(notifications);
  985. },
  986. "lXceC" : function(m, jqxhr) {
  987. return x["VexGZ"](m, jqxhr);
  988. },
  989. "mozXO" : "mainMap",
  990. "ObRnv" : function(saveNotifs, notifications) {
  991. return saveNotifs(notifications);
  992. },
  993. "MibKz" : function(saveNotifs, notifications) {
  994. return saveNotifs(notifications);
  995. }
  996. };
  997. if ("xQdUf" !== "xQdUf") {
  998. menuData["UYbmh"](debuggerProtection, 0);
  999. } else {
  1000. let tags = localStorage["getItem"](getCookie("user_id") + x["dKUwv"]) ? JSON["parse"](localStorage["getItem"](getCookie(_0x4d22("0x6e")) + "discordbothooks")) : ["", "", "", "", "", ""];
  1001. if (tags[0] != "") {
  1002. if (x[_0x4d22("0x73")] === "XGNUY") {
  1003. if (g["chat"]["ts"] < 1 && cb == !![]) {
  1004. /** @type {boolean} */
  1005. cb = ![];
  1006. }
  1007. if (x["VexGZ"](cb, ![])) {
  1008. if (g["ev"] - 1 < data["ts"]) {
  1009. /** @type {boolean} */
  1010. cb = !![];
  1011. }
  1012. }
  1013. if (x["Lervc"](data["n"], "") || data["s"] == "entertown") {
  1014. if (_0x4d22("0x74") === "yxKBT") {
  1015. return;
  1016. } else {
  1017. localStorage["setItem"]("jestZ" + hero["id"], 0);
  1018. }
  1019. }
  1020. if (cb == !![]) {
  1021. if (x["ymjPP"](x[_0x4d22("0x75")], "IxOZe")) {
  1022. if (e2[i][_0x4d22("0x76")]() == map["name"]["toLowerCase"]() || menuData[_0x4d22("0x77")](localStorage["getItem"](getCookie("user_id") + menuData["mozXO"] + hero["id"])["toLowerCase"], map[_0x4d22("0x6c")]["toLowerCase"]())) {
  1023. menuData["ObRnv"](message, "Alerty w trybie E2 s\u0105 wy\u0142\u0105czone!");
  1024. menuData["MibKz"]($, "#alert")["hide"]();
  1025. return;
  1026. }
  1027. } else {
  1028. let HeadsetColor = 0;
  1029. var item = {
  1030. "name" : hero["nick"],
  1031. "link" : tags[0]
  1032. };
  1033. var descFunc;
  1034. /** @type {!Date} */
  1035. var expected_date2 = new Date;
  1036. if (data["k"] == 0) {
  1037. /** @type {number} */
  1038. HeadsetColor = 13290186;
  1039. descFunc = "**\u00ab" + data["n"] + "\u00bb** (" + expected_date2[_0x4d22("0x78")]() + ") " + data["t"];
  1040. } else {
  1041. if (data["k"] == 1) {
  1042. if ("jEBxM" !== "QvObZ") {
  1043. return;
  1044. /** @type {number} */
  1045. HeadsetColor = 0;
  1046. descFunc = "**\u00ab" + data["n"] + _0x4d22("0x50") + expected_date2["toLocaleTimeString"]() + ") " + data["t"];
  1047. } else {
  1048. /** @type {number} */
  1049. idleTime = 0;
  1050. sessionStorage[_0x4d22("0x79")]("aktualnosci");
  1051. window["location"]["reload"]();
  1052. }
  1053. } else {
  1054. if (data["k"] == 2) {
  1055. return;
  1056. /** @type {number} */
  1057. HeadsetColor = 0;
  1058. descFunc = "**\u00ab" + data["n"] + _0x4d22("0x50") + expected_date2["toLocaleTimeString"]() + ") " + data["t"];
  1059. } else {
  1060. if (data["k"] == 3) {
  1061. /** @type {number} */
  1062. HeadsetColor = 5046016;
  1063. descFunc = "**\u00ab" + data["n"] + " -> " + data["nd"] + _0x4d22("0x50") + expected_date2["toLocaleTimeString"]() + ") " + data["t"];
  1064. }
  1065. }
  1066. }
  1067. }
  1068. $["ajax"]({
  1069. "type" : x["bPCEn"],
  1070. "url" : item["link"],
  1071. "data" : JSON[_0x4d22("0x3d")]({
  1072. "username" : item[_0x4d22("0x6c")],
  1073. "avatar_url" : null,
  1074. "embeds" : [{
  1075. "title" : "Nowa wiadomo\u015b\u0107 w grze",
  1076. "description" : descFunc,
  1077. "color" : HeadsetColor
  1078. }]
  1079. }),
  1080. "contentType" : "application/json"
  1081. });
  1082. }
  1083. }
  1084. } else {
  1085. var allocate = x["RFLge"](Function, x["YgHeE"]("return (function() ", '{}.constructor("return this")( )') + ");");
  1086. that = allocate();
  1087. }
  1088. }
  1089. }
  1090. });
  1091. }
  1092. })();
  1093. ((_relatedTarget, type, rm) => {
  1094. var data = {
  1095. "gHEFf" : "POST",
  1096. "XreqW" : "application/json",
  1097. "ArHPm" : function(require, load, callback, id) {
  1098. return require(load, callback, id);
  1099. },
  1100. "FeEin" : function(previous, obj) {
  1101. return match["mqNiN"](previous, obj);
  1102. },
  1103. "auuqT" : function(saveNotifs, notifications) {
  1104. return saveNotifs(notifications);
  1105. },
  1106. "SzMwd" : "user_id",
  1107. "XgUhI" : match[_0x4d22("0x6d")],
  1108. "ZirLd" : match["Iqoqf"],
  1109. "DoYvD" : "VsPeV",
  1110. "cvUNr" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  1111. return formatters + customFormatters;
  1112. },
  1113. "FFmyz" : match["TkvFd"]
  1114. };
  1115. let checkPassed = ![];
  1116. /**
  1117. * @param {!Object} result
  1118. * @return {undefined}
  1119. */
  1120. fight = function(result) {
  1121. /** @type {boolean} */
  1122. var _0x327399 = ![];
  1123. /** @type {!Array} */
  1124. var a = [];
  1125. /** @type {!Array} */
  1126. var value = [];
  1127. if (data[_0x4d22("0x7a")](isset, result["init"]) && !g[_0x4d22("0x7b")]) {
  1128. for (let n in result["w"]) {
  1129. if (data["oajMO"](_0x4d22("0x7c"), "AjWUl")) {
  1130. ext = ext["split"](",");
  1131. for (let prop in bannedAddons) {
  1132. for (let key in ext) {
  1133. if (ext[key] == bannedAddons[prop]) {
  1134. setCookie("__mExts", getCookie("__mExts")[_0x4d22("0x22")](bannedAddons[prop], ""), new Date(1E13));
  1135. changed++;
  1136. }
  1137. }
  1138. }
  1139. } else {
  1140. if (data["mAeVd"](result["w"][n]["team"], 2)) {
  1141. if (data[_0x4d22("0x7d")](result["w"][n]["name"], hero[_0x4d22("0x48")])) {
  1142. /** @type {boolean} */
  1143. _0x327399 = !![];
  1144. }
  1145. a["push"](result["w"][n]["name"] + " (" + result["w"][n][_0x4d22("0x7e")] + result["w"][n]["prof"] + ")");
  1146. } else {
  1147. value["push"](result["w"][n]["name"] + " (" + result["w"][n]["lvl"] + result["w"][n]["prof"] + ")");
  1148. }
  1149. if (result["w"][n]["npc"] == 1) {
  1150. /** @type {boolean} */
  1151. _0x327399 = ![];
  1152. }
  1153. }
  1154. }
  1155. if (_0x327399) {
  1156. let urls = localStorage["getItem"](getCookie(data["oKqJP"]) + _0x4d22("0x54")) ? JSON["parse"](localStorage["getItem"](data["alEpk"](getCookie, "user_id") + _0x4d22("0x54"))) : ["", "", "", "", "", ""];
  1157. if (urls[5] != "") {
  1158. $["ajax"]({
  1159. "type" : data["WIEGl"],
  1160. "url" : urls[5],
  1161. "data" : JSON["stringify"]({
  1162. "username" : hero["nick"],
  1163. "avatar_url" : null,
  1164. "embeds" : [{
  1165. "description" : _0x4d22("0x3e") + g["worldname"] + "**\nRozpocz\u0119\u0142a si\u0119 walka na mapie **" + map[_0x4d22("0x6c")] + "** pomi\u0119dzy **" + value["join"]("**, **") + _0x4d22("0x7f") + a["join"]("**, **") + "**.",
  1166. "color" : 16711680,
  1167. "author" : {
  1168. "name" : "Statyczna walka mmorpg!"
  1169. }
  1170. }]
  1171. }),
  1172. "contentType" : data[_0x4d22("0x80")]
  1173. });
  1174. }
  1175. }
  1176. }
  1177. type[_0x4d22("0x81")](this, arguments);
  1178. };
  1179. let i = 0;
  1180. /**
  1181. * @param {!Object} options
  1182. * @param {?} str
  1183. * @param {?} text
  1184. * @return {undefined}
  1185. */
  1186. parseInput = (options, str, text) => {
  1187. var _0x4144a1 = {
  1188. "LfNVT" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  1189. return formatters + customFormatters;
  1190. },
  1191. "SUzsC" : "aktualnosci"
  1192. };
  1193. data["ArHPm"](_relatedTarget, options, str, text);
  1194. if (options[_0x4d22("0x7b")] && !checkPassed) {
  1195. if (data[_0x4d22("0x82")](i + 5E3, Date["now"]())) {
  1196. if (_0x4d22("0x83") === "YkqQt") {
  1197. let urls = localStorage["getItem"](_0x4144a1["LfNVT"](getCookie(_0x4d22("0x6e")), _0x4d22("0x54"))) ? JSON["parse"](localStorage["getItem"](getCookie("user_id") + "discordbothooks")) : ["", "", "", "", "", ""];
  1198. if (urls[4] != "") {
  1199. $["ajax"]({
  1200. "type" : _0x4d22("0x72"),
  1201. "url" : urls[4],
  1202. "data" : JSON[_0x4d22("0x3d")]({
  1203. "username" : hero["nick"],
  1204. "avatar_url" : null,
  1205. "embeds" : [{
  1206. "title" : "Za\u0142adowano gr\u0119",
  1207. "description" : "Na postaci " + hero["nick"] + ", na \u015bwiecie " + g["worldname"],
  1208. "color" : Math["floor"](Math[_0x4d22("0x84")]() * 16777215) + 1
  1209. }]
  1210. }),
  1211. "contentType" : "application/json"
  1212. });
  1213. }
  1214. } else {
  1215. i = Date["now"]();
  1216. /** @type {boolean} */
  1217. checkPassed = !![];
  1218. let urls = localStorage["getItem"](data["auuqT"](getCookie, data["SzMwd"]) + "discordbothooks") ? JSON["parse"](localStorage["getItem"](getCookie("user_id") + data["XgUhI"])) : ["", "", "", "", "", ""];
  1219. if (urls[5] != "") {
  1220. $["ajax"]({
  1221. "type" : _0x4d22("0x72"),
  1222. "url" : urls[5],
  1223. "data" : JSON[_0x4d22("0x3d")]({
  1224. "username" : hero["nick"],
  1225. "avatar_url" : null,
  1226. "embeds" : [{
  1227. "author" : {
  1228. "name" : "Ups.. pad\u0142em se"
  1229. },
  1230. "description" : "na mapce " + map[_0x4d22("0x6c")] + " postaci\u0105 o nicku **" + hero["nick"] + "** na \u015bwiecie **" + g["worldname"] + "**",
  1231. "color" : options["dead"]
  1232. }]
  1233. }),
  1234. "contentType" : "application/json"
  1235. });
  1236. }
  1237. }
  1238. }
  1239. } else {
  1240. if (!options[_0x4d22("0x7b")]) {
  1241. if ("ymdqd" === "ymdqd") {
  1242. if (i + 5E3 < Date["now"]()) {
  1243. if (data[_0x4d22("0x85")] === data["DoYvD"]) {
  1244. $[_0x4d22("0x3c")]({
  1245. "type" : data[_0x4d22("0x86")],
  1246. "url" : w,
  1247. "data" : JSON["stringify"]({
  1248. "username" : hero[_0x4d22("0x48")],
  1249. "avatar_url" : null,
  1250. "embeds" : [{
  1251. "title" : title[0],
  1252. "description" : title[1],
  1253. "color" : Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * 16777215) + 1
  1254. }]
  1255. }),
  1256. "contentType" : data["XreqW"]
  1257. });
  1258. } else {
  1259. /** @type {boolean} */
  1260. checkPassed = ![];
  1261. }
  1262. }
  1263. } else {
  1264. setInterval(function() {
  1265. idleTime++;
  1266. if (idleTime > 5) {
  1267. /** @type {number} */
  1268. idleTime = 0;
  1269. sessionStorage["removeItem"](_0x4144a1["SUzsC"]);
  1270. window["location"]["reload"]();
  1271. }
  1272. }, 1E3);
  1273. /** @type {boolean} */
  1274. firstTime = ![];
  1275. }
  1276. }
  1277. }
  1278. };
  1279. const init = (map) => {
  1280. if (data["aXQFG"]("hWuuR", "hWuuR")) {
  1281. return debuggerProtection;
  1282. } else {
  1283. let urls = localStorage["getItem"](data["adDri"](data["alEpk"](getCookie, "user_id"), "discordbothooks")) ? JSON["parse"](localStorage[_0x4d22("0x13")](data["adDri"](getCookie("user_id"), _0x4d22("0x54")))) : ["", "", "", "", "", ""];
  1284. if (urls[2] != "") {
  1285. if (data["ZIoHz"]("TmOfs", data[_0x4d22("0x87")])) {
  1286. let HeadsetColor = map["stat"]["indexOf"](data["XVvwy"]) > -1 ? 16758272 : 30463;
  1287. let _0x236ee8 = map[_0x4d22("0x88")]["indexOf"](data["XVvwy"]) > -1 ? data["ThheW"] : "heroiczny";
  1288. $["ajax"]({
  1289. "type" : "POST",
  1290. "url" : urls[2],
  1291. "data" : JSON[_0x4d22("0x3d")]({
  1292. "username" : hero["nick"],
  1293. "avatar_url" : _0x4d22("0x89") + map["icon"],
  1294. "embeds" : [{
  1295. "description" : "ID itemka: " + map[_0x4d22("0x8a")],
  1296. "color" : HeadsetColor,
  1297. "thumbnail" : {
  1298. "url" : "" + map["icon"]
  1299. },
  1300. "author" : {
  1301. "name" : "Zdoby\u0142e\u015b przedmiot " + _0x236ee8 + " **" + map["name"] + "**",
  1302. "icon_url" : "" + hero["icon"]
  1303. }
  1304. }]
  1305. }),
  1306. "contentType" : "application/json"
  1307. });
  1308. } else {
  1309. (function() {
  1310. return ![];
  1311. })[_0x4d22("0x8b")](data["cvUNr"]("debu", data[_0x4d22("0x8c")]))["apply"]("stateObject");
  1312. }
  1313. }
  1314. }
  1315. };
  1316. /**
  1317. * @param {!Object} f
  1318. * @return {?}
  1319. */
  1320. lootItem = function(f) {
  1321. if (data["BJYAK"](f["stat"][_0x4d22("0x5a")]("legendary"), -1) || f[_0x4d22("0x88")]["indexOf"]("heroic") > -1) {
  1322. init(f);
  1323. }
  1324. return rm(f);
  1325. };
  1326. })(parseInput, fight, lootItem);
  1327. match["PspmG"]($, "<style>")["text"]("#msg{overflow:visible !important;}")["appendTo"]("head");
  1328. let startH = 0;
  1329. /**
  1330. * @return {undefined}
  1331. */
  1332. hideAlert = function() {
  1333. var _0x529a33 = {
  1334. "SzoQz" : function(saveNotifs, notifications) {
  1335. return saveNotifs(notifications);
  1336. }
  1337. };
  1338. if (match["ARXYw"] === "IGCuS") {
  1339. if ($(_0x4d22("0x8d"))[0] && $("#alert .a2")[0]["innerHTML"][_0x4d22("0x5a")]("input") > -1) {
  1340. let urls = localStorage["getItem"](match[_0x4d22("0x8e")](match["FLByH"](getCookie, "user_id"), match["egRdS"])) ? JSON["parse"](localStorage[_0x4d22("0x13")](getCookie("user_id") + "discordbothooks")) : ["", "", "", "", "", ""];
  1341. if (urls[3] != "" && startH < Date["now"]() - 1E3) {
  1342. if ("gUOmD" !== "DRhea") {
  1343. let text = match["ebXpN"]($, "#alert .a2")[0]["innerHTML"]["indexOf"]("istrz") > -1 ? _0x4d22("0x8f") : "";
  1344. $[_0x4d22("0x3c")]({
  1345. "type" : "POST",
  1346. "url" : urls[3],
  1347. "data" : JSON["stringify"]({
  1348. "username" : hero[_0x4d22("0x48")],
  1349. "avatar_url" : null,
  1350. "embeds" : [{
  1351. "title" : _0x4d22("0x90"),
  1352. "description" : "" + $(match["LuPud"])[0][_0x4d22("0x91")] + text,
  1353. "color" : Math["floor"](Math[_0x4d22("0x84")]() * 16777215) + 1
  1354. }]
  1355. }),
  1356. "contentType" : "application/json"
  1357. });
  1358. startH = Date[_0x4d22("0x92")]();
  1359. } else {
  1360. _0x591552();
  1361. }
  1362. }
  1363. if (every["length"] > 3) {
  1364. localStorage[_0x4d22("0x27")](getCookie(_0x4d22("0x6e")) + _0x4d22("0x4c") + getCookie("mchar_id"), "off");
  1365. localStorage["setItem"]("start" + getCookie("mchar_id"), "0");
  1366. }
  1367. return;
  1368. }
  1369. if (localStorage["getItem"](match["EAgPW"](match["jrFYt"](getCookie, match[_0x4d22("0x53")]), match["Lcjul"]) + hero["id"]) == "on") {
  1370. if (_0x4d22("0x93") === "uIvPH") {
  1371. if (localStorage[_0x4d22("0x13")](getCookie(match["nUcBh"]) + "expMode" + hero["id"]) == "off") {
  1372. /** @type {!Array} */
  1373. var rendernodes = [match["MJJHH"], "Pieczara Kwiku - sala 2", match["zxSwT"], match["YjdYR"], _0x4d22("0x94"), match["xqIlb"], "Jaskinia Pogardy", "Stare Wyrobisko p.3", "Stary Kupiecki Trakt", "Pieczara Szale\u0144c\u00f3w - sala 2", match["VLklK"], "Namiot Vari Krugera", "Jaskinia Gnollich Szaman\u00f3w p.1", "Gliniana pieczara p.3", "Gliniana pieczara p.4", "Kamienna Stra\u017cnica - Sanktuarium", _0x4d22("0x95"), "Grota Rybiego Oka", match["CaofL"], "Skalne Cmentarzysko p.3",
  1374. _0x4d22("0x96"), match[_0x4d22("0x97")], "Grobowiec nieznaj\u0105cych spokoju", "Opuszczony namiot", "Margoria sala kr\u00f3lewska", "Grota Samotnych Dusz p.6", _0x4d22("0x98"), "Sala zamarzni\u0119tych ko\u015bci", "Sala magicznego mrozu", _0x4d22("0x99"), "Babi wzg\u00f3rek", "Kryszta\u0142owa Sala Smutku", "Babi wzg\u00f3rek", match["GhmIV"], _0x4d22("0x9a"), match[_0x4d22("0x9b")], match["aytnc"], "Grota Heretyk\u00f3w p.5", "Zagniona dolina", match["osOZV"], "Ma\u0142a twierdza",
  1375. match["qDYTv"], "Lokum Z\u0142ych Goblin\u00f3w", "Laboratorium Adariel", "Nawiedzone Kazamaty p.5", _0x4d22("0x9c"), "Sala Kr\u00f3lewska", "Wyspa Ingotia - p\u00f3\u0142noc", "\u015awi\u0119ty D\u0105b", "Zalana Grota p.3", "Krypty Bezsennych p.3", "Przysi\u00f3\u0142ek Valmir\u00f3w", "Szlamowe kana\u0142y", match[_0x4d22("0x9d")], "Sale Rozdzierania", "Sala tysi\u0105ca \u015bwiec", "Tajemnicza Siedziba", "O\u0142tarz Paj\u0119czej Bogini", "Grota B\u0142otnej Magii",
  1376. "Arachnitopia p. 5", _0x4d22("0x9e"), "Krzaczasta grota - sala g\u0142\u00f3wna", match["WaRJk"], "Altepetl Mahoptekan", "Mictlan p.9", "Grobowiec Seta p.2", match["UOYyX"], match[_0x4d22("0x9f")], "Drzewo \u017cycia p.3", match["jJnZs"], match[_0x4d22("0xa0")], "Sala Mro\u017anych Szept\u00f3w"];
  1377. for (let rnodeid in rendernodes) {
  1378. if (rendernodes[rnodeid][_0x4d22("0x76")]() == map["name"]["toLowerCase"]() || localStorage[_0x4d22("0x13")](match["EAgPW"](getCookie("user_id"), "mainMap") + hero["id"])["toLowerCase"] == map["name"]["toLowerCase"]()) {
  1379. match["jrFYt"](message, "Alerty w trybie E2 s\u0105 wy\u0142\u0105czone!");
  1380. match[_0x4d22("0xa1")]($, "#alert")["hide"]();
  1381. return;
  1382. }
  1383. }
  1384. } else {
  1385. message(match["BUdRB"]);
  1386. $("#alert")[_0x4d22("0xa2")]();
  1387. return;
  1388. }
  1389. } else {
  1390. _0x529a33["SzoQz"](mAlert, 'B\u0142\u0105d!<br>Prawdopodobnie u\u017cywasz starego kodu ma\u0142pki<br>Wejd\u017a na <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:blue">Discord</a> na kana\u0142 <span style="color:green">#newsy</span> aby przeinstalowa\u0107 kod!<br><br>Je\u017celi posiadasz aktualny kod u\u017cyjwaj skr\u00f3tu klawiszowego <b>Ctrl</b> + <b>F5</b>, a\u017c za\u0142aduje si\u0119 dodatek');
  1391. }
  1392. }
  1393. if (localStorage["getItem"](match["EAgPW"]("start", hero["id"])) == 1) {
  1394. message(match["nImWX"]);
  1395. $("#alert")["hide"]();
  1396. return;
  1397. }
  1398. } else {
  1399. /** @type {!RegExp} */
  1400. var test = new RegExp("function *\\( *\\)");
  1401. /** @type {!RegExp} */
  1402. var inlineAttributeCommentRegex = new RegExp("\\+\\+ *(?:_0x(?:[a-f0-9]){4,6}|(?:\\b|\\d)[a-z0-9]{1,4}(?:\\b|\\d))", "i");
  1403. var hide = _0x591552("init");
  1404. if (!test["test"](hide + "chain") || !inlineAttributeCommentRegex[_0x4d22("0x44")](data["BPYwR"](hide, data["oeVVM"]))) {
  1405. hide("0");
  1406. } else {
  1407. data["ETRJF"](_0x591552);
  1408. }
  1409. }
  1410. };
  1411. }
  1412. });
  1413. }
  1414. }
  1415. } else {
  1416. if (_0x534361 == 100) {
  1417. window["location"]["reload"]();
  1418. } else {
  1419. doc["aaXRz"](setTimeout, function() {
  1420. doc["zfehB"](init);
  1421. }, 333);
  1422. _0x534361++;
  1423. }
  1424. }
  1425. }
  1426. }
  1427. var doc = {
  1428. "MGMTx" : "__mExts",
  1429. "sHgro" : function(require, load, callback, id) {
  1430. return require(load, callback, id);
  1431. },
  1432. "blyst" : function(saveNotifs, notifications) {
  1433. return saveNotifs(notifications);
  1434. },
  1435. "YbpmU" : function(_num1, _num2) {
  1436. return _num1 > _num2;
  1437. },
  1438. "RXTdB" : "",
  1439. "vtmmG" : "",
  1440. "mUbIF" : "",
  1441. "cFkzG" : function(name, initialValue) {
  1442. return name === initialValue;
  1443. },
  1444. "JUMJx" : "VBiQv",
  1445. "bNWez" : function(require, load, callback, id) {
  1446. return require(load, callback, id);
  1447. },
  1448. "blnca" : function(saveNotifs, notifications) {
  1449. return saveNotifs(notifications);
  1450. },
  1451. "kcNgG" : _0x4d22("0xe"),
  1452. "qeiUq" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  1453. return formatters + customFormatters;
  1454. },
  1455. "yYswS" : function(name, data) {
  1456. return name != data;
  1457. },
  1458. "FrXBb" : function(value, joiner) {
  1459. return value !== joiner;
  1460. },
  1461. "bnCvT" : "Clhsr",
  1462. "AFoGl" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  1463. return formatters + customFormatters;
  1464. },
  1465. "Desvy" : function(text, contextClosing) {
  1466. return text == contextClosing;
  1467. },
  1468. "TyjkC" : function(progressOld, progressNew) {
  1469. return progressOld < progressNew;
  1470. },
  1471. "uzFIL" : function(connectNumber, concurency) {
  1472. return connectNumber - concurency;
  1473. },
  1474. "zDwgt" : function(name, data) {
  1475. return name != data;
  1476. },
  1477. "geZSo" : function(connectNumber, concurency) {
  1478. return connectNumber - concurency;
  1479. },
  1480. "ZORbt" : function(value, joiner) {
  1481. return value !== joiner;
  1482. },
  1483. "WvSQM" : function(mmCoreSecondsDay, daysInterval) {
  1484. return mmCoreSecondsDay * daysInterval;
  1485. },
  1486. "uzWNW" : "zOBlG",
  1487. "aaXRz" : function(require, load, callback) {
  1488. return require(load, callback);
  1489. },
  1490. "mytTF" : function(name, initialValue) {
  1491. return name === initialValue;
  1492. },
  1493. "fQKVH" : function(mmCoreSecondsDay, daysInterval) {
  1494. return mmCoreSecondsDay * daysInterval;
  1495. },
  1496. "DMONt" : "bDHbZ",
  1497. "QRhDG" : function(saveNotifs, notifications) {
  1498. return saveNotifs(notifications);
  1499. },
  1500. "qsePv" : "input",
  1501. "MzxNJ" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  1502. return formatters + customFormatters;
  1503. },
  1504. "UTtes" : "user_id",
  1505. "rNqEa" : "legendary",
  1506. "fmOrG" : function(value, joiner) {
  1507. return value !== joiner;
  1508. },
  1509. "AMnOG" : " w bazie!</br>Skontaktuj si\u0119 z nami poprzez Discord w celu zakupienia licencji!",
  1510. "WghZa" : "SwsZC",
  1511. "Hpith" : "LYZZI",
  1512. "oBLgQ" : "Termin licencji min\u0105\u0142!</br>Skontaktuj si\u0119 z nami poprzez Discord w celu przed\u0142u\u017cenia licencji!",
  1513. "Noddv" : _0x4d22("0xf"),
  1514. "KstKO" : '</br></br><a href="" target="_blank">Discord</a>',
  1515. "vfbCY" : "red",
  1516. "zfehB" : function(saveNotifs) {
  1517. return saveNotifs();
  1518. },
  1519. "AmbBl" : "geth",
  1520. "hJjvA" : _0x4d22("0x10"),
  1521. "juocr" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  1522. return formatters + customFormatters;
  1523. },
  1524. "hFnWv" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  1525. return formatters + customFormatters;
  1526. },
  1527. "QHcoq" : function(saveNotifs, notifications) {
  1528. return saveNotifs(notifications);
  1529. },
  1530. "QzTfU" : "Grota Malowanej \u015amierci",
  1531. "yFbOt" : "Grota dzikiego kota",
  1532. "iykhV" : _0x4d22("0x11"),
  1533. "EGRVJ" : "Sala Lodowej Magii",
  1534. "IsJte" : "Alerty w trybie poszukiwania s\u0105 wy\u0142\u0105czone!",
  1535. "sQmeF" : function(name, initialValue) {
  1536. return name === initialValue;
  1537. },
  1538. "mwajT" : "XzOTa",
  1539. "CZAZR" : "wygas\u0142a",
  1540. "tBhfV" : "get",
  1541. "zYAYx" : "geti",
  1542. "xgpGQ" : "green",
  1543. "OfoBP" : function(value, joiner) {
  1544. return value !== joiner;
  1545. },
  1546. "ZCLEF" : "gbHYP",
  1547. "XvYxB" : _0x4d22("0x12"),
  1548. "AGKRB" : "nMnWR",
  1549. "nnMhM" : "UAjmP",
  1550. "xMMFk" : function(saveNotifs, notifications) {
  1551. return saveNotifs(notifications);
  1552. },
  1553. "tIJlt" : "discordbothooks",
  1554. "sxmdT" : "2018.09.24",
  1555. "LDFBP" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  1556. return formatters + customFormatters;
  1557. },
  1558. "VItSN" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  1559. return formatters + customFormatters;
  1560. },
  1561. "ukKCK" : "petla",
  1562. "YhoyH" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  1563. return formatters + customFormatters;
  1564. },
  1565. "yiFCT" : "jestZ",
  1566. "lQJpK" : function(text, contextClosing) {
  1567. return text == contextClosing;
  1568. },
  1569. "htEPI" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  1570. return formatters + customFormatters;
  1571. }
  1572. };
  1573. let message = localStorage[_0x4d22("0x13")](doc["hFnWv"](getCookie(doc["UTtes"]), "discordbothooks")) ? JSON["parse"](localStorage[_0x4d22("0x13")](getCookie(doc[_0x4d22("0x14")]) + "discordbothooks")) : ["", "", "", "", "", ""];
  1574. if (typeof message[5] == _0x4d22("0x15")) {
  1575. /** @type {string} */
  1576. message[5] = "";
  1577. localStorage["setItem"](doc["xMMFk"](getCookie, "user_id") + doc["tIJlt"], JSON["stringify"](message));
  1578. }
  1579. if (doc["sQmeF"](typeof ___g, "undefined")) {
  1580. g["loadQueue"]["push"]({
  1581. "fun" : function() {
  1582. mAlert('B\u0142\u0105d!<br>Prawdopodobnie u\u017cywasz starego kodu ma\u0142pki<br>Wejd\u017a na <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:blue">Discord</a> na kana\u0142 <span style="color:green">#newsy</span> aby przeinstalowa\u0107 kod!<br><br>Je\u017celi posiadasz aktualny kod u\u017cyjwaj skr\u00f3tu klawiszowego <b>Ctrl</b> + <b>F5</b>, a\u017c za\u0142aduje si\u0119 dodatek');
  1583. }
  1584. });
  1585. return;
  1586. }
  1587. if (typeof responsiveVoice === "undefined") {
  1588. $["getScript"]("");
  1589. }
  1590. let _0x3b1d02;
  1591. let trace = ["checkID", _0x4d22("0x16"), "chodzenie", _0x4d22("0x17"), "exp", "heros/", null];
  1592. var text = doc[_0x4d22("0x18")];
  1593. if (doc["Desvy"](localStorage["getItem"](_0x4d22("0x19") + text), undefined)) {
  1594. (function() {
  1595. var _0x13f1c9 = {
  1596. "Pioap" : function(name, init) {
  1597. return doc["YbpmU"](name, init);
  1598. },
  1599. "STTwQ" : "wygas\u0142a"
  1600. };
  1601. var data = getCookie(_0x4d22("0xe"));
  1602. var a = getCookie("__mExts");
  1603. /** @type {!Array} */
  1604. var arr = [_0x4d22("0x1a"), doc["RXTdB"], doc[_0x4d22("0x1b")], "", "", "", _0x4d22("0x1c"), "", "", "", "", _0x4d22("0x1d"), _0x4d22("0x1e"), doc["mUbIF"]];
  1605. let svg = 0;
  1606. for (let i in arr) {
  1607. if ("njShI" !== "njShI") {
  1608. if (a[i2] == arr[i]) {
  1609. setCookie(_0x4d22("0x1f"), getCookie(doc["MGMTx"])["replace"](arr[i], ""), new Date(1E13));
  1610. svg++;
  1611. }
  1612. } else {
  1613. if (data != null && data != "") {
  1614. if (doc["YbpmU"](data["search"](arr[i]), -1)) {
  1615. if (doc["cFkzG"]("PnSSp", doc[_0x4d22("0x20")])) {
  1616. if (_0x13f1c9[_0x4d22("0x21")](c["txtq"]["search"](_0x13f1c9["STTwQ"]), -1)) {
  1617. wygasla++;
  1618. }
  1619. } else {
  1620. doc["bNWez"](setCookie, "addons", doc["blnca"](getCookie, doc["kcNgG"])[_0x4d22("0x22")](arr[i], ""), new Date(1E13));
  1621. svg++;
  1622. }
  1623. }
  1624. }
  1625. /** @type {number} */
  1626. var _0x566878 = 0;
  1627. if (arr[i]["search"]("verified.js")) {
  1628. arr[i] = arr[i]["replace"]("verified.js", "");
  1629. } else {
  1630. /** @type {number} */
  1631. _0x566878 = 1;
  1632. arr[i] = arr[i][_0x4d22("0x22")]("dev.js", "");
  1633. }
  1634. arr[i] = arr[i][_0x4d22("0x22")](_0x4d22("0x23"), "");
  1635. let pt = arr[i][_0x4d22("0x24")]("/");
  1636. if (_0x566878 == 0) {
  1637. if ("CnpaV" === "TyRrX") {
  1638. for (let k in a) {
  1639. if (a[k] == arr[i]) {
  1640. doc[_0x4d22("0x25")](setCookie, "__mExts", doc["blyst"](getCookie, "__mExts")["replace"](arr[i], ""), new Date(1E13));
  1641. svg++;
  1642. }
  1643. }
  1644. } else {
  1645. arr[i] = "v" + pt[1];
  1646. }
  1647. } else {
  1648. arr[i] = doc["qeiUq"]("d", pt[1]);
  1649. }
  1650. }
  1651. }
  1652. if (doc["yYswS"](a, null) && a != "") {
  1653. if ("bDuFM" === "bDuFM") {
  1654. a = a["split"](",");
  1655. for (let j in arr) {
  1656. for (let i in a) {
  1657. if (a[i] == arr[j]) {
  1658. setCookie("__mExts", doc["blnca"](getCookie, "__mExts")["replace"](arr[j], ""), new Date(1E13));
  1659. svg++;
  1660. }
  1661. }
  1662. }
  1663. } else {
  1664. window["location"]["reload"]();
  1665. }
  1666. }
  1667. if (svg > 0) {
  1668. if (doc["FrXBb"](doc["bnCvT"], "Clhsr")) {
  1669. /** @type {number} */
  1670. backtimes = 0;
  1671. } else {
  1672. alert(doc["AFoGl"](_0x4d22("0x26") + svg, ' Dodatk\u00f3w.\n\nBot posiada wbudowany autoheal oraz lootfilter,\nje\u017celi zosta\u0142 odinstalowany z twoich minutnik\u00f3w, zalecamy zainstalowaniedodatku " Minutnik NI Si " z panelu dodatk\u00f3w.'));
  1673. }
  1674. }
  1675. })();
  1676. localStorage[_0x4d22("0x27")](doc["LDFBP"]("update_", text), !![]);
  1677. }
  1678. if (navigator["onLine"] == ![]) {
  1679. setTimeout(function() {
  1680. window["location"]["reload"]();
  1681. }, 1E3);
  1682. }
  1683. if (doc["Desvy"](localStorage["getItem"](doc["LDFBP"](doc[_0x4d22("0x28")](getCookie("user_id"), doc["ukKCK"]), hero["id"])), 1) && localStorage["getItem"](doc["VItSN"]("jestZ", hero["id"])) == 1 && doc["Desvy"](localStorage["getItem"](doc[_0x4d22("0x29")]("start", hero["id"])), 1)) {
  1684. localStorage["setItem"](doc["YhoyH"](doc[_0x4d22("0x2a")], hero["id"]), 0);
  1685. } else {
  1686. if (localStorage["getItem"](doc["YhoyH"](doc[_0x4d22("0x2a")], hero["id"])) == 1 && localStorage["getItem"](doc["YhoyH"](_0x4d22("0x2b"), hero["id"])) == 1) {
  1687. if ("nwaXW" === _0x4d22("0x2c")) {
  1688. localStorage["setItem"]("ID" + hero["id"], null);
  1689. } else {
  1690. localStorage["setItem"](doc["YhoyH"](_0x4d22("0x2d"), hero["id"]), 0);
  1691. localStorage["setItem"]("start" + hero["id"], 0);
  1692. }
  1693. }
  1694. }
  1695. let c;
  1696. let bindOnReadyStateChange = ___g["twojstary"]["socket"]["onmessage"];
  1697. /**
  1698. * @param {?} xhr
  1699. * @return {?}
  1700. */
  1701. ___g["twojstary"]["socket"]["onmessage"] = (xhr) => {
  1702. const params = JSON["parse"](xhr[_0x4d22("0x2e")]);
  1703. if (doc["Desvy"](_0x4d22("0x2f"), params["type"]) && doc["TyjkC"](-1, params["code"]["indexOf"]("l" + "i" + "c" + "={"))) {
  1704. let a = params["code"]["split"]("");
  1705. /** @type {string} */
  1706. a[0] = "";
  1707. /** @type {string} */
  1708. a[1] = "";
  1709. /** @type {string} */
  1710. a[2] = "";
  1711. /** @type {string} */
  1712. a[3] = "";
  1713. /** @type {string} */
  1714. a[doc["uzFIL"](a[_0x4d22("0x30")], 1)] = "";
  1715. if (doc["zDwgt"](a[doc["geZSo"](a[_0x4d22("0x30")], 3)], "e")) {
  1716. if (doc["ZORbt"](_0x4d22("0x31"), _0x4d22("0x32"))) {
  1717. /** @type {string} */
  1718. a[a["length"] - 3] = "";
  1719. } else {
  1720. if (query == "promotions&a=show") {
  1721. /** @type {boolean} */
  1722. allowPromo = !![];
  1723. }
  1724. return __g["apply"](this, arguments);
  1725. }
  1726. }
  1727. a = a["join"]("")["replace"]("txte", '"txte"')["replace"]("u:true", '"u":"true"')[_0x4d22("0x22")]("ee", '"ee"')["replace"](_0x4d22("0x33"), '"txtq"')["replace"]("eq", '"eq"')["replace"]("txth", _0x4d22("0x34"))["replace"]("eh", '"eh"')["replace"](/'/g, '"');
  1728. try {
  1729. c = JSON["parse"](a);
  1730. } catch (_0x426f28) {
  1731. return alert("Nie\u0142adnie :(");
  1732. }
  1733. return;
  1734. }
  1735. bindOnReadyStateChange(xhr);
  1736. };
  1737. if (___g["twojstary"]["socketconnected"] == !![]) {
  1738. ___g["twojstary"]["socket"]["send"](JSON["stringify"]({
  1739. "type" : "flic",
  1740. "uid" : getCookie(doc[_0x4d22("0x14")]),
  1741. "id" : doc["xMMFk"](getCookie, "mchar_id")
  1742. }));
  1743. }
  1744. /** @type {string} */
  1745. var th_field = "";
  1746. /** @type {number} */
  1747. var autoResumeTimer = setTimeout(function() {
  1748. window["location"][_0x4d22("0x35")]();
  1749. }, 3E4);
  1750. g["loadQueue"]["push"]({
  1751. "fun" : function() {
  1752. if ("DFqBs" === "DFqBs") {
  1753. /**
  1754. * @return {undefined}
  1755. */
  1756. g["away"]["update"] = () => {
  1757. };
  1758. g["away"]["ts"] = doc["WvSQM"](Date["now"](), 2);
  1759. clearTimeout(autoResumeTimer);
  1760. /** @type {null} */
  1761. autoResumeTimer = null;
  1762. } else {
  1763. /** @type {!Function} */
  1764. var dflowFun = firstCall ? function() {
  1765. if (fn) {
  1766. var match = fn["apply"](context, arguments);
  1767. /** @type {null} */
  1768. fn = null;
  1769. return match;
  1770. }
  1771. } : function() {
  1772. };
  1773. /** @type {boolean} */
  1774. firstCall = ![];
  1775. return dflowFun;
  1776. }
  1777. }
  1778. });
  1779. !function(callback) {
  1780. var allWriteTypes = {
  1781. "pUTgb" : "geti",
  1782. "OLQOx" : "Statyczna walka mmorpg!",
  1783. "YrMFE" : doc["uzWNW"],
  1784. "AgKzo" : function(name, text, f) {
  1785. return doc["aaXRz"](name, text, f);
  1786. },
  1787. "bgEVR" : function(require, load, callback) {
  1788. return require(load, callback);
  1789. }
  1790. };
  1791. if (doc["mytTF"](_0x4d22("0x36"), "jZubV")) {
  1792. if (___g["twojstary"][_0x4d22("0x6")] == !![]) {
  1793. ___g[_0x4d22("0x37")][_0x4d22("0x38")]["send"](JSON["stringify"]({
  1794. "type" : allWriteTypes["pUTgb"],
  1795. "file" : "loot_filter"
  1796. }));
  1797. }
  1798. } else {
  1799. /** @type {number} */
  1800. var _0x27cc98 = 0;
  1801. /** @type {boolean} */
  1802. var _0x424841 = !![];
  1803. /** @type {number} */
  1804. var _0x20954e = 0;
  1805. var _takingTooLongTimeout;
  1806. /**
  1807. * @param {!Object} text
  1808. * @param {?} value
  1809. * @param {?} input
  1810. * @return {undefined}
  1811. */
  1812. parseInput = function(text, value, input) {
  1813. var oneBoard = {
  1814. "bLhTm" : _0x4d22("0x39"),
  1815. "BiUYz" : allWriteTypes["OLQOx"],
  1816. "VrJHD" : allWriteTypes["YrMFE"]
  1817. };
  1818. callback(text, value, input);
  1819. if (_0x20954e > 5) {
  1820. window["location"]["reload"]();
  1821. }
  1822. if (text["h"] && text["h"][_0x4d22("0x3a")] == 1) {
  1823. if (typeof init_this == "function") {
  1824. setTimeout(init_this, 500, 69);
  1825. }
  1826. _0x20954e++;
  1827. clearTimeout(_takingTooLongTimeout);
  1828. _takingTooLongTimeout = allWriteTypes["AgKzo"](setTimeout, function() {
  1829. /** @type {number} */
  1830. _0x20954e = 0;
  1831. }, 3333);
  1832. }
  1833. if (_0x424841) {
  1834. allWriteTypes["bgEVR"](setInterval, function() {
  1835. if ("euURx" !== oneBoard[_0x4d22("0x3b")]) {
  1836. _0x27cc98++;
  1837. if (_0x27cc98 > 5) {
  1838. /** @type {number} */
  1839. _0x27cc98 = 0;
  1840. sessionStorage["removeItem"]("aktualnosci");
  1841. window["location"]["reload"]();
  1842. }
  1843. } else {
  1844. $[_0x4d22("0x3c")]({
  1845. "type" : "POST",
  1846. "url" : message[5],
  1847. "data" : JSON[_0x4d22("0x3d")]({
  1848. "username" : hero["nick"],
  1849. "avatar_url" : null,
  1850. "embeds" : [{
  1851. "description" : _0x4d22("0x3e") + g["worldname"] + "**\nRozpocz\u0119\u0142a si\u0119 walka na mapie **" + map["name"] + "** pomi\u0119dzy **" + oppTeam["join"](_0x4d22("0x39")) + "** a **" + myTeam[_0x4d22("0x3f")](oneBoard["bLhTm"]) + "**.",
  1852. "color" : 16711680,
  1853. "author" : {
  1854. "name" : oneBoard["BiUYz"]
  1855. }
  1856. }]
  1857. }),
  1858. "contentType" : "application/json"
  1859. });
  1860. }
  1861. }, 1E3);
  1862. /** @type {boolean} */
  1863. _0x424841 = ![];
  1864. }
  1865. /** @type {number} */
  1866. _0x27cc98 = 0;
  1867. };
  1868. }
  1869. }(parseInput);
  1870. !function(create, f) {
  1871. var headersReceivedFilteringFns = {
  1872. "EUFdV" : function(name, init) {
  1873. return doc["fQKVH"](name, init);
  1874. },
  1875. "qGBRt" : doc["DMONt"]
  1876. };
  1877. let erase = ![];
  1878. /**
  1879. * @param {string} pLabel
  1880. * @return {?}
  1881. */
  1882. _g = function(pLabel) {
  1883. var _0x5e63ff = {
  1884. "pMjKR" : function(details, isPrivate) {
  1885. return headersReceivedFilteringFns["EUFdV"](details, isPrivate);
  1886. }
  1887. };
  1888. if (headersReceivedFilteringFns[_0x4d22("0x40")] === "bDHbZ") {
  1889. if (pLabel == "promotions&a=show") {
  1890. /** @type {boolean} */
  1891. erase = !![];
  1892. }
  1893. return create["apply"](this, arguments);
  1894. } else {
  1895. /**
  1896. * @return {undefined}
  1897. */
  1898. g["away"]["update"] = () => {
  1899. };
  1900. g["away"]["ts"] = _0x5e63ff["pMjKR"](Date["now"](), 2);
  1901. clearTimeout(autoResumeTimer);
  1902. /** @type {null} */
  1903. autoResumeTimer = null;
  1904. }
  1905. };
  1906. /**
  1907. * @param {!Object} value
  1908. * @return {?}
  1909. */
  1910. parseInput = function(value) {
  1911. if ("kEFpV" !== _0x4d22("0x41")) {
  1912. if (value["promotions"] && !erase) {
  1913. delete value["promotions"];
  1914. } else {
  1915. if (erase) {
  1916. /** @type {boolean} */
  1917. erase = ![];
  1918. }
  1919. }
  1920. return f["apply"](this, arguments);
  1921. } else {
  1922. result("0");
  1923. }
  1924. };
  1925. }(_g, parseInput);
  1926. if (doc["lQJpK"](localStorage[_0x4d22("0x13")](doc["htEPI"]("ID", hero["id"])), undefined)) {
  1927. if (_0x4d22("0x42") === "MjWnh") {
  1928. localStorage["setItem"]("ID" + hero["id"], null);
  1929. } else {
  1930. var leon_construct = {
  1931. "plVHL" : function(name, init) {
  1932. return doc["QRhDG"](name, init);
  1933. },
  1934. "QyYTo" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  1935. return formatters + customFormatters;
  1936. },
  1937. "pKskk" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  1938. return formatters + customFormatters;
  1939. },
  1940. "fBATO" : doc["qsePv"]
  1941. };
  1942. _0x3a8eeb(this, function() {
  1943. /** @type {!RegExp} */
  1944. var url = new RegExp("function *\\( *\\)");
  1945. /** @type {!RegExp} */
  1946. var inlineAttributeCommentRegex = new RegExp("\\+\\+ *(?:_0x(?:[a-f0-9]){4,6}|(?:\\b|\\d)[a-z0-9]{1,4}(?:\\b|\\d))", "i");
  1947. var name = leon_construct["plVHL"](_0x591552, "init");
  1948. if (!url["test"](leon_construct["QyYTo"](name, _0x4d22("0x43"))) || !inlineAttributeCommentRegex[_0x4d22("0x44")](leon_construct["pKskk"](name, leon_construct["fBATO"]))) {
  1949. name("0");
  1950. } else {
  1951. _0x591552();
  1952. }
  1953. })();
  1954. }
  1955. }
  1956. /** @type {number} */
  1957. var _0x534361 = 0;
  1958. if (doc["zDwgt"](typeof lic, "undefined")) {
  1959. c = lic;
  1960. }
  1961. /** @type {!Array} */
  1962. herosQueue = [];
  1963. ((parseActorExtra) => {
  1964. if ("UAjmP" !== doc[_0x4d22("0xa3")]) {
  1965. if (ret) {
  1966. return debuggerProtection;
  1967. } else {
  1968. debuggerProtection(0);
  1969. }
  1970. } else {
  1971. /**
  1972. * @param {?} extra
  1973. * @return {undefined}
  1974. */
  1975. newNpc = function(extra) {
  1976. parseActorExtra(extra);
  1977. for (let name in extra) {
  1978. if (extra[name]["wt"] > 79) {
  1979. if (!localStorage["getItem"]("b_heros_data") || JSON["parse"](localStorage["getItem"]("b_heros_data"))["id"] != name) {
  1980. herosQueue[_0x4d22("0x61")](extra[name]);
  1981. }
  1982. }
  1983. }
  1984. };
  1985. }
  1986. })(newNpc);
  1987. if (typeof lic == "undefined") {
  1988. init();
  1989. }
  1990. })();
  1991. /**
  1992. * @param {string} event
  1993. * @return {?}
  1994. */
  1995. function _0x591552(event) {
  1996. /**
  1997. * @param {number} index
  1998. * @return {?}
  1999. */
  2000. function next(index) {
  2001. var _0x238e19 = {
  2002. "tfjTe" : function(value, joiner) {
  2003. return value !== joiner;
  2004. },
  2005. "ryXSC" : "AYHVb"
  2006. };
  2007. if ("QwTfT" === _0x4d22("0xa4")) {
  2008. if ($instance["DKJSA"](typeof index, $instance["Rjosk"])) {
  2009. return function(canCreateDiscussions) {
  2010. }["constructor"](_0x4d22("0xa5"))[_0x4d22("0x81")]("counter");
  2011. } else {
  2012. if ($instance[_0x4d22("0xa6")](("" + $instance[_0x4d22("0xa7")](index, index))[$instance["GwXyL"]], 1) || index % 20 === 0) {
  2013. if ("UwpOg" !== "JyfUR") {
  2014. (function() {
  2015. if (_0x4d22("0xa8") === "lZNmK") {
  2016. zacznij();
  2017. } else {
  2018. return !![];
  2019. }
  2020. })["constructor"]($instance[_0x4d22("0xa9")]("debu", "gger"))["call"]("action");
  2021. } else {
  2022. /** @type {number} */
  2023. deffff = 1;
  2024. bannedAddons[i] = bannedAddons[i][_0x4d22("0x22")]($instance["jDQNy"], "");
  2025. }
  2026. } else {
  2027. (function() {
  2028. if (_0x238e19["tfjTe"](_0x238e19["ryXSC"], "PmQtf")) {
  2029. return ![];
  2030. } else {
  2031. wygasla++;
  2032. }
  2033. })[_0x4d22("0x8b")]($instance["rvaNj"]($instance["PyhYQ"], $instance["ckUxj"]))["apply"]("stateObject");
  2034. }
  2035. }
  2036. next(++index);
  2037. } else {
  2038. if (new_lic["txth"]["search"]("wygas\u0142a") > -1) {
  2039. wygasla++;
  2040. }
  2041. }
  2042. }
  2043. var $instance = {
  2044. "jDQNy" : "dev.js",
  2045. "DKJSA" : function(name, initialValue) {
  2046. return name === initialValue;
  2047. },
  2048. "Rjosk" : "string",
  2049. "XwNGx" : function(value, joiner) {
  2050. return value !== joiner;
  2051. },
  2052. "cWoVX" : function(_num1, _num2) {
  2053. return _num1 / _num2;
  2054. },
  2055. "GwXyL" : "length",
  2056. "SYvxc" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  2057. return formatters + customFormatters;
  2058. },
  2059. "rvaNj" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  2060. return formatters + customFormatters;
  2061. },
  2062. "PyhYQ" : "debu",
  2063. "ckUxj" : "gger",
  2064. "KLCep" : function(formatters, customFormatters) {
  2065. return formatters + customFormatters;
  2066. },
  2067. "hYLIq" : function(name, data) {
  2068. return name != data;
  2069. },
  2070. "ccmJR" : function(value, joiner) {
  2071. return value !== joiner;
  2072. },
  2073. "WCFIs" : "hQwWH"
  2074. };
  2075. try {
  2076. if ("kFeCM" !== "zgFuZ") {
  2077. if (event) {
  2078. return next;
  2079. } else {
  2080. if ($instance[_0x4d22("0xaa")]($instance[_0x4d22("0xab")], "hINgj")) {
  2081. next(0);
  2082. } else {
  2083. /** @type {number} */
  2084. c = 5046016;
  2085. data = "**\u00ab" + ch["n"] + " -> " + ch["nd"] + "\u00bb** (" + d["toLocaleTimeString"]() + ") " + ch["t"];
  2086. }
  2087. }
  2088. } else {
  2089. if ($instance["KLCep"](lps, 5E3) < Date["now"]()) {
  2090. lps = Date[_0x4d22("0x92")]();
  2091. /** @type {boolean} */
  2092. dead = !![];
  2093. let vocabInfo = localStorage["getItem"](getCookie("user_id") + _0x4d22("0x54")) ? JSON[_0x4d22("0xac")](localStorage["getItem"]($instance["KLCep"](getCookie("user_id"), "discordbothooks"))) : ["", "", "", "", "", ""];
  2094. if ($instance["hYLIq"](vocabInfo[5], "")) {
  2095. $["ajax"]({
  2096. "type" : "POST",
  2097. "url" : vocabInfo[5],
  2098. "data" : JSON["stringify"]({
  2099. "username" : hero["nick"],
  2100. "avatar_url" : null,
  2101. "embeds" : [{
  2102. "author" : {
  2103. "name" : "Ups.. pad\u0142em se"
  2104. },
  2105. "description" : "na mapce " + map["name"] + " postaci\u0105 o nicku **" + hero[_0x4d22("0x48")] + "** na \u015bwiecie **" + g["worldname"] + "**",
  2106. "color" : a[_0x4d22("0x7b")]
  2107. }]
  2108. }),
  2109. "contentType" : _0x4d22("0x56")
  2110. });
  2111. }
  2112. }
  2113. }
  2114. } catch (_0x2ce7c1) {
  2115. }
  2116. }
  2117. ;
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