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Aug 25th, 2019
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  1. I remember you
  2. 伝えてほしい (te hoshii conjugation to express desire)
  3. この地球(ホさシ)の青さを (青い aoi became 青aosa as blue turns into blueness and the same grammar turns strong tsuyoi into strength tsuyosa verb to noun)(takai high into takasa height)
  4. 遠い場所からだって (tooi is a normal i adjective) (basho means place)
  5. それは輝く (kagayaku is present tense)
  7. 何も言わずに (言う>言わない>言わず iu>iwanai>iwazu means without doing so in this case, without saying anything)
  8. さよならしてしまってごめんね (shite>shiteshimau>shiteshimatte(te form) unfortunate event)
  9. だけど
  10. 君ならきっとわかってくれるよね (wakaru is usually written in kana, wakaru>wakatte>wakattekureru, giving the favour of understanding(to the first person))
  12. いつか君が好きって (tte to indicate the equivalent of that of a quotation mark)
  13. 言えるといいな (iu>ieru to be able to say potential form)(to here is used like the previous tte)
  14. 言えたらいいなってずっと思ってた (iu>ieru>ietara omou>omotte(te form)>omotteiru(present continuous tense in english)>omotteita(past tense)
  15. ねえ 好きって言われたら (to and tte=“” but placed after the speech)(iu>iwareru(passive form)>iwaretara(conditional form)
  16. どんな顔を見せてくれる? (miru>miseru(causative, to allow the action of seeing; to show)>misete(te form)>misetekureru(kureru means give to the first person) here i would like to say kasih berkat lihat instead of making something confusing in english)
  17. 教えてほしい (oshieru>oshiete>oshietehoshii)
  19. ねえ I miss you
  20. 何もいらない (nani mo is usually used with a negative verb to say to not __ anything here it is i don’t need anything) (iru>iranai(negative) to not need to the iru for exist but the 要るiru for need)
  21. 君以外何も (igai means outside a certain range or whatever | outsideyou nothing; nothing but you)
  22. 遠い未来までずっと (まで is until)
  23. 君と行きたい (to means with) (iku>ikitai(expresses desire))
  25. 何も言わずに (nanimo usually used with negative verb) (iwazu>without saying)
  26. その手で抱きしめてくれるなら (dakishimeru>dakishimete>dakishimetekureru to give a hug(to the first person) nara is a conditional particle an ‘if’
  27. そう願うの (negau is in present tense)
  28. 君だけの私だから
  30. いつか君の今と私の今 (itsuka is someday)
  31. また交差するその時には (kousa suru is a suru verb like benkyou suru you can conjugate the suru)
  32. ねえ 好きって言ってほしい (iu>itte>ittehoshii expresses desire)
  33. どんな痛みもきっと消えて (itai>itami it is quite like aoi and aosa, tanoshii and tanoshimi it becomes a noun)
  34. 強くなれる (naru>nareru(potential form) meaning to be able to be(strong強く| tsuyoku is the adverb form of tsuyoi 強い))
  36. 願うだけじゃ何も変わらない (kawaru>kawaranai negative form)
  37. 君と進もう ずっと (volitional, quite a bit like let’s in english here it means lets advance/continue but carry on may be more suitable) (zutto can mean for a long time or although it is not used here, it could be used to express a huge difference Yoneda no hou ga zutto hayai | yoneda is far faster; the way of yoneda is far faster lit.)
  39. if you are wondering what kind of weeb song this is
  40. the format actually enables educational purposes
  41. although i didn’t explain the usage of particles such as は(wa) が(ga) へ(e) に(ni) を(o) と(to) も(mo)
  42. so ha he and wo has special readings as particles and を(wo) is 90% used only as a game particle.
  43. この素晴らしい世界に祝福を!
  44. kono subarashii sekai ni shukufuku wo
  45. (unto/into/in) this wonderful world, (intransitive verb) blessings
  46. wotakuヲタク
  47. otaku is also used though オタク
  48. search up tae kims grammar guide
  49. I can answer some questions too
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