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shots Rust CFG

a guest
Oct 21st, 2019
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  1. audio.advancedocclusion "False"
  2. "1"
  3. audio.master "0.58"
  4. audio.musicvolume "0"
  5. audio.musicvolumemenu "0"
  6. audio.speakers "5"
  7. audio.voices "0"
  8. client.cambone ""
  9. client.camdist "2"
  10. client.camfov "70"
  11. client.camoffset "(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)"
  12. client.camoffset_relative "False"
  13. client.lookatradius "0.2"
  14. client.pushtotalk "True"
  15. client.rockskin "0"
  16. culling.entitymaxdist "5000"
  17. culling.entityminanimatorculldist "30"
  18. culling.entityminculldist "15"
  19. culling.entityminshadowculldist "5"
  20. culling.entityupdaterate "5"
  21. culling.env "False"
  22. culling.envmindist "10"
  23. culling.safemode "False"
  24. decor.quality "0"
  25. effects.antialiasing "1"
  26. "False"
  27. effects.bloom "False"
  28. effects.lensdirt "False"
  29. effects.maxgibs "0"
  30. effects.motionblur "False"
  31. effects.otherplayerslightflares "True"
  32. effects.shafts "False"
  33. effects.sharpen "True"
  34. effects.showoutlines "False"
  35. effects.vignet "False"
  36. fps.limit "240"
  37. global.censornudity "2"
  38. global.censorsigns "False"
  39. global.god "True"
  40. global.language "en"
  41. global.perf "5"
  42. global.specnet "True"
  43. global.streamermode "True"
  44. "1"
  45. graphics.branding "True"
  46. "False"
  47. graphics.compass "0"
  48. graphics.contactshadows "False"
  49. graphics.dof "False"
  50. graphics.dof_aper "12"
  51. graphics.dof_blur "1"
  52. graphics.drawdistance "2500"
  53. graphics.fov "90"
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  55. graphics.impostorshadows "False"
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  63. graphics.shadowmode "1"
  64. graphics.shadowquality "0"
  65. graphics.uiscale "0.73"
  66. graphics.vsync "0"
  67. grass.displace "True"
  68. grass.distance "100"
  69. grass.quality "30"
  70. input.autocrouch "False"
  71. input.flipy "False"
  72. input.holdtime "0.2"
  73. input.sensitivity "0.28"
  74. input.vehicle_flipy "False"
  75. input.vehicle_sensitivity "1"
  76. inventory.quickcraftdelay "0.75"
  77. mesh.quality "123"
  78. netgraph.enabled "False"
  79. netgraph.updatespeed "5"
  80. particle.quality "0"
  81. player.footik "True"
  82. player.footikdistance "30"
  83. player.recoilcomp "True"
  84. playercull.enabled "False"
  85. playercull.maxplayerdist "5000"
  86. playercull.maxsleeperdist "30"
  87. playercull.minculldist "20"
  88. playercull.updaterate "5"
  89. playercull.visquality "2"
  90. reflection.quality "1"
  91. sss.enabled "True"
  92. sss.halfres "True"
  93. sss.quality "0"
  94. sss.scale "1"
  95. terrain.quality "0"
  96. tree.meshes "66"
  97. tree.quality "128"
  98. ui.showinventoryplayer "True"
  99. voice.loopback "False"
  100. water.quality "0"
  101. water.reflections "0"
  102. gametip.showgametips "False"
  103. nametags.enabled "True"
  104. strobelight.forceoff "False"
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