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Jun 19th, 2019
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  1. TEAM_501stTROOPER = DarkRP.createJob("501st Legion Trooper", {
  2. color = Color(51, 112, 255)
  3. model = {"models/player/venator/501st_stormtrooper/501st_stormtrooper.mdl"},
  4. description = [[ You are a 501st Legion Stormtrooper, obey Lord Vader. ]],
  5. weapons = {"none","tfa_dlt19_extended","tfa_e11_extended","tfa_dh17_extended"},
  6. command = "501ST",
  7. max = 20,
  8. salary = 5,
  9. admin = 0,
  10. vote = false,
  11. hasLicense = false,
  12. candemote = false,
  13. category = "501st Legion",
  14. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  15. ply:SetMaxHealth(175)
  16. ply:SetHealth(175)
  17. ply:SetArmor(100)
  18. end
  19. })
  20. TEAM_501stTCSL = DarkRP.createJob("501st Tango Company Squadron Leader", {
  21. color = Color(51, 121, 255),
  22. model = {"models/player/hydro/tk_commander/tk_commander.mdl"},
  23. description = [[ You are the leader of the elite subdivision of the 501st Legion, lead your division to victory and make your Commander proud.]],
  24. weapons = {"none","tfa_e11_b","tfa_752_ihr","tfa_t21_extended","tfa_wsp_2","tfa_swch_dc15s"},
  25. command = "501stTANGOCOMPANYSQUADLEAD",
  26. max = 1,
  27. salary = 20,
  28. admin = 0,
  29. vote = false,
  30. hasLicense = false,
  31. candemote = false,
  32. category = "501st Legion",
  33. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  34. ply:SetMaxHealth(350)
  35. ply:SetHealth(350)
  36. ply:SetArmor(100)
  37. end
  38. })
  39. TEAM_501stSERGEANT = DarkRP.createJob("501st Legion Sergeant", {
  40. color = Color(51, 112, 255)
  41. model = {"models/player/venator/501st_stormtrooper/501st_stormtrooper.mdl"},
  42. description = [[ You are a 501st Legion Stormtrooper, obey Lord Vader. ]],
  43. weapons = {"none","tfa_dlt19_extended","tfa_e11_extended","tfa_dh17_extended","tfa_grenade"},
  44. command = "501STSERGEANT",
  45. max = 10,
  46. salary = 5,
  47. admin = 0,
  48. vote = false,
  49. hasLicense = false,
  50. candemote = false,
  51. category = "501st Legion",
  52. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  53. ply:SetMaxHealth(225)
  54. ply:SetHealth(225)
  55. ply:SetArmor(100)
  56. end
  57. })
  58. TEAM_501STCOMMANDER = DarkRP.createJob("501st Legion Commander", {
  59. color = Color(51, 112, 255)
  60. model = {"models/player/venator/501st_stormtrooper/501st_stormtrooper.mdl"},
  61. description = [[ You are the 501st Legion Commander, lead your regiment to victory and make Lord Vader proud. ]],
  62. weapons = {"none","tfa_dlt19_extended","tfa_e11_extended","tfa_dh17_extended","tfa_se14c_extended","chaingun_servius"},
  63. command = "501STCOMMANDER",
  64. max = 1,
  65. salary = 25,
  66. admin = 0,
  67. vote = false,
  68. hasLicense = false,
  69. candemote = false,
  70. category = "501st Legion",
  71. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  72. ply:SetMaxHealth(600)
  73. ply:SetHealth(600)
  74. ply:SetArmor(100)
  75. end
  76. })
  77. TEAM_501STTC = DarkRP.createJob("501st Tango Company Trooper", {
  78. color = Color(51, 121, 255),
  79. model = {"models/player/hydro/tk_commander/tk_commander.mdl"},
  80. description = [[ You are an elite subdivision of the 501st Legion ]],
  81. weapons = {"tfa_e11_b","tfa_752_ihr","tfa_t21_extended","tfa_wsp_2","tfa_swch_dc15s"},
  82. command = "501stTANGOCOMPANY",
  83. max = 10,
  84. salary = 20,
  85. admin = 0,
  86. vote = false,
  87. hasLicense = false,
  88. candemote = false,
  89. category = "501st Legion",
  90. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  91. ply:SetMaxHealth(250)
  92. ply:SetHealth(250)
  93. ply:SetArmor(100)
  94. end
  95. })
  96. TEAM_501STOFFICER = DarkRP.createJob("501st Legion Officer", {
  97. color = Color(51, 112, 255)
  98. model = {"models/player/venator/501st_stormtrooper/501st_stormtrooper.mdl"},
  99. description = [[ You are a 501st Legion Officer. Aid your Commander in leading your regiment into victory. ]],
  100. weapons = {"none","tfa_dlt19_extended","tfa_e11_extended","tfa_dh17_extended","tfa_grenade","tfa_se14c_extended"},
  101. command = "501STOFFICER",
  102. max = 10,
  103. salary = 15,
  104. admin = 0,
  105. vote = false,
  106. hasLicense = false,
  107. candemote = false,
  108. category = "501st Legion",
  109. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  110. ply:SetMaxHealth(250)
  111. ply:SetHealth(250)
  112. ply:SetArmor(100)
  113. end
  114. })
  115. TEAM_501stHEAVYTROOPER = DarkRP.createJob("501st Legion Heavy Trooper", {
  116. color = Color(51, 112, 255)
  117. model = {"models/player/venator/501st_stormtrooper/501st_stormtrooper.mdl"},
  118. description = [[ You are a 501st Legion Stormtrooper Heavy, use your advanced munitions to your advantage. ]],
  119. weapons = {"none", "tfa_dlt19_extended","tfa_e11_extended","tfa_dh17_extended"},
  120. command = "501STHEAVY",
  121. max = 15,
  122. salary = 10,
  123. admin = 0,
  124. vote = false,
  125. hasLicense = false,
  126. candemote = false,
  127. category = "501st Legion",
  128. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  129. ply:SetMaxHealth(250)
  130. ply:SetHealth(250)
  131. ply:SetArmor(100)
  132. end
  133. })
  134. TEAM_INQUISITORACOLYTE = DarkRP.createJob("Inquisitor Acolyte", {
  135. color = Color(79, 16, 16,),
  136. model = {"models/grealms/characters/inquisitor/inquisitor_01.mdl","models/grealms/characters/inquisitor/inquisitor_02.mdl","models/grealms/characters/inquisitor/inquisitor_03.mdl","models/grealms/characters/inquisitor/inquisitor_04.mdl","models/grealms/characters/inquisitor/inquisitor_05.mdl","models/grealms/characters/inquisitor/inquisitor_06.mdl","models/grealms/characters/inquisitor/inquisitor_07.mdl","models/grealms/characters/inquisitor/inquisitor_08.mdl","models/grealms/characters/inquisitor/inquisitor_09.mdl"},
  137. description = [[ You are an initiate to the Inquisitorious Order, your main job is to hunt down and eliminate any Jedi or force-sensitive beings that are not Inquisitors or Sith. ]],
  138. weapons = {"none","weapon_lightsaber_judge_balanced","tfa_dh17_extended","meditation"},
  139. command = "INQUISITORINIT",
  140. max = 10,
  141. salary = 45,
  142. admin = 0,
  143. vote = false,
  144. hasLicense = false,
  145. candemote = false,
  146. category = "Inquisitors",
  147. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  148. ply:SetMaxHealth(1500)
  149. ply:SetHealth(1500)
  150. ply:SetArmor(100)
  151. end
  152. })
  153. TEAM_INQUISITOR = DarkRP.createJob("Inquisitor", {
  154. color = Color(79, 16, 16,),
  155. model = {"models/grealms/characters/inquisitor/inquisitor_01.mdl","models/grealms/characters/inquisitor/inquisitor_02.mdl","models/grealms/characters/inquisitor/inquisitor_03.mdl","models/grealms/characters/inquisitor/inquisitor_04.mdl","models/grealms/characters/inquisitor/inquisitor_05.mdl","models/grealms/characters/inquisitor/inquisitor_06.mdl","models/grealms/characters/inquisitor/inquisitor_07.mdl","models/grealms/characters/inquisitor/inquisitor_08.mdl","models/grealms/characters/inquisitor/inquisitor_09.mdl"},
  156. description = [[ You are a fully-fledged Inquisitor, along with your duties of hunting down and killing Jedi. Assist the Imperial Security Bureau in conducting interrogations. The Dark Side of the force is now your ally. ]],
  157. weapons = {"none","weapon_lightsaber_judge_balanced","tfa_dh17_extended","meditation"},
  158. command = "INQUISITOR",
  159. max = 5,
  160. salary = 55,
  161. admin = 0,
  162. vote = false,
  163. hasLicense = false,
  164. candemote = false,
  165. category = "Inquisitors",
  166. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  167. ply:SetMaxHealth(2500)
  168. ply:SetHealth(2500)
  169. ply:SetArmor(100)
  170. end
  171. })
  172. TEAM_GRANDINQ = DarkRP.createJob("Grand Inquisitor", {
  173. color = Color(79, 16, 16,),
  174. model = {"models/ethli/characters/inquisitorrebel/inquisitorrebel.mdl"},
  175. description = [[ You are the Grand Inquisitor, you are second to only Vader and the Emperor when it comes to your connection to the force. Lead your Inquisitors and carry on the will of the Emperor. ]],
  176. weapons = {"none","weapon_lightsaber_judge_balanced","tfa_dh17_extended","meditation"},
  177. command = "GRANDINQUISITOR",
  178. max = 1,
  179. salary = 55,
  180. admin = 0,
  181. vote = false,
  182. hasLicense = false,
  183. candemote = false,
  184. category = "Inquisitors",
  185. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  186. ply:SetMaxHealth(2750)
  187. ply:SetHealth(2750)
  188. ply:SetArmor(100)
  189. end
  190. })
  191. TEAM_ISBCADET = DarkRP.createJob("ISB Cadet", {
  192. color = Color(65, 65, 63),
  193. model = {"models/player/swbf_imperial_isb_agentv2/swbf_imperial_isb_agentv2.mdl"},
  194. description = [[ You are a cadet of the Imperial Security Bureau, you handle interrogation, internal affairs matters, and a second form of Shock Troopers if they are not present. ]],
  195. weapons = {"tfa_se14c_extended","tfa_e11_extended","arrest_stick","stunstick","unarrest_stick"},
  196. command = "ISBCADET",
  197. max = 15,
  198. salary = 40,
  199. admin = 0,
  200. vote = false,
  201. hasLicense = false,
  202. candemote = false,
  203. category = "Imperial Security Bureau",
  204. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  205. ply:SetMaxHealth(200)
  206. ply:SetHealth(200)
  207. ply:SetArmor(100)
  208. end
  209. })
  210. TEAM_ISBAGENT = DarkRP.createJob("ISB Agent", {
  211. color = Color(65, 65, 63),
  212. model = {"models/player/swbf_imperial_isb_agentv2/swbf_imperial_isb_agentv2.mdl"},
  213. description = [[ You are an Agent of the Imperial Security Bureau, you handle interrogation, internal affairs matters, and a second form of Shock Troopers if they are not present. ]],
  214. weapons = {"tfa_se14c_extended","tfa_e11_extended","arrest_stick","stunstick","unarrest_stick"},
  215. command = "ISBAGENT",
  216. max = 10,
  217. salary = 40,
  218. admin = 0,
  219. vote = false,
  220. hasLicense = false,
  221. candemote = false,
  222. category = "Imperial Security Bureau",
  223. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  224. ply:SetMaxHealth(200)
  225. ply:SetHealth(200)
  226. ply:SetArmor(100)
  227. end
  228. })
  229. TEAM_ISBDIRECTOR = DarkRP.createJob("ISB Director", {
  230. color = Color(65, 65, 63),
  231. model = {"models/player/swbf_imperial_officer_isbofficerv2/swbf_imperial_officer_isbofficerv2.mdl"},
  232. description = [[ You are a Director of the Imperial Security Bureau, you handle interrogation, internal affairs matters, and a second form of Shock Troopers if they are not present. ]],
  233. weapons = {"tfa_se14c_extended","tfa_e11_extended","arrest_stick","stunstick","unarrest_stick"},
  234. command = "ISBDIRECTOR",
  235. max = 5,
  236. salary = 60,
  237. admin = 0,
  238. vote = false,
  239. hasLicense = false,
  240. candemote = false,
  241. category = "Imperial Security Bureau",
  242. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  243. ply:SetMaxHealth(200)
  244. ply:SetHealth(200)
  245. ply:SetArmor(100)
  246. end
  247. })
  248. TEAM_JUMPCMD = DarkRP.createJob("Jump Commander", {
  249. color = Color(100, 100, 100, 99),
  250. model = {"models/player/bunny/imperial_jumptrooper/imperial_jumptrooper_trooper.mdl"},
  251. description = [[ Jump Commander (Commander Uses Pauldron) ]],
  252. weapons = {"none", "tfa_e11_extended","tfa_ee3_extended","tfa_sw_dual_de10"},
  253. command = "JumpCMD",
  254. max = 1,
  255. salary = 20,
  256. admin = 0,
  257. vote = false,
  258. hasLicense = false,
  259. candemote = false,
  260. category = "Jump Troopers",
  261. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  262. ply:SetMaxHealth(600)
  263. ply:SetHealth(600)
  264. ply:SetArmor(100)
  265. end
  266. })
  267. TEAM_JUMPOFF = DarkRP.createJob("Jump Officer", {
  268. color = Color(100, 100, 100, 99),
  269. model = {"models/player/bunny/imperial_jumptrooper/imperial_jumptrooper_officer.mdl"},
  270. description = [[ Jump Officer (Officer Uses tk_jump.smd) ]],
  271. weapons = {"tfa_e11_extended","tfa_ee3_extended","tfa_sw_dual_de10,”none”,"},
  272. command = "JumpOFF",
  273. max = 5,
  274. salary = 20,
  275. admin = 0,
  276. vote = false,
  277. hasLicense = false,
  278. candemote = false,
  279. category = "Jump Troopers",
  280. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  281. ply:SetMaxHealth(450)
  282. ply:SetHealth(450)
  283. ply:SetArmor(100)
  284. end
  285. })
  286. TEAM_JUMPSGT = DarkRP.createJob("Jump Sergeant", {
  287. color = Color(100, 100, 100, 99),
  288. model = {"models/player/bunny/imperial_jumptrooper/imperial_jumptrooper_sergeant.mdl"},
  289. description = [[ Jump Sergeant (Sergeant Uses tk_jump3.smd) ]],
  290. weapons = {"none","tfa_e11_extended","tfa_ee3_extended","tfa_sw_dual_de10"},
  291. command = "JumpSGT",
  292. max = 15,
  293. salary = 20,
  294. admin = 0,
  295. vote = false,
  296. hasLicense = false,
  297. candemote = false,
  298. category = "Jump Troopers",
  299. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  300. ply:SetMaxHealth(350)
  301. ply:SetHealth(350)
  302. ply:SetArmor(100)
  303. end
  304. })
  305. TEAM_JUMPTRP = DarkRP.createJob("Jump Trooper", {
  306. color = Color(100, 100, 100, 99),
  307. model = {"models/player/bunny/imperial_jumptrooper/imperial_jumptrooper_trooper.mdl"},
  308. description = [[ Jump Trooper (Trooper Uses tk_jump3.smd) ]],
  309. weapons = {"none","tfa_e11_extended","tfa_ee3_extended","tfa_sw_dual_de10","tfa_grenade"},
  310. command = "JumpTRP",
  311. max = 20,
  312. salary = 20,
  313. admin = 0,
  314. vote = false,
  315. hasLicense = false,
  316. candemote = false,
  317. category = "Jump Troopers",
  318. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  319. ply:SetMaxHealth(250)
  320. ply:SetHealth(250)
  321. ply:SetArmor(100)
  322. end
  323. })
  324. TEAM_JUMPTROOPER = DarkRP.createJob("Jump Trooper", {
  325. color = Color(150, 255, 255, 255),
  326. model = {"models/player/bunny/imperial_jumptrooper/imperial_jumptrooper_trooper.mdl"},
  327. description = [[You are a Jump Trooper. You use jet packs to get to specific locations for scouting, reconnaissance when SCT can't get to the spot, and ariel assault.]],
  328. weapons = { "none", "rw_sw_e11", "tfa_dh17_extended"},
  329. command = "jumptrooper",
  330. max = 0,
  331. salary = 5,
  332. admin = 0,
  333. vote = false,
  334. hasLicense = false,
  335. candemote = false,
  336. category = "Jump Troopers",
  337. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  338. ply:SetMaxHealth(225)
  339. ply:SetHealth(225)
  340. ply:SetArmor(25)
  341. end
  342. })
  343. TEAM_MEDICCMD = DarkRP.createJob("Medical Commander", {
  344. color = Color(0 ,255, 0),
  345. model = {"models/player/rescue_troopers/rescue_commander.mdl"},
  346. description = [[ Medical Commander ]],
  347. weapons = {"none","tfa_e11_extended","tfa_dh17_extended","tfa_swch_alphablaster","weapon_bactanade","weapon_bactainjector"},
  348. command = "MedicCMD",
  349. max = 1,
  350. salary = 20,
  351. admin = 0,
  352. vote = false,
  353. hasLicense = false,
  354. candemote = false,
  355. category = "Medical Battalion",
  356. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  357. ply:SetMaxHealth(600)
  358. ply:SetHealth(600)
  359. ply:SetArmor(100)
  360. end
  361. })
  362. TEAM_MEDICOFF = DarkRP.createJob("Medical Officer", {
  363. color = Color(0, 255 , 0),
  364. model = {"models/player/rescue_troopers/rescue_commander.mdl"},
  365. description = [[ Medical Officer ]],
  366. weapons = {"none",“tfa_e11_extended”,”tfa_dh17_extended”,”tfa_swch_alphablaster”,”weapon_bactanade”,”weapon_bactainjector”},
  367. command = "MedicOFF",
  368. max = 5,
  369. salary = 20,
  370. admin = 0,
  371. vote = false,
  372. hasLicense = false,
  373. candemote = false,
  374. category = "Medical Battalion",
  375. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  376. ply:SetMaxHealth(500)
  377. ply:SetHealth(500)
  378. ply:SetArmor(100)
  379. end
  380. })
  381. TEAM_MEDICSGT = DarkRP.createJob("Medical Sergeant", {
  382. color = Color(0, 255, 0),
  383. model = {"models/player/rescue_troopers/rescue_commander.mdl"},
  384. description = [[ Medical Sergeant ]],
  385. weapons = {"none",“tfa_e11_extended”,”tfa_dh17_extended”,”tfa_swch_alphablaster”,”weapon_bactanade”,”weapon_bactainjector”,},
  386. command = "MedicSGT",
  387. max = 15,
  388. salary = 20,
  389. admin = 0,
  390. vote = false,
  391. hasLicense = false,
  392. candemote = false,
  393. category = "Medical Battalion",
  394. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  395. ply:SetMaxHealth(400)
  396. ply:SetHealth(400)
  397. ply:SetArmor(100)
  398. end
  399. })
  400. TEAM_MEDICTRP = DarkRP.createJob("Medic Trooper", {
  401. color = Color(0, 255, 0),
  402. model = {"models/player/rescue_troopers/rescue_trooper.mdl"},
  403. description = [[ Medical Trooper ]],
  404. weapons = {“tfa_e11_extended”,”tfa_dh17_extended”,”tfa_swch_alphablaster”,”weapon_bactanade”,”weapon_bactainjector”,”none”,},
  405. command = "MedicTRP",
  406. max = 25,
  407. salary = 20,
  408. admin = 0,
  409. vote = false,
  410. hasLicense = false,
  411. candemote = false,
  412. category = "Medical Battalion",
  413. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  414. ply:SetMaxHealth(350)
  415. ply:SetHealth(350)
  416. ply:SetArmor(100)
  417. end
  418. })
  419. TEAM_NAVALCADET = DarkRP.createJob("Naval Cadet", {
  420. color = Color(170, 171, 164),
  421. model = {"models/player/swbf_imperial_officer_ensignv2/swbf_imperial_officer_ensignv2.mdl"},
  422. description = [[ You are a Naval Cadet, the entry level rank to the Imperial Navy. ]],
  423. weapons = {"none","tfa_se14c_extended","tfa_e11_extended"},
  424. command = "NAVALCDT",
  425. max = 20,
  426. salary = 40,
  427. admin = 0,
  428. vote = false,
  429. hasLicense = false,
  430. candemote = false,
  431. category = "Imperial Navy",
  432. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  433. ply:SetMaxHealth(150)
  434. ply:SetHealth(150)
  435. ply:SetArmor(100)
  436. end
  437. })
  438. TEAM_NAVALDRILLINSTRUCTOR = DarkRP.createJob("Naval Drill Instructor", {
  439. color = Color(170, 171, 164),
  440. model = {"models/player/swbf_imperial_officer_ncov2/swbf_imperial_officer_ncov2.mdl"},
  441. description = [[ You are a Naval Drill Instructor, host frequent trainings for Stormtroopers. ]],
  442. weapons = {"none","tfa_se14c_extended","tfa_e11_extended","stunstick"},
  443. command = "NAVALDI",
  444. max = 10,
  445. salary = 50,
  446. admin = 0,
  447. vote = false,
  448. hasLicense = false,
  449. candemote = false,
  450. category = "Imperial Navy",
  451. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  452. ply:SetMaxHealth(250)
  453. ply:SetHealth(250)
  454. ply:SetArmor(100)
  455. end
  456. })
  457. TEAM_NAVALTECHNICIAN = DarkRP.createJob("Naval Technician ", {
  458. color = Color(170, 171, 164),
  459. model = {"models/player/swbf_imperial_officer_commodorev2/swbf_imperial_officer_commodorev2.mdl"},
  460. description = [[ You are a Naval Technician, you handle engineering duties. ]],
  461. weapons = {”none”,"tfa_se14c_extended","tfa_e11_extended","gmod_tool","weapon_physgun"},
  462. command = "NAVALTECHNICIAN",
  463. max = 10,
  464. salary = 50,
  465. admin = 0,
  466. vote = false,
  467. hasLicense = false,
  468. candemote = false,
  469. category = "Imperial Navy",
  470. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  471. ply:SetMaxHealth(150)
  472. ply:SetHealth(150)
  473. ply:SetArmor(100)
  474. end
  475. })
  476. TEAM_NAVALOFFICER = DarkRP.createJob("Naval Officer", {
  477. color = Color(170, 171, 164),
  478. model = {"models/player/swbf_imperial_officer_ensignv2/swbf_imperial_officer_ensignv2.mdl","models/player/swbf_imperial_officer_commodorev2/swbf_imperial_officer_commodorev2.mdl","models/player/swbf_imperial_officer_grand_admiralv2/swbf_imperial_officer_grand_admiralv2.mdl","models/player/swbf_imperial_officer_colonelv2/swbf_imperial_officer_colonelv2.mdl"},
  479. description = [[ You are a Naval Officer, lead the Stormtroopers under your command to victory. ]],
  480. weapons = {"none",,"tfa_se14c_extended","tfa_e11_extended",""},
  481. command = "NAVALOFFICER",
  482. max = 20,
  483. salary = 60,
  484. admin = 0,
  485. vote = false,
  486. hasLicense = false,
  487. candemote = false,
  488. category = "Imperial Navy",
  489. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  490. ply:SetMaxHealth(200)
  491. ply:SetHealth(200)
  492. ply:SetArmor(100)
  493. end
  494. })
  495. TEAM_PILOTCMD = DarkRP.createJob("Pilot Commander", {
  496. color = Color(255,255,0),
  497. model = {"models/player/markus/swbf2/characters/hero/imperial_pilots/pilot_imperial_orig_05_o/pilot_imperial_orig_05_o.mdl"},
  498. description = [[ Pilot Commander ]],
  499. weapons = {"none","repair_tool","tfa_se14c","tfa_e11_extended"},
  500. command = "PilotCMD",
  501. max = 1,
  502. salary = 20,
  503. admin = 0,
  504. vote = false,
  505. hasLicense = false,
  506. candemote = false,
  507. category = "Pilots",
  508. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  509. ply:SetMaxHealth(600)
  510. ply:SetHealth(600)
  511. ply:SetArmor(150)
  512. end
  513. })
  514. TEAM_PILOTBOMBER = DarkRP.createJob("Pilot Bomber", {
  515. color = Color(255,255,0),
  516. model = {"models/player/markus/swbf2/characters/hero/imperial_pilots/pilot_imperial_orig_02_r/pilot_imperial_orig_02_r.mdl"},
  517. description = [[ Pilot Bomber ]],
  518. weapons = {"none","repair_tool","tfa_se14c","tfa_e11_extended"},
  519. command = "PilotBomber",
  520. max = 15,
  521. salary = 20,
  522. admin = 0,
  523. vote = false,
  524. hasLicense = false,
  525. candemote = false,
  526. category = "Pilots",
  527. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  528. ply:SetMaxHealth(250)
  529. ply:SetHealth(250)
  530. ply:SetArmor(150)
  531. end
  532. })
  533. TEAM_PILOTSTEALTH = DarkRP.createJob("Stealth Pilot", {
  534. color = Color(255,255,0),
  535. model = {"models/player/markus/swbf2/characters/hero/imperial_pilots/pilot_imperial_orig_06_p/pilot_imperial_orig_06_p.mdl"},
  536. description = [[ Stealth Pilot ]],
  537. weapons = {"repair_tool","tfa_se14c","tfa_e11_extended",”none”,},
  538. command = "StealthPilot",
  539. max = 15,
  540. salary = 20,
  541. admin = 0,
  542. vote = false,
  543. hasLicense = false,
  544. candemote = false,
  545. category = "Pilots",
  546. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  547. ply:SetMaxHealth(250)
  548. ply:SetHealth(250)
  549. ply:SetArmor(150)
  550. end
  551. })
  552. TEAM_PILOTTRANSPORTER = DarkRP.createJob("Pilot Transporter", {
  553. color = Color(255,255,0),
  554. model = {"models/player/markus/swbf2/characters/hero/imperial_pilots/pilot_imperial_orig_04_b/pilot_imperial_orig_04_b.mdl"},
  555. description = [[ Pilot Transporter ]],
  556. weapons = {"repair_tool","tfa_se14c","tfa_e11_extended",”none”,},
  557. command = "PilotTransporter",
  558. max = 15,
  559. salary = 20,
  560. admin = 0,
  561. vote = false,
  562. hasLicense = false,
  563. candemote = false,
  564. category = "Pilots",
  565. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  566. ply:SetMaxHealth(250)
  567. ply:SetHealth(250)
  568. ply:SetArmor(150)
  569. end
  570. })
  571. TEAM_PILOTFIGHTER = DarkRP.createJob("Fighter Pilot", {
  572. color = Color(255,255,0),
  573. model = {"models/player/markus/swbf2/characters/hero/imperial_pilots/pilot_imperial_orig_03_g/pilot_imperial_orig_03_g.mdl"},
  574. description = [[ Fighter Pilot ]],
  575. weapons = {"repair_tool","tfa_se14c","tfa_e11_extended,”none”,},
  576. command = "FighterPilot",
  577. max = 15,
  578. salary = 20,
  579. admin = 0,
  580. vote = false,
  581. hasLicense = false,
  582. candemote = false,
  583. category = "Pilots",
  584. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  585. ply:SetMaxHealth(250)
  586. ply:SetHealth(250)
  587. ply:SetArmor(150)
  588. end
  589. })
  590. TEAM_PILOTTRP = DarkRP.createJob("Pilot Trooper", {
  591. color = Color(255,255,0),
  592. model = {"models/player/markus/swbf2/characters/hero/imperial_pilots/pilot_imperial_orig_01/pilot_imperial_orig_01.mdl"},
  593. description = [[ Pilot Trooper ]],
  594. weapons = {"repair_tool","tfa_se14c","tfa_e11_extended",”none”,},
  595. command = "Pilot Trooper",
  596. max = 15,
  597. salary = 20,
  598. admin = 0,
  599. vote = false,
  600. hasLicense = false,
  601. candemote = false,
  602. category = "Pilots",
  603. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  604. ply:SetMaxHealth(250)
  605. ply:SetHealth(250)
  606. ply:SetArmor(150)
  607. end
  608. })
  609. TEAM_ROYALSTORMTROOPER = DarkRP.createJob("Royal Guard Trooper", {
  610. color = Color(130, 17, 8),
  611. model = {"models/player/hydro/imperial_royal_stormtrooper/royal_stormtrooper.mdl"},
  612. description = [[ You are a Royal Guard Trooper, still undergoing training to become a felly-fleged Royal Guard. ]],
  613. weapons = {”none”,"tfa_dlt19_extended","tfa_dh17_extended","tfa_e11_extended"},
  614. command = "ROYALSTORMTROOPER",
  615. max = 5,
  616. salary = 20,
  617. admin = 0,
  618. vote = false,
  619. hasLicense = false,
  620. candemote = false,
  621. category = "Royal Guard",
  622. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  623. ply:SetMaxHealth(300)
  624. ply:SetHealth(300)
  625. ply:SetArmor(100)
  626. end
  627. })
  628. TEAM_ROYALGUARD = DarkRP.createJob("Royal Guard", {
  629. color = Color(130, 17, 8),
  630. model = {"models/player/ven/guard.mdl"},
  631. description = [[ You are a Royal Guard, your priority is to guard the Emperor at all costs. ]],
  632. weapons = {”none”,"tfa_752_t21_servius","smooley_royalstaff","tfa_e11_extended"},
  633. command = "ROYALGUARD",
  634. max = 5,
  635. salary = 30,
  636. admin = 0,
  637. vote = false,
  638. hasLicense = false,
  639. candemote = false,
  640. category = "Royal Guard",
  641. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  642. ply:SetMaxHealth(400)
  643. ply:SetHealth(400)
  644. ply:SetArmor(100)
  645. end
  646. })
  647. TEAM_SHADOWGUARD = DarkRP.createJob("Shadow Guard", {
  648. color = Color(130, 17, 8),
  649. model = {"models/player/ven/shadowguard.mdl"},
  650. description = [[ You are a Shadow Guard, Lord Vader's personal guard. Hand-picked by him. ]],
  651. weapons = {”none”,"smooley_royalstaff","tfa_752_t21_servius","tfa_752_ihr"},
  652. command = "SHADOWGUARD",
  653. max = 4,
  654. salary = 30,
  655. admin = 0,
  656. vote = false,
  657. hasLicense = false,
  658. candemote = false,
  659. category = "Royal Guard",
  660. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  661. ply:SetMaxHealth(500)
  662. ply:SetHealth(500)
  663. ply:SetArmor(100)
  664. end
  665. })
  666. TEAM_SOVREIGNPROTECTOR = DarkRP.createJob("Sovereign Protector", {
  667. color = Color(130, 17, 8),
  668. model = {"models/player/ven/carnor.mdl"},
  669. description = [[ You are a Sovreign Protector, the best of all the Royal Guard. Live up to that title. ]],
  670. weapons = {”none”,"smooley_royalstaff","tfa_752_ihr","tfa_t21_extended"},
  671. command = "ROYALSTORMTROOPER",
  672. max = 4,
  673. salary = 35,
  674. admin = 0,
  675. vote = false,
  676. hasLicense = false,
  677. candemote = false,
  678. category = "Royal Guard",
  679. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  680. ply:SetMaxHealth(600)
  681. ply:SetHealth(600)
  682. ply:SetArmor(100)
  683. end
  684. })
  685. TEAM_SCOUTCMD = DarkRP.createJob("Scout Commander", {
  686. color = Color(201,116,0),
  687. model = {"models/sono/swbf3/commander.mdl"},
  688. description = [[ Scout Commander ]],
  689. weapons = {"tfa_e11_extended","tfa_se14c","tfa_wsp_5",”none”,},
  690. command = "ScoutCMD",
  691. max = 1,
  692. salary = 20,
  693. admin = 0,
  694. vote = false,
  695. hasLicense = false,
  696. candemote = false,
  697. category = "Scouts",
  698. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  699. ply:SetMaxHealth(600)
  700. ply:SetHealth(600)
  701. ply:SetArmor(100)
  702. end
  703. })
  704. TEAM_SCOUTOFF = DarkRP.createJob("Scout Officer", {
  705. color = Color(201,116,0),
  706. model = {"models/sono/swbf3/officer.mdl"},
  707. description = [[ Scout Officer ]],
  708. weapons = {"tfa_e11_extended","tfa_se14c","tfa_wsp_5",”none”,},
  709. command = "ScoutOFF",
  710. max = 5,
  711. salary = 20,
  712. admin = 0,
  713. vote = false,
  714. hasLicense = false,
  715. candemote = false,
  716. category = "Scouts",
  717. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  718. ply:SetMaxHealth(500)
  719. ply:SetHealth(500)
  720. ply:SetArmor(100)
  721. end
  722. })
  723. TEAM_SCOUTSGT = DarkRP.createJob("Scout Sergeant", {
  724. color = Color(201,116,0),
  725. model = {"models/sono/swbf3/commander.mdl"},
  726. description = [[ Scout Officer ]],
  727. weapons = {"tfa_e11_extended","tfa_se14c","tfa_wsp_5",”none”,},
  728. command = "ScoutOFF",
  729. max = 15,
  730. salary = 20,
  731. admin = 0,
  732. vote = false,
  733. hasLicense = false,
  734. candemote = false,
  735. category = "Scouts",
  736. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  737. ply:SetMaxHealth(450)
  738. ply:SetHealth(450)
  739. ply:SetArmor(100)
  740. end
  741. })
  742. TEAM_SCOUTTRP = DarkRP.createJob("Scout Trooper", {
  743. color = Color(201,116,0),
  744. model = {"models/sono/swbf3/scout.mdl"},
  745. description = [[ Scout Trooper]],
  746. weapons = {"tfa_e11_extended","tfa_se14c","tfa_wsp_5",”none”,},
  747. command = "ScoutTRP",
  748. max = 25,
  749. salary = 20,
  750. admin = 0,
  751. vote = false,
  752. hasLicense = false,
  753. candemote = false,
  754. category = "Scouts",
  755. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  756. ply:SetMaxHealth(450)
  757. ply:SetHealth(450)
  758. ply:SetArmor(100)
  759. end
  760. })
  761. TEAM_SHOCKCMD = DarkRP.createJob("Shock Commander", {
  762. color = Color(139,0,0),
  763. model = {"models/sono/shocktrooper/commander.mdl"},
  764. description = [[ Shock Commander ]],
  765. weapons = {"weapon_stunner2","arrest_stick","unarrest_stick","tfa_e11_extended",”tfa_kotor_hvybp_3”,”none”,},
  766. command = "Shock Commander",
  767. max = 1,
  768. salary = 20,
  769. admin = 0,
  770. vote = false,
  771. hasLicense = false,
  772. candemote = false,
  773. category = "Shock",
  774. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  775. ply:SetMaxHealth(600)
  776. ply:SetHealth(600)
  777. ply:SetArmor(150)
  778. end
  779. })
  780. TEAM_SHOCKOFF = DarkRP.createJob("Shock Officer", {
  781. color = Color(139,0,0),
  782. model = {"models/sono/shocktrooper/officer.mdl"},
  783. description = [[ Shock Commander ]],
  784. weapons = {"weapon_stunner2","arrest_stick","unarrest_stick","tfa_e11_extended",”tfa_kotor_hvybp_3”,”none”,},
  785. command = "ShockOfficer",
  786. max = 5,
  787. salary = 20,
  788. admin = 0,
  789. vote = false,
  790. hasLicense = false,
  791. candemote = false,
  792. category = "Shock",
  793. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  794. ply:SetMaxHealth(450)
  795. ply:SetHealth(450)
  796. ply:SetArmor(150)
  797. end
  798. })
  799. TEAM_SHOCKSGT = DarkRP.createJob("Shock Sergeant", {
  800. color = Color(139,0,0),
  801. model = {"models/sono/shocktrooper/sergeant.mdl"},
  802. description = [[ Shock Commander ]],
  803. weapons = {"weapon_stunner2","arrest_stick","unarrest_stick","tfa_e11_extended",”tfa_kotor_hvybp_3”,”none”,},
  804. command = "ShockSergeant",
  805. max = 10,
  806. salary = 20,
  807. admin = 0,
  808. vote = false,
  809. hasLicense = false,
  810. candemote = false,
  811. category = "Shock",
  812. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  813. ply:SetMaxHealth(350)
  814. ply:SetHealth(350)
  815. ply:SetArmor(150)
  816. end
  817. })
  818. TEAM_SHOCKPG = DarkRP.createJob("Shock Prison Guard", {
  819. color = Color(139,0,0),
  820. model = {"models/sono/shocktrooper/sergeant.mdl"},
  821. description = [[ Shock Prison Guard ]],
  822. weapons = {"weapon_stunner2","arrest_stick","unarrest_stick","tfa_e11_extended",”tfa_kotor_hvybp_3”,”none”,},
  823. command = "ShockPG",
  824. max = 15,
  825. salary = 20,
  826. admin = 0,
  827. vote = false,
  828. hasLicense = false,
  829. candemote = false,
  830. category = "Shock",
  831. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  832. ply:SetMaxHealth(350)
  833. ply:SetHealth(350)
  834. ply:SetArmor(150)
  835. end
  836. })
  837. TEAM_SHOCKTRP = DarkRP.createJob("Shock Trooper", {
  838. color = Color(139,0,0),
  839. model = {"models/sono/shocktrooper/trooper.mdl"},
  840. description = [[ Shock Trooper ]],
  841. weapons = {"weapon_stunner2","arrest_stick","unarrest_stick","tfa_e11_extended",”tfa_kotor_hvybp_3”,”none”,},
  842. command = "ShockTRP",
  843. max = 15,
  844. salary = 20,
  845. admin = 0,
  846. vote = false,
  847. hasLicense = false,
  848. candemote = false,
  849. category = "Shock",
  850. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  851. ply:SetMaxHealth(350)
  852. ply:SetHealth(350)
  853. ply:SetArmor(150)
  854. end
  855. })
  856. TEAM_101STCMD = DarkRP.createJob("ST Commander", {
  857. color = Color(255, 255, 255),
  858. model = {"models/player/fatal/troopers/commander.mdl"},
  859. description = [[ Stormtrooper Commander Class ]],
  860. weapons = {"tfa_e11_extended","tfa_kotor_hvybp_3","tfa_relby"},
  861. command = "101stCMD",
  862. max = 1,
  863. salary = 20,
  864. admin = 0,
  865. vote = false,
  866. hasLicense = false,
  867. candemote = false,
  868. category = "Stormtrooper Corps",
  869. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  870. ply:SetMaxHealth(300)
  871. ply:SetHealth(300)
  872. ply:SetArmor(150)
  873. end
  874. })
  875. TEAM_101STOFF = DarkRP.createJob("101st Officer", {
  876. color = Color(255, 255, 255),
  877. model = {"models/player/fatal/troopers/officer.mdl"},
  878. description = [[ Stormtrooper Officer Class ]],
  879. weapons = {"tfa_e11_extended","tfa_kotor_hvybp_3","tfa_relby"},
  880. command = "101stOFF",
  881. max = 5,
  882. salary = 20,
  883. admin = 0,
  884. vote = false,
  885. hasLicense = false,
  886. candemote = false,
  887. category = "Stormtrooper Corps",
  888. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  889. ply:SetMaxHealth(200)
  890. ply:SetHealth(200)
  891. ply:SetArmor(100)
  892. end
  893. })
  894. TEAM_101STSGT = DarkRP.createJob("101st Sergeant", {
  895. color = Color(255, 255, 255),
  896. model = {"models/player/fatal/troopers/sergeant.mdl"},
  897. description = [[ Stormtrooper Sergeant Class ]],
  898. weapons = {"tfa_e11_extended","tfa_kotor_hvybp_3","tfa_relby"},
  899. command = "101stSGT",
  900. max = 10,
  901. salary = 20,
  902. admin = 0,
  903. vote = false,
  904. hasLicense = false,
  905. candemote = false,
  906. category = "Stormtrooper Corps",
  907. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  908. ply:SetMaxHealth(200)
  909. ply:SetHealth(200)
  910. ply:SetArmor(75)
  911. end
  912. })
  913. TEAM_101STTRP = DarkRP.createJob("101st Trooper", {
  914. color = Color(255, 255, 255),
  915. model = {"models/player/fatal/troopers/Trooper.mdl"},
  916. description = [[ Stormtrooper Class ]],
  917. weapons = {"tfa_e11_extended","tfa_kotor_hvybp_3","tfa_relby"},
  918. command = "101stTRP",
  919. max = 10,
  920. salary = 20,
  921. admin = 0,
  922. vote = false,
  923. hasLicense = false,
  924. candemote = false,
  925. category = "Stormtrooper Corps",
  926. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  927. ply:SetMaxHealth(200)
  928. ply:SetHealth(200)
  929. ply:SetArmor(25)
  930. end
  931. })
  932. TEAM_TANKTROOPER = DarkRP.createJob("Tank Trooper", {
  933. color = (140, 101, 0, 255),
  934. model = {"models/player/tank_trooper/tank_trooper.mdl"},
  935. description = [[You are a Tank Trooper. You pilot all vehicles that are on the ground excluding speeders. Ground infantry wouldn't survive without you. For the Emperor!]],
  936. weapons = {"rw_sw_tl40", "none"},
  937. command = "tanktrooper",
  938. max = 0,
  939. salary = 5,
  940. admin = 0,
  941. vote = false,
  942. hasLicense = false,
  943. candemote = false,
  944. category = "Tank Troopers",
  945. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  946. ply:SetMaxHealth(200)
  947. ply:SetHealth(200)
  948. ply:SetArmor(50)
  949. end
  950. })
  951. TEAM_TANKNCO = DarkRP.createJob("Tank Trooper Sergeant", {
  952. color = Color(34, 85, 85, 255),
  953. model = {"models/player/tank_trooper/tank_trooper.mdl"},
  954. description = [[You are a Tank Trooper. You pilot all vehicles that are on the ground excluding speeders. Ground infantry wouldn't survive without you. For the Emperor!]],
  955. weapons = {"rw_sw_tl40", "none", "pack_swswep_storm"},
  956. command = "tanknco",
  957. max = 0,
  958. salary = 10,
  959. admin = 0,
  960. vote = false,
  961. hasLicense = false,
  962. candemote = false,
  963. category = "Tank Troopers",
  964. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  965. ply:SetMaxHealth(200)
  966. ply:SetHealth(200)
  967. ply:SetArmor(75)
  968. end
  969. })
  970. TEAM_TANKOFC = DarkRP.createJob("Tank Trooper Officer", {
  971. color = Color(34, 85, 85, 255),
  972. model = {"models/player/tank_trooper/tank_trooper.mdl"},
  973. description = [[You are a Tank Trooper. You pilot all vehicles that are on the ground excluding speeders. Ground infantry wouldn't survive without you. For the Emperor!]],
  974. weapons = {"rw_sw_tl40", "none", "pack_swswep_storm"},
  975. command = "tankofc",
  976. max = 0,
  977. salary = 15,
  978. admin = 0,
  979. vote = false,
  980. hasLicense = false,
  981. candemote = false,
  982. category = "Tank Troopers",
  983. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  984. ply:SetMaxHealth(200)
  985. ply:SetHealth(200)
  986. ply:SetArmor(100)
  987. end
  988. })
  989. TEAM_TANKCO = DarkRP.createJob("Tank Trooper Commander", {
  990. color = Color(34, 85, 85, 255),
  991. model = {"models/player/tank_commander/tank_commander.mdl"},
  992. description = [[You are a Tank Trooper. You pilot all vehicles that are on the ground excluding speeders. Ground infantry wouldn't survive without you. For the Emperor!]],
  993. weapons = {"rw_sw_tl40", "none", "pack_swswep_storm", "tfa_kotor_hvybp_1"},
  994. command = "tankco",
  995. max = 0,
  996. salary = 20,
  997. admin = 0,
  998. vote = false,
  999. hasLicense = false,
  1000. candemote = false,
  1001. category = "Tank Troopers",
  1002. PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
  1003. ply:SetMaxHealth(200)
  1004. ply:SetHealth(200)
  1005. ply:SetArmor(150)
  1006. end
  1007. })
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