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a guest
Jan 29th, 2012
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text 5.24 KB | None | 0 0
  3. Section contains the following imports:
  5. kernel32.dll
  6. 421000 Import Address Table
  7. 0 Import Name Table
  8. 0 time date stamp
  9. 0 Index of first forwarder reference
  11. 25B MapViewOfFile
  12. 302 SetEnvironmentVariableA
  13. 39 CompareStringW
  14. 38 CompareStringA
  15. 301 SetEndOfFile
  16. E7 FlushFileBuffers
  17. 326 SetStdHandle
  18. 1B5 GetStringTypeW
  19. 1B2 GetStringTypeA
  20. 2C8 RtlUnwind
  21. 15F GetFileType
  22. 1B1 GetStdHandle
  23. 258 LockResource
  24. 150 GetEnvironmentStringsW
  25. 14E GetEnvironmentStrings
  26. F0 FreeEnvironmentStringsW
  27. EF FreeEnvironmentStringsA
  28. 35C UnhandledExceptionFilter
  29. 18C GetOEMCP
  30. B8 ExitThread
  31. 1D5 GetTickCount
  32. 295 QueryPerformanceCounter
  33. 296 QueryPerformanceFrequency
  34. 343 Sleep
  35. 1BA GetSystemDirectoryA
  36. 16B GetLocalTime
  37. 268 MultiByteToWideChar
  38. 2A7 ReadFile
  39. 32 CloseHandle
  40. 390 WriteFile
  41. 355 TransactNamedPipe
  42. 50 CreateFileA
  43. 175 GetModuleFileNameA
  44. 1D6 GetTimeFormatA
  45. 140 GetDateFormatA
  46. 169 GetLastError
  47. 6D CreateThread
  48. 15C GetFileSize
  49. 157 GetFileAttributesA
  50. CD FindClose
  51. C4 FileTimeToSystemTime
  52. C3 FileTimeToLocalFileTime
  53. DA FindNextFileA
  54. D1 FindFirstFileA
  55. 30A SetFilePointer
  56. 244 LeaveCriticalSection
  57. 97 EnterCriticalSection
  58. 21A InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
  59. 80 DeleteCriticalSection
  60. F1 FreeLibrary
  61. 152 GetEnvironmentVariableW
  62. 199 GetProcAddress
  63. 245 LoadLibraryA
  64. 20C HeapFree
  65. 206 HeapAlloc
  66. 19D GetProcessHeap
  67. 378 VirtualQueryEx
  68. 2AA ReadProcessMemory
  69. 1BC GetSystemInfo
  70. 278 OpenProcess
  71. 177 GetModuleHandleA
  72. EC FormatMessageA
  73. 200 GlobalUnlock
  74. 1F9 GlobalLock
  75. 35F UnmapViewOfFile
  76. 51 CreateFileMappingA
  77. 30E SetFileTime
  78. 15E GetFileTime
  79. 63 CreateProcessA
  80. BA ExpandEnvironmentStringsA
  81. 308 SetFileAttributesA
  82. 1CC GetTempPathA
  83. 153 GetExitCodeProcess
  84. 283 PeekNamedPipe
  85. 92 DuplicateHandle
  86. 13C GetCurrentProcess
  87. 62 CreatePipe
  88. 1DF GetVersionExA
  89. 1FA GlobalMemoryStatus
  90. B7 ExitProcess
  91. 383 WideCharToMultiByte
  92. 10E GetComputerNameA
  93. 82 DeleteFileA
  94. 13D GetCurrentProcessId
  95. 40 CopyFileA
  96. 37F WaitForSingleObject
  97. 5D CreateMutexA
  98. 34C TerminateThread
  99. 261 MoveFileA
  100. 34B TerminateProcess
  101. 3AE lstrcmpi
  102. 16C GetLocaleInfoA
  103. 170 GetLogicalDrives
  104. 1D8 GetTimeZoneInformation
  105. 1BF GetSystemTime
  106. 210 HeapReAlloc
  107. 1AF GetStartupInfoA
  108. 10A GetCommandLineA
  109. 1DE GetVersion
  110. 151 GetEnvironmentVariableA
  111. 20A HeapDestroy
  112. 208 HeapCreate
  113. 372 VirtualFree
  114. 36F VirtualAlloc
  115. 237 LCMapStringA
  116. 238 LCMapStringW
  117. FE GetCPInfo
  118. F7 GetACP
  120. ws2_32.dll
  121. 4211B4 Import Address Table
  122. 0 Import Name Table
  123. 0 time date stamp
  124. 0 Index of first forwarder reference
  126. 74 WSACleanup
  127. 73 WSAStartup
  128. 15 setsockopt
  129. 2 bind
  130. D listen
  131. 12 select
  132. 97 __WSAFDIsSet
  133. 1 accept
  134. 34 gethostbyname
  135. 16 shutdown
  136. B inet_addr
  137. 9 htons
  138. 10 recv
  139. 13 send
  140. 17 socket
  141. A ioctlsocket
  142. 4 connect
  143. 3 closesocket
  145. Summary
  147. 1000
  148. F6000 .data
  149. 1000 .idata2
  150. 1000 .mackt
  151. 2000 .rdata
  152. 20000 .text
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