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a guest
Feb 23rd, 2019
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  1. command /shop:
  2. trigger:
  3. open chest with 3 rows named "&6&lSHOP" to player
  4. format slot 4 of player with emerald named "&6&lBALANCE&7 %player's balance%" to be unstealable
  5. format slot 10 of player with iron sword named "&6&lCOMBAT &7(Right click)" to run [make console execute command "sudo %player% combatshop"]
  6. format slot 12 of player with iron pickaxe named "&6&lTOOLS &7(Right click)" to be unstealable
  7. format slot 14 of player with grass named "&6&lBLOCKS &7(Right click)" to be unstealable
  8. format slot 16 of player with firework named "&6&lCOMBAT &7(Right click)" to be unstealable
  10. command /combatshop:
  11. trigger:
  12. open chest with 3 rows named "&6&lCOMBAT" to player
  13. format slot 0 of player with paper named "&c&lBACK" to be unstealable
  14. format slot 4 of player with emerald named "&6&lBALANCE&7 %player's balance%" to be unstealable
  15. format slot 10 of player with diamond helmet named "&bDiamond Helmet" with lore "&9*&7 Right click to buy" to be unstealable
  16. format slot 11 of player with diamond chestplate named "&bDiamond Chestplate" with lore "&9*&7 Right click to buy" to be unstealable
  17. format slot 12 of player with diamond leggings named "&bDiamond Leggings" with lore "&9*&7 Right click to buy" to be unstealable
  18. format slot 13 of player with diamond boots named "&bDiamond Boots" with lore "&9*&7 Right click to buy" to be unstealable
  19. format slot 14 of player with diamond sword named "&bDiamond Sword" with lore "&9*&7 Right click to buy" to be unstealable
  20. format slot 15 of player with bow named "&bBow" with lore "&9*&7 Right click to buy" to be unstealable
  21. format slot 16 of player with arrow named "&b&n16x&b Arrows" with lore "&9*&7 Right click to buy" to be unstealable
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