
Eve Kill Disucssion

Dec 6th, 2012
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  3. Powersv2 • 5 days ago
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  7. Smug Unista Powersv2 • 5 days ago
  8. This is getting nerfed in retribution and finally highsec will be safe from miniluv assholes like you that ruin the game. Cant wait to harvest goon tears.
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  11. Firebladexsx Smug Unista • 5 days ago
  12. LOL you might want to read the patch notes again , i wont have my safety on when i meet u
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  15. alvus parasite Smug Unista • 5 days ago
  16. If you think the retribution changes will stop freighter ganking you are mistaken. There will just be an extra step involved
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  19. Smug Unista alvus parasite • 5 days ago
  20. I don't think you guys know what the safety does or what the suspect flags do. If you gank in highsec and I have my safety on then anyone can shoot you until my kill rights end. BOUNTY HUNTING BITCH! Lots of griefer tiers going to happen because of Kelduum's great work.
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  23. alvus parasite Smug Unista • 5 days ago
  24. You are a prime example of retard. People like you not understanding game mechanics are why ganking will continue, and many sweet tears will flow
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  27. Firebladexsx alvus parasite • 5 days ago
  28. tbh this was my first hs gank on this sorta stuff all cause i wanted that ship so more QQ please
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  31. Oshun Stranje Smug Unista • 5 days ago
  32. Yeah, because griefers who willingly sacrificed ships for lootz and lolz before are totally gonna stop now. If the drop in sec status didn't stop them, I highly doubt bounty hunters will.
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  35. Smug Unista Oshun Stranje • 5 days ago
  36. Keep thinking that. The UNI's CSM rep has promised us he will fix that and that CCP is working on ways to protect us in highsec from skillless griefers. The joke will be on you.
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  39. Xolve Smug Unista • 5 days ago
  40. Your CSM representative doesn't matter, your alliance is founded on outdated ideals, tactics and philosophies.
  42. The only thing that will stop freighter ganking in highsec is the day when pubbies stop carrying literally everything they own in freighters.
  44. Don't want to get ganked? Don't pack 50b in a freighter.
  46. It really is that simple.
  47. If you sincerely think 'Bounty Hunting' will have any effect whatsoever on gankers, you are sorely, sorely mistaken.
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  50. Cynthia Nezmor Xolve • a day ago
  51. "Don't want to get ganked? Don't pack 50b in a freighter."
  52. Yes, next time reprocess that Vangel and move the materials in 2 different freighters.
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  55. Ra Cynthia Nezmor • 35 minutes ago
  56. Or, you know, since it is 10k m³, you could just use a cloaky hauler.
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  59. /Derp Cynthia Nezmor • 3 hours ago
  60. *Cough* We've never heard of blue frog/black frog have we...
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  63. chef Smug Unista • 5 days ago
  64. oh god, not the uni's csm rep... no, please! anything but that...
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  67. lol Smug Unista • 5 days ago
  68. lol your tears are priceless noob
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  71. Observer Smug Unista • a day ago
  72. LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLthe only thing the CSM rep can fix is maybe a cheese sandwich..btw you want some more WHINE with that cheese?
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  75. haha Smug Unista • 4 days ago
  76. 'release the UNI CSM rep"
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  79. Mr Burns haha • 3 days ago
  80. *sound of UNI CSM rep getting podded*
  82. hmm, continue the experimentation...
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  85. Zaxus Petkovicus Smug Unista • a day ago
  86. We will allways find a way to extract ur tears!
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  89. SoFarAwayFromMe Smug Unista • 4 days ago
  90. I think you misrepresent Kelduum Revan badly here. Does he know you quote his name in vain?
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  93. Powersv2 Smug Unista • 4 days ago
  94. Yo retard. This was completely CVA, no miniluv involved at all.
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  97. Firebladexsx Powersv2 • a day ago
  98. LOL sure were NRDS in high sec u fail
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  101. EVEAndski Smug Unista • 5 days ago
  102. lmao shut up
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  105. alu Smug Unista • 5 days ago
  106. lol goons are rich beyond belief theyll just cycle alts idiot
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  109. Just a Decoy Smug Unista • 4 days ago
  110. Merciful Zeus, NONE of what you have written there is correct.
  112. Whether or not your Safety is on or off, if you get ganked in hisec then you get a kill right against your gankers, which you can use to flag them as a suspect for 15 minutes up until you get a kill, or which you can make available to other players to do the same. Either way, they get ONE kill.
  114. Odds are 90% of public kill rights will be consumed by alts against mains in (insured) T1 frigs or noobships just to get rid of it.
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  117. lollolololol Just a Decoy • 2 days ago
  118. Yeah right. I'm really gonna insure a T1 frig. Noob.
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  121. What the actual fuck Smug Unista • 11 hours ago
  122. Do you even know what alpha is?
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  125. vangel down Smug Unista • 4 days ago
  126. seriouly.. seriously? a gank happens in a matter of seconds, then the aggressors are dead, if no one is at the gate your SAFETY NET sure is gonna do a lot of good.. stop being smug, mr. smug
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  129. Smurf Smug Unista • 5 days ago
  130. how is this ruining the game? this game is an sand box thus you can do what you want. sure there are things that will stop you ie concord. but of you think this ruins the game you might as well quit now. cause this is how the game is played. your never 100% safe
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  133. Former Unista Smurf • 5 days ago
  134. If we quit the game then CCP will go out of business. CCP needs all kinds of players and that is why the griefer will eventually lose. Trust my word on this. Kelduum has talked to us long and hard about CCP future plan.
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  137. Just a Decoy Former Unista • 4 days ago
  138. Wait, are you saying that Kelduum Revan has been violating the CSM Non-Disclosure Agreement?
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  141. alu Former Unista • 4 days ago
  142. what a load of sht unista holds no weight u do realise the ppl doing the ganking have like 3-4 csm members and even held chair for 2 seats till the mittani jaieger gate scandel lol.... u guys are deluded even ccp now made the safe compartment of orcas scannable they wouldnt do this if they planned on stopping it tbh
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  145. Yugo R Former Unista • 4 days ago
  146. Best troll in quite a while here on eve-kill. Nice job :)
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  149. CFC member Former Unista • 4 days ago
  150. Hate to break it to you, but 90% or so of players in the game are in null-sec. Go ahead and quit, carebear, see what difference it makes.
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  153. Y111 CFC member • 2 days ago
  154. if 90% of all players are in Low/Nullsec then why do they gank in highsec if they have so much action down there? makes no sense at all ;)
  156. Highsec ganking is for noobs and wannabes but this Charon did deserve it :D
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  159. alu Y111 • a day ago
  160. high sec ganking gos on cos ther making billions not cos there skillless but for isk u retard
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  163. FormerGoon Former Unista • 4 days ago
  164. ganking ALWAYS HAS and ALWAYS WILL be a part of the game, and even ccp (who has a soft spot for carebears) will uphold that no matter what.. they may make some changes but at the end of the day you will ALWAYS BE ABLE to gank a freighter.. if you think they care about the few of you IDIOTS who pack ALL their eggs in one basket.. then go ahead and quit , not a damn things gonna change. Just a shame theres one less retard out there to feed off of.
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  167. The Claw FormerGoon • 4 days ago −
  168. To be fair, when you've got one egg that is worth that much money, you can't really split it up into multiple baskets.
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  171. not me Former Unista • 4 days ago
  172. CCP will be more likely to go out of business if Goons drop thier applications massively. You'd be lucky if CCP would even TRY to find a middleway.
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  175. Marcus_McTavish Smug Unista • 5 days ago
  176. Doesn't matter; still get a km
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  179. Better Unista Smug Unista • 3 days ago
  180. If I want to harvest Goon tears, I lurk their gatecamps with a Blackbird, and jam their gankships.
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  183. anal leakage Smug Unista • 4 days ago
  184. Mule hauler is that you?
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