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a guest
Mar 20th, 2019
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text 1.49 KB | None | 0 0
  1. documentclass{standalone}
  2. usepackage{tikz,pgfplots}
  3. usepgfplotslibrary{patchplots}
  4. pgfplotsset{%
  5. colormap={whitered}{color(0cm)=(transparent); color(}%
  6. }
  7. begin{document}
  8. begin{tikzpicture}[baseline,
  9. declare function={bivar(ma,sa,mb,sb)=
  10. 1/(2*pi*sa*sb) * exp(-((x-ma)^2/sa^2 + (y-mb)^2/sb^2))/2;}]
  11. % Outer coordinate system
  12. begin{axis}[
  13. unit vector ratio*=1 1 1,
  14. axis lines = middle,
  15. view={120}{30},
  16. domain = -10:10,
  17. zmin = -5, zmax = 5,
  18. ]
  19. coordinate (origin1) at (axis cs:0,-10,0);
  20. coordinate (origin2) at (axis cs:0,10,0);
  21. addplot3[no markers,opacity=0]{0}; % <- without this pseudo plot, the outer coordinate system does not work
  22. end{axis}
  23. % Bivariate distribution 1
  24. begin{axis}[
  25. at={(origin1)}, anchor={center},
  26. width=3cm, height=3cm,
  27. scale only axis,
  28. axis equal image,
  29. hide axis,
  30. colormap name=whitered,
  31. view={0}{90},
  32. enlargelimits=false,
  33. domain=-1.5:1.5, y domain=-1.5:1.5,
  34. ]
  35. addplot3 [surf, draw=none, samples=19, shader=interp, patch type=bilinear] {bivar(0,.1,0,.6)};
  36. end{axis}
  37. % Bivariate distribution 2
  38. begin{axis}[
  39. at={(origin2)}, anchor={center},
  40. width=3cm, height=3cm,
  41. scale only axis,
  42. axis equal image,
  43. hide axis,
  44. colormap name=whitered,
  45. view={0}{90},
  46. enlargelimits=false,
  47. domain=-1.5:1.5, y domain=-1.5:1.5,
  48. ]
  49. addplot3 [surf, draw=none, samples=19, shader=interp, patch type=bilinear] {bivar(0,.2,0,.3)};
  50. end{axis}
  51. end{tikzpicture}
  52. end{document}
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