

Nov 8th, 2019
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  1. --library
  2. local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://pastebin.com/raw/eWKgbdix", true))()
  3. --[Locals and globals]--
  4. local plrh = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  5. local char = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid
  6. local backpack = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
  7. game.workspace.Blackbeard.Mainframe:Destroy()
  8. game.workspace.Bound.Mainframe:Destroy()
  9. game.workspace.Whitebeard.Mainframe:Destroy()
  10. --[Locals and globals end]--
  11. game:GetService('RunService').Stepped:connect(function()
  12. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:findFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid"):ChangeState(11)
  13. end)
  14. --[Actual UI and stuff]--
  15. local main = library:CreateWindow("AutoFarm")
  16. main:Section("Settings")
  17. local soulsFarm = main:Toggle("Soul farm", {flag="soulsEnabled"})
  18. local bossFarm = main:Toggle("Boss farm", {flag="bossEnabled"})
  19. local DFbuy = main:Toggle("DF buy", {flag="DFEnabled"})
  21. local credits = library:CreateWindow("Credits")
  22. credits:Section("Scripts : awdas")
  23. credits:Section("UI Library : wally")
  24. credits:Section("GUI creator : B1gF3k")
  26. while true do
  27. wait()
  28. if main.flags.soulsEnabled then
  29. if backpack:findFirstChild("Combat")then
  30. char:EquipTool(backpack.Combat)
  31. end
  32. for i,v in pairs(game.workspace:GetChildren()) do
  33. if v.Name == "Blackbeard" then
  34. plrh.CFrame = CFrame.new(v.HumanoidRootPart.Position + Vector3.new(0, 4, 0), v.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
  35. wait(0.3)
  36. game.workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].Combat.ActionEvent:FireServer()
  37. wait(0.7)
  38. v.Humanoid.Health = 0
  39. game.ReplicatedStorage.DialogEvent:FireServer(unpack{"finishblackbeardquest"})
  41. --bound
  42. for q,w in pairs(game.workspace:GetChildren()) do
  43. if w.Name == "Bound" then
  44. plrh.CFrame = CFrame.new(w.HumanoidRootPart.Position + Vector3.new(0, 4, 0), w.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
  45. wait(0.3)
  46. game.workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].Combat.ActionEvent:FireServer()
  47. wait(0.7)
  48. w.Humanoid.Health = 0
  49. --Whitebeard
  50. for a,s in pairs(game.workspace:GetChildren()) do
  51. if s.Name == "Whitebeard" then
  52. plrh.CFrame = CFrame.new(s.HumanoidRootPart.Position + Vector3.new(0, 4, 0), s.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
  53. wait(0.3)
  54. game.workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].Combat.ActionEvent:FireServer()
  55. wait(0.7)
  56. s.Humanoid.Health = 0
  57. game.ReplicatedStorage.DialogEvent:FireServer(unpack{"finishbeardquest"})
  58. end
  59. end
  60. end
  61. end
  62. end
  63. end
  64. end
  65. if main.flags.bossEnabled then
  66. main.flags.soulsEnabled = false
  67. if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack["Trapped Soul"] then
  68. char:EquipTool(backpack["Corrupted Soul"])
  69. plrh.CFrame = CFrame.new(-1335.12817, 52.4576492, 3631.01831)
  70. wait(1)
  71. char:EquipTool(backpack["Experience Soul"])
  72. plrh.CFrame = CFrame.new(-1301.59009, 50.0305786, 3630.427)
  73. wait(1)
  74. char:EquipTool(backpack["His Soul"])
  75. plrh.CFrame = CFrame.new(-1338.51257, 50.3376427, 3594.96558)
  76. wait(1)
  77. char:EquipTool(backpack["Trapped Soul"])
  78. plrh.CFrame = CFrame.new(-1301.97058, 50.3376427, 3594.87012)
  79. wait(1)
  80. char:EquipTool(backpack["His Soul"])
  81. plrh.CFrame = game.workspace.BossSummon.CFrame + Vector3.new(-2,-3,0)
  82. wait(2)
  83. if game.workspace.INFERNO then
  84. char:EquipTool(backpack["Combat"])
  85. wait(0.5)
  86. plrh.CFrame = game.workspace.INFERNO.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  87. game.workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].Combat.ActionEvent:FireServer()
  88. wait(1)
  89. game.workspace.INFERNO.Humanoid.Health = 0
  90. end
  91. end
  92. end
  96. if main.flags.DFEnabled then
  97. wait()
  98. game.ReplicatedStorage.DialogEvent:FireServer(unpack{"buydevilfruit"})
  99. end
  100. end
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