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ahihi aws rds

a guest
May 21st, 2019
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MySQL 2.47 KB | None | 0 0
  1. mysql> show create procedure rds_set_external_master\G;
  2. *************************** 1. row ***************************
  3.            Procedure: rds_set_external_master
  4.             sql_mode: NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION
  5.     Create Procedure: CREATE DEFINER=`rdsadmin`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `rds_set_external_master`(host VARCHAR(255),
  6. port INT,
  7. user TEXT,
  8. passwd TEXT,
  9. name TEXT,
  10. pos LONG ,
  11. enable_ssl_encryption BOOLEAN
  12. )
  13. BEGIN
  14. DECLARE v_rdsrepl INT;
  15. DECLARE v_mysql_version VARCHAR(20);
  16. DECLARE v_called_by_user VARCHAR(50);
  17. DECLARE v_sleep int;
  18. DECLARE sql_logging BOOLEAN;
  19. SET @regex = '.*"[[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*[a-zA-Z_]+[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*".*';
  20. IF host REGEXP @regex
  21. OR user REGEXP @regex
  22. OR passwd REGEXP @regex
  23. OR name REGEXP @regex THEN
  24. SELECT "Invalid arguments" as Message;
  25. ELSE
  26. select @@sql_log_bin into sql_logging;
  27. Select count(1) into v_rdsrepl from mysql.rds_history where action = 'disable set master' and master_user = 'rdsrepladmin';
  28. Select user() into v_called_by_user;
  29. select version() into v_mysql_version;
  30. set @@sql_log_bin=off;
  31. IF v_rdsrepl > 0 and  v_called_by_user != 'rdsadmin@localhost'
  32. THEN
  33. Select 'RDS_SET_EXTERNAL_MASTER is disabled on this host.' as Message;
  34. ELSE
  36. CONCAT_WS(', ',
  37. CONCAT('MASTER_HOST = "', trim(both from host), '"'),
  38. CONCAT('MASTER_PORT = ', port),
  39. CONCAT('MASTER_USER = "', trim(both from user), '"'),
  40. CONCAT('MASTER_PASSWORD = "', trim(both from passwd), '"'),
  41. CONCAT('MASTER_LOG_FILE = "', trim(both from name), '"'),
  42. CONCAT('MASTER_LOG_POS = ', pos),
  43. CONCAT('MASTER_SSL = ', enable_ssl_encryption),
  45. PREPARE rds_set_master FROM @cmd;
  46. update mysql.rds_replication_status set called_by_user=v_called_by_user, action='set master', mysql_version=v_mysql_version , master_host=trim(both from host), master_port=port where action is not null;
  47. commit;
  48. call mysql.rds_clean_replication_status;
  49. EXECUTE rds_set_master;
  50. DEALLOCATE PREPARE rds_set_master;
  51. INSERT into mysql.rds_history(called_by_user, action, mysql_version, master_host, master_port, master_user, master_log_file, master_log_pos, master_ssl, auto_position)
  52. values (v_called_by_user,'set master', v_mysql_version, trim(both from host), port, trim(both from user), trim(both from name), pos, enable_ssl_encryption, 0);
  53. commit;
  54.  END IF;
  55. set @@sql_log_bin=sql_logging;
  56. END IF;
  57. END
  58. character_set_client: latin1
  59. collation_connection: latin1_swedish_ci
  60.   Database Collation: latin1_swedish_ci
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