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Jun 16th, 2019
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  1. [HttpPost]
  2. [OutputCache(Location = OutputCacheLocation.Client, Duration = 0, VaryByParam = "id")]
  3. [Dependency(typeof(ReportDialogScriptBuilder))]
  4. public ActionResult Run()
  5. {
  6. ActionResult result = null;
  8. // parse the content type
  9. ReportContentType reportContentType = GetRequestValue(ReportFilterType.ReportContentType).ToEnumeration<ReportContentType>();
  11. // parse the report id
  12. int reportId = GetRequestValue(ReportFilterType.ReportType).ToInt32();
  14. // declare file extension
  15. string extension = null;
  17. ContentType contentType = ContentType.HTML;
  19. // determine the content type
  20. switch (reportContentType)
  21. {
  22. case ReportContentType.PDF:
  23. contentType = ContentType.PDF;
  24. extension = "pdf";
  25. break;
  26. case ReportContentType.Excel:
  27. contentType = ContentType.XLS;
  28. extension = "xls";
  29. break;
  30. case ReportContentType.Word:
  31. contentType = ContentType.DOC;
  32. extension = "doc";
  33. break;
  34. case ReportContentType.HTML:
  35. default:
  36. break;
  37. }
  39. var reportData = this.DataContextProvider.Reporting.GetReport(reportId).SingleOrDefault();
  40. if (null == reportData)
  41. throw new SystemException("The specified report does not exist.");
  43. RunModes runModes = (RunModes)reportData.RunMode;
  45. // check whether this report uses a custom HTML report writer
  46. if (runModes.HasFlag(RunModes.Writer))
  47. {
  48. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  49. var sections = DataContextProvider.Reporting.GetReportSections(reportID: reportId);
  50. foreach (var section in sections)
  51. {
  52. // ASSUMPTION: When multiple sections are defined, the individual writers will be implemented to open / close tags correctly (e.g. <HTML>, <BODY>, etc.)
  53. if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(section.Header))
  54. {
  55. sb.AppendLine("<h2>" + TextBlock.Create(section.Header) + "</h2>");
  56. }
  58. // get the IHtmlMarkupWriter / Writer-derived formatter type name
  59. string typeName = section.FormatterType;
  60. Type type = Type.GetType(typeName);
  61. if (null != type)
  62. {
  63. IHtmlMarkupWriter writer = Activator.CreateInstance(type) as IHtmlMarkupWriter;
  64. if (null != writer)
  65. {
  66. var properties = type.GetProperties();
  67. foreach (var property in properties)
  68. {
  69. var attribs = Reflection.ReflectionUtility.GetAttributesOfType<Reporting.ReportFilterTypeAttribute>(property);
  70. foreach (var attrib in attribs)
  71. {
  72. if (null != attrib)
  73. {
  74. string value = Resolver.GetReportFilter(attrib.Type);
  75. object raw = ConversionUtility.ChangeType(value, property.PropertyType);
  76. property.SetValue(writer, raw, null);
  77. // break on the first non-null value that is set
  78. if (null != raw) break;
  79. }
  80. }
  81. }
  83. sb.AppendLine(writer.Render().ToHtmlString());
  84. }
  85. }
  86. }
  88. switch (contentType)
  89. {
  90. case ContentType.DOC:
  91. FileContentResult fcr = File(fileContents: Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sb.ToString()),
  92. contentType: contentType.ToAbbreviation<ContentType>(),
  93. fileDownloadName: reportData.Name + ".doc");
  94. result = fcr;
  95. break;
  96. case ContentType.HTML:
  97. default:
  98. ContentResult cr = new ContentResult();
  99. cr.Content = sb.ToString();
  100. cr.ContentType = contentType.ToAbbreviation<ContentType>();
  101. cr.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
  102. result = cr;
  103. break;
  104. }
  105. }
  106. // check to see if rendering directly to file or to web control
  107. else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(extension))
  108. {
  109. // render using ReportViewer as HTML
  110. string url = "/Reports/Viewer.aspx?" + Request.QueryString.ToString();
  111. result = new RedirectResult(url);
  112. }
  113. else
  114. {
  115. // render directly to specified content type
  116. try
  117. {
  118. ReportHelper helper = new ReportHelper(reportId, Resolver);
  120. byte[] renderedBytes = helper.Render(reportContentType,
  121. height: reportData.Height,
  122. width: reportData.Width,
  123. marginBottom: reportData.BottomMargin,
  124. marginLeft: reportData.LeftMargin,
  125. marginRight: reportData.RightMargin,
  126. marginTop: reportData.TopMargin);
  128. // check to see if a user-specified filename should be used
  129. string name = GetRequestValue(ReportFilterType.ReportFileName);
  131. // check the name value
  132. if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
  133. {
  134. // get the default download name based on the report type
  135. name = ReportUtility.GetDownloadName(reportId);
  136. }
  138. // format the download file name
  139. string fileName = String.Format("{0}.{1}", name, extension);
  141. result = File(renderedBytes, helper.ContentType, fileName);
  142. }
  143. catch (Exception ex)
  144. {
  145. HandleException(ex);
  146. result = Error();
  147. }
  148. }
  150. return result;
  151. }
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