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a guest
Jan 24th, 2020
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  1. [01-24-2020 04:00:03 PM][INFO]Conversion script starting.
  2. [01-24-2020 04:00:17 PM][INFO]Input File: \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Arrival (2016)\Arrival (2016) - x265 - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mkv || Orginal Bitrate: 834 kb/s
  3. [01-24-2020 04:00:17 PM][INFO]Using command ['C:\\Auto Converter\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe', '-y', '-i', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Arrival (2016)\\Arrival (2016) - x265 - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mkv', '-fflags', '+genpts', '-movflags', '+faststart', '-strict', '-2', '-crf', '18', '-cutoff', '18000', '-vcodec', 'copy', '-preset', 'slow', '-b:v', '438.94736842105266K', '-acodec', 'copy', '-b:a', '448k', '-filter:a', 'volume=1.5', '-max_muxing_queue_size', '9999', '-probesize', '1000', '-analyzeduration', '1500M', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Arrival (2016)\\Arrival (2016) - x265 - AAC -1080p- AAC - x265 - WEBDL.mp4']
  4. [01-24-2020 04:00:17 PM][ERROR]Error processing \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Arrival (2016)\Arrival (2016) - x265 - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mkv
  5. [01-24-2020 04:05:02 PM][INFO]Input File: \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019)\Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019) - HEVC - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mkv || Orginal Bitrate: 1944 kb/s
  6. [01-24-2020 04:05:02 PM][INFO]Using command ['C:\\Auto Converter\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe', '-y', '-i', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019)\\Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019) - HEVC - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mkv', '-fflags', '+genpts', '-movflags', '+faststart', '-strict', '-2', '-crf', '18', '-cutoff', '18000', '-vcodec', 'copy', '-preset', 'slow', '-b:v', '1023.1578947368422K', '-acodec', 'copy', '-b:a', '448k', '-filter:a', 'volume=1.5', '-max_muxing_queue_size', '9999', '-probesize', '1000', '-analyzeduration', '1500M', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019)\\Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019) - HEVC - AAC -1080p- AAC - x265 - WEBDL.mp4']
  7. [01-24-2020 04:05:02 PM][ERROR]Error processing \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019)\Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019) - HEVC - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mkv
  8. [01-24-2020 04:05:10 PM][INFO]Input File: \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Vanilla Sky (2001)\Vanilla Sky (2001) - x265 - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mkv || Orginal Bitrate: 4878 kb/s
  9. [01-24-2020 04:05:10 PM][INFO]Using command ['C:\\Auto Converter\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe', '-y', '-i', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Vanilla Sky (2001)\\Vanilla Sky (2001) - x265 - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mkv', '-fflags', '+genpts', '-movflags', '+faststart', '-strict', '-2', '-crf', '18', '-cutoff', '18000', '-vcodec', 'copy', '-preset', 'slow', '-b:v', '2567.3684210526317K', '-acodec', 'copy', '-b:a', '448k', '-filter:a', 'volume=1.5', '-max_muxing_queue_size', '9999', '-probesize', '1000', '-analyzeduration', '1500M', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Vanilla Sky (2001)\\Vanilla Sky (2001) - x265 - AAC -1080p- AAC - x265 - WEBDL.mp4']
  10. [01-24-2020 04:05:11 PM][ERROR]Error processing \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Vanilla Sky (2001)\Vanilla Sky (2001) - x265 - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mkv
  11. [01-24-2020 04:05:21 PM][INFO]Input File: \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\The Patriot (2000)\The Patriot (2000) - x265 - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mkv || Orginal Bitrate: 2286 kb/s
  12. [01-24-2020 04:05:21 PM][INFO]Using command ['C:\\Auto Converter\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe', '-y', '-i', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\The Patriot (2000)\\The Patriot (2000) - x265 - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mkv', '-fflags', '+genpts', '-movflags', '+faststart', '-strict', '-2', '-crf', '18', '-cutoff', '18000', '-vcodec', 'copy', '-preset', 'slow', '-b:v', '1203.157894736842K', '-acodec', 'copy', '-b:a', '448k', '-filter:a', 'volume=1.5', '-max_muxing_queue_size', '9999', '-probesize', '1000', '-analyzeduration', '1500M', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\The Patriot (2000)\\The Patriot (2000) - x265 - AAC -1080p- AAC - x265 - WEBDL.mp4']
  13. [01-24-2020 04:05:21 PM][ERROR]Error processing \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\The Patriot (2000)\The Patriot (2000) - x265 - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mkv
  14. [01-24-2020 04:05:24 PM][INFO]Input File: \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Cinderella (2015)\Cinderella (2015) - HEVC - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mp4 || Orginal Bitrate: 3649 kb/s
  15. [01-24-2020 04:05:24 PM][INFO]Using command ['C:\\Auto Converter\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe', '-y', '-i', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Cinderella (2015)\\Cinderella (2015) - HEVC - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mp4', '-fflags', '+genpts', '-movflags', '+faststart', '-strict', '-2', '-crf', '18', '-cutoff', '18000', '-vcodec', 'copy', '-preset', 'slow', '-b:v', '1920.5263157894738K', '-acodec', 'copy', '-b:a', '448k', '-filter:a', 'volume=1.5', '-max_muxing_queue_size', '9999', '-probesize', '1000', '-analyzeduration', '1500M', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Cinderella (2015)\\Cinderella (2015) - HEVC - AAC -1080p- AAC - x265 - WEBDL.mp4']
  16. [01-24-2020 04:05:24 PM][ERROR]Error processing \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Cinderella (2015)\Cinderella (2015) - HEVC - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mp4
  17. [01-24-2020 04:05:27 PM][INFO]Input File: \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Rush Hour 3 (2007)\Rush Hour 3 (2007) - HEVC - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mp4 || Orginal Bitrate: 3854 kb/s
  18. [01-24-2020 04:05:27 PM][INFO]Using command ['C:\\Auto Converter\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe', '-y', '-i', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Rush Hour 3 (2007)\\Rush Hour 3 (2007) - HEVC - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mp4', '-fflags', '+genpts', '-movflags', '+faststart', '-strict', '-2', '-crf', '18', '-cutoff', '18000', '-vcodec', 'copy', '-preset', 'slow', '-b:v', '2028.421052631579K', '-acodec', 'copy', '-b:a', '448k', '-filter:a', 'volume=1.5', '-max_muxing_queue_size', '9999', '-probesize', '1000', '-analyzeduration', '1500M', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Rush Hour 3 (2007)\\Rush Hour 3 (2007) - HEVC - AAC -1080p- AAC - x265 - WEBDL.mp4']
  19. [01-24-2020 04:05:27 PM][ERROR]Error processing \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Rush Hour 3 (2007)\Rush Hour 3 (2007) - HEVC - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mp4
  20. [01-24-2020 04:05:43 PM][ERROR]ffprobe can't find all info on \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Turbo (2013)\Turbo (2013) - x265  -1080p- AAC - x265 - WEBDL.mp4 further inspection needed.
  21. [01-24-2020 04:08:32 PM][ERROR]ffprobe can't find all info on \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Freddy's Dead The Final Nightmare (1991)\Freddy's Dead The Final Nightmare (1991) - x264 - DTS - Bluray-1080p.mkv further inspection needed.
  22. [01-24-2020 04:08:33 PM][INFO]Input File: \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)\A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) - x265 - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mkv || Orginal Bitrate: 10337 kb/s
  23. [01-24-2020 04:08:33 PM][INFO]Using command ['C:\\Auto Converter\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe', '-y', '-i', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)\\A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) - x265 - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mkv', '-fflags', '+genpts', '-movflags', '+faststart', '-strict', '-2', '-crf', '18', '-cutoff', '18000', '-vcodec', 'copy', '-preset', 'slow', '-b:v', '5440.526315789474K', '-acodec', 'copy', '-b:a', '448k', '-filter:a', 'volume=1.5', '-max_muxing_queue_size', '9999', '-probesize', '1000', '-analyzeduration', '1500M', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)\\A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) - x265 - AAC -1080p- AAC - x265 - WEBDL.mp4']
  24. [01-24-2020 04:08:34 PM][ERROR]Error processing \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)\A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) - x265 - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mkv
  25. [01-24-2020 04:08:34 PM][INFO]Input File: \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Gully Boy (2019)\Gully Boy (2019) - x264 - AAC - WEBDL-720p.mkv || Orginal Bitrate: 1914 kb/s
  26. [01-24-2020 04:08:34 PM][INFO]Using command ['C:\\Auto Converter\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe', '-y', '-i', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Gully Boy (2019)\\Gully Boy (2019) - x264 - AAC - WEBDL-720p.mkv', '-fflags', '+genpts', '-movflags', '+faststart', '-strict', '-2', '-crf', '18', '-cutoff', '18000', '-vcodec', 'hevc_nvenc', '-preset', 'slow', '-b:v', '1007.3684210526317K', '-acodec', 'copy', '-b:a', '448k', '-filter:a', 'volume=1.5', '-max_muxing_queue_size', '9999', '-probesize', '1000', '-analyzeduration', '1500M', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Gully Boy (2019)\\Gully Boy (2019)  - AAC - WEBDL-720p- AAC - x265 - WEBDL.mp4']
  27. [01-24-2020 04:08:34 PM][ERROR]Error processing \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Gully Boy (2019)\Gully Boy (2019) - x264 - AAC - WEBDL-720p.mkv
  28. [01-24-2020 04:08:35 PM][INFO]Input File: \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Booksmart (2019)\Booksmart (2019) - x264 - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mp4 || Orginal Bitrate: 8906 kb/s
  29. [01-24-2020 04:08:35 PM][INFO]Using command ['C:\\Auto Converter\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe', '-y', '-i', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Booksmart (2019)\\Booksmart (2019) - x264 - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mp4', '-fflags', '+genpts', '-movflags', '+faststart', '-strict', '-2', '-crf', '18', '-cutoff', '18000', '-vcodec', 'hevc_nvenc', '-preset', 'slow', '-b:v', '4687.368421052632K', '-acodec', 'copy', '-b:a', '448k', '-filter:a', 'volume=1.5', '-max_muxing_queue_size', '9999', '-probesize', '1000', '-analyzeduration', '1500M', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Booksmart (2019)\\Booksmart (2019)  - AAC -1080p- AAC - x265 - WEBDL.mp4']
  30. [01-24-2020 04:08:35 PM][ERROR]Error processing \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Booksmart (2019)\Booksmart (2019) - x264 - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mp4
  31. [01-24-2020 04:08:35 PM][INFO]Input File: \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Ma (2019)\Ma (2019) - x264 - AAC - WEBDL-720p.mkv || Orginal Bitrate: 1195 kb/s
  32. [01-24-2020 04:08:35 PM][INFO]Using command ['C:\\Auto Converter\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe', '-y', '-i', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Ma (2019)\\Ma (2019) - x264 - AAC - WEBDL-720p.mkv', '-fflags', '+genpts', '-movflags', '+faststart', '-strict', '-2', '-crf', '18', '-cutoff', '18000', '-vcodec', 'hevc_nvenc', '-preset', 'slow', '-b:v', '628.9473684210527K', '-acodec', 'copy', '-b:a', '448k', '-filter:a', 'volume=1.5', '-max_muxing_queue_size', '9999', '-probesize', '1000', '-analyzeduration', '1500M', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Ma (2019)\\Ma (2019)  - AAC - WEBDL-720p- AAC - x265 - WEBDL.mp4']
  33. [01-24-2020 04:08:36 PM][ERROR]Error processing \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Ma (2019)\Ma (2019) - x264 - AAC - WEBDL-720p.mkv
  34. [01-24-2020 04:08:36 PM][INFO]Input File: \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Skin (2018)\Skin (2018) - x265 - AAC - WEBDL-1080p.mkv || Orginal Bitrate: 1271 kb/s
  35. [01-24-2020 04:08:36 PM][INFO]Using command ['C:\\Auto Converter\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe', '-y', '-i', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Skin (2018)\\Skin (2018) - x265 - AAC - WEBDL-1080p.mkv', '-fflags', '+genpts', '-movflags', '+faststart', '-strict', '-2', '-crf', '18', '-cutoff', '18000', '-vcodec', 'copy', '-preset', 'slow', '-b:v', '668.9473684210527K', '-acodec', 'copy', '-b:a', '448k', '-filter:a', 'volume=1.5', '-max_muxing_queue_size', '9999', '-probesize', '1000', '-analyzeduration', '1500M', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Skin (2018)\\Skin (2018) - x265 - AAC - WEBDL-1080p- AAC - x265 - WEBDL.mp4']
  36. [01-24-2020 04:08:36 PM][ERROR]Error processing \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Skin (2018)\Skin (2018) - x265 - AAC - WEBDL-1080p.mkv
  37. [01-24-2020 04:08:37 PM][INFO]Input File: \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\War of the Worlds (2005)\War of the Worlds (2005) - x264 - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mp4 || Orginal Bitrate: 2730 kb/s
  38. [01-24-2020 04:08:37 PM][INFO]Using command ['C:\\Auto Converter\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe', '-y', '-i', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\War of the Worlds (2005)\\War of the Worlds (2005) - x264 - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mp4', '-fflags', '+genpts', '-movflags', '+faststart', '-strict', '-2', '-crf', '18', '-cutoff', '18000', '-vcodec', 'hevc_nvenc', '-preset', 'slow', '-b:v', '1436.842105263158K', '-acodec', 'copy', '-b:a', '448k', '-filter:a', 'volume=1.5', '-max_muxing_queue_size', '9999', '-probesize', '1000', '-analyzeduration', '1500M', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\War of the Worlds (2005)\\War of the Worlds (2005)  - AAC -1080p- AAC - x265 - WEBDL.mp4']
  39. [01-24-2020 04:08:37 PM][ERROR]Error processing \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\War of the Worlds (2005)\War of the Worlds (2005) - x264 - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mp4
  40. [01-24-2020 04:08:39 PM][INFO]Input File: \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Midsommar (2019)\Midsommar (2019) - x264 - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mp4 || Orginal Bitrate: 7649 kb/s
  41. [01-24-2020 04:08:39 PM][INFO]Using command ['C:\\Auto Converter\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe', '-y', '-i', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Midsommar (2019)\\Midsommar (2019) - x264 - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mp4', '-fflags', '+genpts', '-movflags', '+faststart', '-strict', '-2', '-crf', '18', '-cutoff', '18000', '-vcodec', 'hevc_nvenc', '-preset', 'slow', '-b:v', '4025.789473684211K', '-acodec', 'copy', '-b:a', '448k', '-filter:a', 'volume=1.5', '-max_muxing_queue_size', '9999', '-probesize', '1000', '-analyzeduration', '1500M', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Midsommar (2019)\\Midsommar (2019)  - AAC -1080p- AAC - x265 - WEBDL.mp4']
  42. [01-24-2020 04:08:39 PM][ERROR]Error processing \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Midsommar (2019)\Midsommar (2019) - x264 - AAC - Bluray-1080p.mp4
  43. [01-24-2020 04:08:41 PM][INFO]Input File: \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Halloweentown (1998)\Halloweentown (1998) - x264 - AAC - WEBDL-720p.mkv || Orginal Bitrate: 5012 kb/s
  44. [01-24-2020 04:08:41 PM][INFO]Using command ['C:\\Auto Converter\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe', '-y', '-i', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Halloweentown (1998)\\Halloweentown (1998) - x264 - AAC - WEBDL-720p.mkv', '-fflags', '+genpts', '-movflags', '+faststart', '-strict', '-2', '-crf', '18', '-cutoff', '18000', '-vcodec', 'hevc_nvenc', '-preset', 'slow', '-b:v', '2637.8947368421054K', '-acodec', 'copy', '-b:a', '448k', '-filter:a', 'volume=1.5', '-max_muxing_queue_size', '9999', '-probesize', '1000', '-analyzeduration', '1500M', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Halloweentown (1998)\\Halloweentown (1998)  - AAC - WEBDL-720p- AAC - x265 - WEBDL.mp4']
  45. [01-24-2020 04:08:41 PM][ERROR]Error processing \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Halloweentown (1998)\Halloweentown (1998) - x264 - AAC - WEBDL-720p.mkv
  46. [01-24-2020 04:08:58 PM][ERROR]ffprobe can't find all info on \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\The Longest Yard (2005)\The Longest Yard (2005)   - WEBDL-1080p- AAC - x265 - WEBDL.mp4 further inspection needed.
  47. [01-24-2020 04:08:59 PM][ERROR]ffprobe can't find all info on \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Cinderella Man (2005)\Cinderella Man (2005)   -1080p- AAC - x265 - WEBDL.mp4 further inspection needed.
  48. [01-24-2020 04:09:00 PM][INFO]Input File: \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Nothing but Trouble (1991)\Nothing but Trouble (1991) - h264 - AAC - WEBDL-1080p.mkv || Orginal Bitrate: 5531 kb/s
  49. [01-24-2020 04:09:00 PM][INFO]Using command ['C:\\Auto Converter\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe', '-y', '-i', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Nothing but Trouble (1991)\\Nothing but Trouble (1991) - h264 - AAC - WEBDL-1080p.mkv', '-fflags', '+genpts', '-movflags', '+faststart', '-strict', '-2', '-crf', '18', '-cutoff', '18000', '-vcodec', 'hevc_nvenc', '-preset', 'slow', '-b:v', '2911.0526315789475K', '-acodec', 'copy', '-b:a', '448k', '-filter:a', 'volume=1.5', '-max_muxing_queue_size', '9999', '-probesize', '1000', '-analyzeduration', '1500M', '\\\\XDSTREAMING\\media\\movies\\Nothing but Trouble (1991)\\Nothing but Trouble (1991)  - AAC - WEBDL-1080p- AAC - x265 - WEBDL.mp4']
  50. [01-24-2020 04:09:00 PM][ERROR]Error processing \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Nothing but Trouble (1991)\Nothing but Trouble (1991) - h264 - AAC - WEBDL-1080p.mkv
  51. [01-24-2020 04:09:02 PM][ERROR]ffprobe can't find all info on \\XDSTREAMING\media\movies\Colette (2018)\Colette (2018)   -1080p- AAC - x265 - WEBDL.mp4 further inspection needed.
  52. [01-24-2020 04:09:06 PM][SUCCESS]Conversion script complete.
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