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a guest
May 19th, 2019
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  1. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
  2. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! [Skript] Severe Error:
  3. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
  4. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Something went horribly wrong with Skript.
  5. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! This issue is NOT your fault! You probably can't fix it yourself, either.
  6. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! It looks like you are using some plugin(s) that alter how Skript works (addons).
  7. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Here is full list of them:
  8. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! skRayFall ( TuSKe ( SK-NBeeT ( VPCE ExtrasSK WildSkript ( SkQuery Skellett ( PirateSK SharpSK
  9. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! We could not identify which of those are specially related, so this might also be Skript issue.
  10. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! You should try disabling those plugins one by one, trying to find which one causes it.
  11. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! If the error doesn't disappear even after disabling all listed plugins, it is probably Skript issue.
  12. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! In that case, you will be given instruction on how should you report it.
  13. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! On the other hand, if the error disappears when disabling some plugin, report it to author of that plugin.
  14. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Only if the author tells you to do so, report it to Skript's issue tracker.
  15. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
  16. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Stack trace:
  17. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant
  18. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at java.lang.Enum.valueOf(
  19. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.Sound.valueOf(
  20. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at com.w00tmast3r.skquery.elements.effects.EffSound.execute(
  21. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at
  22. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk(
  23. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk(
  24. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger.execute(
  25. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler.check(
  26. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.SkriptEventHandler$1.execute(
  27. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
  28. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.plugin.TimedRegisteredListener.callEvent(
  29. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent(
  30. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
  31. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent(
  32. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent(
  33. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent(
  34. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnection.a(
  35. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInBlockPlace.a(
  36. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInBlockPlace.a(
  37. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils$
  38. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
  39. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at
  40. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:46)
  41. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.D(
  42. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.DedicatedServer.D(
  43. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.C(
  44. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at
  45. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at
  46. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
  47. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Version Information:
  48. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Skript: 2.3.6
  49. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Flavor: skriptlang-github
  50. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Date: 2019-03-03
  51. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Bukkit: 1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
  52. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Minecraft: 1.12.2
  53. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Java: 1.8.0_131 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 25.131-b11)
  54. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! OS: Linux amd64 3.14.32-xxxx-std-ipv6-64
  55. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
  56. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Server platform: Spigot
  57. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
  58. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Current node: null
  59. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Current item: sound ""
  60. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Current trigger: rightclick (rightclick) (Vortex Enchants, line 1588)
  61. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
  62. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Thread: Server thread
  63. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
  64. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Language: english
  65. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Link parse mode: DISABLED
  66. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
  67. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! End of Error.
  68. [07:22:15] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
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