Guest User


a guest
Apr 24th, 2019
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  1. <template>
  2. <div id="pageDashboard">
  3. <v-container grid-list-xl fluid>
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  5. <!-- mini statistic start -->
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  9. title="100+"
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  12. >
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  17. icon="fa fa-google"
  18. title="150+"
  19. sub-title="Connections"
  20. color="red"
  21. >
  22. </mini-statistic>
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  24. <v-flex lg3 sm6 xs12>
  25. <mini-statistic
  26. icon="fa fa-twitter"
  27. title="200+"
  28. sub-title="Followers"
  29. color="light-blue"
  30. >
  31. </mini-statistic>
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  33. <v-flex lg3 sm6 xs12>
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  35. icon="fa fa-instagram"
  36. title="50+"
  37. sub-title="Shots"
  38. color="purple"
  39. >
  40. </mini-statistic>
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  42. <!-- mini statistic end -->
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  48. <div slot="widget-content">
  49. <e-chart
  50. :path-option="[
  51. ['dataset.source', siteTrafficData],
  52. ['color', [color.lightBlue.base,]],
  53. ['', true],
  54. ['', true],
  55. ['', true],
  56. ['grid.left', '2%'],
  57. ['grid.bottom', '5%'],
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  63. ['series[1].type', 'bar'],
  64. ['series[1].areaStyle', {}],
  65. ]"
  66. height="400px"
  67. width="100%"
  68. >
  69. </e-chart>
  70. </div>
  71. </v-widget>
  72. </v-flex>
  73. <v-flex lg4 sm12 xs12>
  74. <v-widget title="Top Location" content-bg="white">
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  76. <e-chart
  77. :path-option="[
  78. ['dataset.source', locationData],
  79. ['legend.bottom', '0'],
  80. ['color', [color.lightBlue.base, color.indigo.base,,, color.cyan.base, color.teal.base]],
  81. ['', false],
  82. ['', false],
  83. ['series[0].type', 'pie'],
  84. ['series[0].avoidLabelOverlap', true],
  85. ['series[0].radius', ['50%', '70%']],
  86. ]"
  87. height="400px"
  88. width="100%"
  89. >
  90. </e-chart>
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  93. </v-flex>
  94. <!-- social/weather card start -->
  95. <v-flex lg4 sm12 xs12>
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  97. </profile-card>
  98. </v-flex>
  99. <v-flex lg4 sm12 xs12>
  100. <box-chart
  101. card-color="indigo"
  102. title="Trending"
  103. sub-title="10%"
  104. icon="trending_up"
  105. :data="siteTrafficData"
  106. :chart-color="[color.indigo.lighten1]"
  107. type="line"
  108. >
  109. </box-chart>
  110. <box-chart class="mt-4"
  111. card-color="pink"
  112. title="Page views"
  113. sub-title="10%"
  114. icon="trending_up"
  115. :data="siteTrafficData"
  116. :chart-color="[, 'rgba(255,255,255,0.3)']"
  117. gradient
  118. type="area"
  119. >
  120. </box-chart>
  121. </v-flex>
  122. <!-- statistic section -->
  123. <v-flex lg4 sm12 xs12>
  124. <linear-statistic
  125. title="Sales"
  126. sub-title="Sales increase"
  127. icon="trending_up"
  128. color="success"
  129. :value="15"
  130. >
  131. </linear-statistic>
  132. <linear-statistic class="my-4"
  133. title="Orders"
  134. sub-title="Increase"
  135. icon="trending_up"
  136. color="pink"
  137. :value="30"
  138. >
  139. </linear-statistic>
  140. <linear-statistic class="my-4"
  141. title="Revenue"
  142. sub-title="Revenue increase"
  143. icon="trending_up"
  144. color="primary"
  145. :value="50"
  146. >
  147. </linear-statistic>
  148. <linear-statistic class="mt-4"
  149. title="Cost"
  150. sub-title="Cost reduce"
  151. icon="trending_down"
  152. color="orange"
  153. :value="25"
  154. >
  155. </linear-statistic>
  156. </v-flex>
  157. <!-- Circle statistic -->
  158. <v-flex lg4 sm12 xs12 v-for="(item,index) in trending" :key="'c-trending'+index">
  159. <circle-statistic
  160. :title="item.subheading"
  161. :sub-title="item.headline"
  162. :caption="item.caption"
  163. :icon="item.icon.label"
  164. :color="item.linear.color"
  165. :value="item.linear.value"
  166. >
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  171. <chat-window height="308px"></chat-window>
  172. </v-flex>
  173. <v-flex lg6 sm12 xs12>
  174. <v-widget title="Activities" contentBg="white">
  175. <div slot="widget-content">
  176. <ol class="timeline timeline-activity timeline-point-sm timeline-content-right">
  177. <li class="timeline-block" v-for="(item, index) in activity" :key="index">
  178. <div class="timeline-point">
  179. <v-circle dot large :color="item.color"></v-circle>
  180. </div>
  181. <div class="timeline-content">
  182. <time datetime="2018" class="subheading">{{item.timeString}}</time>
  183. <div class="py-2 text--secondary" v-html="item.text"></div>
  184. </div>
  185. </li>
  186. </ol>
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  197. </v-container>
  198. </div>
  199. </template>
  201. <script>
  202. import API from '@/api';
  203. import EChart from '@/components/chart/echart';
  204. import MiniStatistic from '@/components/widgets/statistic/MiniStatistic';
  205. import PostListCard from '@/components/widgets/card/PostListCard';
  206. import ProfileCard from '@/components/widgets/card/ProfileCard';
  207. import PostSingleCard from '@/components/widgets/card/PostSingleCard';
  208. import WeatherCard from '@/components/widgets/card/WeatherCard';
  209. import PlainTable from '@/components/widgets/list/PlainTable';
  210. import PlainTableOrder from '@/components/widgets/list/PlainTableOrder';
  211. import VWidget from '@/components/VWidget';
  212. import Material from 'vuetify/es5/util/colors';
  213. import VCircle from '@/components/circle/VCircle';
  214. import BoxChart from '@/components/widgets/chart/BoxChart';
  215. import ChatWindow from '@/components/chat/ChatWindow';
  216. import CircleStatistic from '@/components/widgets/statistic/CircleStatistic';
  217. import LinearStatistic from '@/components/widgets/statistic/LinearStatistic';
  218. export default {
  219. components: {
  220. VWidget,
  221. MiniStatistic,
  222. ChatWindow,
  223. VCircle,
  224. WeatherCard,
  225. PostSingleCard,
  226. PostListCard,
  227. ProfileCard,
  228. EChart,
  229. BoxChart,
  230. CircleStatistic,
  231. LinearStatistic,
  232. PlainTable,
  233. PlainTableOrder
  234. },
  235. data: () => ({
  236. color: Material,
  237. selectedTab: 'tab-1',
  238. linearTrending: [
  239. {
  240. subheading: 'Sales',
  241. headline: '2,55',
  242. caption: 'increase',
  243. percent: 15,
  244. icon: {
  245. label: 'trending_up',
  246. color: 'success'
  247. },
  248. linear: {
  249. value: 15,
  250. color: 'success'
  251. }
  252. },
  253. {
  254. subheading: 'Revenue',
  255. headline: '6,553',
  256. caption: 'increase',
  257. percent: 10,
  258. icon: {
  259. label: 'trending_down',
  260. color: 'error'
  261. },
  262. linear: {
  263. value: 15,
  264. color: 'error'
  265. }
  266. },
  267. {
  268. subheading: 'Orders',
  269. headline: '5,00',
  270. caption: 'increase',
  271. percent: 50,
  272. icon: {
  273. label: 'arrow_upward',
  274. color: 'info'
  275. },
  276. linear: {
  277. value: 50,
  278. color: 'info'
  279. }
  280. }
  281. ],
  282. trending: [
  283. {
  284. subheading: 'Email',
  285. headline: '15+',
  286. caption: 'email opens',
  287. percent: 15,
  288. icon: {
  289. label: 'email',
  290. color: 'info'
  291. },
  292. linear: {
  293. value: 15,
  294. color: 'info'
  295. }
  296. },
  297. {
  298. subheading: 'Tasks',
  299. headline: '90%',
  300. caption: 'tasks completed.',
  301. percent: 90,
  302. icon: {
  303. label: 'list',
  304. color: 'primary'
  305. },
  306. linear: {
  307. value: 90,
  308. color: 'success'
  309. }
  310. },
  311. {
  312. subheading: 'Issues',
  313. headline: '100%',
  314. caption: 'issues fixed.',
  315. percent: 100,
  316. icon: {
  317. label: 'bug_report',
  318. color: 'primary'
  319. },
  320. linear: {
  321. value: 100,
  322. color: 'error'
  323. }
  324. },
  325. ]
  326. }),
  327. computed: {
  328. activity () {
  329. return API.getActivity();
  330. },
  331. posts () {
  332. return API.getPost(3);
  333. },
  334. siteTrafficData () {
  335. return API.getMonthVisit;
  336. },
  337. locationData () {
  338. return API.getLocation;
  339. }
  340. },
  342. };
  343. </script>
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