
Gold Any% No ACE Etc. Route v0.1

Aug 27th, 2018
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  1. - name player A or MAT, whichever is faster
  2. - name totodile "A "
  3. - technical: A can be any character, the 2nd char is a space
  4. - optimal first character inputs can be A, I, R, J, and S (but not space)
  5. - do earlygame stuff up to getting the egg (don't heal at violet center)
  6. - keep track of stepcount, maybe optimize for stalling for stepcount 126 or 127 at PC
  7. - go to PC
  8. - move mon w/o mail
  9. - move egg to slot 1 (cannot do this by moving toto to slot 2)
  10. - exit bill's pc
  11. - decrement egg cycle (the egg that will be hatched will be referred to as "lowcycle")
  12. - clone egg
  13. - move cloned egg to slot 1
  14. - decrement egg cycle
  15. - clone two eggs
  16. - withdraw egg in slot 1
  17. - decrement egg cycle
  18. - deposit egg in 4th slot (the one you just withdrew)
  19. - deposit top 2 eggs
  20. - clone two eggs
  21. - egg cycle of lowcycle is 7, 6 clones remaining to be roughly optimal
  22. - bad clone setup:
  23. - withdraw 3rd last egg from box
  24. - decrement egg cycle
  25. - deposit egg in 4th slot
  26. - deposit top 2 eggs
  27. - attempt for bad clone
  28. - if lowcycle is 01, then just do regular bad clone setup
  29. on reload:
  30. - if nicknames aren't blank, try again
  31. - else, if egg2 is "going to hatch soon", then egg2 is probably a bad clone
  32. - if egg1 is "close to hatching", then egg2 is probably not a bad clone
  33. - to double check if you have bad clone:
  34. - go to move mon
  35. - if egg1 is named "-----", assume lowcycle is 3 mons above the first corrupt nickname egg (1/439 "chance" that it's above egg1 lol)
  36. - if egg1 has a blank name, but egg2 is named "-----", then lowcycle is above egg1
  37. - if both have blank names, try again
  38. - do cloning strat except only deposit the lowcycle egg for each clone, until lowcycle has only one egg cycle
  39. - withdraw lowcycle egg, then the bad clone egg. then any egg
  40. - todo: figure out if move mon is faster here, probably not
  41. - note: must be on box 1 for red event set to work
  42. - hatch togepi, name "A " (same idea as totodile)
  43. - bad clone will immediately hatch after, do not name
  44. - go to move mon menu
  45. - move egg from box to slot 2 (so it goes into slot 2)
  46. - scroll to slot 1, press A twice (to move it in the same position, puts $ff in 2nd pokemon species)
  47. - move another egg to the first slot in the party
  48. - scroll to 5th slot (totodile), move to 4th slot (above uncorrupted egg)
  49. - scroll to 3rd slot (corrupted egg), move to 1st slot
  50. - move 3rd slot (corrupted egg) to box
  51. - exit move mon menu
  52. - open party menu
  53. - swap 1st (egg named ?) with 5th (togepi)
  54. - swap 7th (hexFF) with 1st (togepi)
  55. - take item (card key) off of togepi (7th)
  56. - swap 7th (togepi) with 1st (hexFF)
  57. - take card key off of hexFF (7th)
  58. - swap 6th (bad clone) with 1st (togepi)
  59. - swap 1st (bad clone) with 7th (hexFF)
  60. - take card key off of bad clone
  61. - swap 1st (hexFF) with 3rd (totodile)
  62. - swap 1st (totodile) with 7th (bad clone)
  63. - take card key off of totodile
  64. - exit party menu
  65. - open item menu, switch to key items pocket
  67. - swap 3rd and 4th (card keys)
  68. - swap 3rd and 2nd (card keys)
  69. - swap 3rd (blk apricorn) with 5th (blk apricorn)
  70. - swap 1st (card key) with 4th (blk apricorn)
  71. - swap 2nd (itemfinder) with 1st (card key)
  72. - swap 2nd (card key) with 4th (card key)
  73. - key item pocket should now be:
  74. - itemfinder
  75. - card key
  76. - itemfinder
  77. - card key
  78. - blk apricorn x0
  79. - open item deposit menu
  80. - press right to switch to balls pocket
  81. - deposit 16 poke balls in the ball pocket (automatically created during key item swaps)
  82. - open item withdraw menu (cursor automatically resets to withdraw, so just mash A to access)
  83. - withdraw 1 ball from the pc twice (must be done in two separate withdraws)
  84. - open deposit menu
  85. - deposit all 4 key items
  86. - exit item PC, open pack (loaded pocket should be key items)
  87. - swap 2nd ? x0 with 3rd ? x0 (cursor will move to slot 1 on first select)
  88. - scroll down until you see bicycle, then register the bicycle
  89. - scroll a bit further until you see poke ball x43, then swap it with max repel x255 directly below
  90. - switch to balls pocket (left 1)
  91. - toss 16 from poke ball x255 to get poke ball x239
  92. - switch to key items pocket (right 1)
  93. - exit bag menu and exit pokecenter
  94. - bike to route 36 (west/left of violet city)
  95. - open menu 4/3 steps right of sudowoodo
  96. - scroll down once to move the cursor on tm47
  97. - tm47 x1, path down to rest of route 36 is 2 steps right of sudowoodo (left 2/1)
  98. - ldown (4), lleft (5), ldown (2), left 10 (3 steps right of trainer above), up 2
  99. - tm47 x1, up 4, lleft into gate
  100. - go through national park to route 35
  101. - on route 35, bike so player is below the right side of the flowers on the right (avoid spinner by biking right as far as vertically possible)
  102. - down 1, left 4, down 1
  103. - tm47 x1, ldown (dodge spinner, fence as visual cue), lright (poke ball as visual cue), down until on the top of a tree near a fence
  104. - tm47 x2, down, right, down 2, left, down 3, up, left 2, down to accessible goldenrod (if you can do this movement without bonking then you are a pr0)
  105. - bike to magnet train (left after rail tracks)
  106. - go to tile 2 steps below guard
  107. - tm47 x1, walkable path to train is right 2 of guard, and door to saffron is on the left window
  108. - up 1, left 2, up 3, left 5, up 2
  109. - exit saffron magnet train, bike to route 6 to vermillion
  110. - bike to tile below old man near machop
  111. - tm47 x2, then use max repel
  112. - bike right around machop into diglett's cave (same y as machop)
  113. - left 2, upleft2down, lleft into diglett's cave
  114. - bike through diglett's cave to route 2
  115. - bike around to the top of the cave, 2 steps from the bottom fence (single tile between the fence and you)
  116. - tm47 x1, the fence is now passable
  117. - bike through viridian forest -> pewter city -> route 22 -> victory road gatehouse
  118. - safe strat: load pewter city so that viridian forest tiles are aligned
  119. - risky strat: go directly through viridian forest (saves 8 tiles)
  120. - note: movement with safe strat must be perfect to avoid first four tiles of grass on route 22
  121. - safe strat: on route 22, use a repel when it wears out (requires extra menu and more steps to get (super fast) encounters in silver cave)
  122. - bike to the tile 2 tiles from the guard (one tile inbetween)
  123. - use tm47 once, use a max repel, do pokedex, then open party menu without closing start menu (optimization)
  124. - cannot do party menu stuff before pokedex because the party count is cleared during party menu stuff and the pokedex cannot be opened without any pokemon
  125. - cursor should be on 7th pokemon, view its moves
  126. - mash left until you see the moveset listed below (takes like ~1:30):
  127. - swift 62/32
  128. - lovely kiss 16/12
  129. - acid armor 0/40
  130. - [blank] 0/15
  131. - closest moveset before the above moveset is constrict, 0/35 PP, 13 presses to box name 4 (technical note: wPokegearFlags in echo)
  132. - there will be one pokemon with 4 0xff moves which take a few seconds to load
  133. - go back two movesets (left 2), swap 1st with 3rd (should get megahorn 36/12)
  134. - note: going to the aforementioned moveset is actually necessary to be able to swap a moveset with $00 as its first move
  135. - advance eight movesets (right 8) to a moveset with four tail whips
  136. - swap 1st tail whip with 2nd tail whip (0 PP with 7 PP)
  137. - exit menu, you should have no pokemon
  138. - bike right 1, left 1, down 1, long left (5)
  139. - save & reset
  140. - note: super optimal strats are to conserve repel steps, but 0 pokemon encounters are instant
  141. - bypass guard to enter route 28
  142. - babby movement guide
  143. - longup
  144. - down 1, right 3
  145. - longup
  146. - longleft
  147. - longup
  148. - longright
  149. - longdown
  150. - longright
  151. - left 1
  152. - longup
  153. - longleft
  154. - longup
  155. - longleft
  156. - longup
  157. - longright
  158. - longdown
  159. - up x1, right x3
  160. - longup
  161. - silver cave movement LOL
  162. - beat red
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