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Real Truth Exposed!" class="fr-dii fr-draggable"></a><div class="spacer"><br></div> <div class="topstories"> <h5>Top Stories</h5> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" onclick="pixel();">Bitcoin Set to Go Boom</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" onclick="pixel();">Digital Gold: Cryptocurrencies soar as investors swap dollars for...</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" onclick="pixel();">Forget Money, Bitcoin Makes the World Go Around</a></li> </ul> <h5>Subscribers Edition <small>Exclusive Content</small> </h5> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" onclick="pixel();">Crypto Trading grows 4500% in One Year on eToro as Bitcoin Price Explodes</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" onclick="pixel();">Why Bitcoin Broke Another Record</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" onclick="pixel();">Social Trading Network eToro Launches Ethereum Market</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="main"> <h1 style=""> <span class="redheadline">EXPOSED:</span><span class="blue">&nbsp;<font color="#000000">The Royal Family's Latest Investment Is Making Ordinary&nbsp;</font><span class="current-country" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-weight: bold;">United Kingdom</span><script>try{setCurrentCountry();}catch(err){}</script><font color="#000000">&nbsp;Citizens MILLIONS</font></span> </h1> <div class="subheadline" style=""> <strong><em><span style="font-size: 18px;">BBC News exposes the truth behind a new powerful piece of technology backed by the royal family.&nbsp;</span></em></strong><strong><em><span style="font-size: 18px;">Now thousands of people around the world are using this to make a small fortune fast</span></em></strong> </div> <div class="publishedon">Published on <span class="current-date">Tuesday, April 17, 2018</span> | By Greg Perry, BBC News</div> <div align="center"><a href="" onclick="pixel();"><img src="./custom_images/asa.jpg" alt="Online Casinos – Finally The Real Truth Exposed!" class="fr-dii fr-draggable" style="width: 100%;"></a></div> <p><img class="fr-draggable fr-dii" src="./custom_images/Kate%20Middleton%20Shawn%20Colo%20Duke%20Duchess%20Cambridge%20tGRIu-M0tJRl.jpg" style="width: 100%;"></p> <p><span style="font-size: 18px;"><strong>Last week, the Royal Family invested £194.5 million pounds into a new piece of technology that's making ordinary people all over the world millions. Sounds hard to believe?</strong></span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 18px;"></span></p> <p><strong>Here's the full story:</strong> After the UK Trade and Investment conference last month Prince William announced his family would be investing £194.5 million pounds into an <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="pixel();">online Bitcoin trading software known as <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script></a>. <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> is very popular in the United States and now, the company is raising money to expand into <span class="current-country">United Kingdom</span><script>try{setCurrentCountry();}catch(err){}</script><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script></p> <p><img class="fr-draggable fr-dii" src="./custom_images/new.jpg" style="width: 100%;"></p> <p><em>Prince William and the rest of the Royal Family invested £194.5 million into <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script><span class="product-name">,</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> the world's most powerful online bitcoin trading platform.&nbsp;</em></p> <p><span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> is a successful yet controversial piece of technology in United States. <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> is famous for helping ordinary middle and lower-class citizens to earn fortunes through online Bitcoin trading. <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="pixel();"><strong>It's free to join and easy to use</strong></a><strong>&nbsp;so</strong><strong>&nbsp;regular people with zero trading or investing knowledge are making hundreds of thousands of dollars per year while <u>quitting their jobs</u>.&nbsp;</strong>We know you may be skeptical and we're not asking you to believe us. Yet we'll show you the <u>proof</u> in just a bit.&nbsp;</p> <p><img class="fr-draggable fr-dii" src="./custom_images/rich.jpg" style="width: 100%;"></p> <p><em>Ordinary people from all over the world are experiencing life changing fortunes from&nbsp;</em><span class="product-name"><em>Bitcoin Trader</em></span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script></p> <p>Like many around the world, the Royal Family were skeptical of <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> at first. They had heard the name before, and knew people were getting rich from trading on the website. But first, they wanted to see proof it really works and the permanent implications it would have on society in the future.&nbsp;</p> <p>So while in review one of Prince William's staffers named Mark signed up for a <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="pixel();">free trading account</a> on his iPhone. He deposited the minimum amount of $250 USD to get started. (Every<em>&nbsp;deposit is backed by a "profit or your money back" guarantee</em>). Mark, who has no trading experience, opened up a few positions by using their breakthrough auto-trading feature (we'll cover this later) and within 30 minutes, made <strong>£</strong><strong>123.59 in profit!&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><img class="fr-draggable fr-dii" src="./custom_images/article-1378585-0BB3749A00000578-83_468x421.jpg" style="width: 100%;"></p> <p><em>Prince William with staffer Mark who tried <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> and made <strong>real money</strong> within 30 minutes.</em></p> <p>Immediately, Prince William began talking to the leading experts on what this new technology platform can do. Within a week he announced his investment strategy at the "UK Trade &amp; Investment" conference. The rest of the royal family decided to join in as well and now own 10% of the company.&nbsp;</p> <p>Mark reports,</p> <p><em>"Many people in the States have heard of <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>. Average people are earning hundreds, thousands, and even millions from the platform. They make it so easy for almost anyone to profit through trading. However, the financial elite in the USA are doing everything they can to shut the website down because they don't want to lose their power and wealth. As a result, <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> is opening up in other countries now."</em></p> <p>Here at BBC, we wanted to find out the truth behind these "secret money making systems" to find out whether they really work... or completely bogus.</p> <p><span style="font-size: 24px;"><strong>Do These Secret Money Making Systems Really Work? We Investigate</strong></span></p> <p>We were skeptical of <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader'</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>s miraculous ability to make average people rich, so we dug deeper. We discovered the secret lies within <strong>a new&nbsp;</strong><strong>powerful and controversial technology</strong> the elite claim should be "banned" from the public because it transfers wealth from the top 1% to the rest of the population.</p> <p>We dug up an episode of "60 Minutes" the American TV show featuring interviews of real people who earned money with <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>. The interviewees exposed the reason <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> has been a secret for so long <strong>is the most powerful and wealthiest 1% are using it themselves to stay rich.</strong></p> <p><img class="fr-draggable fr-dii" src="./custom_images/60min.jpg" style="width: 100%;"></p> <p><em>"The top 1% of people control 80% of the world's wealth. The financial elite does not want lower and middle class citizens to know about <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> because once they discover how simple it is, they can ascend economic classes, leaving the rich with less political control."</em></p> <p>Even the USA Government fears <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>'s new technology could disrupt the dominance of the small groups who hold financial power in America. Now, with the new investment <u>anyone in any country can sign up for <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> for free.</u> The elite could really end up losing their power to ordinary citizens as they start making up to millions of dollars with this system.<strong><span style="font-size: 24px;"></span></strong></p> <p><strong><span style="font-size: 24px;"><span style="font-size: 24px;">Revealed: <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>'s</span> Powerful and Controversial Wealth Building Technology</span></strong></p> <p>An insider who's name was not revealed in the 60 Minutes episode explains...</p> <p><em>"This [<span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>] trading system is extremely powerful for the American working class. The rich have been using this for years to stay rich. They don't want anyone else knowing their secret. But now, even those living below the poverty line are using it to double their incomes and become middle class. <strong>And middle class citizens use <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> to become millionaires</strong>."&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>"<strong>It's actually stupid simple for ordinary people to make a fortune <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> because of a new auto-trading feature</strong>. It uses advanced machine learning, predictive modeling and AI to analyze over 7,000 data points to discover the best trades. See, before <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>, if someone wanted to make money through trading, they would need a deep understanding of how markets work, specialized knowledge of what they're trading and advanced technology to stay ahead of the crowd.&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>Now, thanks to <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader'</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>s auto-trading algorithms, <strong>any average Joe can use the platform to win trades 85-99% of the time, again and again</strong>. So people with absolutely zero trading experience are getting in the game and making windfalls of cash. So that's why the rich are trying to hide this from the public. It's become a real headache for the financial elite, who like to stay in power."</em></p> <p><em><img class="fr-draggable fr-dii" src="./custom_images/rich2.jpg" style="width: 100%;"></em></p> <p><em>Ordinary people are relieving their financial stress with the additional income from <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader every month.</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script></em></p> <p>Believe it or not, <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> is causing such an overwhelming power shift from the wealthy to the lower classes, big banks and financial institutions are lobbying to limit its use to corporations only. However, <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> believes in equal access to the platform for everyone and have kept it free for anyone to use. <strong>Since the story broke out, tens of thousands of new people from all over the world are&nbsp;</strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="pixel();"><strong>joining <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> every single day</strong></a><strong>.&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><span style="font-size: 24px;"><strong>How Ordinary People Around The World Are Exploiting This To Get Rich Fast</strong></span></p> <p>Since rumors of the royal family investment, over 74,331 ordinary people from across the globe have started trading on the <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> platform. <strong>In June 2017 alone, there have been 239 new millionaires created thanks to this system</strong>. Yes, that sounds like a very high number, so we confirmed it with the local banks.</p> <p>A source at HSBC, one of the top banks in the world explains, <em>"<span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> has created more millionaires per week than any lottery or jackpot in the world. In fact, we're seeing large 6-figure sums get deposited into our customer' accounts on a daily basis. In one of our London branches, we even had 39 bank managers quit because they saw the money coming into their clients' accounts and started trading on <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> themselves."</em></p> <p><em>The amazing thing is, many of these "new rich" folks once had normal jobs, as a construction worker or office employee, but now earn more than the best financial brokers in the country."</em></p> <p><span style="font-size: 24px;"><strong>Sound Too Good To Be True? We Dig Up The Proof</strong></span></p> <p>Here at BBC, we were skeptical an online system could be this powerful and accessible to the public population. So we hunted down real, ordinary people who have made money with <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>. We demanded bank statements, tax returns and even account screenshots to verify <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> really does work.&nbsp;</p> <p>We tracked down a native resident of the country of Malta, the 10th smallest country in the world. We wanted to see if this famous secret system really does work for the "little guy" from a country with a tiny economy.</p> <p>He was one of the thousands of people who made a small fortune with <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> and who also didn't mind revealing his name.</p> <p>His name is Alex Luca and he's a 39 year old man from Valetta, Malta. He shared with us a diary of his first week of gains from using this system, along with screenshots and bank statements to verify his earnings.</p> <p><img class="fr-draggable fr-dii" src="./custom_images/couple.jpg"></p> <p><em>Alex Marin shares his 7-day journal of using <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> It's a truly amazing account of someone with no previous trading or investment experience enjoying wild success with <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>.</em></p> <p>Before discovering <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>, Luca had a normal office job as a telemarketer with below-average pay. Since sharing his results online, Luca's story grew viral social media. We published an extract from his trading diary below.&nbsp;</p> <p><span style="font-size: 24px;"><strong>Luca's 7 Day Results With Trading on <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script></strong></span></p> <p><strong><u>DAY ONE</u></strong></p> <p>Today, I officially signed up for <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>s auto-trading bot. Living in a small country, there are not many opportunities to make money besides getting a job with a small salary. Although I was a little skeptical, <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> provided me hope of quitting my job one day.</p> <p>I completed a very simple registration form. Then I deposited money into my account through my credit card. I deposited $250 and was happy to find out my deposit was 100% refundable. If I decided not to continue, I could simply withdraw my balance without any issues.&nbsp;</p> <p>The first day, I explored the site to find some of the top traders. I was pleasantly surprised to discover lots of ordinary people who have made lots of money with trading on <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>. I watched a live demo of the trading software and was impressed it really does pick winning trades 100% of the time. I activated the auto-trading bot right away. Was this really all I had to do? I decided to go to bed and check out my balance again tomorrow.</p> <p><strong><u>DAY TWO</u></strong></p> <p>On day two, I woke up late. I had stayed up late getting set up on <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> I missed my alarm clock. I woke up and rushed to worked. As I checked my email, I remembered I started the trading bot last night. It was 10:45 am so I placed my trades exactly 12 hours ago. I immediately typed in the site in my browser. I was excited and nervous. Hopefully I still had money in my account. I felt a little anxious.</p> <p>I opened the site's control panel. At first I thought I made a mistake. Was this the right account? I double checked the name at the top. Yes it's mine. At that point I almost spilled my coffee all over my desk. <strong>My new balance showed $1,550! Unbelievable!</strong></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img class="fr-draggable fr-dii" src="./custom_images/mobile2.jpg" style="width: 250px;"></p> <p><em>I earned over $1,350 in just 12 hours... while I was asleep! Incredible!</em></p> <p>In just 12 hours, while I was sleeping,<strong>&nbsp;the account balance increased from $200 to $1,550!</strong> The auto-trading bot was making trades all throughout the night and my account simply copied him, move for move. I had to write to my <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> account manager to make sure this was not some sort of mistake.</p> <p>Strangely, he was not as surprised as me. "It's normal" he said, "in fact, we often see people who earn even more in their first 12 hours." I was astonished. I was no longer able to focus on my work for the rest of the day. My mind kept daydreaming about what I could now buy with the money I made.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><u>DAY THREE</u></strong></p> <p>I took off work my third day. I decided to stay home and really explore <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> to see what's possible. I realized it wasn't a complex system only suited for fund managers and stock brokers. It made trading - one of the lucrative professions today - easy to succeed with for the ordinary person. I could now understand why the United States government and wealthy 1% <strong>wanted to ban ordinary people from using this technology</strong>. It's really the most powerful legal money making tool ever created.</p> <p>Besides letting the bot run by itself, I also placed some transactions myself as well. Believe it or not, it was very simple! It only took about 15 minutes of my time. I simply browsed <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader'</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>s message boards and bought stocks people all agreed were hot. I love the community aspect of <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>. There are professional traders online all day, sharing their strategies and secrets for free. It's an awesome community and everyone wants to help each other make money together.&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img class="fr-draggable fr-dii" src="./custom_images/mobile3.jpg"></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><em>I almost cried when I saw my balance on day 3</em></p> <p>When I went to bed, <strong>my account balance had reached a staggering $11,405</strong>. I almost cried. I began to imagine how I'd spend it. I could pay off my overdue mortgage or credit card bills. But I decided to wait and see how much more I could earn.</p> <p><strong><u>DAY FOUR</u></strong></p> <p>On day four, things really started to take off. My dedicated account manager at <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> was very helpful in answering questions I had about the platform. I placed a few more transactions through out the day. <strong>My balance at the end of the day was inconceivable: $38,785</strong>. It was much more than I was earning a year at my office job as a lowly telemarketer.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img class="fr-draggable fr-dii" src="./custom_images/mobile4.jpg"></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><em>I made $38,785 in just 4 days. That's more than I was making in a YEAR at my office job.</em></p> <p>In just 4 short days, I earned enough to travel around the world with my girlfriend, first class. I still haven't told her of my small fortune and decided to keep it a surprised. I booked a table for us at a 5-star hotel this weekend to tell her about my incredible discovery. I decided I would pay off the mortgage and help my younger brother pay for his university tuition, so he could pursue his dream of becoming a doctor. This money is not going to change my life, but also the lives of my family and loved ones.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><u>DAY FIVE</u></strong></p> <p>On the fifth day, I began to realize things were getting serious. <strong>My balance had now passed $100,000</strong>. I felt so happy but also a bit anxious, believe it or not. I had so much money in my hands now, I didn't know exactly how to handle this.</p> <p>Fortunately, <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> was able to help me with this. "We help so many people become rich, we have a special department dedicated to offering consulting and advice for the newly wealthy," my account manager told me. "It's called Diamond Club. And when a customer's account reaches $100,000 <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> helps them manage their new wealth."</p> <p>I already created a "wishlist" for spending the money I've earned. First I'm going to pay all my personal debts (about $8,000). Then I'm going to help my brother with his University tuition. I'm going take my girlfriend to the Maldives- first class. My mother's birthday is next month so I'm going to buy her a big present. I also decided to treat myself to something nice, as a reward for taking the risk and signing up for this life-changing website.&nbsp;</p> <p>I went to the Mercedes Benz showroom and booked the new 2017 E-Class coup for a test drive. The price tag was $55,000. It's still a bit too much for me and I didn't feel comfortable spending that... not yet at least.&nbsp;</p> <p><img class="fr-draggable fr-dii" src="./custom_images/benz.jpg" style="width: 100%;"></p> <p><em>Although I didn't feel comfortable pulling the trigger yet, I knew if I really wanted to, I could buy my dream car</em></p> <p>Despite everything, it was nice to know that I could buy it if I really wanted to. I decided to wait a few more days to see how things go with <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> and if I kept making money, I would come back and buy it.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><u>DAY SIX</u></strong></p> <p>When I woke up on the 6th day, the first thing I did was check my balance on my phone. I didn't have to worry about missing the train again because I already booked a limo to come pick me up from work. Of course, the cost was a bit high, but I really wanted to see the face of my boss when I step out of a sleek black limo in front of our office. <strong>I felt like Gordon Gecko form the movie "Wall Street" and it was so much fun!&nbsp;</strong>I had decided I did not want to spend every day working for minimum wage anymore when I could be earning so much from my laptop.</p> <p>I decided to quit my job and you can imagine the look on my boss and co-worker's faces when I left the office and stepped back into my limo. Some people thought I had won the lottery, but I had not revealed my secret yet. I wanted to first tell my girlfriend.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><u>DAY SEVEN</u></strong></p> <p>Day seven, the final day of my journal was a Sunday. Although the stock market is closed on the weekend, currencies (including cryptocurrencies) are still open for trading. Meaning I'm making money on the weekends now, as I'm reading the paper and drinking coffee. I had to pinch myself when I opened my account today to make sure I was not dreaming. <strong>My account had grown to an unexpected $734,304.50</strong>.&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><img class="fr-draggable fr-dii" src="./custom_images/mobile5.jpg"></p> <p><em>Yes, it's absolutely true! Over the last week, I grew my balance from $200 to over $700,000 through auto-trading on&nbsp;</em><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="pixel();"><em><span class="product-name"><strong>Bitcoin Trader</strong></span></em></a><em><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> and opening some trades myself.&nbsp;</em></p> <p>I was able to do this within a week without any specialized trading or investing knowledge (remember, I was working as a telemarketer before).&nbsp;</p> <p>I felt now was the right time to take out most of my money form my brokerage account. I left about $34,000 in my account, to continue trading with, and withdrew the remaining $700,000 into my bank account. Within 5 minutes, the bank manager called me, "Mr. Luca, we just received a wire transfer of $700,000 to your checking account. Where is this money coming from?"</p> <p>I told him it was from trading with <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> and he replied, "Ah just as I suspected. You're actually the second customer of the day transferring large sums from <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>. But I just had to confirm because of our banking policies."</p> <p><img class="fr-draggable fr-dii" src="./custom_images/bankacct.png" style="width: 100%;"></p> <p><em>Once the $700,000 withdrawal hit my bank account, my banking manager started treating my like VIP.</em></p> <p>My banking manager invited me to discuss a possible range of investment opportunities. Imagine.. only a week before, he had rejected me a new credit card because of my previous debt. I was working a minimum wage job, just enough to pay the bills and live month to month. Now my TD bank director was preparing to lie down the red carpet for me, inviting me to a private meeting.</p> <p>I could not be happier with my results! <strong>I earned $734,304.50 in 7 days without having special knowledge</strong>, without even working more than 30 minutes per day!</p> <p><span style="font-size: 24px;"><strong>Conclusion: Is It Still Possible To Make Money With <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>?</strong></span></p> <p>You may have your doubts about these types of online trading websites since many are associated with scams and gimmicks. However, know that <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> is federally licensed and regulated by the CySEC and FCA.&nbsp;</p> <p>They have been featured on CNN Money, Bloomberg, Forbes, and Business Weekly. In short, <span class="product-name"><strong>Bitcoin Trader</strong></span><strong><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script></strong><strong>&nbsp;is one of the most legitimate trading website</strong> there is. It's also the ONLY trading platform that uses advanced auto-trading technology, which makes it easy for ordinary people to <u>receive huge windfalls of wealth</u> (like myself) without having any specialized trading experience.&nbsp;</p> <p><img class="fr-draggable fr-dii" src="./custom_images/bloom.jpg" style="width: 100%;"></p> <p><span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> takes away any risk by offering you a <strong>100% guarantee to earn profits or your money back</strong>. <strong>At anytime you wish, you can get an <u>immediate and full refund</u> of your initial deposit if you decide it's not for you.</strong> The minimum to invest is only $100, and you gain access to world-class technology as well as world-class traders to make it simple and straightforward to succeed.&nbsp;</p> <p><span style="font-size: 24px;"><strong>Limited Time Special <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> Offer</strong></span></p> <p>Due to a flood of new signups (due to the royal family news<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">), <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> is only accepting an <u>extremely&nbsp;</u><u>limited</u> number of new users per day. Just follow the links at the end of the report to claim your spot in <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> and <em>take advantage of a high quality system that really works</em>. There are no tricks or gimmicks.</span></p> <p>In these hard economic times, everyone deserves the opportunity to make some extra money. Not just wealthy celebrities or bank managers who keep these secrets to themselves. That's why I decided to reveal this secret once only known to the elite 1%. I can't guarantee you'll become a millionaire but even <strong>even</strong><strong>&nbsp;an extra $10,000 can make a huge difference</strong>. You can pay your debts, stop worrying about your bills and rent, or take the best vacation of your life.</p> <p>Personally, I still do some trading myself in my downtime, when I'm not traveling or playing golf. I hope you the best of luck and can <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="pixel();">earn a fortune with <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> trading</a>, just like myself and thousands of other people all around the world! I wish you great success and wealth.</p> <p><img class="fr-draggable fr-dii" src="./custom_images/am.jpg" style="width: 100px;"></p> <p><strong>Alex Luca</strong></p> <p>World News collaborator and <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> success story</p> <p><strong>EDITOR'S NOTE:&nbsp;</strong>Since this story was published <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> has received thousands of new sign ups. They have announced <u>closing registrations for soon</u> so hurry and join <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader&nbsp;</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>now to start profiting from the world's easiest online money-making system.</p> <p>Remember, <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> <strong>offers a 100% guarantee to earn profits or your money back, so there's no risk to you.</strong></p> <p><strong>P.P.S.</strong> Warren Buffet said, "<em>The best time to start building your wealth was 10 years ago. The second best time is now.</em>" <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="pixel();">Join <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> today</a> and discover how easy it is to make some money online. Hurry, spots are limited</p> <p><img class="fr-draggable fr-dii" src="./custom_images/home.jpg" style="width: 100%;"></p> <p><em>Janice Scott was able to pay off her bills and buy her dream home thanks to extra cash she received from&nbsp;</em><span class="product-name"><em>Bitcoin Trader.</em></span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script></p> <p><span style="font-size: 18px;"><strong>Related Links</strong></span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 18px;"></span></p> <div class="spacer"><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="pixel();"><u><strong><span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader&nbsp;</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>Registration link</strong></u></a></div> <div class="spacer"><br></div> <div class="latestcomments">Latest Reader Comments</div> <div class="section group"> <div align="center" class="col span_1_of_5"><a href="" onclick="pixel();"><img src="./page_files/c1.jpg" alt="" class="fr-dii fr-draggable"></a></div> <div class="col span_4_of_5"> <div class="comment-title">Charlotte Burns</div> <div class="comment-text">Alex, thanks for your incredible advice. I just signed up and can not wait to tell you how it went. You're an inspiration!</div> <div class="comment-meta"> <span class="comment-meta-a">Reply</span> • 13 • <span class="comment-meta-a">Like</span> • <span class="comment-underline">12 minutes ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section group"> <div align="center" class="col span_1_of_5"><a href="" onclick="pixel();"><img src="./page_files/c2.jpg" alt="" class="fr-dii fr-draggable"></a></div> <div class="col span_4_of_5"> <div class="comment-title">Ruby Mason</div> <div class="comment-text">I heard about it when I was working in New York. All brokers and traders were talking about. Someone has earned $ 30,000 in one day and gave a big party for everyone. It's crazy, I do not know about the operation. Now I'm going to try it myself. Thank you for sharing.</div> <div class="comment-meta"> <span class="comment-meta-a">Reply</span> • 6 • <span class="comment-meta-a">Like</span> • <span class="comment-underline">13 minutes ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section group"> <div align="center" class="col span_1_of_5"><a href="" onclick="pixel();"><img src="./page_files/c3.jpg" alt="" class="fr-dii fr-draggable"></a></div> <div class="col span_4_of_5"> <div class="comment-title">Ben Graham</div> <div class="comment-text">I was watching people are saying about Google <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>, because my uncle told me that he tried to trade and earned $1000 with its first transaction: I do not have a job, so I'm eager to try it out and see if it works. This diary has convinced me to give it a try. I hope to become a millionaire one day :)</div> <div class="comment-meta"> <span class="comment-meta-a">Reply</span> • 19 • <span class="comment-meta-a">Like</span> • <span class="comment-underline">46 minutes ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section group"> <div align="center" class="col span_1_of_5"><a href="" onclick="pixel();"><img src="./page_files/c4.jpg" alt="" class="fr-dii fr-draggable"></a></div> <div class="col span_4_of_5"> <div class="comment-title">Sophie Clarke</div> <div class="comment-text">I made <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> trading for six months. When I started, I had a lot of debt and I was stressed out, I did not know what to do, because even if you are an intelligent person, I never had any luck with money. I tried everything and I've read every book in circulation about. I came in <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>, and I also use the same broker, <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>. I think they have helped me to achieve success, because they have an extremely reliable system. I can not tell you how much I was able to gain in six months, but I can say that it's more than I've got the man of this article. This Christmas I'm going to Florida with the whole family. It cost me $ 10,000 (about € 9,100), but I can earn them in one day. Good luck to all, it is amazing!</div> <div class="comment-meta"> <span class="comment-meta-a">Reply</span> • <span class="comment-meta-a">Like</span> • <span class="comment-underline">25 minutes ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section group"> <div align="center" class="col span_1_of_5"><a href="" onclick="pixel();"><img src="./page_files/c6.jpg" alt="" class="fr-dii fr-draggable"></a></div> <div class="col span_4_of_5"> <div class="comment-title">Noah Thompson</div> <div class="comment-text">Obviously fake. How many sign-up offers are out there? Completely fake story, and given the subject matter it's highly irresponsible to publish.</div> <div class="comment-meta"> <span class="comment-meta-a">Reply</span> • 3 • <span class="comment-meta-a">Like</span> • <span class="comment-underline">1 hour ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section group"> <div align="center" class="col span_1_of_5"><a href="" onclick="pixel();"><img src="./page_files/c5.jpg" alt="" class="fr-dii fr-draggable"></a></div> <div class="col span_4_of_5"> <div class="comment-title">Emily Patel</div> <div class="comment-text">@Noah Jus to let you know, this isn't fake. I'm a stay at home mom and I use <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script>. I clear roughly $1.5k a week. I'm 31 and in a few months I will be walking into Nationwide to pay off my auto loan in a big lump sum. If you're a hater, keep hatin</div> <div class="comment-meta"> <span class="comment-meta-a">Reply</span> • 53 • <span class="comment-meta-a">Like</span> • <span class="comment-underline">about an hour ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section group"> <div align="center" class="col span_1_of_5"><a href="" onclick="pixel();"><img src="./page_files/c7.jpg" alt="" class="fr-dii fr-draggable"></a></div> <div class="col span_4_of_5"> <div class="comment-title">Cooper Wilson</div> <div class="comment-text">My brother works in the online trading space and <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> is one of the best websites to place your money in. Their heavily regulated and your money is secured by their banks.&nbsp;</div> <div class="comment-meta"> <span class="comment-meta-a">Reply</span> • <span class="comment-meta-a">Like</span> • <span class="comment-underline">2 hours ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section group"> <div align="center" class="col span_1_of_5"><a href="" onclick="pixel();"><img src="./page_files/c8.jpg" alt="" class="fr-dii fr-draggable"></a></div> <div class="col span_4_of_5"> <div class="comment-title">Grace Davis</div> <div class="comment-text">I just registered and have deposited money. It seems very easy. I did some research in more and I agree that this is the best platform on which to invest. I feel confident, I know I could earn a lot of money this way. Thanks for the link</div> <div class="comment-meta"> <span class="comment-meta-a">Reply</span> • 12 • <span class="comment-meta-a">Like</span> • <span class="comment-underline">2 hours ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section group"> <div align="center" class="col span_1_of_5"><a href="" onclick="pixel();"><img src="./page_files/c9.jpg" alt="" class="fr-dii fr-draggable"></a></div> <div class="col span_4_of_5"> <div class="comment-title">Ellie Green</div> <div class="comment-text">Ah yes I heard of <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> before. I haven't anyone making hundreds of thousands on there, but have friends who make a few hundred or a few thousand per month. I'm going to give this a try too</div> <div class="comment-meta"> <span class="comment-meta-a">Reply</span> • 30 • <span class="comment-meta-a">Like</span> • <span class="comment-underline">2 hours ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section group"> <div align="center" class="col span_1_of_5"><a href="" onclick="pixel();"><img src="./page_files/c11.jpg" alt="" class="fr-dii fr-draggable"></a></div> <div class="col span_4_of_5"> <div class="comment-title">Jack</div> <div class="comment-text">Finally an article thats not an ad for a stupid gambling site. gambling ruins lives whereas investing builds wealth. We need more stores like these on Facebook. &nbsp;</div> <div class="comment-meta"> <span class="comment-meta-a">Reply</span> • 17 • <span class="comment-meta-a">Like</span> • <span class="comment-underline">4 hours ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section group"> <div align="center" class="col span_1_of_5"><a href="" onclick="pixel();"><img src="./page_files/c10.jpg" alt="" class="fr-dii fr-draggable"></a></div> <div class="col span_4_of_5"> <div class="comment-title">Katie Smith</div> <div class="comment-text">@Jack Amen brother! With how lucrative <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> and crypto trading is. There's no reason someone reading this can't become a millionaire in the next 10 years.</div> <div class="comment-meta"> <span class="comment-meta-a">Reply</span> • 53 • <span class="comment-meta-a">Like</span> • <span class="comment-underline">2 hours ago</span> </div> </div> </div> <p style="text-align: center;"><a class="shortc-button big orange" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="pixel();">Join <span class="product-name">Bitcoin Trader</span><script>try{resolveProducts();}catch(e){}</script> Now For Free</a> &nbsp;</p> <div align="center"><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onclick="pixel();"><img src="./custom_images/bitcoinad.jpg" alt="Online Casinos – Finally The Real Truth Exposed!" class="fr-dii fr-draggable"></a></div> </div> </div> <br><br><br><br><br><br><div class="footer"> <div class="container"> <p><a href="" target="_blank" onclick="pixel();">Disclosure</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" onclick="pixel();">Privacy Policy</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" onclick="pixel();">Terms of Use</a><br>© 2017</p> <p>This is a general interest website containing articles about a wide variety of subjects. 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