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Apr 20th, 2019
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  1. 2019-04-19 13:32:58 +kaiomai[CHC-OAK] <MikePhone> if girls can be excited about Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel, neckbeards should look to Bauer for inspiration
  2. 2019-04-19 13:33:03 +kaiomai[CHC-OAK] how are you lost?
  3. 2019-04-19 13:33:06 <-- AdmiralBumbleBee (~AdmiralBu@ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
  4. 2019-04-19 13:33:21 +kaiomai[CHC-OAK] thats just a bad take
  5. 2019-04-19 13:33:26 +MikePhone I mean
  6. 2019-04-19 13:33:36 +kaiomai[CHC-OAK] i have a penis and i loved both movies
  7. 2019-04-19 13:33:42 +MikePhone me too?
  8. 2019-04-19 13:33:53 +kaiomai[CHC-OAK] so how...? why/
  9. 2019-04-19 13:33:55 +kaiomai[CHC-OAK] idk
  10. 2019-04-19 13:34:01 +kaiomai[CHC-OAK] maybe i missed your point
  11. 2019-04-19 13:34:03 +kaiomai[CHC-OAK] sorry
  12. 2019-04-19 13:34:10 +MikePhone it's possible
  13. 2019-04-19 13:34:12 phocus` that wind
  14. 2019-04-19 13:34:14 phocus` is crazy
  15. 2019-04-19 13:34:16 +MikePhone np duder
  16. 2019-04-19 13:34:16 +kaiomai[CHC-OAK] probable*
  17. 2019-04-19 13:34:20 +kaiomai[CHC-OAK] lol
  18. 2019-04-19 13:34:24 +MikePhone I'm here wondering how it came across wrong
  19. 2019-04-19 13:34:43 +kaiomai[CHC-OAK] like only chicks like those movies is how it came accross to me
  20. 2019-04-19 13:34:53 +kaiomai[CHC-OAK] but i know you better
  21. 2019-04-19 13:35:02 +kaiomai[CHC-OAK] so im just (???)
  22. 2019-04-19 13:35:02 +MikePhone if Bauer if the Wonder Woman equivalent of internet trolls, that means he's really good at it and other trolls should look to him for leadership
  23. 2019-04-19 13:35:09 +kaiomai[CHC-OAK] wtf bauer?
  24. 2019-04-19 13:35:17 +kaiomai[CHC-OAK] wow i missed a lot i guess
  25. 2019-04-19 13:35:23 +kaiomai[CHC-OAK] im a derp carry on
  26. 2019-04-19 13:35:38 +MikePhone did you miss Bauer in the first thing I said there
  27. 2019-04-19 13:35:53 +kaiomai[CHC-OAK] i guess lol
  28. 2019-04-19 13:35:55 +MikePhone oops
  29. 2019-04-19 13:36:02 --> AdmiralBumbleBee (~AdmiralBu@ has joined #reddit-baseball
  30. 2019-04-19 13:36:05 +kaiomai[CHC-OAK] no thats on me duder
  31. 2019-04-19 13:36:11 +MikePhone it happens
  32. 2019-04-19 13:36:17 +kaiomai[CHC-OAK] reading comprehension
  33. 2019-04-19 13:37:39 Frosty No one would care about him if he sucked, let's be real here
  34. 2019-04-19 13:38:15 +kaiomai[CHC-OAK] fuck you Frosty
  35. 2019-04-19 13:38:16 Frosty But him saying what he said just fuels people that dislike him
  36. 2019-04-19 13:38:20 binaryhermit kaiomai[CHC-OAK]: girls can have penises too
  37. 2019-04-19 13:38:24 +kaiomai[CHC-OAK] eat a dick and die <3
  38. 2019-04-19 13:38:30 binaryhermit <3
  39. 2019-04-19 13:38:37 +kaiomai[CHC-OAK] binaryhermit are they still girls?
  40. 2019-04-19 13:38:58 binaryhermit trans women are women too, so yes
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